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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Light said:
Gavon blinked a couple times. "Sömmer?" He looked her up and down. "Wait, you're a demi-god? I never knew. I thought you were... I thought I'd never see you again." He reached over to her and put his hand on her cheek.
Sömmers eyes flitted up and down the length of his body. Taking him in, the fact he was here had shocked her enough. Now with his hand on her cheek, the touch made her heart beat faster. Which was something that she didn't have happen aside from fighting or running. "Daughter of Ares.... But.... how is this even possible...? How did.... oh never mind" She says leaning in to give him a kiss.
jacunliffe said:
Sömmers eyes flitted up and down the length of his body. Taking him in, the fact he was here had shocked her enough. Now with his hand on her cheek, the touch made her heart beat faster. Which was something that she didn't have happen aside from fighting or running. "Daughter of Ares.... But.... how is this even possible...? How did.... oh never mind" She says leaning in to give him a kiss.
Gavon wraps his arms around her and kisses her. He missed her so much. His job kept him away from her, all this time he thought she was a mortal. He never expected to meet her here. With these added emotions he put his entire heart into this kiss. He pulled away and looked at her. "Son of Hecate. I have somethings to tell you Sömmer." He looks into her eyes.
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[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Vanessa still couldn't understand why a satyr would love a centaur, but there wasn't any use in arguing now. Thomas was back. "I guess I'll have to start taking my meds again." She teased. "Remember those pills I took that kept me appearing human without having to wear my belt?" She winked at him.
Carly waved to them all. "Hey, guys." She sat on the edge of her boyfriend's bed and looked at all the stuff. "I'm terrified, Robin. If you get hurt, I won't be able to get to you. Luckily, Vanessa has healing powers."

(Fixed it)

Thomas smiled and laughed. "Nah I like you just the way you are." He said kissing her again and smiling. He was happy now and felt a whole lot safer with Vanessa around again.

"I'll be fine as long as you're all right." He said smiling at Carly he put his sunglasses on her and grinned. "If only you had a Harley then I'd be really intimidated by your looks. But your personality is perfect enough that it scares me."
TechEwok said:
Passing a finger over his celtic tattoo under his eye unconsciously, Vahlen takes in the names of the two girls. He was momentarily intrigued, but he needed to continue with why he had gotten there. That's when he remembered his old quest-mates. He tapped the young girl, Isobel on the shoulder with a strand of sand. "Please tell me. Do Robin and Erik still live? They stilll reside here?" He said anxiously. The strand of jet black obsidian sand fading back into his skin.
Isobel blinks and looks at the sand curiously before focusing her majestic eyes on him. "I've never heard of their names before... but i'm sure if we actually reach the camp and the cabins we can find out... well you can find out." she said softly while looking at him, nodding a bit. "I can show you back towards the heart of the camp but after that i shall leave you since i'll be returning to the forest to stare at the stars..."

Sömmer had missed him, thinking she would never see him again had hurt. Kissing him wiped everything clean. So when he pulled away, she looked at him. Her usually irritated expression almost joyful. "Things to tell me?" The girl repeated, training her eyes on him.
Vanessa bit her lip. "How long are you staying this time?" She laid her head against his shoulder, under his chin. "Thomas, you were gone for weeks, but I never gave up on you. True, I had doubts, but who wouldn't if you hadn't come back for weeks? I thought maybe Polyphemus or Medusa got you."

Carly growled playfully at him. "You should be scared, Robby. I come from an even worse place than Hades himself does. Let's face it, the God of the Underworld can't even touch me." She wished Robin's bed came with curtains. "Wait a second." She snapped her fingers and shadows surrounded them.

Chiron smiled and bowed a little. "Hello I suppose you're new also? We have a lot of new kids in the camp today." He said before smiling again.

Malaki muttered once in his sleep. "Good luck for the satyr girl." He appeared in front of lilac still asleep.



"I know but the best angels always come from the darkest places. It's why they cherish the light so much." Robin said kissing her and laying on his bed. He grabbed her hand gently and pulled her closer to him so he could kiss her more.

"I was out getting a Apollo kid back. Then the day after I left on a boat with 7 others. I'm not leaving again in going to stay here at camp and be safe." Thomas said smiling at Vanessa before looking down and kissing her again.

@Yuuki Kuran
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Holo said:
Chiron smiled and bowed a little. "Hello I suppose you're new also? We have a lot of new kids in the camp today." He said before smiling again.
Malaki muttered once in his sleep. "Good luck for the satyr girl. Bad luck for the hiding girl." He then vanished appearing in front of lilac still sleeping. Meanwhile the tree Karan was behind disappeared and she appeared in front of Chiron.



"I know but the best angels always come from the darkest places. It's why they cherish the light so much." Robin said kissing her and laying on his bed. He grabbed her hand gently and pulled her closer to him so he could kiss her more.

"I was out getting a Apollo kid back. Then the day after I left on a boat with 7 others. I'm not leaving again in going to stay here at camp and be safe." Thomas said smiling at Vanessa before looking down and kissing her again.

@Yuuki Kuran
Jezabell nods while looking up at the larger man. "Uhm yeah... Lilac brought me... I'm... Jezabell Soul." she said while nodding her head while smiling a tiny bit, feeling a bit relieved that he isn't horrible.

Lilac blinks when the young boy appeared in front of her, her ears flickered a bit. "...Uhm... alrighty then... weird..." she said while kneeling down. "Hey kid... you shouldn't be sleeping out here... It aint always this safe..."

"Mmmmhmm" Malaki said getting up and looking around he spotted her. He pulled out a deck of tarot cards and looked at her. "Shall I gauge your luck and change it for you miss?" He asked not waiting for a answer he flipped a card over. "The shadow. Always there but never appreciated." He shook his head and the wheel appeared spinning before landing on good. "I'll be your friend miss."
Carly giggled as this happened. "Angels? If you believe in angels, you'd have to believe in one God and Satan, wouldn't you?" She kissed his neck, but that's as far as she was comfortable going. "I hope the week you're gone goes by as quickly as possible."

Vanessa squealed in delight and kissed him again, rolling around with Thomas in the dirt. "I'm so glad to hear that. I need someone to talk to other than Carly and my father." She smirked, gazing over Thomas' shoulder at the male centaur. "Not that they aren't nice to talk to."
jacunliffe said:
Sömmer had missed him, thinking she would never see him again had hurt. Kissing him wiped everything clean. So when he pulled away, she looked at him. Her usually irritated expression almost joyful. "Things to tell me?" The girl repeated, training her eyes on him.
"Yes. My whole life, I've been apart of a demi god task force. My rank is Delta. That's also like my second name. I never told you because I thought you were a mortal and wouldn't be able to handle it. To be honest I was hoping to get as far away from you as I could so I wouldn't put you in harms way. Now that I know you're a demi god it makes it even worse since you're already in danger plus my added danger. I know it sounds horrible but I would always put your safety before anything. I never knew about a safe haven like this until now. Where have you been?" Gavon reaches out for her hand.

Blue looked at his sister and smiled. "I guess we made it. We found someplace safe."

Courtney nods.
ravenwarlock777 said:
A shadowy figure watches them from behind a tree...
(You need to make a character first.)

[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Carly giggled as this happened. "Angels? If you believe in angels, you'd have to believe in one God and Satan, wouldn't you?" She kissed his neck, but that's as far as she was comfortable going. "I hope the week you're gone goes by as quickly as possible."
Vanessa squealed in delight and kissed him again, rolling around with Thomas in the dirt. "I'm so glad to hear that. I need someone to talk to other than Carly and my father." She smirked, gazing over Thomas' shoulder at the male centaur. "Not that they aren't nice to talk to."

"It won't take that long. That was a estimate where we literally have to fight every mile just to get there. It's only one lion we'll be back in a day or two." Robin said rolling so that he was on her and kissed her. He smiled before hugging her and trying to fall asleep.

Thomas laughed and smiled before kissing her cheek. "I'm so glad you're back I missed having you around. I was worried something had happened."
Isobel smiles a tiny bit at his words before turning away and starting to lead the way through the dense forest back towards the heart of the camp where they were sure to find Erik and Robin. "It was a pleasure to meet you Opal Idlewing... i'm sure we will see each other again soon enough..." she said while vanishing into the undergrowth, leading the way for Vahlen. As the pair walked together Isobel looked at the sky before swirling her fingers lightly to make the sky seem darker and made stars appear once more, magic swirled around her, ruffling her clothes and hair along with Vahlen's before vanishing.



Holo said:
"Mmmmhmm" Malaki said getting up and looking around he spotted her. He pulled out a deck of tarot cards and looked at her. "Shall I gauge your luck and change it for you miss?" He asked not waiting for a answer he flipped a card over. "The shadow. Always there but never appreciated." He shook his head and the wheel appeared spinning before landing on good. "I'll be your friend miss."
Lilac watching him cautiously. "...and why would you want to be my friend? Just a lowly satyr." she muttered while playing with some nearby vines. "Anyways... if your tired you really should be sleeping and not fighting it..."


Auron sat in a tree close to the campfire playing with a blob of liquid gold. He had let Jonathan go off where ever after Auron said he'd help with the lion. He let the blob drip onto the tree coating the small area in gold. He hated it when Jon brought up his dislike for the Greeks, even though Jon knew full well of the reason. Auron was feared by the Greeks... The kids feared his powers. Originally demigods feared the fire users... But that changed after Leo Valdez... Now they feared the ones who could use metal. Auron sighed as he started making shapes out of the gold. He knew some metal users were accepted... But he was different. Auron was probably one of the strong ones out in the world and when he had come to the Greek Camp he had accidentally turned a camper into a gold statue. He'd reverse what he'd done but by then it was too late. The campers were terrified of him, and Auron left for Camp Jupiter later that day. Auron preceded the legion to this place, more loyalty, more organization, and the legion didn't get scared of him. Auron glazed leaves with his liquid gold. He didn't care anymore. He stay for the lion then leave for the legion. He stared at the metallic leaves. "Cave Romanus ferro sanguis quorum vita brevior discat amare" Auron spoke in Latin. The phase echoed in his mind. He'd received it from Octavian before he... Well... You know. Auron sighed "Beware the Roman of Iron blood, whose life's too short to learn to love." He mumbled as he plucked the metal leaves off the tree. He spun the leaves and wished he'd find someone who wouldn't be Adair of him.




Owen watched as he was quickly brushed aside by the two lovebirds. It disturbed him how crazy in love the two were and Owen turned and walked away trying not to gag. He knew that he and Elizabeth might end up together, hopefully, by the would never like to be clung to like that or act all extremely lovey-dovey. He felt something tug on his hair and looked back as the ice fairy thing started pointing to the infirmary. "Lizzie must be awake." He said as he made his way over to the infirmary. When he walked in he noticed Elizabeth. "Oh sh*t. YO MEDIC NEEDED OVER HERE!" He shouted as he hurried over to Elizabeth. "Lizzie. You ok?"

@Silent Justice



Allie bit her lip. She wanted to see Jason, but with the whole hunter thing... She shook her head and stood up. "Ok. Let's go." She said as he mind flashed back to a few years ago.

Allie was pinned against a tree by four cyclops. He arm was shattered and Erik was crumpled up on the ground a little ways away. She was terrified, lonely, and angry, but she had no way to fight back as the Cyclopes had busted her weapons. She watched in terror as the lead Cyclops stepped forward and grabbed her head and started to squeeze. Allie started screaming as the Cyclops laughed, talking about how they were planning on eating her. Allie black out, but not before seeing a silver arrow appear in the Cyclops forehead. When Allie woke up she was in a tent being watched by girls in silver camp and hunting gear. Allie knew who they were instantly, the Hunters of Artemis. The girls helped Allie back to her full strength, telling her that they didn't know what happened to her friends. Allie assumed they had died and made the worst decision of her life, she joined the hunters. She'd lived with them her whole life, not knowing whether Max or Erik were alive, and hoping that Jason and Her would never meet.

Allie walked passed Antonius he face stone cold and headed below deck. She made her way to Jason's room and pushed in the door. "Been a long time J-J" she said with a pitiful smile. "Can you stop throwing a hissy fit and shaking up the boat."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira




Kit swore he'd find a way to drown Jason. After Antonius had said something about Jason Kit figured it was him who was rocking the boat. Kit clung to the side of the boat. "This is not how I wanted to celebrate my victory" he said as he began turning Green. "Addison... Please get us in the Air!" He said before he hung his head over the edge of the ship and threw up.


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"I think you're pretty cool. Besides I followed two people to this camp and they just looked at me funny then ignored me." Malaki said before laying down again and starting to doze off.
Carly wrapped her arms and legs around Robin and slowly started to doze off. "I love you." She fell asleep as soon as she said that.

Vanessa laughed. "I wish something would have happened. I was out for weeks with Carly looking for demigods and all we found was a whole lot of nothing." She felt the tips of his horns.

BishopOfKings said:
Auron sat in a tree close to the campfire playing with a blob of liquid gold. He had let Jonathan go off where ever after Auron said he'd help with the lion. He let the blob drip onto the tree coating the small area in gold. He hated it when Jon brought up his dislike for the Greeks, even though Jon knew full well of the reason. Auron was feared by the Greeks... The kids feared his powers. Originally demigods feared the fire users... But that changed after Leo Valdez... Now they feared the ones who could use metal. Auron sighed as he started making shapes out of the gold. He knew some metal users were accepted... But he was different. Auron was probably one of the strong ones out in the world and when he had come to the Greek Camp he had accidentally turned a camper into a gold statue. He'd reverse what he'd done but by then it was too late. The campers were terrified of him, and Auron left for Camp Jupiter later that day. Auron preceded the legion to this place, more loyalty, more organization, and the legion didn't get scared of him. Auron glazed leaves with his liquid gold. He didn't care anymore. He stay for the lion then leave for the legion. He stared at the metallic leaves. "Cave Romanus ferro sanguis quorum vita brevior discat amare" Auron spoke in Latin. The phase echoed in his mind. He'd received it from Octavian before he... Well... You know. Auron sighed "Beware the Roman of Iron blood, whose life's too short to learn to love." He mumbled as he plucked the metal leaves off the tree. He spun the leaves and wished he'd find someone who wouldn't be Adair of him.




Owen watched as he was quickly brushed aside by the two lovebirds. It disturbed him how crazy in love the two were and Owen turned and walked away trying not to gag. He knew that he and Elizabeth might end up together, hopefully, by the would never like to be clung to like that or act all extremely lovey-dovey. He felt something tug on his hair and looked back as the ice fairy thing started pointing to the infirmary. "Lizzie must be awake." He said as he made his way over to the infirmary. When he walked in he noticed Elizabeth. "Oh sh*t. YO MEDIC NEEDED OVER HERE!" He shouted as he hurried over to Elizabeth. "Lizzie. You ok?"

@Silent Justice



Allie bit her lip. She wanted to see Jason, but with the whole hunter thing... She shook her head and stood up. "Ok. Let's go." She said as he mind flashed back to a few years ago.

Allie was pinned against a tree by four cyclops. He arm was shattered and Erik was crumpled up on the ground a little ways away. She was terrified, lonely, and angry, but she had no way to fight back as the Cyclopes had busted her weapons. She watched in terror as the lead Cyclops stepped forward and grabbed her head and started to squeeze. Allie started screaming as the Cyclops laughed, talking about how they were planning on eating her. Allie black out, but not before seeing a silver arrow appear in the Cyclops forehead. When Allie woke up she was in a tent being watched by girls in silver camp and hunting gear. Allie knew who they were instantly, the Hunters of Artemis. The girls helped Allie back to her full strength, telling her that they didn't know what happened to her friends. Allie assumed they had died and made the worst decision of her life, she joined the hunters. She'd lived with them her whole life, not knowing whether Max or Erik were alive, and hoping that Jason and Her would never meet.

Allie walked passed Antonius he face stone cold and headed below deck. She made her way to Jason's room and pushed in the door. "Been a long time J-J" she said with a pitiful smile. "Can you stop throwing a hissy fit and shaking up the boat."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@BishopOfKings )


The ice fairy looked worried as she floated off Owen's shoulder before landing on Elizabeth's forehead. Elizabeth coughing as she shifts over and over, is sweating and looks like she has a fever since she is burning off, the ice fairy quickly jumps off Elizabeth and looks worried since she could have melted.



McKenzie has a hand on her hip, tossing a pair of dice in the air. "Name's McKenzie, Daughter of Tyche. And I was coming here to practice, but since you two seem busy then i'll find somewhere else to practice." she said while looking at them before turning away to walk out of the arena.

(@TheWeirdPhilosopher, @BishopOfKings)


Holo said:
"I think you're pretty cool. Besides I followed two people to this camp and they just looked at me funny then ignored me." Malaki said before laying down again and starting to doze off.
Lilac blinks. "...Oh you're that kid from before... huh... i was wondering why i kept feeling some energy behind us that made me keep looking back since i didn't know where it was coming from...

"I'm...a...lucky....kid." He muttered flapping his wings at her once before he started sleeping again.
Katie flies around the skies and lands on the roof of the big house. "None of these campers so far look like good sparring material. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough, maybe I'll find someone worth the challenge." She gets up to get ready for another flight.

Alexandra took a stroll around camp. She wasn't as eager to meet new people as the others were.
Holo said:
"I'm...a...lucky....kid." He muttered flapping his wings at her once before he started sleeping again.
Lilac watching him before sighing and picking up the kid and starting to limp back towards the cabin grounds since that's where he should be and not in the middle of the forest where monsters could get him from the labyrinth. She winced a bit as she put pressure on her bad ankle but didn't complain as she made her way towards the Tyche Cabin to put the kid in a proper bed so he wouldn't get sick.



Jezabell looking around as she wanders the camp, holding the charms of her two necklaces as she does, is pretty amazed by what she sees since she has never been in such a place and it is all new to her. She smiles a bit before shaking her head and realizing she doesn't even know where she has to do or who her mother is since she has a father so her godly parent had to be female she had deducted.

"Mom." Malaki muttered clinging to lilac when she picked him up. He smiled a little and took a deep breathe relaxing. He then frowned and started to roll around a little in his sleep. "It's getting colder. Lucks run out." He murmured.


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