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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

BishopOfKings said:
" Thanks Vahlen!" He said as he watched Mckenzie speed towards him. He backflipped and touched the ground with his hand and focused energy into the ground at his feet. He smiled "Flip effect" he said as he piece of earth the shape of a giant card shot out of the ground with Erik on top of it. Erik took in a deep breath, He always enjoyed causing things to explode, but when it came to focusing energy into a small piece of a large area he expended some of his own energy in doing so. "I need a little distance… plus that was fun, so it was worth it." Erik kicked off the sheet of earth and launched it over Mckenzie's head. "huh… thought my aim was spot on." Erik said landing a little ways away "Well then." He said pulling out more cards. "lets see how good you are at 104 card pick up." And he focused his eye gleaming as he focused on Mckenzie. He began throwing his cards at her, he wouldn't miss.




Owen held Elizabeth as she drank. "This isn't working. Its like she's melting… Im am Idiot!" Owen smacked his forehead. Elizabeth had always been cool to the touch and she seemed quite delicate. He picked her up out of the cot. "Why didn't i think of this earlier." He said as he started out of the infirmary. "Where is the coolest place here…" He looked towards the lake. "Of course." He hurried towards the lake. When he got there he set her down on the beach. "Well here goes nothing." He said as he slid Elizabeth into the water leaving her head above the surface.

"I'm right here." Robin yelled back from the door before grinning at Vahlen. He stepped outside and laughed at Vahlen's joke. "Only one that swings that way around here is Alec. I just can't kill you as easily with my hair in my face old friend." Robin said smiling before turning to look at Carly still grinning.


"Temper Vanessa!" Chiron said irritated before Thomas walked out Chiron closing the door behind Thomas. "He's gonna call the ship and check on everybody." Thomas said sitting down as he thought about all his friends who'd been on the Argo 3.
TechEwok said:
Karan leaned into Pepper's face and place her forehead on hers. Small strands of her bangs falling forward between them and joining Pepper's brown bangs, causing a chocolate cherry swirl of color. She looked at her gray-green eyes and smiled, "I'll call for you before every night I rest my head, doll. Just to see your smile again." She closed her eyes and the image of Pepper, torn and bloodied, faded away. Pepper's body was replaced with how she was now, glowing in her deep blue dress. Barefoot and a shy smile on her freckled face.
Her eyes opened again and a hand went up through Pepper's hair, Karan's lips planted a kiss on her forehead. She pulled away slowly and smiled before wrapping her arms around Pepper's shoulders. She leaned back against the wind carrying them and looked out to the horizon. "Now, doll. When was the last time we saw a sunset together, hm?" she chuckled as she asked, knowing it was very long ago in a different time.


Robin threw the hammer with some force, Vahlen could see the color change around the head of it. Vahlen shook his head and chuckled. The hammer blew through his body, fragments of obsidian exploding from behind the impact, slowing the hammer as it dropped to the ground dozen paces away. Vahlen looked down at the hole in his body as the obsidian fragments reformed around the edges. "Well, my my my. Ain't someone a little angry. Did someone reign on yer parade, Robin? Ya could have killed someone with that hammer." Vahlen laughed deeply, the obsidian finally piecing together and solidifying into his vest and undershirt.

Vahlen gave a little twist to the left and to the right before doing some shoulder shrugs. A smile grew from under his long dark brown hair. "It must have been a long time. I don't remember you putting yer hair inta a pony like a lass. Didn't know ya swung that way, buddy." Vahlen taunted, his voice as ragged as a celtic sailor with a smile just as devilish.

Pepper smiles a bit and giggles softly as Karan's hair tickles her forehead. "Alright, I'll be waiting and listening for you then." She said while lacing her fingers with Karan's. Before thinking deeply, a small crease appears as she thinks. "I can't remember the last time... Why?" She asked while looking up into The deep blue pools that were Karan's eyes.

Lilac looks annoyed before limping off, shoving passed Jonathan. "Never make that comment again." She said in irritation as she hobbled off to find Jezabell.
Carly grinned as she climbed out of bed and joined Robin. "Gotcha!" She grabbed Robin around the neck and held on as if he was going to give her a ride on his back. "Did ya miss me? You can only imagine what it will be like when you're on the quest."

Vanessa groaned. "You can thank Mom for that, Father. She and I have the same temper." She would have to work on that later. "It's not my fault I get angry so easily. What did you expect me to do? Ask her politely to move?" She lowered her weapon then replaced it on her wrist.

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TechEwok said:
When Pepper wove her fingers into Karans, Karan's heart beat raced. She looked back into Pepper's eyes and smiled, "I'd like to just spend this time watching it with you...", she looked back at the ocean and the setting sun, "... hopefully never leaving this place or you. Even if it means never waking up again." She placed her head on Peppers and felt a warmth inside her that escaped when she lost the only things that mattered in her life.
She took a moment to think about everything and her mother popped into her mind. Karan rubbed her cheek against Pepper's and pulled her closer for comfort. 'If only mum could be here now. God bless her wherever she be...' Karan closed her eyes for a small prayer mumbling from her lips. She opened them to see the golden hue of the sun reflecting of the surface of the ocean.


"Ha! Couldn't 've killed me even if ya tried! Ya, muscle head." Vahlen laughed as he walked forward to greet his old friend. He stopped halfway as a girl wrapped her arms around Robin. Vahlen laughed again and examined the girl and her figure.

He whistled and bowed at the hip, not as low as before. He stood up straight and smiled, "Seems that I've stumbled on something I shouldn't have." The mention of a quest escaped the girls lips and it intrigued Vahlen. He thought for a second about delaying his own to find out more about Robin's.

"Say, ya got a quest? Pray tell, what's it entail?" Vahlen asked Robin. A stray hand going up to his face and rubbing his face, a finger running along the tattoo on his face.

Pepper leaning against Karan, smiling a bit while holding her hand gently in her own while smiling even more when Karan rubs her cheek against hers and giggles softly. Her eyes eventually focused on the sun before them that was beginning its descent towards the watery horizon. She nestled her head against the crook of Karan's neck before pressing her nose against Karan's neck, watching the sun as she plays with Karan's hair with her free hand.
"I'm going with three others to kill the namean lion seems it's finally reared is ugly mug again. This is Carly my greatest treasure." Robin said hosting her up onto his back with a smile. "No it's I who has you."


Thomas feel onto his face when lilac pushed by and realized it was because he was still too worried about what had happened.



@Yuuki Kuran
Holo said:
"I'm going with three others to kill the namean lion seems it's finally reared is ugly mug again. This is Carly my greatest treasure." Robin said hosting her up onto his back with a smile. "No it's I who has you."

Thomas feel onto his face when lilac pushed by and realized it was because he was still too worried about what had happened.



@Yuuki Kuran
(Uhm it Jonathan she shoved passed but that's okay..)
Carly kissed the back of Robin's hair. "Oh, stop. You'll make my cheeks catch fire." She threaded her fingers through his dreads. "Onward! To the outside world!" She giggled, smirking at Vahlen. "If he had room, he'd take his greatest treasure.

@Holo @TechEwok

Vanessa helped Thomas up. "Are you okay?" She glared at the other female. "Lilac, you could have said excuse me." She mumbled.

Lilac goes spare them a glance as she keeps walking, her limp apparent as she walks. "Yeah I could have but I didnt. He should be paying attention." She muttered while walking away.
"Ooh don't say that you'll get me all hot and bothered." Robin said before shaking his head no at Vahlen's question. He then enjoyed feeling her hands in his hair.


"It's not her fault Vanessa I should've been paying attention. I'm just worried about the others." Thomas said before wondering why lilac seemed so mad at him.
Isobel blinks when she hears mumbling and waves away the camouflage on her bubble and is standing in the clearing across from

Vahlen. "Why are you calling yourself Stupid, Vahlen?"
Robin's words made Carly giggle as she kept playing in his hair. "I would like to hope so. You're already hot." She kissed his cheek. "Come on. Let's go see what's going on outside."

Vanessa rolled her eyes at Thomas. "Stop worrying. You've done enough already." She kissed his cheek. "Did I already tell you that I'm going on a quest to find a Nemean lion?" She bragged.

"Uh huh. I'm excited for you but what if something happens?" Thomas said looking concerned and already hurting from the explosion.

"Alright. I'm gonna grab some lunch though." Robin said carrying her towards the dining hall.
Alexandra throws her hands up in a mock surrender. "Calm down alright. I didn't know who you were and I was supposed to be gaurding this place while your father slept. You looked pretty angry and I didn't know who you were so I asked if there was a problem. No need to pull out a weapon. I'm an ally." She smiles.

( @Yuuki Kuran )

Courtney makes a sniper rifle made out of light. She aims at Blue, ready to fire. Blue readies his bow and fires at the same time she does. The arrow hits the bullet right in the middle and splits it in half. It stops right before it hits her in the head. The bullet that split stopped right infront of his eyes.

Katie stands over a pile of destroyed dummies. "Man that was too easy. I need someone whom enjoys battle just as much as I."
Vanessa sighed and lowered her weapon. "I'm sorry. I need to learn control. Chiron already told me that." Yes, sometimes she refers to her father by his first name. "I'll try to control my temper. Centaurs aren't supposed to get angry and I should have known that."
(My notifications don't work. Period. I swear I am so fed up with them..... xD . Now to get on with the posts)

Light said:
"I never got to meet your mother. I kind of wish I could've gone with you." Gavon smiled. "Could've kept you company." Gavon pulls her into a hug. "So how was life?"
Sömmer smiles, "Infuriatingly normal." The girl replies, smiling widely though she was increasingly aware of her cheeks flushing during the hug. Pulling back, Sömmer puts on a grin. "Want to race?"
jacunliffe said:
(My notifications don't work. Period. I swear I am so fed up with them..... xD . Now to get on with the posts)
Sömmer smiles, "Infuriatingly normal." The girl replies, smiling widely though she was increasingly aware of her cheeks flushing during the hug. Pulling back, Sömmer puts on a grin. "Want to race?"
"Race? To where I don't know this place very well. Maybe you could." He takes her hands in his. "Show me around?" Gavon gave her the eyes.

Elian had decided to head out to Bunker 9 to see if the Hephaestus kids could help him come up with something. But he decided to take a detour through the center of camp to help rid himself of any left over thoughts that were still floating around his head. While he was walking Adrien caught up with him and the two walked together.

(@ anyone)


Addison was quick to comply to Kit's request, and with some help from Felix she was able to get the ship into the air, but there was a lot of groaning and complaining on its part. "Bloody hell guys, we keep going like this, we're not going to have a ship left to travel in!" She exclaimed in irritation, sympathizing with the ship and all the work that had gone into it. She was just about to say something else when she got a mental message from one of her newest friends at camp. She had met the girl in the forest near Bunker 9 when she had pulled an all nighter on a project.

'Addie, are you there? This is Addison, correct?'

'Opal? What are you doing in my head'
Light said:
"Race? To where I don't know this place very well. Maybe you could." He takes her hands in his. "Show me around?" Gavon gave her the eyes.
Sömmer grinned once more, squeezing his hand. "Of course..." She says before planting a light kiss on his cheek. "Where to first?"

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