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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

As the Cyclops flailed around, Carly came up and ducked and dodged, avoiding the beast's reach. "We're toast!" She jammed her knife through the giant's leg and pulled it out again. "Robin, I'm beginning to question your sanity!" Vanessa fired another arrow, aiming for the big guy's stomach. "Quit fooling around!" "I'm thinking even Polyphemus is better looking than this guy, but after this, I swear to all the gods that I'm gonna have a long chat with Poseidon about what he does in his free time!" It was well known that the majority of Cyclops were a result of a nymph getting manipulated by the God of the seas. "Let me know how that goes!" Vanessa called, wrapping a rope around the monster's legs.
Robin smiled and kicked a telkhine away before jumping on the cyclops' head hitting it repeatedly with his metal gauntlets. "Don't doubt my sanity. I only know that fear is the best weapon a warrior can possess." He stated watching the cyclops burst into bronze dust.
Kat looks amused. "Whatever you say Snowflake, anyways we better go talk to Chiron then." She said while stretching and putting her shades back on.
Jonathan smiled and laughed. "I already talked to him neon but I need another per.... who the hell is that?" Jonathan asked pointing at Vanessa.
Vanessa and Carly were elated. They started jumping around like little girls. "WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" They high fives each other. "Best fight ever! You were amazing! How did you know to aim for the eye?" Carly praised. "A blind monster isn't any good." Vanessa giggled.
Jonathan shrugged and started walking that way. "I think I found my next two people to bring with us." Jonathan walked up and immediately recognized Robin who he clapped on the back. "Still breaking everything you can huh Robin?" Robin grinned and watched Carly dancing around with Vanessa and smiled. "Yep Hulk smash you know how it is Jona."
Carly stopped dancing. "Woah...I'm dizzy." She leans against Vanessa for support. Vanessa giggled and helped her up onto her (Vanessa's) back and carried her into camp. "I think you overdid it." She turned around. "Guys, get in here before something else comes."
Robin immediately entered camp when Vanessa called and Jonathan smiled. "I'd love it if you and Robin would join me and....." He looked around for Kat and smirked. He then laughed a little feeling slightly abandoned but ignored it. "Damn she's good. Real good." He said before laughing more.
Carly glared at them. One thing she hated was being completely and totally ignored. Vanessa smiled at them. "Well, I'd like to, but I don't go anywhere without Carly." She protested a little. "And, wouldn't you need authorization to leave camp anyway?" Carly crossed her arms over her chest.
"Ditched by a girl already Elsa?" Robin asked teasingly which earned him a punch in the shoulder. Jonathan laughed before turning to follow the others wanting a answer before he left. "I'll gladly join you in battle but I can't speak for Vanessa." Jonathan nodded then shrugged at them. He really wanted Robin and Vanessa along since they seemed to work together well. "I already have permission plus I'm Roman I don't need Chiron's permission to leave." Jonathan said causing Robin to nod before Robin picked up Carly and started walking towards the medical tent. "You ok?"

"Really." He sat as he stared at the moon. "I prefer twilight... I mean the time of day... Not the crappy novel." He said with a slight laugh. "What are you doing down here?"

@Soul OMU



"Thanks again Boreas." Max said as he turned towards the now opened doors. "We will be going now." As he said that he looped his arms Violet and Alec and lifted them off the ground. He flew the group out of the chamber and set them down on the ground before he collapsed on Alec. "Ok... Rest now... Fly you two heavies later." He said as he suddenly felt winded, he was so not used to carrying two other people with him. "Hotel down the road. Let's go!"

@Silent Justice



"I'm good" she said as she turned and saw Antonius under Jenna. "You should try to avoid doing that girls..." She said rolling her eyes. "Although there are still some Dolphins that you could be fighting." She pulled Antonius up and her heart hopped. "Dammit you really do look like your Brother." He said under her breath. "We should probably get back to the fight." She said nonchalantly "So let's go."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Kit watched as the world around him slowed. He saw the dagger, but Kit had nothing to block with. He would take a hit... Then his eyes lit up. He stepped backwards and flipped onto the edge of the ship pirate style. He raised his sword in a fencing stance along the rail and backed up, hoping Golden boy followed him onto the rail. "En Garde." Kit said as he readied for a strike.




Riley passed through the barrier to the Camp and took note of everyone who's crossed before him. "Take her to the infirmary." He sId as he turned his sword back into his comb. "Now."

@Soul OMU



"I swear I'm gonna break that kid." Auron grumbled as he pulled himself through a briar bush. "First he leaves me at the subway, then I get attacked." He started pulling stray briars off his jacket. "Jon better not have dragged me across this place to forget me." He hated New York and he hated the subway, especially after being attack while tricking the ticket collector. He climbed to the top of the hill, and he was in pain. "F*ck. I almost forgot." He said as he pulled a pill bottle out of his pocket and unscrewed the cap. He raised the contents to his mouth a swallowed down the pills. "Ack.... Copper... Always Copper." He said as he tried to get the taste out of his mouth. He started down the hill into the Camp. "Alright Jon... I made it. Now where are you..." He said as fiddled with one of his metal bags. "JON!!!!" Auron started through camp looking for the boy. "JON! WHERE YOU AT!"



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BishopOfKings said:
"Really." He sat as he stared at the moon. "I prefer twilight... I mean the time of day... Not the crappy novel." He said with a slight laugh. "What are you doing down here?"

@Soul OMU



"Thanks again Boreas." Max said as he turned towards the now opened doors. "We will be going now." As he said that he looped his arms Violet and Alec and lifted them off the ground. He flew the group out of the chamber and set them down on the ground before he collapsed on Alec. "Ok... Rest now... Fly you two heavies later." He said as he suddenly felt winded, he was so not used to carrying two other people with him. "Hotel down the road. Let's go!"

@Silent Justice



"I'm good" she said as she turned and saw Antonius under Jenna. "You should try to avoid doing that girls..." She said rolling her eyes. "Although there are still some Dolphins that you could be fighting." She pulled Antonius up and her heart hopped. "Dammit you really do look like your Brother." He said under her breath. "We should probably get back to the fight." She said nonchalantly "So let's go."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Kit watched as the world around him slowed. He saw the dagger, but Kit had nothing to block with. He would take a hit... Then his eyes lit up. He stepped backwards and flipped onto the edge of the ship pirate style. He raised his sword in a fencing stance along the rail and backed up, hoping Golden boy followed him onto the rail. "En Garde." Kit said as he readied for a strike.




Riley passed through the barrier to the Camp and took note of everyone who's crossed before him. "Take her to the infirmary." He sId as he turned his sword back into his comb. "Now."

@Soul OMU



"I swear I'm gonna break that kid." Auron grumbled as he pulled himself through a briar bush. "First he leaves me at the subway, then I get attacked." He started pulling stray briars off his jacket. "Jon better not have dragged me across this place to forget me." He hated New York and he hated the subway, especially after being attack while tricking the ticket collector. He climbed to the top of the hill, and he was in pain. "F*ck. I almost forgot." He said as he pulled a pill bottle out of his pocket and unscrewed the cap. He raised the contents to his mouth a swallowed down the pills. "Ack.... Copper... Always Copper." He said as he tried to get the taste out of his mouth. He started down the hill into the Camp. "Alright Jon... I made it. Now where are you..." He said as fiddled with one of his metal bags. "JON!!!!" Auron started through camp looking for the boy. "JON! WHERE YOU AT!"



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Bridget thinking. "Well... I like the view... Especially when the light reflects off the water... It's one of the prettiest sights..."

(@BishopOfKings )


Evelyn nods as she starts carrying Isobel towards the big house with McKenzie.
Carly smiled at Robin as he picked her up. "Gee, thanks, but what am I going to do without Vanessa while she's gone with you? How long are you guys gonna be gone?" She hated being alone. That's all she felt when Erebus gave her her knife.

Vanessa smiled at that explanation. "What are we talking about? Romans? Nice guys, they're crazy but they're nice." She sighed. "I can handle it, Carls. We'll be back in what..two weeks, Robin?"
"Less than that." Robin said before going around the side of the building where he kissed Carly on the nose. "You'll be strong like you always are. I'll call you using an iris message every day ok?" Robin asked as Jonathan smiled at Vanessa and shrugged before going to look for Kat. Robin gently laid Carly on a medical bed in the tent. "Feel better." He said smiling.
Carly's face lit up with blood as she blushed. "Thanks." She sat on the bed in the infirmary, wondering what in Hades she was doing here. There was no way that her being dizzy was bad. It would probably go away soon, so why w as she here? That Cyclops barely nailed her. "Robin, wait!"

Vanessa sighed, biting her lip afterward. She had indeed just returned from a two month hiatus and now she was leaving again? "Wow, Romeo." she teased Robin. "I'm glad you think I'm a good fighter." She was already packed, so Vanessa was ready to go at any point. "When do we leave?"
"Two days." Robin said before putting his finger over his mouth at Vanessa. He turned his full attention to Carly and smiled. "Yes?"
Carly felt the butterflies again. "Uh...be careful out there." She couldn't really focus her vision. "And, did you see something I didn't? Like, did I get hit by the Cyclops or something?"
Robin laughed nervously. "No but I think they'll make you rest. You deserve it. You work too hard." Robin said before turning to leave carefully. "It'll only take us a week Vanessa. Tops."
Carly huffed. "Coulda done that in my own cabin, but thanks." She laid back, hand on her knife and pointing it at the sky. "I call upon the darkness to blacken the sky and help me sleep." She shut her eyes and fell into a deep slumber. Vanessa nodded. "Good. Any longer and Carly would probably lose her mind. Besides, I like being here to help the camp. What are we going after anyway?" Yet another question spurted from her mouth.
Robin frowned knowing what it would most likely be. "Namean lion. The near indestructible creature herc fought." He smiled at Vanessa then decided to admit something that was probably obvious. "I really do like her you know. Carly, she's nice and really cute once you get to know her."
"Yeah? Nemean lion?! That's awesome! Totally cool! We'll do it better than Hercules himself!" Vanessa jumped up and hugged Robin. "We'll take care of him quickly." When Robin talked about Carly, the centauride grinned like a Chesire cat. "You know she could drain you of all your energy in a second, right? Her dad isn't the nicest of guys. I wouldn't hurt her if I were you." Then, her expression turned serious. "When are you gonna tell her?"
Robin frowned at the last question and sighed. "I'm gonna do it tomorrow night at the firework show. I'm just a little nervous is all i don't normally have these thoughts and stuff."

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