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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

TechEwok said:
Slowly turning his head towards the familiar voice, Vahlen lets a small smile creep on his face, "No reason, marm. Just.. ya know. Something to say." He laughs and positions his body over the tree and and tries pouring sand into the gash from his fingertips and hardening it. He looks back at the girl, Isobel and smiles. He looks back the the tree trunk and covers it with some bark and is finally satisfied with the result.
Vahlen walks over to Isabel and constructs himself a chair made of obsidian. He presents it to Isobel, "A seat, marm? Don't worry, it's stable." Vahlen smiles and crafts another for himself. The grains of obsidian escaping his palm and restructuring together and forming an exact match. He stands there waiting for her response.

Isobel looking at him before smiling a bit herself and taking a seat gracefully before looking towards him. "I'm guessing the reunion didn't go well? Or did it? I can't be quite sure since i don't want to assume... I like to have the facts before i make a shot in the dark." she said while smiling a bit mysteriously, her eyes getting a faint hazy look as she focuses on something that seems far away before shaking her head and refocusing on him. "Quite the trick you have." she said trying to start up a new conversation with him while lacing her hands over her lap carefully, looks quite small sitting in the obsidian chair but seems to fit well with it.
jacunliffe said:
Sömmer grinned once more, squeezing his hand. "Of course..." She says before planting a light kiss on his cheek. "Where to first?"
"Maybe you can show me to my cabin." Gavon was confused on where it was. His sword shakes a bit. "Hm... maybe we can spar later. I want to see how good you are." He brushed her hair behind her ear.
The air shifted around Blue, the air had gotten colder and wind had stopped blowing around him. Something was off, something was wrong... just behind Courtney, laying against the tree, was the bloodied broken form of his lover, Bianca. Her white-gold eyes were glazed over even more and there was blood all over the ground around her, if he had been in his right mind he would know it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

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Sömmer rolled her eyes good naturedly, the brown orbs shimmering at the mention of a possible spar. "Of course I can show you your cabin

" Sömmer says with a soft smile. Leading him across the grass to the parallel row of cabins, she approached one and stopped. Having had to search her memory briefly while walking with him for the location since she had been gone for quite a while. "The Hecate cabin." Sömmer says with a smile.
Jonathan accidentally bumped into a girl on his way into camp and as such started apologizing immediately. "Sorry I didn't see you there. I know I should've been paying more attention."

TechEwok said:
Vahlen waited until Isobel was seated before taking a seat himself. He leaned back in the chair and looked at her, "It wasn't as expected. They were busy with their own things. I've been gone for a couple years... Seems they got their own teams now." He looked at her and saw the stars twinkling in her eyes. And she had commented about his "tricks".
"Oh this?" He asked, patting the chair. "It makes for great furniture and if need be-, he lifted his palms and sand rose around the two of them, - shelter and what have ya." He said raising his hands up and sealing them inside a dome of sand. It was dark, so Vahlen put his his focus on the sand and formed glass in certain areas, letting light in. He also split apart a portion of the dome on a side of them, to have an exit from the dome.

"It's a good gift, I think. Though sometimes, I'd wish to have been a child of Posei---" Vahlen was saying as a large mound of sand knocked him off his chair into the wall. His body was part him and part obsidian fragments, scattered across the dome wall. A message formed on sand on the floor. DONT YOU DARE INSULT ME!

Vahlen picked himself up with his left arm, as the right side of his body was still gathering from the blow. The fragments moved like a river of black glass up his side and solidified into his bare flesh and then his clothing on top of it. He looked at Isobel and bowed again, "Sorry you had to see that, Isobel. Mother doesn't take to her babes not being grateful to her. It's a usual occurrence of ours, but I love her unconditionally." He said fading the sand away.

Isobel smiles kindly. "It's alright. I think that happens because she thinks her children don't appreciate the gift they are given from her... I think it's quite cool what you do." she said softly while tilting her head and flashing him a shy smile. "My mother is quite special in her own way and i'm grateful for the gifts she has bestowed upon me... even if they sometimes aren't useful in battle... mostly close combat battles..." she said as she lifted her own hand and made a small replica of a nebula with magic and fragments of the stars.

Ayslinn stumbled back a bit as the boy bumped into her and promptly apologized. "Ah. No. It was my bad . . . I was kind of skulking." She admitted. There was a brief pause as she weighed her options. He seemed like someone who might know where the man she looked for was. On one hand, she'd had little success so far in finding him, on the other hand, she really didn't like asking favors of people, especially people she'd just met. "Umm, since you're here, would you mind pointing me in the direction of the camp leader? I'm new here and figured it best to speak with him." The sentence was rushed out slightly, before she could change her mind about asking. "I just haven't had any luck finding him myself." She justified her request for assistance.

@Holo ((Thanks much))
Blue looked behind him and almost dropped his bow. "Bianca?" He ran over to the bloodied mess. "Somebody get some help!" Courtney. Runs over and sees nothing. She doesn't say anything though.

"Thanks for the tour." He kisses her hand. Gavon looks at the cabin. "Wanna see a magic trick?" Gavon smiles, he had an unusual mischievous look. He looked deep into her eyes.

( @jacunliffe @StarrySkyofLostSouls )
Sommer arched an eyebrow, it now covered by locks of her red hair that covered her forehead partially once more. Threatening to slide in front of her eyes. The look that played across her face was slightly amusing but she knew he would have something good to show her. Especially since magic was something she had always been fascinated with as a child. "It's safe right?"
Bianca weakly reached up and touched his face before vanishing like dust on a breeze, no longer there, his mind playing tricks on him because he knows that Bianca is gone and there was nothing he could do to save the child of Hades.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Bianca weakly reached up and touched his face before vanishing like dust on a breeze, no longer there, his mind playing tricks on him because he knows that Bianca is gone and there was nothing he could do to save the child of Hades.
( You should feel horrible for that. )

Blue starts to blink rapidly to hold back the tears. "Shes gone Courtney." Blue hugs his sister. "I know Blueberry... I know." She pats his back and tries to flood out the negative feelings inside him.

Gavon wraps his arm around her hip. "Safe? Nope not at all." He flashes a grin and pulls out a card. "You see this card? I want you to tell me how it feels."

( @jacunliffe )
Light said:
Gavon wraps his arm around her hip. "Safe? Nope not at all." He flashes a grin and pulls out a card. "You see this card? I want you to tell me how it feels."

( @jacunliffe )
A shiver goes up her spine at the touch that was so gentle and looked at the card. "If it blows up I swear..." She says with a warning look, though she knew it would most likely not happen. Reaching out, the girl touched the card with her left hand.
jacunliffe said:
A shiver goes up her spine at the touch that was so gentle and looked at the card. "If it blows up I swear..." She says with a warning look, though she knew it would most likely not happen. Reaching out, the girl touched the card with her left hand.
"Boom!" Gavon shakes his head at his own mean joke. The card starts to peel into several other cards. "Now try and find the card with the same feeling." He looked at her and then at the abundance of cards around them.
Light said:
"Boom!" Gavon shakes his head at his own mean joke. The card starts to peel into several other cards. "Now try and find the card with the same feeling." He looked at her and then at the abundance of cards around them.
Sommers eyes widen. Turning to look at him she smiles. "Cards all feel the same idiot!"
jacunliffe said:
Sommers eyes widen. Turning to look at him she smiles. "Cards all feel the same idiot!"
Gavon pulls out a card from his pocket. It has the words I missed you on it. "Is this your card?" He puts both of his hands on her cheeks and drops the card. Kissing Sömmer again. This time he doesn't want her to raise her hands or move. Just let him kiss her.
TechEwok said:
Vahlen was intrigued in her magic. He brushed off the excess fragments to the floor and they sank into the ground. He grabbed the edge of his chair and sat down on it. "I'm surprised ya didn't jump up and scream like a schoolgirl when I looked all shattered like." Vahlen said with a grin. She amused him. Not everyday you get splattered by your mother and a girl doesn't run away, freaked out of her mind.
He looked at her small globe of magic and Vahlen put his hand out to it. From his hand shimmered dust that glittered around in a stream, flowing around the globe. "A little diamond dust for a shooting star. Wonder if ya can make a wish come true from it. Ha! Doubt it, but ya never know, can ya marm?" He said, passing the stream around her wrist into a solid diamond bangle. "Now don't that look nice? I think so! But, sorry lass, ya can't have my diamonds. I ain't got enough of it to give away to every lady willy-nilly." Vahlen said with a smile, recalling the diamonds to dust and reclaiming them in his palm. He closed his fist and absorbed it back into himself. He looked up and saw a message forming on the sand dome above Isobel's head. And here you are flirting again. Pitiful. It's just embarrassing to watch you, Vahlen. Vahlen glared at the message and whisked it away with his fingers, sand falling over Isobel's hair.

Isobel smiles a bit. "Well... I've learned that it's best not to ask questions when you don't understand something completely unless you really must know. I must say it was interesting to see that happen, to be honest you are quite the interesting fellow. I don't talk to many so that might be why... but then again that's probably because i hide out here in the forest away from the silly thing and sappiness called love? I believe that is what it's called yes?" she said and pursed her lips into a thin line, she still looked as terrifying as a kitten but that didn't mean that she wasn't a threat. She may look innocent but she was quite powerful.

Isobel shook her head in amusement as a small smile graced her face. "It is quite pretty but I believe that it's too pretty to be on someone like myself. So i'm alright with you taking it back. If you need your diamonds you should keep them rather then give them away... any sane woman would sell them or keep them for their own selfish wants..." she said before blinking as she felt the sand ran on her gently before swirling her hand to collect the sand watching it fall from her hand before sending it back to Vahlen. "I believe this belongs to you yes?" she said softly while swirling the sand around him carefully.

Light said:
Gavon pulls out a card from his pocket. It has the words I missed you on it. "Is this your card?" He puts both of his hands on her cheeks and drops the card. Kissing Sömmer again. This time he doesn't want her to raise her hands or move. Just let him kiss her.
Sömmer smiles, reading the words on the face of the cards. So as he kisses her, she melts into him. Not moving, just allowing him to kiss her.

Pulling back after many moments, Sömmer looks through her hair a him. "I missed you too"
jacunliffe said:
Sömmer smiles, reading the words on the face of the cards. So as he kisses her, she melts into him. Not moving, just allowing him to kiss her.
Pulling back after many moments, Sömmer looks through her hair a him. "I missed you too"
Gavon wraps his arm around her again and walks into his cabin. "Which bed should I take?" He looked around at the others not knowing which one to take. "Sömmer I'm getting kind of nervous. Hopefully there aren't to many people in here."
Vanessa chuckled at Thomas. "Nothing's gonna happen. I'm the strongest centaur I know." She whispered. "Don't tell Father I said that." She kissed him. "Are you hungry?"

Carly hangs on as if she would die if she didn't. "Good. I'm starved!" She laughed. "After this, let's kick some butt in the lake again.

Synaria said:
Ayslinn stumbled back a bit as the boy bumped into her and promptly apologized. "Ah. No. It was my bad . . . I was kind of skulking." She admitted. There was a brief pause as she weighed her options. He seemed like someone who might know where the man she looked for was. On one hand, she'd had little success so far in finding him, on the other hand, she really didn't like asking favors of people, especially people she'd just met. "Umm, since you're here, would you mind pointing me in the direction of the camp leader? I'm new here and figured it best to speak with him." The sentence was rushed out slightly, before she could change her mind about asking. "I just haven't had any luck finding him myself." She justified her request for assistance.
@Holo ((Thanks much))
"He's in the big house over there trying to get some rest. I'd get some lunch first if I was you then head over." Jonathan said with a smile before going off.

Thomas relaxed and nodded. "Yeah. That sounds good."

Robin smiled. "Liking the water now huh?"
TechEwok said:
With a laugh, Vahlen agreed, "Aye, is that what this camp has come to? I honestly don't blame ya. I already heaved after watching my old partner and his 'greatest treasure' talk some nastiness." He said, using his fingers to bunny ear 'greatest treasure'.
He laughed at her comment about herself. "I understand that. But don't cheat ya self. And I do need my minerals. Funny story actually, I tried to seduce this woman when I was searching for... something, and she was one of fancier tastes. Not to mention, she was a nymph and a damn gorgeous one at that. But she did run off with my gems... Cost me a year to gather them back." Vahlen said, reminiscent. She said something and he watched her play with his sand and passing it to him without actually touching it.

"Ho ho! Yes. Here, allow me." Vahlen chuckled. He shot the sand outward into the dome. He looked at the girl and thought of everything she said. "So why hide yourself in the forest? Don't you have a cabin to stay in?" he asked, curious. He ran his hand through his hair, bringing it to the side.

Isobel looks amused when he tells her what happened when he reunited with some of his old mates. "Oh really? how am I not surprised? And the greatest treasure someone can have is someone important but you don't need to be with it every second... because that means your objectifying a person... and that's not right... instead of a great treasure... how about someone you cherish...? Or something. You could cherish something so much that you'd do anything to get it back or gain their affection... like your gems... you cherish them so you got them back.

"And I'm not cheating myself... i know I'm a bit odd... to most people... even to other demigods... especially the way I talk and am... even thought I'm just being myself... people can't seem to understand that and avoid me... And that's why i hide in the forest... So I don't get looked at like some freak or have to deal with the whispers.... and no... My mother doesn't have a cabin... she was a primordial goddess... and titaness so i doubt she would be allowed a cabin." she said while playing with a ball of magic gently in her hand.


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