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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

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TechEwok said:
"Nonsense! A demigod, no matter how different, is part of the family. That's how I was brought up to believe here! And by the holy lights, that's how it bloody shall stay!" Vahlen shouted, fists clenched. He stood up abruptly facing Isobel's direction and kicked the chair back with some force. The obsidian glass chair sped into the sandy dome wall and obliterated it into fine fragments of glass and sand. Vahlen growled and shut his eyes. He bit the inside of his bottom lip and took a deep breath through his nose. He exhaled, opening his eyes and walked past Isobel only to stop at the door.
"Marm, let's head to camp. There is no reason you should feel like an outcast. We are family." He said as he parted the dome in half. The walls sinking into the ground, grains of sands flowing gently like water and disappearing from sight. He looked up at the setting sun, "I also think it's time for us to get something to eat." He looked back and smiled, eyes hidden under his hair. He held out a hand for her, "Come now, no need to be shy."

Isobel blinks slightly in surprise at his sudden outburst and tilted her head in slight confusion.. "Technically even if we are somehow related... that doesn't stop others from dating or getting close to one another... Besides... I much like it better out here... The calm... The quiet... The always changing and mysterious..." she said as her eyes got a distant look in them again and a small smile appeared on her face.

She blinked her violet-blue eyes at him and observed him before pursing her lips a bit. "Must we go back...? I'm sure the Dryads and the Nymphs wouldn't mind sharing some of their food..." she said but took his outstretched hand carefully, her fingers were soft and small compared to his larger and callused ones. She huffed a bit and puffed up her cheeks. "Who says i'm being shy... I just dislike others sometimes... most of the time..." she mumbled while casting her eyes off to the side.

TechEwok said:
Vahlen sighs and looks down at the ground, "Well now ya've gone and bursted my meta...spherical bubble. Well, I just mean... yes, we share a common blood line. BUT! Not what I was sayin'! Meant we should be treating each other like family... AH forget it! Let's just grab some food before I burst a blood vessel thinking of tah damned things ya say all gallant like." he said, feeling her hand in his. He looked back shocked and chuckled.
"It's alright to dislike the rowdiness. Hell, I dislike more than half of the camp itself. I don't like feeling restricted, caged like an animal." he mentioned, ironically recently caging both of them a while ago in a sand dome. He looked down and sighed again, passing a finger over his tattoo and looked at the pouting girl.

"Ya know, I think girl's shouldn't pout, especially with this thingie." he flicked her nose piercing. "Makes ya look like a bull or a minotaur when he's all huffin' around. HA! That was a good un." he laughed raggedly. He began walking down the path they had earlier traversed, hand in larger hand. He looked at her hand and slightly frowned and let go. He brushed his hand with his fingers and put them in his vest pockets. Walking the rest of the way slightly separated from Isobel.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Jenna spent the full two days trying to befriend Zoul and Allie even more. She was bi so she had a crush on Allie but wasn't hopeful about the situation and was ok with moving on at any moment. her mother's voice always whispering in her ears. "Only the strong survive. The strong know how to move on from anything no matter how good it may be."


Jonathan smiled and knocked on the door to the hypnos cabin gently. He had used polished silver to turn the dream stone into a necklace so he would always have it. He then hid it under his diet so nobody questioned him about it.


Robin knocked on the door to Carly's cabin and smiled. He had got Vanessa from the big house so they could day goodbye.

@Yuuki Kuran
Lilac blinks and sighs as she picks up Malaki. "I'm sorry... I didn't know Kid... I promise..." she mumbled while holding him close, a hand on the back of his head to hold it to her shoulder. The young female satyr shook her head as she tried to figure out what she had just gotten herself into especially at the young age of 16...
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Jason was dragged out of his thoughts by the call of his name and the sight of blood, the abnormal rock of the ship informed him of just what was happening and he worked to calm the waters as he knelt next to Helena. "I'm so sorry Helena, I don't know what happens I just, kinda blanked. Here stay still I can fix it." He turned her face to his gently before swiftly cracking Helena's nose back into place he looked around for something to mop up the blood with. "Hold on I'll be-" Jason paused when he heard her, "Long time no see, how long has it been again?" Jason stood and turned to face Allie a blank look on his face he saw the weak smile and looked back to Helena, "I'll get you some towels. Walk and talk Allexandria I've got a friend to help." He blew right past her turning out the doorway towards the boy's bathroom. He decided that he'd use his own towel since it was his fault he could always just wash it.


Soleil took back her hand after Anthony released it, "You say you won't but then you do? What couldn't make up your mind?" She looked towards the boy looking at his eyes, she had only brought her and back to her side leaning back fingers pointing out to the side of her her staff laid beside her. Soleil's eyes reflected the flames in a way that made them seem to light up as well he chocolate brown eyes practically glowing.


While Jason an the others faced their drama below Antonius was struggling to keep the ArgoIII from capsizing splitting the waves to minimize the effect they had. The one wave that was particularly fierce would have succeeded in flipping them had Antonius not pushed the majority of it away. After a few moments he was baffled when the surface became glass not a single ripple moving along the surface, he stopped and looked around amazed at how placid the scene before him was. Antonius' mind returned to the situation at hand and he spun on his heels and walked belowdeck his shoes thumping against the wooden planks he could hear Tania crying but stopped when he saw Jason, "you?-" Antonius was cut off by a sharp, 'I'm fine.' As Jason passed him Antonius looked back concerned for his brother he was mid-step when another cry from Tania sent him running to the source. Antonius turned into the room and knelt beside Tania putting a hand on her forehead. "Tania, Tania!" A to ius wasn't the best when it came to medicine being better at inflicting damage than reversing it. He didn't know at all what he should do.


Sebastian nodded at Lia's comment noting the vine reattaching itself to her skull, "Being a son of death I'm not so popular myself, everyone has some odd belief that I'd kill them over any slight annoyance."
Yuuki Kuran]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
@Light[/URL] ) I don't mind.
Katie walked over to Vanessa. "You poor soul you've been around Alexandra. I can smell it." She chuckles and holds her hand out. "Katie Backster daughter of that old fart you all call Zeus."
John was wandering a newly found forest that he had discovered on his travels. He walked through it with his sword at his waist and his mind as open as the sky. He was thinking and thinking about nature and its beauty. He let a cool breeze pass through his long hair and he sat down, propped up against a tree. He sighed and starte to listen to nature. Although nature wasn't the only thing he heard. He heard some kind of commotion and people talking. He widened his eyes and thought that there must be people around. He quickly stood up and stealthily walked to where he heard the noise an he saw what looked like an entrance. He saw people through the entrance and he started to walk in, slowly and reay to pounce. He had his hand on his sword, ready to unsheath his weapon.
Vanessa turns around and smiles at Katie, then there was that old awkward introduction she had to do. "Hi, Vanessa Brunner, I'm Chiron's daughter." She sighed, hating the introduction part. "I'm half centaur. Chiron is my father, but my mother is human. Don't ask how they did it, I don't know. I don't care." She giggled.

Anthony looked at her and blushed shaking his head in frustration. He took her hand again and refused to let it go. "You're just too kind and gorgeous to pass up." He sighed and gently kissed the back of her hand before looking at her. His eyes seemed to burn with green flames as if his eyes were emeralds.

Tania felt Antonius and called down relaxing. She had a big fear of being alone that always ruined her sleep but having somebody around made it seem silly. She just had a cold from how windy her cabin was and occasionally the boards creaked. "D-Don't leave me alone!" Tania muttered urgently in her sleep before turning to Antonius smiling a little.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Holo said:
Anthony looked at her and blushed shaking his head in frustration. He took her hand again and refused to let it go. "You're just too kind and gorgeous to pass up." He sighed and gently kissed the back of her hand before looking at her. His eyes seemed to burn with green flames as if his eyes were emeralds.
Tania felt Antonius and called down relaxing. She had a big fear of being alone that always ruined her sleep but having somebody around made it seem silly. She just had a cold from how windy her cabin was and occasionally the boards creaked. "D-Don't leave me alone!" Tania muttered urgently in her sleep before turning to Antonius smiling a little.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Malaki saw lilac and ran at her hugging the satyr. "Don't leave me alone with the strangers again please! I'llbegood i promise!" He said holding onto her legs clearly terrified of strangers.
(Replied to Malaki already.)
Vanessa thought about that and was grateful Katie didn't start laughing, as per the usual reaction. "Yeah. I met your father once. He seems to be in one of his moods, doesn't he?" She smirked at Katie. "I would love to hang out with you. I'm leaving for a quest in a few days, so any down time would be awesome."

Malaki calmed down and looked up at her. "Ok. I never had a mom so when I daw you helping that other girl get rid of the creepy thing I hoped you'd take care of me too." He admitted before hugging her again with a relaxing sigh.

Sebastian nodded at Lia's comment noting the vine reattaching itself to her skull, "Being a son of death I'm not so popular myself, everyone has some odd belief that I'd kill them over any slight annoyance."

Lia looks amused. "Heh... Those idiots... Judging a book by it's cover without getting to know the real story... It's how people judge me for how i look and for who my father is... in the Mortal world people thought I was a no good degenerate... A thief, a liar, a freak. In a way they were right... I am a freak... but Freak had many different meanings... such as different, special, abnormal."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)


Holo said:
Malaki calmed down and looked up at her. "Ok. I never had a mom so when I daw you helping that other girl get rid of the creepy thing I hoped you'd take care of me too." He admitted before hugging her again with a relaxing sigh.
Lilac blinks while looking at him. "What creepy thing we talking about? and... I guess I have no choice but to take care of you... Since i'm apparently the only none stranger to you.. even though you have a half sister..."

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Olivia raises a brow when she noticed the girl looking around, and laughed a bit, holding her stomach as she stopped to double over before wiping her eye. "Oh... that's funny... sorry... it's just... you assumed that the others from my cabin actually try to leave their beds... The cabin I am from is the Hypnos Cabin... He is the God of Sleep. His brother... got a much different job.. Thanatos... God of Death. I suppose Sleep sometimes goes hand in hand with Death... but not often... and Don't worry... you can't miss Chiron... He's a big, brawny Centaur, the trainer and head of this camp... alongside... ugh... Dionysus..." she muttered while getting a sour look on her face.
A slight pout came across Ayslinn as Olivia laughed at her assumption that there were others of her cabin that might seek the light of day or the company of others. She shook her head and dismissed it, listening to her speak once she had recovered. When she spoke of her father, Ayslinn couldn't help but feel completely slow. Maybe she was the one half asleep. Why hadn't she made the connection before? She knew the camp was filled with demigods, and knew of the existence of Hypnos so why couldn't she put two and two together? She resolved herself to do better, which hopefully wouldn't be hard.

Of course Chiron was the man she was looking for, though in her dreams he lacked the obvious centaur parts. Just another reminder her dreams led her to make assumptions that were not always correct. "You don't like him I take it?" She asked Olivia at her obvious distaste for the god of wine. It made sense though. She figured Dionysus's children were rowdy and did little for the sleep loving Hypnos children. She brightened slightly. "Oh, I think we might be related, actually. I have a lot of dreams, though I try and avoid sleep rather than sleep all the time . . ." She added thoughtfully. Unlike the half-asleep Olivia, she got as little sleep as possible, preferring to get her energy from food and avoid her nightmares.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Vanessa bit her lip. She loved abiding by the rules and this made her nervous. "Okay. And Alexandra is who?" There were way too many campers for her to keep track. "That name sounds familiar."

"I do?" Malaki asked his eyes lighting up a little before he hugged her. He then drew a pretty good picture of a hydra in the sand. "That creepy thingy." He said stomping the drawing away.
Yuuki Kuran]Vanessa bit her lip. She loved abiding by the rules and this made her nervous. "Okay. And Alexandra is who?" There were way too many campers for her to keep track. "That name sounds familiar." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"My leader. I'm not exactly restricted by camp rules. As long as I follow my orders which were to help this camp with any of its needs even a suicide mission without question. That doesn't mean I can't play a little prank on Alpha. Don't worry, I'll take the blame if anything. All I need you to do is lead her over to the training grounds." Katie points at the girl walking to the Aphrodite cabin.

Alexandra walks to her cabin. Her ears were burning for some reason.
Synaria said:
A slight pout came across Ayslinn as Olivia laughed at her assumption that there were others of her cabin that might seek the light of day or the company of others. She shook her head and dismissed it, listening to her speak once she had recovered. When she spoke of her father, Ayslinn couldn't help but feel completely slow. Maybe she was the one half asleep. Why hadn't she made the connection before? She knew the camp was filled with demigods, and knew of the existence of Hypnos so why couldn't she put two and two together? She resolved herself to do better, which hopefully wouldn't be hard.
Of course Chiron was the man she was looking for, though in her dreams he lacked the obvious centaur parts. Just another reminder her dreams led her to make assumptions that were not always correct. "You don't like him I take it?" She asked Olivia at her obvious distaste for the god of wine. It made sense though. She figured Dionysus's children were rowdy and did little for the sleep loving Hypnos children. She brightened slightly. "Oh, I think we might be related, actually. I have a lot of dreams, though I try and avoid sleep rather than sleep all the time . . ." She added thoughtfully. Unlike the half-asleep Olivia, she got as little sleep as possible, preferring to get her energy from food and avoid her nightmares.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia looking at her. "I know... I saw you." she said while walking with her, stopping in front of the Big House. "This is the Big House, this is were Chiron and... Mr. D stay... The infirmary is here too in case people are sick or hurt." she mumbled while walking with her and moving away from the big house and heading away towards the many cabins that were in a large circle.



Holo said:
"I do?" Malaki asked his eyes lighting up a little before he hugged her. He then drew a pretty good picture of a hydra in the sand. "That creepy thingy." He said stomping the drawing away.
Lilac blinks when he hugs her. "Yes... you do... Her name is McKenzie." she said while starting to walk, her limp not bothering her yet since she hadn't put much strain on it yet.



Light said:
"My leader. I'm not exactly restricted by camp rules. As long as I follow my orders which were to help this camp with any of its needs even a suicide mission without question. That doesn't mean I can't play a little prank on Alpha. Don't worry, I'll take the blame if anything. All I need you to do is lead her over to the training grounds." Katie points at the girl walking to the Aphrodite cabin.
Alexandra walks to her cabin. Her ears were burning for some reason.
Jezabell walking out of the Aphrodite Cabin as Alexandra walks by, managed to escape getting all dolled up and covered in make-up. She is currently hiding her face with her hoodie hood.
"Oh was she in there with the weird people? They all started asking a lot of questions." Malaki said thinking of the bombardment of words and shivered scared by the thought of waking up to it again.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Olivia looking at her. "I know... I saw you." she said while walking with her, stopping in front of the Big House. "This is the Big House, this is were Chiron and... Mr. D stay... The infirmary is here too in case people are sick or hurt." she mumbled while walking with her and moving away from the big house and heading away towards the many cabins that were in a large circle.


Lilac blinks when he hugs her. "Yes... you do... Her name is McKenzie." she said while starting to walk, her limp not bothering her yet since she hadn't put much strain on it yet.



Jezabell walking out of the Aphrodite Cabin as Alexandra walks by, managed to escape getting all dolled up and covered in make-up. She is currently hiding her face with her hoodie hood.
Alexandra stops and stares at Jezabell. "Excuse me. Why hide? Is there something bad in there?" She had never been inside the cabin yet. She wasn't afraid of going in there, she just didn't have the time or patience to deal with whatever was going on in there.
"Ah, exactly." Vanessa stood up and limped to Alexandra. "Um, Alexandra, do you mind coming to help me with something in the training area?" She coughed, her sensitive nose unable to handle the love goddess' perfumes. "Please? I'm training with Carly and she needs to experience an opponent from every cabin." It was believable. Carly sucked at fighting.

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