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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Vanessa nodded yet again. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." She brushed her fingers through her hair. "Ya know, kissing her nose was probably the dead giveaway." She lightly punched him on the shoulder.
Robin blushed and gave her a playful Charlie horse. "Yeah well I wasn't thinking straight. It's always hard when she's around." He said frowning but clearly fond of Carly either way.
Vanessa laughed at this. "Oh, we're so stupid. Anyway, I'm gonna let you figure out what you're going to tell your girlfriend while I find someone to fight with." She could already see the darkness surrounding the infirmary. "Gods of Olympus..." she cursed.
Robin laughed nervously before heading towards the beach planning to do exactly that since the fireworks would be the next night right before they left.
"Carly! Wake up!" She charged inside and started shaking the girl. "Wake up! You'll blow this place to bits!" Carly woke up, moaning in anger. The shadows disappeared. "Why'd ya wake me?" "You were having a nightmare." Vanessa told her.
Soleil looked at the Apollo boy and nodded, "O-okay, sorry." She put her hands on Anthony's shoulders and pressed down with surprising force, "Please stay still."

Sebastian nodded and followed Chiron out gathering shadows to him as they hurried through the dark, it's calmed down a lot but I can still feel one more person coming towards camp.


Valencia woke feeling night set in her hair verified her sense of time, "Right time to go." He felt her ribcage which had been reset as she slept, she felt her mother's call and would answer. She slipped out of the infirmary and big house silently then stepped into the deepest darkest shadow. She stepped out in her mother's palace deep within Tartarus. "Why you don't just move this place is beyond me mom. Nyx gathered before her in a pitch black swirl of darkness her eyes shining like silver stars as the rest of her formed darkness weaving itself into her dress. "Because I like it here." Valencia looked at at her mother wondering if she could ever look half as beautiful, "What about Alaska their nights span half the year." Nyx sighed "You know why, now it's time you got yourself together keep your bow and swords but here's your gem, be careful about using them together it's better you use it alone but I won't begrudge you your preferences. Now go you'll be needed soon, but first let's do a little something with your hair." At that point both women smiled and stepped deeper into the gloom.

Donovan bolted through the woods enjoying running alongside the deer he purposely spooked Tracker didn't seem to be there but Donovan knew better he bounded over fallen logs and sprung up into the trees in a small whirlwind he proceeded to leap between branches excitement in all his movements, he had finally completed his trials and could return to the huntresses and with a little help from Tracker and hopefully some luck he would catch them while they were at camp. He sprung off of one last branch and soared over Half-blood Hill popping through the barrier with tracker following directly below him. He glided down onto Trackers back and saw two people approaching. "Uh oh am I in trouble already?"
Anthony was just starting to wake up when there was a sickening crack as his back started healing a bit thanks to the Apollo boy's powers. He saw Soleil and again figured he must be dead to be in so much pain but it dimmed down soon and he felt himself relaxing. "Oh gods that hurt. Where am i?" He asked but the Apollo kid just bonked him on the head lightly. The kid then turned to Soleil since he'd meet Anthony before. "Listen I know you might not know Anthony here and chances are you don't really care much about him. I need you to keep and eye on him though since he's stubborn and bound to try to run off again. Do you think you can manage that?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"PERV!" Tania yelled from below decks before a pirate flew up onto the deck with a bright red handprint on its face. She stormed onto the deck in a towel with black clouds covering most of her. "Stupid dolphin men trying to break in. My room was cold enough without the broken porthole!" She yelled frying two of the creatures and mailing a third with a spear that a different one had dropped.

The twin smiled at Allie before going back into the fray ripping and shedding their opponents in a horrific manner.

Golden boy was smarter than he looked and laughed when kit landed on the ship's railing. A blast of sea water hit kit in the side and golden boy advanced but was tackled under a large body of fire that started biting, clawing, and growling at the poor demigod. "Get it off!" He shrieked trying to hit it since his blade had slid away from his reach.

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"Listen, I know Robin told you to stay in the infirmary, but you're going to blow it up." Vanessa held the door open now. "You need to go to your own cabin that can withstand these nightmares."

Carly nodded, completely agreeing. "Believe me, I know. Robin didn't think about that." She stood up and left the infirmary. "I don't even need it. I don't need rest. What I need is some air." She left Vanessa behind, thinking about doing some combat training...with Robin. "Hey, Robin! Care to try and take me down?"

Soleil beamed, "Yeah! I mean, yeah I can handle that he needs someone to look after him and I have two little brothers. I can totally handle it O got a few tricks myself" Soleil wiggled her fingers and made a funny face.
Robin tensed up and then relaxed. "I thought you were gonna get some rest? If you want to but I want to practice on the beach then." He said knowing that he mainly just wanted to hear the relaxing waves.

"I'm not two." Anthony said scowling at Soleil's fingers. He then stood up wobbling and summoned a crook to brave himself on. He took Soleil's hand and stayed walking towards the exit to the medical tent. "Hello Vanessa." He noted on the way by.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
"Well that's good... A relief." She said, sitting down on the end of the bed. "What the hell happened? Everything just went to shit pretty quickly." She said, looking at Jason with mild concern. She rarely let how she felt show, but right now she wasn't really trying to hide her concern. "I mean, I only just shows up during the end of the fighting. I found you passed out on the deck. What the hell happened to you?"

Alec jumped when Max collapsed on him, and looked worried beyond belief. You could tell because his neck tensed up, veins popping. "Yes sir Max!" He said with a strangled voice, then hauled Max on his shoulders, and began to parade off down the road. "come on Violet! Maxy poo needs a nap!" He shouted over his shoulder at Violet, marching off down the street.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @BishopOfKings @Silent Justice
"What'd you just call him?" Violet called after Alec, laughing a bit. Maxy poo? Really? She thought to herself. She looked to her new robotic chameleon, and said "He could get real annoying real fast..." Then she realized that she was talking to a robotic chameleon. "I think I'm going crazy... Talking to a weird robot chameleon..." She said, still speaking to the robot chameleon. It seemed to take on an... Amused expression? How could a robot even do that? She shrugged it off and followed after Alec.

"Th-The beach?" Carly stuttered. One thing she was terrified of was large bodies of water. "U-Uh...no thanks, then." She bit her lip. "You're right. I should get rest." She took off toward her cabin.

Vanessa looked at Anthony. "Hey, kiddo." She laughed to herself. "You feeling alright?"
"Whoa no you don't." Robin said frowning and hugging her. He hadn't intended what happened next but wasn't too disappointed with himself. "What's wrong? I've never seen you act like this before. If you want we can practice somewhere else. I just wanted to think afterwards so this sorta thing didn't happen." He hadn't let go but had instead gotten in front of her with a worried Look on his face. "I care about you ok and I don't mean just a little or like family I mean I really like you ok so if it bugs you tell me. I'll get over it or get used to it but I don't want you running away." Robin said breathing heavily.

Anthony sighed. "Yep Vanessa I just break my back on purpose every so often so a beautiful girl gets punished with watching me for a week or so." Anthony was being joking and sarcastic.
Carly froze as Robin put her on the spot. "Robin, can you keep a secret?" She had always been scared of large bodies of water for as long as she could remember. "I can't swim. I was a little girl when my mom took me on a Christmas trip to Lake Erie. Let me tell you, after I fell in, I understand how it got its name." She looked left and right, terrified of someone learning her secret.

Vanessa knew he was being sarcastic, but that didn't stop her from giggling and acting giddy. "You just made my day. If you think I'm beautiful, that's awesome. I never really thought about things like that, so thank you." Realizing that she was being mushy, she punched him on the shoulder. "I wouldn't suggest moving around." She called out for help in bringing him inside.

"I see" he said as he looked across the lake "It's Bridget right?" Owen put his hands in his pockets and looked over his shoulder. He could feel the tiny ice sprite messing with his hair. Then he noticed some other people. "We might want to move. I think we might have some new people down here." He said as he turned and looked at the two people, one of which he'd just seen leaving the infirmary.

@Soul OMU

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



"Maxy poo… really…" Max though as he was carted away towards the hotel Boreas had pointed them towards. It didn't take them long, and by the time they arrived at the hotel Max was walking on his own. The group walked into the hotel and made the way to the reception desk. "Hi… umm… we'd like a room." "Would you like a guide?" Max looked at the receptionist confused. "Huh?" "You're blind right? Would you like a guide or will your friends take care of that?" Max then realized what was wrong. "Oh! Im sorry. Im not blind. I was born with white eyes… Don't worry its a common mistake." The receptionist looked surprised "Oh! Im sorry. I didn't know… Anyways you probably need a room. Who will be paying for the room or rooms?" Max turned to Alec. "Your father is rich right? You can pay for this right?"

@Silent Justice

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"... What? Oh, oh yeah, sure... Just uhhhhh," he began to fumble for his wallet, then pulled out a few wads of cash. "How much for the room?" He asked the person at the counter. They grew wide eyes at all the money, and stammered the amount to pay. Once he turned over the bills, he stuffed the cash back in his wallet and took the room key, passing it to Max. "Alright. Lead the way, Max."

@BishopOfKings @Silent Justice
Robin frowned at the story and got a few responses lined up but felt stupid at what came out. "I love you. The way you laugh and you're always being pretty and nice. I-I can teach you how to swim. I'd never let anything happen to you." He held her a bit closer before he even thought about it.

"I'm Vanessa you're cute and all but I was talking about miss smiles and sunshine over here." Anthony said pointing to Soleil and bonking a kid on the head that tried to ask him.

Jenna smiled and stood up turning into her normal human self. "Yep." Jenna said tackling and hugging kit before going and sitting next to Allie the way a dog would.

Natalya was downstairs helping Tania stomp a dolphin-man that had tried to interrupt her shower.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


Vanessa shrugged. "Yeah? Figures." She felt stupid. "I don't even like guys anyway." She didn't like girls either, this place just got her out of trouble with her mom back in Texas. "I'd go ahead and get inside, though. Someone will want to look at your back." There was no way she would waste time helping him now.

Carly found the courage to look up into the male's beautiful eyes. "You promise you won't let go?" She couldn't believe that came out of her mouth. What teenager didn't know how to swim? "Swear it."
"I promise. Jonathan can't swim he just builds things to compensate. Let's get ready to swim and I'll keep a hold on you no matter what." Robin said making a very strong effort not to kiss her and screw everything up. However having her so close was very distracting.

"You know Thomas had a crush on you for a long time Vanessa but you kept leaving camp so he never really had a chance to build up the courage to ask you out." Anthony said ignoring the comment about his back.
Carly gave Robin a quizzical look, scared to death. "Sure." She gave in at last. "Just let me run up to my cabin and find something. I'm not even sure I packed a bathing suit. I wasn't expecting to go into the water this summer." She took her time getting to her cabin.

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Forget it. I'm not mad, number one. Number two, I doubt he did. I have...a...I'm not a demigod." She smirked at him. "Get inside, Tony."
"Ok." Robin said following to wait outside he took off his vest and his tank top leaving him in shorts. "I'll be waiting right here."

Anthony frowned. "I'm not going in there is already been fixed. Thomas did like you. But he isn't here anymore."
Carly was even slower getting her suit on, praying to the Gods to keep her safe the whole time. "Oh, I don't want to go in that water. Oh, Gods, please." She was starting to sweat as she reunited with Robin. "Let's go."

Vanessa laughed. "Okay, do whatever you want. That's fine." She kissed his cheek. "Ciao. I'm gonna go walk around."
"Um I uh um. Wow." Robin said blushing at Carly with a smile. He took get hand gently and started walking towards the lake. "You're gonna be fine. We're gonna start in a small shallow patch today so you learn a lot easier than I did." He said pointing to a shallow pool in the show attached to the lake but the bottom was easily visible. "First we'll just adjust to the water in the shallow bits them we can get started. It'll be fun but is scary at first." Robin said with a nervous grin since he found Carly too attractive to look at while talking.

Anthony nodded and started going towards the long island sound.
"Okay, fine, but if something touches me, I'm out." Carly told him with finality. "I hate things that touch me and I can't do anything about it." They were now really close to the water and Erebus' daughter was as pale as a ghost.

Vanessa walked away, bow in hand.

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