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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Holo said:
Chiron was about to respond when movement caught his eye and he waved at the two girls to help him. "I wonder why we have so many new campers all of a sudden." He asked himself before putting Karan's arm over his shoulders to get her to the medical tent.
Alexandra came over to assist Chiron with the task. "Things are getting rough out there. Monsters are getting rowdier. More gutsy, sometimes making attacks in public." Alexandra shakes her head.

"That is pretty far. How did you make it?" Katie turned around and started walking backwards. "Monsters arent as friendly as they were before." She said the word friendly with sarcasm.

( @StarrySkyofLostSouls )
Light said:
Alexandra came over to assist Chiron with the task. "Things are getting rough out there. Monsters are getting rowdier. More gutsy, sometimes making attacks in public." Alexandra shakes her head.
"That is pretty far. How did you make it?" Katie turned around and started walking backwards. "Monsters arent as friendly as they were before." She said the word friendly with sarcasm.

( @StarrySkyofLostSouls )
Jezabell walking with Katie, raises a brow as Katie starts to walk backwards so she can continue their conversation. "Thanks to Lilac and Boreas I think his name was...?" She said while shrugging. "He lives in Quebec so Lilac took me there to get his help before we managed to get here..."
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TechEwok said:
The aroma was a soothing reminder of Pepper. Karan's eyes still closed, she frowned and felt the embrace and a brush across her face. Her eyes opened slowly, looking up with her blue eyes to see those soft green-gray eyes looking back. Karan stifled a gasp and lifted her hand up to her freckled face and wondered if it was real. "You can't be real... I saw you again... Please tell me you're real, doll..." she whispered, feeling Pepper's soft skin with her fingertips.
A tear rolled down her face and she bit her lip, not wanting to cry. "I was supposed to protect you, doll... I promised.. I broke it-- She choked up and wept in Pepper's arms. Her face buried into Pepper's chest, her crimson red hair covering her body and overlapping on Pepper. Karan grabbed onto Pepper's clothing and continued to cry into Pepper's chest.

Pepper sighs softly as she held Karan against her smaller frame, hating seeing her like this especially when she knew how strong she normally was. "Of course I'm here Kar...I'm always with you... And you tried your best Karan... Some things... Just don't always work out... I'll always be here in your dreams..." She said softly while stroking Karan's hair gently, sitting against the bark of a large silver Willow tree which is sitting nearby the shore of the ocean. "I'll be there... I'll be there for you... Yes all be there... All be there for you... No matter the weather, the danger or despair..." She sung softly while trying to soothe her, wearing a lovely blue-green dress that is tied at the waist and stops above her knees, is barefooted as well.

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Jezabell walking with Katie, raises a brow as Katie starts to walk backwards so she can continue their conversation. "Thanks to Lilac and Boreas I think his name was...?" She said while shrugging. "He lives in Quebec so Lilac took me there to get his help before we managed to get here..."
"Boreas? I have a friend of mine who's a child of Boreas. We would always racecin the sky." Katie nods her head. Once they get to their destination she stops. "This is the Aphrodite cabin. Hope you like it."
Jezabell blinks when she sees it and looks a bit weirded out. "...it's pink... It's so... Bright... Oh gods..." She said while looking very nervous, in a black hoodie, jeans and a dark blue tank top with her necklaces and bracelet from her dad.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Jezabell blinks when she sees it and looks a bit weirded out. "...it's pink... It's so... Bright... Oh gods..." She said while looking very nervous, in a black hoodie, jeans and a dark blue tank top with her necklaces and bracelet from her dad.
"I can see you're not into their style." Katie looks at the cabin and then back at Jezabell. "Dang that cabin looks horrible. I have half a mind to blow it to pieces." She puts a hand on her sword.
Jezabell sighs and shakes her head. "It's fine... I just hope I can find a bed that doesn't look like a pink monstrosity..." She said as some of the Aphrodite girls took notice of them and immediately realized that Jezabell was one of them and grabbed her wrists before taking her inside. Jezabell looks a like freaked and casts a glance back at Katie.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Jezabell sighs and shakes her head. "It's fine... I just hope I can find a bed that doesn't look like a pink monstrosity..." She said as some of the Aphrodite girls took notice of them and immediately realized that Jezabell was one of them and grabbed her wrists before taking her inside. Jezabell looks a like freaked and casts a glance back at Katie.
Katie smiled and waved. "I think you'll be okay!" Katie mumbles to herself. "She's totally not gonna make it out of there alive. Maybe I should help her." Katie starts to walk up to the other Aphrodite girls. "Alright back up she can walk herself in there."
Jezabell looks a bit uncomfortable with the attention she's getting. The Aphrodite girls are currently feeling her skin and are amazed at how soft it is, don't seem to hear Katie as they start using their own amokinesis. Jezabell fighting their amokinesis off, biting her lip. "Can you girls uhm... Stop feeling my skin..."
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Jezabell looks a bit uncomfortable with the attention she's getting. The Aphrodite girls are currently feeling her skin and are amazed at how soft it is, don't seem to hear Katie as they start using their own amokinesis. Jezabell fighting their amokinesis off, biting her lip. "Can you girls uhm... Stop feeling my skin..."
Katie started to grow angry. Storm clouds started to form over the camp. She had enough Amokinesis and Aphrodite girls for an entire lifetime. "She said stop it!" She barked at the Aphrodite girls as thunder and lightning flashed and roared in the sky. Electricity flowed through Katie's hair. "She wont ask again. Am I right?!" Katie asked in an aggressive tone.
Vanessa gently shoved her boyfriend. "Weirdo. I'm only a teenager. You and I have a whole lifetime together to worry about that kind of stuff. I don't want to be my mom who got pregnant with me at 24 years old. I'm waiting until I'm in my late 20's." She couldn't keep a straight face. "I love you enough to wait for that."

Light said:
Katie started to grow angry. Storm clouds started to form over the camp. She had enough Amokinesis and Aphrodite girls for an entire lifetime. "She said stop it!" She barked at the Aphrodite girls as thunder and lightning flashed and roared in the sky. Electricity flowed through Katie's hair. "She wont ask again. Am I right?!" Katie asked in an aggressive tone.
Jezabell blinks in surprise as she looks up at the sky, pulling her hoodie sleeves back down at her half sisters step back. "We just want to know how she gets her skin so soft and smooth... It's so nice..." said one of the three girls who had been touching and feeling Jezabell's arms. Jezabell sighs softly and ties her hair back. "Katie... it's okay... They won't bother me again... Besides I need to check out my cabin and see if there is a bed available that isn't pink... But thank you for your help." she said softly while smiling at her kindly.

(I hope this is good enough.)

Chiron carried Karan to the Apollo cabin run medical tent and laid her on a bed. "I'm going to get some rest now. It's been a very long day." He then walked to the cabin and started resting.


Thomas blushed and laughed a little. "Yeah let's just hold off on that. I'd be overwhelmed if it did happen." He said before wondering how the campers were doing.
An arrow shot past Vanessa' s ear, leaving the female shocked, frightened and angry. "How many times do I have to tell you guys that you aim at targets, not people!" She yelled at a group of Apollo kids. Some started laughing guiltily while a few others apologized. "Sorry, Thomas. Sorry, Vanessa." Vanessa nodded. "Just be careful." she pushed the satyr forward.

Erik stopped his shuffle and fanned out the cards in both his hands "I'm ready when you are-" he said as a shout sounded through the arena. Erik looked over and noticed Vahlen standing by the entrance "Yo!" He shouted back as he turned his eyes back towards Mckenzie "Been a long time, eh?! Hey I'm getting ready to have a little duel here." His cards started to faintly glow orange. "We can catch up later, or you could wait and watch the match if you want." He narrowed his good eye on Mckenzie. "Ladies first."





Auron watched as the light sprite revealed itself. "Okay..." He said as he pushed the sprite towards the girl. "Why was it running from you?" He asked as he pulled the metal off the leaves and let them fall to the ground still perfectly green. "And why did it fly to me?" He hopped down from the tree, landing near the girl.




Owen took a deep breath. He'd been in these crazy panicky situations before. He moved the ice pixie over Elizabeth's forehead. "Stay right there, If you melt you could help cool her down." He said as he hurried back to get Elizabeth some water. When he returned the fairy was sitting on Elizabeth. "Thanks." He said as he sat her up. "Here drink this." He tilted the glass of ice water into her mouth so it trickles in.


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BishopOfKings said:
Erik stopped his shuffle and fanned out the cards in both his hands "I'm ready when you are-" he said as a shout sounded through the arena. Erik looked over and noticed Vahlen standing by the entrance "Yo!" He shouted back as he turned his eyes back towards Mckenzie "Been a long time, eh?! Hey I'm getting ready to have a little duel here." His cards started to faintly glow orange. "We can catch up later, or you could wait and watch the match if you want." He narrowed his good eye on Mckenzie. "Ladies first."



Bridget shakes her head. "I don't know... It has a mind of it's own and is crazy mischievous... I don't know where she got it from... and i guess it wanted me to meet other people..." she said softly while looking at him as the sprite flew back to Auron despite him pushing her towards Bridget.


Elizabeth still burning up, sweating like crazy and looks exhausted, weakly sips down the water he is pouring down her throat and coughs a bit, turning her head to the side as she does so. The Ice pixie melting away, panicked and scared but stays where she is.
(There yah go Kitty!)


Max's blood froze over at the mention of a siren. His mind kept flashing back to the trip he'd lost Allie on. He'd been side tracked by a siren... On his own accord. Max shook the thought out of his head a focused. If she was waiting at Sugarloaf, then he'd need to be focused. He looked around and noticed Aphrodite was gone... And Violet... Umm. "Vi... What happened? He asked as he focused back into reality. "Cause that dress is a little too... Bright for you..."

@Silent Justice

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Violet looked down at herself in shock for a few moments. "What the hell?!" She exclaimed. Why was she suddenly wearing a dress?! Why was her hair so long?! Then, she realized that this must be her punishment for insulting Aphrodite. "Oh... This must be what I get for insulting Aphrodite..." She sighed. "Now I know not to make fun of goddesses."

@BishopOfKings @explosiveKitten
Jonathan sat in the forge pounding out his worries and frustrations about the quest. He wasn't even sure what he was making but he knew that with the aggression he was putting into it the weapon would most likely become a cursed blade for war. "Timing is always important. This will clarify that."
Kat wandering around camp after leaving Olivia by the Big House so she could check on her friend. Eventually she found herself by the Hephaestus cabin and heard someone pounding away, much harder then the others and made her way to where Jonathan was. "...Jona?"
"Hmm? Oh hi Kat I was looking for you earlier. What's up?" He asked before starting his next creation. He lifted a new piece of silver and some imperial gold into the furnace to start melting it.
Kat rubs the back of her neck. "You were? Oh sorry, I was hanging out with my half sister, plus Im still learning my way around... So sorry if it seemed like I wasn't around." She said while putting on a faint smile.
"Nah its cool. Did you need something made for the quest?" Jonathan asked removing the two metals from the forge and pouring them into a mold. An idea came to his mind and he stayed working faster and with a rhythm until the weapon was finished.
"My mother was insulted, that's what happened. I tell you, Helena did that once, and-" Alec looked at Max, and stared, then reached over and gripped his shoulder, "hey man, are you okay? You look kind of... Shaken up... Is it something my mother said?" He asked, looking at Max, concerned.

@BishopOfKings @Silent Justice

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