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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans


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(Im tempted to have Pepper appear in Karan's dreams, man poor Jason doesn't know his older/younger sister is dead.)

Holo said:
Malaki stepped out in front of the two girls and put his hands out and palms facing the girls. "Good luck for the girls and bad luck for the creepy thingy." He stood perfectly still as a wheel appeared in the air above him and spun. It landed on good and the camp barrier stretched so the girls and Malaki were inside it. The wheel spun again and landed on bad causing a large group of trees to land on the monster. "That's enough for now." Malaki said looking really sleepy all of a sudden. He put his arms down and glanced at the girl's before walking towards camp.
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jezabell blinks as she looks at the little kid before looking at Lilac who just shrugs and shakes her head before making her way towards the big house. Jezabell follows after her slowly, changing her bow back into one of the two gold necklaces around her neck.
"You two walk pretty fast. I was following you for a long ways before now. I saw you kill some monster thingy." Malaki said looking at the girl's before sitting in the grass near the big house where he promptly flopped onto his back and started sleeping.


Robin's words brought a smile to Carly's pale cheeks. "I know you will, Robin. Just send me an Iris message every day when you're eating and not traveling." If there were there were two people Carly couldn't bear to lose, it was the same two people that were leaving in 48 hours time.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
(Holy cr*p! Her cheeks can smile? Do like two separate mouth randomly pop up on her face and grin? Jk. Lol.)

Robin smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "You've got a deal. Not that I want going to call you at every meal anyways." Robin said with a smile at her.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"Good. I just wanted to be sure." She jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. "I know you're coming back. You can't leave me. I would hate to have to ask around for a favor if you do decide to get yourself killed." Carly pressed her mouth against Robin's neck.
(That's right.)

Robin heard Owen's question and smiled before noticing a glowing light near the boy. he caught Carly then felt his thoughts start swimming when she kissed his neck. "Jonathan is in charge you should ask him. I'm having a little trouble thinking about things not relating to Carly." He said before looking at Carly and kissing her ear lightly. "Trying to get frisky with me already? I'm not sure what to think. Then again with you this close I can't think."

Carly giggled against his skin. "That's good. It's not like you depend on thinking." This would be the last chance Carly would get to hold Robin for a whole week. "Promise me you won't fall for some better looking girl while you're gone." Her dark hair cascaded over Robin's chest and back. "Please."

Carly giggled against his skin. "That's good. It's not like you depend on thinking." This would be the last chance Carly would get to hold Robin for a whole week. "Promise me you won't fall for some better looking girl while you're gone." Her dark hair cascaded over Robin's chest and back. "Please."
Robin laughed at the joke then laughed even harder at the notion that he might fall for somebody else. "There isn't a prettier one alive so I find that impossible." Robin said giving her a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at her and started using one hand to play with her hair. "You're my own personal Venus. Nothing could possibly look better."

Antonius retracted his hand and looked at her, "You, went out with Jason? I assume this was before the whole huntress of Artemis position..." Antonius scooted away from Allie as Zoul slid in between them giving him some space. "Lupa is well as always, that woman, er wolf is more than capable of Handling herself." Antonius' eyes flicked up to Allie as she scratched a girl behind her ear. "I'm also assuming that she is Lupa's daughter, would that assumption be correct?" He leaned back supporting his weight on his palms.


Jason looked up at Helena as she turned away with a contemplative look appearing on her face. "Helena.......that wasn't a hallucination was it......she's really here isn't she......" Jason's voice became hollow and he felt that familiar knot form somewhere between his chest and throat. Jason gripped the soaked sheets of the bed his fist shaking from the tension of his muscles flexing, he seemed to be in another place as the memories trickled back before the dam broke and his mind was flooded with pain, despair, and rage.

Jason saw Max's face when he told her that Allie was gone, no reason, no explanation, just gone. What was supposed to be just a short trip ended with the one person he was closest to gone. That empty look on Max's face, the pat on the shoulder, and the weakest 'I'm sorry' Jason had ever heard THAT was supposed to replace her. Jason shook as did the water surrounding the becoming increasingly choppy whitecaps soon formed along the harbor a visible sign of the brewing storm.


Soleil winced when she realized what she had done and got up in order to help she pick Anthony up and put his arm over her shoulder she supported his body weight and guided him to the cot. "I'm sorry, both for kneeing your fun parts but also for making you stay here, but it was what I was asked to do. Besides it's better that you stay here anyways since moving a lot will only get you more hurt as you've seen. So just stay still, please?" She turned her face to his giving him her best puppy dog eyes.


Tracker skidded to a halt throwing Donovan off of his backs he had done many times before for reasons all his own, he promptly sat to see the results only to be disappointed as Donovan stopped himself from landing on his tail bone by wrapping the winds around him and tilting himself until he was vertical once again. "Hi Chiron! How's everybody and everything, alright right? I heard my sisters were here, is mom here as well?" Donovan looked up at Chiron his sky blue eyes gazing up through his white hair highlighted by his dark skin. But as confusing as his features were there was an unmistakable shine of hope in them the smile on his face never wavering.


Valencia just grinned at the girls threat, "how could I not be confident when I can use your own shadow against you, also when your bowstring is weak near the top-knot looks like it could snap at any moment, also your arrows are more than useless...now?" Valencia looked around in confusion when the grass flew up around her but two quick flashes of her sword cleared the grass around her down to her knees, the click of her sword settling back into its sheath making it clear of what she was capable of.
"Why do you have to be so beautiful but painful." Anthony said looking at Soleil still aching. He then sighed and stood up again looking at the Apollo kid that was laughing in the corner. "I said keep an eye on him not imprison him here or knee him in the family jewels." Anthony nodded at the kid before grabbing Soleil's wrist and walking towards the campfire. "You need to be more careful. I'm going to wait here for the fireworks that go off later." Anthony stated with a grimace as he sat down still holding Soleil's hand.

Tania was set in the bed and Natalya ran up stairs before planting her boot firmly into Antonius' rear. "Your girlfriend needs medical attention downstairs you dope."

Chiron smiled. "All is well except I think my daughter is starting a fight with one of the campers. I'll be back in a second." Chiron said looking tired as he started walking towards Vanessa.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Carly shivered scratching the back of his neck. "Promise me that you'll also wake me up the morning you leave to say goodbye." She would extend that goodbye for as long as she could. "Please. If you're taking my best friend, I want to know when you leave." She kissed him repeatedly.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"Valencia, I presume. I would like you to know that I'm not scared of you." Vanessa turned around and started walking away. Some people had their problems and Valencia was definitely one of them. "My friend is from Tartarus too. You'd probably get along with her. Her name is Carly, daughter of Erebus?"

Donovan hopped back onto Tracker, "A fight? Cool, I hope it's a good one!" Tracker lazily loped beside Chiron Donovan being eye level with Chiron as he sat on his back. He looked toward the two girl curiously, "That doesn't look like a good fight to me...ooh ooh, when's the next tournament or training session thingy?" Donovan had a reputation for turning simple sparring sessions into tournaments taking on camper after camper the ares kids both respected and envied his skill and strength.


"Aww c'mon I was only kidding, not the clearest joke , but I thought you figured it out. Ughh I'm always the most awkward after I hangout with mom, I wonder why that is?" Valencia looked over to see Chiron and a boy on a dire wolf approaching. "Uh hi.....am I in trouble? Whatever it is I didn't do it." Valencia crossed her arms fully expecting him to berate her for going to and from Tartarus directly in camp.


Soleil looked at Anthony. As he dragged her behind him, "What the heck, if you had this much strength how did you fall on me anyways....did you do that on purpose?!" Soleil was abruptly yanked down when Anthony sat with her hand firmly held in his. Up until now Soleil hadn't really noticed the contact but soon began blushing a little her tanned skin concealing the worst of it. "Uhm...you, gonna let me go?"


Antonius turned to the girl after getting a sharp kick to the rear which was amazing considering he was seated, "Wrong brother, wait a second." Antonius looked around sensing the shift in the atmosphere as a storm slowly built around them mostly in the water. "This shouldn't be happening, quick Allie, we gotta move O think Jason's in trouble you can come to." He said turning his face up to Natalya.


Sebastian had been sitting placidly in the forest camouflaging himself in the shadows of a great tree when he noticed a someone else's breath, it was a minis use thing but it was a sign of life, thus attracting the attention of the son of death. His golden eyes flicked open and though he was directly across from the girl his the shadows still obscured his presence and form, he looked her over and was surprised to see Lia, the girl he had taken to Chiron. "Finished settling in already then?" He spoke letting the shadows that curled around him slither back into their normal place.

(Soul your up luv)
Vanessa heard hooves behind her and knew exactly who it could possibly be. "Oh, so that was a joke now? How the hell do you expect me to take that as a joke if you almost sliced my legs open? Do you know what injured legs could do to anyone let alone me?" She hated this girl now. "You really scared me. Why don't you act your age and quit trying to scare the hell out of people?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Robin hugged Carly and smiled. "I promise I'll wake you up and bring Vanessa with me." He said before carrying her into the camp forest. He started kissing her.

"You need to stop picking fights. Be good." He said to Valencia still walking towards Vanessa. He put a hand on her shoulder and frowned. "You should also be careful a short temper is a dangerous thing."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Jonathan sat in front of the camp forge frowning at the fact that he didn't have the slightest idea where Kat was and didn't even know if she was ok. He figured she probably just didn't like him and was avoiding him. "Figures." He muttered and looked down.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Donovan
Donovan hopped back onto Tracker, "A fight? Cool, I hope it's a good one!" Tracker lazily loped beside Chiron Donovan being eye level with Chiron as he sat on his back. He looked toward the two girl curiously, "That doesn't look like a good fight to me...ooh ooh, when's the next tournament or training session thingy?" Donovan had a reputation for turning simple sparring sessions into tournaments taking on camper after camper the ares kids both respected and envied his skill and strength.


"Aww c'mon I was only kidding, not the clearest joke , but I thought you figured it out. Ughh I'm always the most awkward after I hangout with mom, I wonder why that is?" Valencia looked over to see Chiron and a boy on a dire wolf approaching. "Uh hi.....am I in trouble? Whatever it is I didn't do it." Valencia crossed her arms fully expecting him to berate her for going to and from Tartarus directly in camp.


Soleil looked at Anthony. As he dragged her behind him, "What the heck, if you had this much strength how did you fall on me anyways....did you do that on purpose?!" Soleil was abruptly yanked down when Anthony sat with her hand firmly held in his. Up until now Soleil hadn't really noticed the contact but soon began blushing a little her tanned skin concealing the worst of it. "Uhm...you, gonna let me go?"


Antonius turned to the girl after getting a sharp kick to the rear which was amazing considering he was seated, "Wrong brother, wait a second." Antonius looked around sensing the shift in the atmosphere as a storm slowly built around them mostly in the water. "This shouldn't be happening, quick Allie, we gotta move O think Jason's in trouble you can come to." He said turning his face up to Natalya.


Sebastian had been sitting placidly in the forest camouflaging himself in the shadows of a great tree when he noticed a someone else's breath, it was a minis use thing but it was a sign of life, thus attracting the attention of the son of death. His golden eyes flicked open and though he was directly across from the girl his the shadows still obscured his presence and form, he looked her over and was surprised to see Lia, the girl he had taken to Chiron. "Finished settling in already then?" He spoke letting the shadows that curled around him slither back into their normal place.

(Soul your up luv)

Lia glances up as she lets the vines from her tattoo slither back into their place on her skin, covering her skull. "You could say that.. But then again being a child of time makes you a bit of an outcast... Since there aren't many..."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)


Jezabell sighs as she shakes her head and follows Lilac who is leading her towards fhe big house, the shorter of the two girls looked like she was on a mission with how fast she was going.

Elian turned around at the sound of McKenzie's voice and grinned cheekily. "Indeed it is, but who says you can't chat while training or finding a weapon?" In the middle of he and Erik's conversation Elian's mind had began drifting to random topics such as candy, bowling, and pegasi. "I'm Elian, who are you?



Opal was stirred from her nap when she heard the soft crunching of footsteps. She had been hanging out in the forest since she had arrived at Camp Half-Blood, reluctant to be around the other campers just yet. Opal turned carefully in the tree, perching herself carefully on the branches, and peeked down to see who was there. "Hello?"

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Carly blushed, unsure of what her new boyfriend had planned. "What are we doing here, Robin?" She couldn't see anyone else around. Robin could do anything to her. "It's a little creepy back here."


Vanessa's jaw dropped as he placed a hand on her shoulder and scolded her. "Father, do you honestly think I would voluntarily get into a fight with one of the campers? She almost cut my legs!" Then, Vanessa understood what Chiron said about her temper. "No one can fight if they can't walk. Especially not you or me."
TechEwok said:
The earth was a pleasant escape for one so infused with it. Vahlen spread through the earth hundreds of feet below the surface and he searched for his way home. He sought for minerals and silicates along the way that would be added to his collection. Vahlen's physical form was obsidian grains that sifted through the sedimentary layers of the earth for more silicates on route to camp. He wondered if any of his old friends were there or still alive. He hadn't heard from anyone since he left to search for adamantine. The only references to adamantine was that of old and the connection with Gaia, the primordial deity and mother of all before the gods. Vahlen had found small amounts of adamantine, not nearly enough to change his form to it yet, but enough to make his weapons and armor from it.
Vahlen was returning to camp in order to learn more about where he could search for more adamantine, possibly destroy Kronos' sickle or Perseus' sword. He could always try to erode parts of the gates of Tartarus but not even he was so bold to defile the gates that held back the monsters wanting to kill him. Vahlen found himself feeling closer to the soils around camp and began to rise up from his depths. He wondered if his reception would be well received, or if he'd even meet his old quest-mates when he got there. He would like to see Robin and Erik again. He was their elder by a few years but they still had a few pleasant memories and plenty of scraps, especially with Robin. 'That big muscle headed fool.' he thought as he soared up.

Vahlen felt the surface coming and he poured from the surface in millions of grains of obsidian and swirled up and a figure emerged from the ground. His form grew solid as the black shining material solidified and Vahlen let out a deep sigh. He opened his eyes and looked around at the pitch black darkness he was now in. He saw little specks that reminded him of stars and he looked closely and saw them moving just slightly. He stepped back and bumped into something that startled him. He turned, stepping back, and black shards rose from his skin forming into one of his obsidian axes. He looked down at what he bumped into and saw a girl, "What in the blazes are you thinkin', girl!? Lockin' me in this trap? Identify yourself, 'fore I make this end?" He shouted, axe raised to strike.

Isobel jumped a bit in surprise when something ran into her back that she lost concentration for a moment on the camoflauge around her bubble that anyone outside of it could see in. "...trap? It's not a trap... More like... My own personal night sky..." She said while sighing and dropping the bubble completely since her focus had been lost so the camouflage shield wouldn't be good enough. "And why pray tell are you popping out of the ground like a gopher?" She said while putting a hand on her hip, her eyes shining brightly.
Opal watched the two interact momentarily before butting in. "How do a personal sky work exactly?" She asked Isobel as she shimmied down the tree until she was perched above the two. "Is it some type of power of yours, or is it like those cloaking devices or projectors Hephaestus kids are always making?"

(@StarrySkyofLostSouls @TechEwok )
"We're enjoying the peace and quiet. It's not creepy if you merely change your perspective." Robin said kissing her on the neck before looking at all the trees and the nymphs running around being chased by satyrs. He wrapped his arms around Carly and sighed. "My siblings at the Ares cabin are to focused on the fighting to stop and remember what they're fighting for. I however would prefer to preserve the wonderful life filled forests and oceans on this earth."

"She's a bit of a difficult one being a child of nyx. I expect better of you though because you aren't just a camper. You're a responsible centaur and not some party point." Chiron said with a smile at Vanessa before sighing.

@Yuuki Kuran

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