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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Lilac blinks and frowns a bit when she hears that before sighing and shaking her head. "Stop moving kid... we'll be there in a few minutes... then you'll be warm..." she muttered while carrying the boy towards the Tyche cabin which was quite far from the forest and it didn't help that she had injured her ankle a long time ago and hadn't healed properly and never would.

Vanessa got up from the ground. "Well, I guess I had better go make sure Carly hasn't done something stupid. Have you seen her anywhere?" She asked the sleeping satyr. "I just know she and Robin are in trouble."
Helena looked at Jason and saw... Sadness, despair... It marred his face like the ugliest of scars, and despite being dead inside her heart went out to the poor guy. She would have tried to comfort him, but unfortunately her people skills were like skim milk. Barely. There.

"Jason, um-" suddenly the ship pitched to one side, probably because of Jason's emotional state, throwing her off the bed with some force and causing her to smash her face into the floor. There was a snap and blood spurted onto the floor. Her nose twisted at an odd angle.

"AHHH, F***. My nose! It's broken!"


"Perfume, I don't smell anything..."

A woman looked in the doorway, standing tall and rather intimidating, until suddenly she leaned out of the dark and squealed, "Boooooys!" The woman was tall with lavish brown hair and perfectly done mascara, her makeup perfect in every way. Her dress was long, white and flowy, though it showed all her features perfectly. She leaned out of the doorway and hugged both boys to her chest, squealing yet again, "Ohhhhh boys, I'm SO HAPPY TO SEE YOUUUUU!"

"M-mother!!" Alec managed to get out before Aphrodite dragged them both into the room and let them go. "Oh Alec it's been so long!!! Look at how you've grown up!" She said, pinching her son's cheek and pulling on it, then she turned on Max, "Oh, and you must be Maaaaax! My little Alec's crush!" She said, grabbing Max and hugging him some more.

"Mother is there a reason you're here or are you just here to smash Max's face into your boobs?"

"Oh of course not darling, just showing a little love to your boyfriend-"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Alec shouted, blushing profusely.

Aphrodite looked at him blankly, then got a smug smile on her face, and said, "Oh...Of course." She let go of Max and then settled onto the couch, her long arms draped lazily over the back of the couch, her legs crossed at the knee.

Alec stared at her with a mixture of disgust and disbelief.

@BishopOfKings @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac watching him before sighing and picking up the kid and starting to limp back towards the cabin grounds since that's where he should be and not in the middle of the forest where monsters could get him from the labyrinth. She winced a bit as she put pressure on her bad ankle but didn't complain as she made her way towards the Tyche Cabin to put the kid in a proper bed so he wouldn't get sick.


Jezabell looking around as she wanders the camp, holding the charms of her two necklaces as she does, is pretty amazed by what she sees since she has never been in such a place and it is all new to her. She smiles a bit before shaking her head and realizing she doesn't even know where she has to do or who her mother is since she has a father so her godly parent had to be female she had deducted.

Epsilon landed behind Jezabell. She started to examine her and decided if she should make her presence known. This was from what she was looking for. She was looking for a fight not a conversation. So why try to conversate? "Hey. My name is Katie."
Jezabell blinks and whirls around, her hair blowing in the wind behind her, her mother's charms and powers coming off her in gentle waves. "Huh? Oh hi.... I'm Jezabell." she said while watching the girl cautiously however completely unaware that she is using her amokinesis on the other girl.



Holo said:
(Thomas isn't asleep.)
Thomas sniffed a few times. "They're both in the Ares cabin it seems like. They aren't alone though so they'll be fine.

@Yuuki Kuran

Malaki cuddled up to lilac as much as he possibly could. He sighed clearly feeling safe and warm before falling into a deeper sleep.
Lilac stiffens a bit while holding him, her ears go still before continuing to limp towards the Tyche cabin and pushing against it with her shoulder, almost falling as it finally opened and caused her to stumble and almost trip over her own hooves and face plant had her plants not grown through the floorboards to hold her up.

"Good luck for the satyr girl." He muttered and felt him and lilac start to hover a few centimeters off the ground so she wouldn't trip or stumble.
Vanessa knew that there was no way two demigods could get away with anything too personal while they were here, but Robin was sometimes a rulebreaker. "I know. Still, she's been spending too much time with him."
"Getting jealous?" Thomas asked kissing her. He hugged her and stayed leading her towards the woods. "She'll be fine you and I have catching up to do."
Holo said:
"Good luck for the satyr girl." He muttered and felt him and lilac start to hover a few centimeters off the ground so she wouldn't trip or stumble.
Lilac's eyes widen a bit and flails her legs a bit, before using the vines to pull her back to the ground before putting Malachi into a free bed and tucking him in before turning away to leave. "Rest well kid" she said before leaving the cabin, had her vines put glow in the dark stars above his side of the bed.


"Hold it." Erik said as McKenzie started walking off. "Never said we were sparring. I could give you some practice." He grinned as his hands started the Dynamo shuffle again. "Your luck verse mine... I happen to be a grandchild of Tyche." Erik said as he pulled another deck of cards out adding them to his shuffle. "So... Whaddayah say?"

@Silent Justice

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Vanessa glared at her goaty boyfriend. "I'm so not jealous. But, I just don't want to see Carly hurt. I mean, Robin in and I are leaving in less than two days." She blushed when Thomas mentioned catching up.

"Robin is a nice guy he's probably talking a nap or something. He fights hard." Thomas said before turning and hugging Vanessa. He smiled at her remembering the good times they had. "I love you so much." He said holding both of her hands as he stared into her eyes.

@Yuuki Kuran

Malaki felt the glow from the vines on his face and smiled. He slept on dreaming of good things.
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BishopOfKings said:
"Hold it." Erik said as McKenzie started walking off. "Never said we were sparring. I could give you some practice." He grinned as his hands started the Dynamo shuffle again. "Your luck verse mine... I happen to be a grandchild of Tyche." Erik said as he pulled another deck of cards out adding them to his shuffle. "So... Whaddayah say?"

@Silent Justice

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McKenzie raises a brow and turns back to face them about 3 quarters out of 4. "A fight of luck you say?... Hm... That peaks my interesting Cards... I suppose we could." she said while grinning a bit as she tipped her head down a bit so the end of her fedora shaded her eyes and her grin was all that could be seen before she looked up. "Alright Cards. Let's spar then."



Bridget's eyes widened before smiling a tiny bit and nods. "Mhm... and... well it's a light sprite..." she said as the sprite landed on Auron's shoulder and stopped glowing as brightly to reveal a small pixie dressed in yellow garments. The pixie waved while smiling at him with a cheeky grin.



Elizabeth shaking as she twists and turns, trying to cool down but is getting even hotter. "...W-Water... cool... need... nnngh...." she said as the ice pixie started to melt due to Elizabeth losing concentration and consciousness.



Lilac limping towards the big house to figure out what she should do next since the council wouldn't want to be disturbed at the moment and Chiron was technically her boss right now. She figured he would want her to look for more demigods and befriend them before bringing them here but she figured she should ask before leaving. She wanted to get away from the camp because she didn't want to have to see or put up with all the love in the air.

Vanessa giggled and cupped his face between her hands and slipped her tongue inside. "I love you more." She clutched the back of his shirt as tightly as she could while kissing Thomas on the neck. "Stay away from the wood nymphs while I'm gone." The centauride teased. "Believe me. They have a certain smell to them. I'll know."
Violet stumbled back in shock as the woman grabbed Max, and then let go. Then she stared for a bit at the shockingly beautiful woman. "Th-That's Aphrodite...?" She squeaked, not moving. "The Goddess of Love? I can certainly believe that..." She walked into the room after Max and Alec, then looked at her chameleon and said "Seems pretty... Irritating, though..." She immediately regretted those words, as she realized she was insulting a goddess.

@BishopOfKings @explosiveKitten
"Nymphs don't do to me what you do." Thomas said shuddering before kissing her on the mouth and making sure it was a french kiss. "I'd never want you to think I wanted anybody else."

Chiron saw lilac and smiled. "Good I'll need somebody to help me find the cabins for all the new kids flooding the camp." He said to lilac as he pointed out a few of the new kids.
"Oh of course I have a reason, I jut have to say," she said, then paused, looking like she was contemplating something. "I just came to remark... That a siren is always a siren, and a siren is always trouble...." She said plainly, then she glanced up at Max and said while staring into his eyes, "But you already know that, don't you Max?" She looked at Max pointedly, then she quickly got up and stretched her arms, "well I don't know about you, but I am tired boys and girl. And I have to go get dolled up for a date later, so I'll just be going now. Tata!" She turned to leave then stopped in her tracks when Violet spoke up. Aphrodite stood there stock still for a moment.

"... Violet you did not just insult my mother..." Alec said, horrified.

Aphrodite turned on her heel to face Violet, strode over to here, then held up a hand in her face, and snapped. Violet disappeared briefly in a puff of pink smoke. Her hair grew longer until it dragged on the floor and grew several feet more. Her clothes were replaced with that of a bright pink dress that was so snug it was practically sewn into her skin.

Aphrodite looked at her handiwork, then pinched Violet's chin. "Look. You're gorgeous. Brings out the real Princess in you." With that, Aphrodite turned again, and walked away brisklyzs
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Vanessa loved Thomas so much that she was practically forced to trust him. "In fact, everyone here has a scent to them. For instance, Robin smells like blood and pigs." She laughed at her own joke. "I will make sure to Iris message you every day." Even Aphrodite herself couldn't have made this a better moment for either couple.
"Good because if I spend another day without seeing your face I'll go insane." Thomas said kissing her again running his fingers through her hair.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Jezabell blinks and whirls around, her hair blowing in the wind behind her, her mother's charms and powers coming off her in gentle waves. "Huh? Oh hi.... I'm Jezabell." she said while watching the girl cautiously however completely unaware that she is using her amokinesis on the other girl.


Lilac stiffens a bit while holding him, her ears go still before continuing to limp towards the Tyche cabin and pushing against it with her shoulder, almost falling as it finally opened and caused her to stumble and almost trip over her own hooves and face plant had her plants not grown through the floorboards to hold her up.

Katie started to blink because of the Amokinesis. "Hello Jezabell. I'm not from here. Are you..... experienced? In the way of knowing this place." Katies eyes have a certian glint in them because off the amokinesis.
Jezabell playing with the charms on her necklaces. "Unfortunately not since i just arrived here myself... Sorry about that... Since I could tell you were looking for someone or something to have a challenge against..." she said while watching her, tilting her head a bit, her eyes have a faint glimmer in their depths.

Vanessa's back arched at this as she held his hair in her hands and slowly moving toward his horns. "You don't have to worry, my love." Her dark hair fell over them both. "You haven't aged a day."
Thomas shifted nervously. "You're getting me all excited now." He said backing off since he was blushing and starting to get into a very hazy mindset. "Any more and I'd be trying to do things I shouldn't."

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