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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Jezabell blinks in surprise as she looks up at the sky, pulling her hoodie sleeves back down at her half sisters step back. "We just want to know how she gets her skin so soft and smooth... It's so nice..." said one of the three girls who had been touching and feeling Jezabell's arms. Jezabell sighs softly and ties her hair back. "Katie... it's okay... They won't bother me again... Besides I need to check out my cabin and see if there is a bed available that isn't pink... But thank you for your help." she said softly while smiling at her kindly.
"Alright then." Katie looks at the Aphrodite girls. "If I have to come her again. You'll get it." Katie flies off swiftly. Speeding into the storm clouds. A lightning bolt drops down at the training area and Katie stands wheren he bolt hit. "This is more my style." She says as she looks at the things to do and the storm cloud fades.


Thomas blushed and laughed a little. "Yeah let's just hold off on that. I'd be overwhelmed if it did happen." He said before wondering how the campers were doing.
Alexandra nods. She would act as his substitute if anything were to happen while he was resting. "I hope the others aren't making a mess of the place."
Holo said:
"Nah its cool. Did you need something made for the quest?" Jonathan asked removing the two metals from the forge and pouring them into a mold. An idea came to his mind and he stayed working faster and with a rhythm until the weapon was finished.
Kat thinks for a moment while playing the the glowstick he made for her that transforms into throwing knives. "Hm...not that I can think off... But thanks for the offer." She said while smiling a bit while looking at him through her shades.
"Ok we'll stick around for a bit. Don't just vanish like you did last time." Jonathan said smiling as he poured the excess material into a smaller mold he'd never seen before. He pulled out a necklace and frowned. "Hmm? Is too well made to just throw away. You take it." He said holding it out to Kat with s smile not knowing the other side had words saying. "You mean the world to me."


Holo said:
"Ok we'll stick around for a bit. Don't just vanish like you did last time." Jonathan said smiling as he poured the excess material into a smaller mold he'd never seen before. He pulled out a necklace and frowned. "Hmm? Is too well made to just throw away. You take it." He said holding it out to Kat with s smile not knowing the other side had words saying. "You mean the world to me."

Kat smiles a bit in amusement. "I'll try not too. It's hard when you always want to know where the party is happening and what's going on..." She said while taking a dream stone out of her pocket before reshaping it. "...here." She said while handing it to him before taking the necklace and looking at it, noticing the words and squinting at them. "...Huh?"
Light said:
"Yes. My whole life, I've been apart of a demi god task force. My rank is Delta. That's also like my second name. I never told you because I thought you were a mortal and wouldn't be able to handle it. To be honest I was hoping to get as far away from you as I could so I wouldn't put you in harms way. Now that I know you're a demi god it makes it even worse since you're already in danger plus my added danger. I know it sounds horrible but I would always put your safety before anything. I never knew about a safe haven like this until now. Where have you been?" Gavon reaches out for her hand.
Blue looked at his sister and smiled. "I guess we made it. We found someplace safe."

Courtney nods.
Sömmer listens as he speaks, glad he cared so much about her. "I didn't know they had demigod task forces" She says with a light smile. "RRoad trip with my mom... not exactly a cheery event but it was good to know she still sort of cares about me..."
"What's this?" Jonathan asked cleaning off his hands before taking the dream stone. He pulled out his glasses and put them on looking at the stone. "Is it a type of ore? What are you looking at?" He asked before looking at the necklace and noticing the words too. He started to read them aloud and turned bright red but finished anyways. He took a small piece of metal out and a hammer and indented another word onto the end before reading it again. "You mean the world to me Kat." He said then quickly went back to examining the dream some very carefully.

Kat blinks as she puts the necklace around her neck. "Huh... how interesting... i didn't know molds had works ingraved them... what an interesting mold then..." she said while lifting her glasses up before taking the stone. "And it's not any kind of ore, it's a stone made up of compressed dream and nightmare sand... they take a lot of energy to use, so i passed out after making it... But it will keep your dreams from being invaded unless by Hypnos, myself or any other Hypnos' kid..."
The small, grey sedan slowed to a crawl before coming to a full stop. Ayslinn tugged at the handle and found the door to still be locked. It was like the even the car was reluctant to let the girl go. There was a dull click as her mother unlocked the door and with a second attempt, Ayslinn successfully pulled the car door open and climbed out. Ciara followed shortly after and they both moved to the front of the vehicle. Ciara gazed down at her daughter while Ayslinn gazed down at the ground, not wanting to meet her eyes. She was forced to do so when her mother took her chin in hand and tilted it upwards. A reassuring smile spread across her face and she hugged Ayslinn.

"Be a good lass and don't make your mother worry. I'm getting too old for that." Ciara ruffled the girl's hair affectionately after pulling away from the hug. "Everything will be all right. I'll come and see . . . Well, I guess you'll have to come and see me." She chuckled dryly. "Just don't let it get to you, dear."

Ayslinn heaved a heavy sigh. Leaving her mother alone in the house in which the'd been attacked did not sit well with her, but Ciara assured her it was the best thing for the both of them. At the time, she thoroughly disagreed, but deep down she knew she was right. "I won't, mom. I'll try not to anyways." She changed her words. Sometimes, there was nothing to be done about events that took place or the emotions experienced from them. "Just be safe and I'll be all right. Maybe you should mo-"

"I told you I can't. I'll be all right. Now go." With a second, quicker hug, Ciara shooed her daughter towards the forest and begrudgingly, Ayslinn complied. During the drive here, she'd dreamed of the place and those within. The barrier surrounding the camp was present and she passed through unimpeded. In the distance she could make out a wooden sign. Though she couldn't yet read it, she already knew it read 'Camp Half Blood'. This was a place for the 'unique' people of the world. Those born from a mortal parent and a god. The fact that she was a demigod was startling, though it actually made a lot of sense. She'd been told similar things in dreams. She'd never paid them any mind though.

As she neared the camp she heard noises coming from within. It seemed the camp was quite a lively place at the moment. She moved closer, but slowed as she neared. She was in search of the head of the camp, and for now, would prefer to avoid interactions with anyone other than him. It would be awkward, she figured. Continuing on her way, she blocked out most of the sounds around her, focusing on finding the man she believe to be in charge around here. Hopefully, her dreams weren't leading her astray.
jacunliffe said:
Sömmer listens as he speaks, glad he cared so much about her. "I didn't know they had demigod task forces" She says with a light smile. "RRoad trip with my mom... not exactly a cheery event but it was good to know she still sort of cares about me..."
"I never got to meet your mother. I kind of wish I could go with you." Gavon smiled. "Could've kept you company." Gavon pulls her into a hug. "So how was life?"
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Kat blinks as she puts the necklace around her neck. "Huh... how interesting... i didn't know molds had works ingraved them... what an interesting mold then..." she said while lifting her glasses up before taking the stone. "And it's not any kind of ore, it's a stone made up of compressed dream and nightmare sand... they take a lot of energy to use, so i passed out after making it... But it will keep your dreams from being invaded unless by Hypnos, myself or any other Hypnos' kid..."
"Really? Thanks Kat that's really cool. I don't mind if you end up in my dreams though. It'd liven things up." He said smiling at her before going back to work on his next weapon that he would give to the kid he'd seen wandering unarmed earlier.



Thomas smiled and ducked when the arrow flew by. He then kept moving. "Campers are awfully rowdy this year huh. Oh gods!" Thomas said a sudden look of horror on his face as he took off towards the big house to tell Chiron about the explosion.

@Yuuki Kuran

Chiron sat in his office in the big house and sighed getting ready for a nap.
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Lilac by the big house, making sure that no one plans on disturbing Chiron as she stands outside the big house, holding onto her staff as she looks around, her ears flicker lightly as she listens around.


Kat smiles a bit and kisses his cheek. "Your sweet. Too sweet that I might get a toothache." She said while biting her lip and grinning as she walks away, leaving the forge.
Vanessa laughed. "Yeah. They're nuts, which is why I needed you around here." She kissed his cheek.

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TechEwok said:
The soft words melted Karan like honey in her arms. Her tears slowly stopped coming down and a hand wiped the clinging tears away. Karan looked out to the ocean and smiled. "I always thought you were with me when I crossed the Atlantic. There were times that I saw the waves swirl and hoped it was you watching my passage over the sea." Karan spoke thinking of her travels. The constant horror of reliving the death of her best friend. A cool wind current was plucked from the sky and Karan twirled her fingers around, the wind wrapping around the two.
"Pepper, I should've stayed with you. But I can't change that... can I, doll? No...", she paused and passed through Pepper's body and materialized behind her, "however now, I can be with you for as long as I want. Never letting you go." Her arms wrapped around Pepper and the wind lifted them both up gently from the Willow, parting it's branches as they ascended. They hovered over the tree and Karan squeezed tightly, before planting a soft kiss on Pepper's cheek.


"Yea, No! I'd rather not watch ya get yer arse handed to ya by the marm!- No offense, milady~!" He shouted and bowed to her in apology. He lifted himself before spinning around and walking in the direction of the Ares Cabin. He passed a few people he didn't recognize and rubbed his bearded chin as a finger passed over his tattoo again. A thought passed his mind, what if Robin wasn't happy about seeing him again. Last they saw each other, Vahlen didn't say his goodbyes. He continued to walk and saw the cabin that Isobel told him would be housing Robin.

Gathering some air in his lungs, Vahlen shouted, "OY! YA LAZY, BIG-HEADED, WET-BEHIND-THE-EAR, LOAF-O'-MEAT! YA! I'M TALKING BOUT YA, ROBIN!" He stood in front of the door, waiting for the meat head to barge out and confront him. That was, if he was in there. Otherwise, he was gonna be dealing with some angry Ares children. But, that wasn't that big of a deal. He ran a finger of his knotted tattoo before widening his stance.

Pepper smiled a bit as the wind played and danced through her dark chocolate brown locks as she leaned back against Karan's frame, humming softly in approval. "Of course Kar... Remember I'll always be in your dreams... Even if you can't see me... Call for me and I shall come to you here..." She said as she turned to face Karan and strokes her cheek gently with lightly calloused fingers.

(@TechEwok )
Jonathan blushed and smiled before picking the Halbert up. And walked out of the camp forge examining the weapon. It was made from silver making it a weapon that could be used for defense from anything mythical or normal. He walked over to lilac with it and waved. "Where'd the kid with the wings go?"


Robin woke up and slowly laid Carly on the bed as he grumbled picking up a hammer from his sister's bed he opened the door. "Who wants this shoved so far up their rear that they look like a popsicle? Oh its you again. Long time no see." Robin said tossing the hammer at the boy in front of him before walking out and closing the door.

Holo said:
Jonathan blushed and smiled before picking the Halbert up. And walked out of the camp forge examining the weapon. It was made from silver making it a weapon that could be used for defense from anything mythical or normal. He walked over to lilac with it and waved. "Where'd the kid with the wings go?"

Robin woke up and slowly laid Carly on the bed as he grumbled picking up a hammer from his sister's bed he opened the door. "Who wants this shoved so far up their rear that they look like a popsicle? Oh its you again. Long time no see." Robin said tossing the hammer at the boy in front of him before walking out and closing the door.

Lilac blinks as she looks at him. "Boy with wings..? What do you want with him?" She said while watching him and holding her staff tighter, narrowing her eyes as she sees Thomas coming towards the big house.
"He was unarmed and wandering around. That's dangerous." Jonathan said before showing lilac the Halbert and the fact that none of the edges were sharpened yet. "When he gets more experienced with it I'll sharpen the blade."

Thomas ran up and speed in front of lilac to catch his breathe. "The ship.... Chiron needs to contact the ship.... greek fire.... all over the place." He said having a hard time catching his breathe.

Lilac huffs and turns her head. "He's just a boy! Plus Chiron hasn't met him yet so you can wait Jonathan. And Chiron is sleeping Thomas, do you know the last time he finally go to rest? Over 10 thousand years ago. Wait until he wakes."

" Thanks Vahlen!" He said as he watched Mckenzie speed towards him. He backflipped and touched the ground with his hand and focused energy into the ground at his feet. He smiled "Flip effect" he said as he piece of earth the shape of a giant card shot out of the ground with Erik on top of it. Erik took in a deep breath, He always enjoyed causing things to explode, but when it came to focusing energy into a small piece of a large area he expended some of his own energy in doing so. "I need a little distance… plus that was fun, so it was worth it." Erik kicked off the sheet of earth and launched it over Mckenzie's head. "huh… thought my aim was spot on." Erik said landing a little ways away "Well then." He said pulling out more cards. "lets see how good you are at 104 card pick up." And he focused his eye gleaming as he focused on Mckenzie. He began throwing his cards at her, he wouldn't miss.




Owen held Elizabeth as she drank. "This isn't working. Its like she's melting… Im am Idiot!" Owen smacked his forehead. Elizabeth had always been cool to the touch and she seemed quite delicate. He picked her up out of the cot. "Why didn't i think of this earlier." He said as he started out of the infirmary. "Where is the coolest place here…" He looked towards the lake. "Of course." He hurried towards the lake. When he got there he set her down on the beach. "Well here goes nothing." He said as he slid Elizabeth into the water leaving her head above the surface.

@Silent Justice
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"You sound like his mother when you talk like that." Jonathan muttered walking away holding the Halbert.

Thomas stood up and pushed passed lilac gently. "It's a important quest to stop the titans he'll want to know." Thomas said. Chiron was still awake and heard Thomas come in. He looked at him and was shocked to see who was there. "Thomas! What are you doing here you went with the crew of the Argo 3" Thomas finished catching his breathe and spoke. "There was a assault on the ship and I was almost killed in a explosion in the attacker's ship. The rest is a little foggy but we should get in touch with the ship."


@Yuuki Kuran
Vanessa stared at her boyfriend as he went in. "Do not try and fight me, Alexandria. I would hate to be responsible for the death of a demigod." She took her bracelet off and watched it shift into a bow.

Carly woke and found that her love was missing. "Robin?" she got out of bed. "Robin!" The shadows disappeared.

@Holo @Light

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