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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Vanessa smirked and allowed him on her back all the way down to the dining pavilion. "You were scared that you'd have to walk." She winked at him as soon as they reached the building. "I want you to know that I really missed you." And then, to the rest of the camp, as loud as she could, she welcomed them, sort of. "It's great to see so many new faces!"

@any new people @Holo

Carly nodded. "Yes, I am. I know you wouldn't let me drown." Still, how had Carly been saved that day she fell in? Surely she should have been dead back then. "It's still a mystery as to how I survived."

Jezabell walking with Lilac who is showing her around, she blinks when she notices Lilac slowly down nearby the Tyche cabin. "Lilac? Something wrong with that cabin?" she asked when Lilac shook her head and looked at her. "Huh? oh uh no... that's Tyche's Cabin, she's the goddess of luck. Anyways let's keep going..." she said as they walked. Lilac limping as she holds onto her staff while Jezabell follows after her, glancing back at the Tyche Cabin.

@anyone, @Holo
Malaki walked out of the cabin covered in leaves, dirt, and twos in his hair. "Mom?" He groaned barely awake before walking towards the barrier. "Mom!" He hadn't brought anything with him when he'd left home so long ago and as such looked like a wild child. His gray hair was long and tangled and he was clearly upset.


Erik frowned as he threw the last of his cards. "This might be tricky." He said as he pulls out another deck of cards. He dropped a few cards around his feet and held the rest in his hand. "You gonna stay over there?" he asked as he charged the cards he held. "Cause i can go all day… er night a this rate."




Owen let out a sigh of relief when Elizabeth started to move. "Yeah… Im here." He said as he put his head over hers. "You doing ok?" He was feeling so happy, he almost though he might've lost her. "You started… melting i guess." he said as he pulled out of the water a bit. "It might have been my fault."




Auron quickly brushed the light pixie of his shoulder. "Please stop… whatever you are." he said bluntly. "And on the hating me thing… this is why." He uncapped one of his Metal holding bags. He drew out a stream of liquid gold and forms it into a ball. "People are scared of my powers." He hardened the ball and let it fall to the ground. "I accidentally turned a camper to gold… for a time." He liquified the gold ball and drew it back into the bag. "Everyone thinks I'm a monster… they won't have to deal with me for much longer."




"Thanks Addie." Kit said as he hung onto the side of the ship. "Gods… this is getting worse and worse as we go on." he stood up straight and adjusted his sword belt. "We're gonna have more thing come at us up here… but we'd get attacked down on the ocean… great." He turned towards Addison "Hey you got a drachma on you Addie?" He asked "Cause I'm pretty sure Chiron is gonna need to know what happened."


Holo said:
Malaki walked out of the cabin covered in leaves, dirt, and twos in his hair. "Mom?" He groaned barely awake before walking towards the barrier. "Mom!" He hadn't brought anything with him when he'd left home so long ago and as such looked like a wild child. His gray hair was long and tangled and he was clearly upset.


Elizabeth looks up at him. "...I'm fine... and it's not your fault... it was... just too hot in there... i'm.... not good with heat.. it causes me to get very ill..." she said softly while looking at him as she slowly sat up from the water, unfreezing the water around her and started to make her way out. "I'm sorry for scaring you... If I did that is." she said while blinking at him.



The pixie huffed and continues to sit on his shoulder. Bridget sighed as she watches the pixie and shook her head. "Sorry about her... and seriously...? That's a stupid reason... we are all different in our own ways and it's not our fault if some of us are cursed with different powers then our half siblings or from others... that just means you need more help learning to control your powers since i'm going on a limb and saying you are the only one out of your half siblings to have this power... Right?" she said softly while looking at him.

Katie walked around the camp groaning. "I have half a mind to just blast things apart but nooo. Alpha says we're helping everyone here and we should try not to fight. I might just fight Gamma or Beta. I need something to do other than visiting that old mans cabin." She was talking about Zeus.


Alexandra was charmspeaking Blue. She altered his memories and made him forget he ever saw Bianca today so he would calm down. She even replaced that forgotten memory with seeing a clown instead. That's not as bad.

Courtney was venturing towards the camp borders to summon her friends whom were monsters. She hoped nobody would catch her doing this. They might end up killing them and that would be horrible.

Alec looked concerned for Max. He looked shaken, maybe even frightened, and it made Alec just want to kiss him and make it all better. Of course that would probably be ill received right now... So he settled with watching Max lay down in the bed. He almost went and joined him, but that would probably be ill received as well. So he looked at Violet and said, "sooo um, you can have the other bed, and I'll uhhh... I guess I'll sleep on the floor. That's fine."

@Silent Justice @BishopOfKings
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TechEwok said:
"Well it's not just gems. It's just, I'm a collector of sorts. Minerals, silicates, gemstones, metals, and other things. I can essentially use them all." He smiled. Vahlen displayed various types as he raised his palms. Particles ascended from his skin and began to take shape. There were prismatic forms of ruby, sapphire, emerald, obsidian, diamond, marble, topaz, and the last was adamantine. "These are my cherished belongings. They are a part of me."
Vahlen kept them in his hand for her to observe them but the other thing she said had caught his attention. "What do ya mean? There are no freaks here. We are all different. But that don't mean we don't deserve a chance to feel welcome." He paused and continued after absorbing the crystals. " I see, neither does mine. Doesn't stop me from making my own place to sleep. Haha!" he laughed as he opened his arms to the sand dome. "If ya'd like, marm. I could give ya someplace tah sleep in, unless ya got your own fancy magicks to do that." Vahlen said, pointing at her ball of magic.

Isobel looks a bit amused as she hears him call himself a collector. "A collector hm? You must have an impressive collection then..." she said while humming a bit while getting up and walking around the dome a bit. "It must be nice to be able to collect things that are important to you. You must be proud of your collection non?" she said while looking at him over her shoulder.

Isobel looks him in the eyes. "Then it has been too long since you've been back... camp has changed... those who are too different... are outcasts in a place for those who are special... And if I get too drained if I make a place for myself... i'd probably pass out in my sleep while making a place for me to sleep... I hope it's no trouble... I wouldn't want to be a bother to someone who obviously is much more confident with who he is." she said while sitting back down once more.

"Eat . . . right . . ." Ayslinn took a moment to look around the area. She'd surmised a basic layout of the place due to her dreams, but had little idea how accurate they actually were. After all, she thought speaking with the head of the camp would be simple, but apparently it would take longer than she hoped. Turning her head back to address the young man, she opened her mouth and then simply closed it. He was already walking off. Thanks. The thought remained hers alone, not bothering to vocalize it when the nameless boy apparently had places to be and things to do. She imagined most everyone here did, given the hubbub of activity. With a small sigh, she resolved to find wherever she was supposed to get lunch from on her own. At least her sense of smell would help her in that endeavor.

Exiting from the shade of the building, she resumed her previous wanderings. While finding lunch was a primary goal, Ayslinn figured it wouldn't hurt to scope things out and get a better feel for the place. While some places were easy to recognize and keep track of, the majority of buildings all seemed to blend together into one big mass. The largest building and the arena being two of the that stood out amongst the others. And one of those wasn't even a building to begin with. After making relatively little progress in mapping the camp out inside of her head, she resigned herself to try again later on a full stomach. The sweet scent of honeyed ham was calling to her and she would argue with her stomach no longer.

Pushing her way into the building that seemed to resonate with a mixture of pleasing aromas, she found herself presented with a mess hall with the largest variety of food she'd seen before. Back at home, meals were simple. Good, but simple. This was nothing short of a feast and it was somewhat hard to believe it was only a lunch. Though with the number of people here at the camp, she reckoned this much food was necessary. She also doubted they had to buy it. More than likely, it was simply poofed into existence by some some demigod or something. Nevertheless, she would enjoy it. Gathering a plate, she piled it high with a variety of foods. Some she knew of and enjoyed, others she simply put on her plate to try. Taking a seat at a far table, she began to eat silently, trying the newer foods and savoring the familiar ones. It wasn't quite her mom's cooking, but it wasn't too bad.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac blinks as she hears the boy and notices him heading towards the Barrier. "Oh gods... Jeza, i'll be right back, can you find Chiron please? Or Alexandria for me?" she said as she quickly started heading to the boy, running despite she shouldn't be since it could worsen her ankle condition even more, almost to the point that she wouldn't be able to ever walk on it again if she strains it too much. "Kid wait!"


Elizabeth looks up at him. "...I'm fine... and it's not your fault... it was... just too hot in there... i'm.... not good with heat.. it causes me to get very ill..." she said softly while looking at him as she slowly sat up from the water, unfreezing the water around her and started to make her way out. "I'm sorry for scaring you... If I did that is." she said while blinking at him.



The pixie huffed and continues to sit on his shoulder. Bridget sighed as she watches the pixie and shook her head. "Sorry about her... and seriously...? That's a stupid reason... we are all different in our own ways and it's not our fault if some of us are cursed with different powers then our half siblings or from others... that just means you need more help learning to control your powers since i'm going on a limb and saying you are the only one out of your half siblings to have this power... Right?" she said softly while looking at him.

Alexandra started walking by with Blue and heard the mention of her name. "I wonder...." She starts to run after Lilac. "Need anything?"
Synaria said:
"Eat . . . right . . ." Ayslinn took a moment to look around the area. She'd surmised a basic layout of the place due to her dreams, but had little idea how accurate they actually were. After all, she thought speaking with the head of the camp would be simple, but apparently it would take longer than she hoped. Turning her head back to address the young man, she opened her mouth and then simply closed it. He was already walking off. Thanks. The thought remained hers alone, not bothering to vocalize it when the nameless boy apparently had places to be and things to do. She imagined most everyone here did, given the hubbub of activity. With a small sigh, she resolved to find wherever she was supposed to get lunch from on her own. At least her sense of smell would help her in that endeavor.
Exiting from the shade of the building, she resumed her previous wanderings. While finding lunch was a primary goal, Ayslinn figured it wouldn't hurt to scope things out and get a better feel for the place. While some places were easy to recognize and keep track of, the majority of buildings all seemed to blend together into one big mass. The largest building and the arena being two of the that stood out amongst the others. And one of those wasn't even a building to begin with. After making relatively little progress in mapping the camp out inside of her head, she resigned herself to try again later on a full stomach. The sweet scent of honeyed ham was calling to her and she would argue with her stomach no longer.

Pushing her way into the building that seemed to resonate with a mixture of pleasing aromas, she found herself presented with a mess hall with the largest variety of food she'd seen before. Back at home, meals were simple. Good, but simple. This was nothing short of a feast and it was somewhat hard to believe it was only a lunch. Though with the number of people here at the camp, she reckoned this much food was necessary. She also doubted they had to buy it. More than likely, it was simply poofed into existence by some some demigod or something. Nevertheless, she would enjoy it. Gathering a plate, she piled it high with a variety of foods. Some she knew of and enjoyed, others she simply put on her plate to try. Taking a seat at a far table, she began to eat silently, trying the newer foods and savoring the familiar ones. It wasn't quite her mom's cooking, but it wasn't too bad.
Nearby a young woman around the same age as her sat in close proximity to where she had sat down. This girl was quite noticeable since her clothes were dark and she had a pillow next to her, she had little food on her plate but didn't really seem interested in it anyways as she was busy flipping through the pages of a dusty old looking book. Some of the other campers gave her looks and whispered to one another since it was quite rare to see a child of Hypnos outside of their cabin, since most of the time they preferred sleep oppose to anything else.


Addison held her hand up to Kit momentarily as Opal spoke to her. "One second Kit, I think I have a way we can message Chiron without wasting anymore of our Drachmas."

'I've decided to head into the camp.'

'That's great Opal.'

'But I'm not going to pretend to be all happy about it. People have never been a strong suit of mine.'

'But why?'

'Because, they always try to look you in the eyes.'

Addison frowned wondering what her friend could possibly mean by that, but shrugged it off, deciding to get to the point of her next question.

'Hey Opal, can you send a message to Chiron for me?'

'The centaur guy you talk about?'


'Sure, why not.'


Opal concentrated on the description Addison had given her of Chiron, and tried to locate him with he powers. It only took a few minutes before she located him. It wasn't very hard when there was only one super ancient centaur at Camp Half-Blood.

'Found him. Now what is the message you want me to relay?' Opal thought back to Addison as she shimmied down from the tree and headed towards the beach.


"Kit, what do you want to tell Chiron?" Addie asked as she began pulling tools out from her pocket, and began fixing the controls on the command deck. "Testing, testing." She murmured into the PA system, and cringed at the loud feedback that drowned her voice out.

(@BishopOfKings )
Ayslinn glanced to her side and was somewhat surprised to see someone nearby. She thought she'd chosen a secluded thought, but apparently her mind was elsewhere when she'd taken her seat. The girl was hardly subtle, or rather she was so subtle she failed to be. While the majority of campers moved about openly in a smorgasbord of colors, the girl's dark clothes and silent demeanor made her stand out more than if she'd chosen to wear hot pink. The pillow didn't help either.

The looks the lone girl received made Ayslinn mildly apprehensive about speaking with her and she continued to eat the stack of food she'd gathered while mulling over her thoughts. "Ah, um, what're you reading?" She made a bid to discern a title of some sort on the cover but was in a rather poor position to do so. The dust that clung go it even as the girl turned each page only further dashed her chances. "It looks ancient. A family heirloom of sorts, perhaps?" She regretted her words almost immediately. this was a camp full of demigods. She herself was daughter to Morpheus. The fact that there were ancient texts for those in camp to peruse should have been obvious. It was dumb to assume the book was passed down in her family. Books were susceptible to many forms of degradation and would make for poor heirlooms. Still, it was vaguely possible she wasn't too far off so she left the question hanging, hoping she hadn't made too much of a fool of herself. she preferred to make it past the first day at least.

Synaria said:
Ayslinn glanced to her side and was somewhat surprised to see someone nearby. She thought she'd chosen a secluded thought, but apparently her mind was elsewhere when she'd taken her seat. The girl was hardly subtle, or rather she was so subtle she failed to be. While the majority of campers moved about openly in a smorgasbord of colors, the girl's dark clothes and silent demeanor made her stand out more than if she'd chosen to wear hot pink. The pillow didn't help either.
The looks the lone girl received made Ayslinn mildly apprehensive about speaking with her and she continued to eat the stack of food she'd gathered while mulling over her thoughts. "Ah, um, what're you reading?" She made a bid to discern a title of some sort on the cover but was in a rather poor position to do so. The dust that clung go it even as the girl turned each page only further dashed her chances. "It looks ancient. A family heirloom of sorts, perhaps?" She regretted her words almost immediately. this was a camp full of demigods. She herself was daughter to Morpheus. The fact that there were ancient texts for those in camp to peruse should have been obvious. It was dumb to assume the book was passed down in her family. Books were susceptible to many forms of degradation and would make for poor heirlooms. Still, it was vaguely possible she wasn't too far off so she left the question hanging, hoping she hadn't made too much of a fool of herself. she preferred to make it past the first day at least.

Olivia glances up from the book she was reading to observe the girl before her. "It's just something i found in the big house.. So it's not a family heirloom. Besides I doubt my dad would ever give me something like that..." she said while looking at her. "...are you new? I don't think i've ever seen you around..." she said while closing the book carefully, pushing her hood back gently, her gold eyes flicker over her. "...I'm Olivia." she said while looking at Ayslinn.

"Yeah. Sorry. I shouldn't have interrupted your reading." She well knew what that was like and there was little more frustrating. Extending her hand to the girl, she gave her name in response to the introduction. "I'm Ayslinn. Just got here a bit ago and am frankly at quite a lose. I was told the head of camp was getting some rest and to go eat. So hear I am. At least food is familiar." She chuckled quietly. "Maybe you could show me around? A-After you're done eating of course." She glanced at Olivia's plate of half-eaten food. "Or maybe reading is the word I'm looking for." She gave a crooked smile and turned back to her own food. While the various dishes were decent, the fruit was the best she ever tasted and she savored it as she slowly chewed the grapes she popped in her mouth. "If you're not busy with anything else of course. Don't want to impose."

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Synaria said:
"Yeah. Sorry. I shouldn't have interrupted your reading." She well knew what that was like and there was little more frustrating. Extending her hand to the girl, she gave her name in response to the introduction. "I'm Ayslinn. Just got here a bit ago and am frankly at quite a lose. I was told the head of camp was getting some rest and to go eat. So hear I am. At least food is familiar." She chuckled quietly. "Maybe you could show me around? A-After you're done eating of course." She glanced at Olivia's plate of half-eaten food. "Or maybe reading is the word I'm looking for." She gave a crooked smile and turned back to her own food. While the various dishes were decent, the fruit was the best she ever tasted and she savored it as she slowly chewed the grapes she popped in her mouth. "If you're not busy with anything else of course. Don't want to impose."
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia waved her hand in a manor to tell her it was fine. "It's fine... honestly don't worry about it... And I suppose I can... despite having only been here for a few weeks now... Still don't know the whole layout yet... this place is massive... lots of hidden secrets and hiding spots..." she said while shaking her head as she remembered when she had stumbled upon an Aphrodite Girl and some Dionysus boy before quickly fleeing the scene in embarrassment, didn't sleep much after that. "Also yeah i'm done eating so I can show you around after you're done eating..." she said while giving the girl a tired smile as she rests her head on her pillow that she pulled up and put on the table.

Ayslinn thought she noticed the girl redden slightly, but rather than focus on possible personal thoughts, she focused on what remained on her plate. "They must run you pretty ragged here . . . You look exhausted." Munching down several other pieces of food, she wiped her hands and mouth on the small napkin provided. Though she could have likely finished the entirety of her meal, and even gone back for more, she didn't want to keep Olivia waiting long, especially when the girl looked practically ready to fall asleep right there on the table. Pushing her plate back to signal she was done with it, she stood up, taking a final drink from her cup and nodded to the tired looking girl. "Doesn't have to be lengthy. Just a quick tour and then you can get some sleep if needed. I won't keep you long."

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Synaria said:
Ayslinn thought she noticed the girl redden slightly, but rather than focus on possible personal thoughts, she focused on what remained on her plate. "They must run you pretty ragged here . . . You look exhausted." Munching down several other pieces of food, she wiped her hands and mouth on the small napkin provided. Though she could have likely finished the entirety of her meal, and even gone back for more, she didn't want to keep Olivia waiting long, especially when the girl looked practically ready to fall asleep right there on the table. Pushing her plate back to signal she was done with it, she stood up, taking a final drink from her cup and nodded to the tired looking girl. "Doesn't have to be lengthy. Just a quick tour and then you can get some sleep if needed. I won't keep you long."
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia raises a brow. "Huh? Oh no... not at all... i'm just... always... tired..." she mumbled as she started to fall asleep, golden dream dust started to appear around her form, dancing around and flying off to knock out some other campers to give them pleasant dreams. "It doesn't... bother me..." she said as she yawned and had to shake herself awake and pick herself up, along with grabbing her pillow before starting to take her plate to the fire in the middle and scrapping the remains into it and muttering a prayer to someone, if she had been close enough she would have heard her say "I offer this to my lazy father, Hypnos... God of Sleep.."

While both girls ate their food, Carly got up and offered some food to Erebus and then took her seat again.

Vanessa ate her food in silence, not looking at anyone while she sat at the staff table, alone.

(Sorry, didn't know what to post)
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]While both girls ate their food, Carly got up and offered some food to Erebus and then took her seat again.
Vanessa ate her food in silence, not looking at anyone while she sat at the staff table, alone.

(Sorry, didn't know what to post)

( Me neither. Do you mind if I interact with you? )
Ayslinn couldn't help but blink a few times as a cloud of yellow particles seemed to emanate from her before zipping away in what she would almost consider a merry fashion, had it not been dust she'd just been observing. Noticing that Olivia took her plate and headed towards the fire, she followed suit, taking a moment to retrieve her previously pushed away plate, and then quickly following Olivia. She watched, slightly bewildered (though significantly less so then when magical fairy dust suddenly flew around the room), as Olivia dumped the food left on her plate into the fire. Ayslinn heard a small mumbling from the girl, but couldn't make out what, and as she stepped up to the fire, the head licking at her skin, she paused. Was she really just supposed to dump the food in there? Why? She'd heard of compost piles, but mass incineration seemed a bit out there. Looking between her food and the flames several times, she simply shrugged and dumped her food within the flames, unsure of what else to do, and caught back up to Olivia. This place would indeed take some time to get used to. "So, I know the gist of this place, but, to be honest, I barely understand anything that's going on around here so far . . . Mind explaining while we walk?"

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Synaria said:
Ayslinn couldn't help but blink a few times as a cloud of yellow particles seemed to emanate from her before zipping away in what she would almost consider a merry fashion, had it not been dust she'd just been observing. Noticing that Olivia took her plate and headed towards the fire, she followed suit, taking a moment to retrieve her previously pushed away plate, and then quickly following Olivia. She watched, slightly bewildered (though significantly less so then when magical fairy dust suddenly flew around the room), as Olivia dumped the food left on her plate into the fire. Ayslinn heard a small mumbling from the girl, but couldn't make out what, and as she stepped up to the fire, the head licking at her skin, she paused. Was she really just supposed to dump the food in there? Why? She'd heard of compost piles, but mass incineration seemed a bit out there. Looking between her food and the flames several times, she simply shrugged and dumped her food within the flames, unsure of what else to do, and caught back up to Olivia. This place would indeed take some time to get used to. "So, I know the gist of this place, but, to be honest, I barely understand anything that's going on around here so far . . . Mind explaining while we walk?"
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia yawns again as she carries her pillow under her arm. "I suppose I can do that.. Sorry i'm not as chipper as most heads of a cabin but there wasn't really many of use to chose from... plus i'm one of the only few that actually gets up and moves around... choses to interact with others... The first thing about this place is that if you don't know who your godly parent is yet, they should have claimed you the second you came to meet Chiron.... But i'm guessing you having since normally he is the one who explains everything to newcomers and helps get them settled in and accustomed to... the strangeness of it all..." she said while looking a bit amused as they walked.

It was Ayslinn's turn to wave her hands dismissively. "It's all right. I haven't even met any of the other heads, so it's not like I have anyone to compare you too." She chuckled and then made a face. "Wait. You're head of a cabin? Umm, no offense. What cabin are you head of?" She had a few guesses, as it were. Given the way the girl spoke about her cabin and those within it, it seemed they all held a sleepy demeanor. She looked around as they walked, searching for anyone else that looked as if they might be about to pass out. Finding none, she figured that by 'few' Olivia meant she was pretty much the only one. "And no, I haven't spoken with anyone by that name. Just you and a boy I didn't get the name of." She scratched her chin thoughtfully. She wished the current thought suddenly parading in her mind would have been there when she was first informed of the camp leader's, Chirons, by her guess, state of rest. She might have been able to simply find his dream self and speak with him there. Alas, it was too late for that and even if it was still an option, she found the perpetually tired Olivia to be good, if somewhat lethargic, company.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Synaria said:
It was Ayslinn's turn to wave her hands dismissively. "It's all right. I haven't even met any of the other heads, so it's not like I have anyone to compare you too." She chuckled and then made a face. "Wait. You're head of a cabin? Umm, no offense. What cabin are you head of?" She had a few guesses, as it were. Given the way the girl spoke about her cabin and those within it, it seemed they all held a sleepy demeanor. She looked around as they walked, searching for anyone else that looked as if they might be about to pass out. Finding none, she figured that by 'few' Olivia meant she was pretty much the only one. "And no, I haven't spoken with anyone by that name. Just you and a boy I didn't get the name of." She scratched her chin thoughtfully. She wished the current thought suddenly parading in her mind would have been there when she was first informed of the camp leader's, Chirons, by her guess, state of rest. She might have been able to simply find his dream self and speak with him there. Alas, it was too late for that and even if it was still an option, she found the perpetually tired Olivia to be good, if somewhat lethargic, company.
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia raises a brow when she noticed the girl looking around, and laughed a bit, holding her stomach as she stopped to double over before wiping her eye. "Oh... that's funny... sorry... it's just... you assumed that the others from my cabin actually try to leave their beds... The cabin I am from is the Hypnos Cabin... He is the God of Sleep. His brother... got a much different job.. Thanatos... God of Death. I suppose Sleep sometimes goes hand in hand with Death... but not often... and Don't worry... you can't miss Chiron... He's a big, brawny Centaur, the trainer and head of this camp... alongside... ugh... Dionysus..." she muttered while getting a sour look on her face.


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