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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Kat bites her lip while looking at the floor. "..." She got and made her way out after him. "Wait... I suppose it would be a good to practice outside the camp..."
Jason and Antonius were quick to react as they processed what was happening Antonius had to hold Jason back by his cape to keep him from slamming the pommel into the helmet of golden boy repeatedly. Jason reared back at the mention of explosives and when Anthony threw them at the enemy he and his brother put up their shields Jason hesitating before he saw Anthony grab Tania he ducked behind his shield with a pained grunt blocking a larger piece of wood that would have surely taken him out. He knelt looking down at his abdomen and grunted upon seeing the nearly two foot long splinter of wood sticking out of him he suddenly felt much weaker. "An-antoni-Antonius." Jason out his hand on his brothers shoulder fixing it in a vice grip that channeled his fear and pain, Antonius took in a sharp breath and muttered a curse in Latin. Antonius unlike his brother had taken no damage besides a little battering and toasting from the heat of the explosion. When he looked back up and surveyed the area he saw Anthony and Tania near the mass in a heap a mysterious girl with black hair and a different girl with black hair that seemed terrified. He didn't see any sign of the other boy that had been up on deck with them and seeing little other option rose up swapping shields with Jason he concentrated on the water to the left side of the ship and brought a wave over the Argo 3 concentrating more on Jason hoping they both had the ability to heal in water. Antonius turned around as he heard agitated squeaks and looked just in time to deflect a spear that was thrown at him, a few of the enemy's crew members had hopped over to their ship and were advancing towards him steadily. Antonius raised another wave and they charged, he took a few out with the wave but was immediately attacked by the remainders. He jabbed three times with his sword taking the closest pirate down quickly and had just enought time to step back and raise his shield to block a blow they exchanged more blows like this Antinuis sustaining a few cuts but ultimately standing above the other three now dead pirates.
Anthony teleports away from the ship hoping to get medical attention but instead landed in between some girl and some guy with a staff. "Ouch ouch ouch."

"Nah if you want to stay I'll just make sure I'm back before the fireworks show." Jonathan said giving her a weak smile.

The hooded man smiled and stepped onto the ship's railing. He then pointed at Allie and smiled. "Keep coming Allie but at the end of your chase all that remains is you being buried alive just like helena's boyfriend was eaten. T will watch the terror and feat on your face as his victory draws near." Daniel said before falling off the side of the ship and disappearing. Golden boy advanced at Kit with a almost invisible speed and tried to thrust.
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Holo said:
Anthony teleports away from the ship hoping to get medical attention but instead landed in between some girl and some guy with a staff. "Ouch ouch ouch."
"Nah if you want to stay I'll just make sure I'm back before the fireworks show." Jonathan said giving her a weak smile.

The hooded man smiled and stepped onto the ship's railing. He then pointed at Allie and smiled. "Keep coming Allie but at the end of your chase all that remains is you being buried alive just like helena's boyfriend was eaten. T will watch the terror and feat on your face as his victory draws near." Daniel said before falling off the side of the ship and disappearing. Golden boy advanced at Kit with a almost invisible speed and tried to thrust.
Kat huffs and walks over. "I'm coming now whether you like it not Snowflake." she said while tugging on a strand of his hair.

Kit watched as Golden boy vanished from where he was standing and appear in front of him. Kit saw the thrust and kicked backwards with a smile of his face. Kit tossed his sword to his left hand and parried the strike at an equally fast speed. Kits foot hit the side of the boat and he pushed himself towards his opponent. He twisted bringing his foot up and kicked himself away using golden boys shoulder. Kit landed and tossed his sword back into his right hand. "This the best you can do?" He said as he focused himself on his new enemy. His aura shifted going from a light green to a darker green. "Cause i can do better." He shot forward at the same speed as his opponent. "Vigor" He thought as his aura changed into a mixture of green and red. Kit spun and swung his blade horizontally at Golden Boy. "Prove your worth to the Hero of the Gods!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



"Got it" Riley said as he turned back and ran after the other girls. He kept his eyes on the woods as they ran he was gonna make sure they got to camp in one piece.

@Soul OMU




"You want me to do what?" Owen asked shakily as his uncle brought him into a room with a man trembling on the floor. "Torture the information out of him." His uncle said as he pushed the 10 year old boy towards the man. "Use the weapon i gave you and get the information we need." Owen gulped as he saw how terrified the man was. "C-cant we just ask him?… h-he looks like he would just tell us-" Owen was backhanded and fell to the floor. "You gotta learn these things. Maggot." the word stung into Owen as he stood up. "no." "what was that?" "NO!" Owen shouted before his father smacked Owen again. "Fine… but you have to watch." His uncle walked over to the man. "Or listen… whichever you feel." Then his Uncle began torturing the man… and all Owen could do was watch.

Owen sat up as he came out of his dream. He was breathing heavily as he focused back in on reality. "I hate those dreams" He said to himself as his mind stopped racing. He looked at Elizabeth. "Well… you should be good here for a little while…" He got up and flagged down one of his brothers. He told the boy to let him know when Elizabeth woke up and left. deciding he needed time to think and headed off towards the lake.

@Soul OMU
BishopOfKings said:
Kit watched as Golden boy vanished from where he was standing and appear in front of him. Kit saw the thrust and kicked backwards with a smile of his face. Kit tossed his sword to his left hand and parried the strike at an equally fast speed. Kits foot hit the side of the boat and he pushed himself towards his opponent. He twisted bringing his foot up and kicked himself away using golden boys shoulder. Kit landed and tossed his sword back into his right hand. "This the best you can do?" He said as he focused himself on his new enemy. His aura shifted going from a light green to a darker green. "Cause i can do better." He shot forward at the same speed as his opponent. "Vigor" He thought as his aura changed into a mixture of green and red. Kit spun and swung his blade horizontally at Golden Boy. "Prove your worth to the Hero of the Gods!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



"Got it" Riley said as he turned back and ran after the other girls. He kept his eyes on the woods as they ran he was gonna make sure they got to camp in one piece.

@Soul OMU




"You want me to do what?" Owen asked shakily as his uncle brought him into a room with a man trembling on the floor. "Torture the information out of him." His uncle said as he pushed the 10 year old boy towards the man. "Use the weapon i gave you and get the information we need." Owen gulped as he saw how terrified the man was. "C-cant we just ask him?… h-he looks like he would just tell us-" Owen was backhanded and fell to the floor. "You gotta learn these things. Maggot." the word stung into Owen as he stood up. "no." "what was that?" "NO!" Owen shouted before his father smacked Owen again. "Fine… but you have to watch." His uncle walked over to the man. "Or listen… whichever you feel." Then his Uncle began torturing the man… and all Owen could do was watch.

Owen sat up as he came out of his dream. He was breathing heavily as he focused back in on reality. "I hate those dreams" He said to himself as his mind stopped racing. He looked at Elizabeth. "Well… you should be good here for a little while…" He got up and flagged down one of his brothers. He told the boy to let him know when Elizabeth woke up and left. deciding he needed time to think and headed off towards the lake.

@Soul OMU
Evelyn walking swiftly with McKenzie who is helping her carrying Isobel throw the barrier. McKenzie quickly tosses her dice at an incoming Cyclops and smacks him in the eye with her dice, the dice explode and blind it.



Elizabeth sleeping quietly before shifting lightly as she rolls onto her side. Not aware of her surroundings but unconsciously makes an Ice Soldier to stand guard over her and sends an ice sprite after Owen to watch over him.

Golden boy saw the hit coming and flipped over kit and drove the handle for his blade into kit's temple. He then charged Tania who had stood up shakily and was moaning a little. She clapped her hands on either side of the blade and shocked golden boy sending him flying into the water. "I'm told it hurts like a b*tch but you'll learn to live it eventually." Tania said grinning as a puddle under her feet started crackling with lightning. A pirate stepped on it and flew back turning to dust as more jumped from over the railing.

Two hourglass figures landed on the mast back to back. "Smells like fresh fish sis." the smaller of the two stated before looking at a half dolphin. " stay focused sis we are here for the Eidolons. The survival of the hosts is not a mission requirement." the older one said jumping up with the younger one. She grabbed her little sister's ankles and spun throwing the young girl at a group of pirates that the girl ripped through on the way down. The older girl then landed on another pirate and stayed cutting it with her knives.
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Antonius nodded and turned so the he was face to face with Allie, "Take good care of him, he's been hurt enough." Antonius turned and ran off towards Tania. As he got closer he saw one of the dolphin men climb over the side and regretted washing them into the water they were dolphins for crying out loud, he increased his speed his footsteps beating against the planks he stepped in and slammed his edge of his shield against the dolphin's head with as much force as he could muster breaking it into dust immediately. He skidded to a halt on his lead foot and stooped down putting his arms under Tania and lifting her up. He looked around for Anthony knowing he had been blown this way along with Tania, yet there was no sign of him. Antonius remembered that Anthony had those magic abilities and figured he was probably healing himself or something and stood up with Tania in his arms he ran back to the stairs and slipped down them quickly putting Tania in a safe cabin and bolting back up the stairs weapons ready once again.

Jason's vision was blurry even as some of the wave splashed on him, he pulled the piece of wood out of his stomach with a pained grunt. He looked down at the black spilling out onto..black? Jason turned his head and noticed a perfect circle of shadow and multiple dolphin men going down seconds after they got too close he caught glimpses of of a girl with pitch black hair and though he knew many people with that feature one name rang out in his head. "Allie?" Jason tried to sit up but a burning pain and extra warm in his shirt told him to stay down. As much as he wanted to stand, to fight, he found himself helpless as blissful unconsciousness stole his strength away.

Soleil jumped when a boy appeared out of nowhere and dropped in front of her she almost dropped her staff on him but caught it before the heavy metal rod knocked him out. She knelt down dropping the lead rope to her makeshift sled and brushing the boys hair out of his face, "whoa." She said her voice a whispers he quickly forgot the sled altogether and put Anthony on her back still holding her staff, "I'm Sorry I know I don't know, either of you but could you guide me to a hospital this guy clearly needs well a hospital."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "This way, we can treat him within camp probably safer too. Since your carrying him I'll handle your little sled." He took the rope and dragged it down towards the big house finally deciding to call out to the person watching him. "You can come out now, I'm sure you've seen that we only attack monsters." He looked directly at the tree Titania was hiding behind only to see the living murder victim step out.

"Who says I'm not one, You? There are many that would and could argue the contrary." Titania eyed the girl as well then shifted her gave to the boy on her back, "His back is broken. Seems like he was in an explosion by the looks of him, and he smells like seawater." Titania looked at the boy that had exposed her, "Lead on...I want to get a good look at this place...."

Sebastian just nodded and continued on as much as he wanted to say something about her blood smell. He just led them down to the big house and knocked on the door. "Hey Chiron, hope you haven't gotten too into it we've go more."

@Holo @BishopOfKings @anyone who wants to interact with Titania

(location: Half-Blood Hill. To the Big House)
Violet had never talked with a god before, so she was a bit nervous about talking to Boreas. So, she just let the two who seemed to have experience do the divine diplomacy. Then, Alec started whining about something on his back, and then it was a weird robot chameleon, and it shot flames and shit! So, she decided the best course of action would be to not fight it or anything, but instead to cower in fear behind Alec. And that's what she did, and what she continued to do even after it stopped, just in case.

Helena heard several things. Most of them she didn't like. But one...

"...ase all that remains is you being buried alive, just like Helena's boyfriend was eaten."

Something snapped. She came charging out of the dark, slashing several dolphin men to bits, shrieking, and swinging her head around, looking for the son of a bitch that said such a thing about Mason, but he was gone.. And the ship was being attacked. So many dolphin men writhing in pain and or just simply panicking on the deck of the ship. She would've found it funny- Hell, she did find it funny, so much that she had to hold in her laughter. But instead, her eyes found Jason. Crumpled on the deck of the ship, bleeding. She felt the need to chase after the mystery guy... But... "Theres no time to hesitate." She mumbled, then lifted her sword high above her head and screamed, charging through the massive ammount of dolphin men, hacking and slashing till she finally reached Jason. Gods, he looked a little worse for wear. She hauled him up onto her shoulders and proceded to drag him across the deck, narrowly ducking out of the way of several blades and down below deck again.
The twins stood back to back and kicked two dolphins over the railing. "Ha! It's like Shakespeare in the park. Doth mother know you wearest her drapes." the girl's said at the same time before giggling and cutting up a few pirates. "For Van Wilder!" "For band camp! " the twins yelled charging the two largest pirates on the ship. They both jumped on the creature's hacking and slashing at the creature's faces. The remaining few pirates dove overboard and golden boy burst from the water and tried to land in front of kit and chop him in half.

Jonathan yelped and turned bright red. "OUCH! did you just call me snowflake?" Jonathan said only getting redder.

@Soul OMU

Anthony groaned and looked over at Soleil's face. "Am I dead?" He asked quietly whispering. He then quickly thought over the past events. "I must be since I'm seeing an angel." He murmured before passing out again.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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Holo said:
The twins stood back to back and kicked two dolphins over the railing. "Ha! It's like Shakespeare in the park. Doth mother know you wearest her drapes." the girl's said at the same time before giggling and cutting up a few pirates. "For Van Wilder!" "For band camp! " the twins yelled charging the two largest pirates on the ship. They both jumped on the creature's hacking and slashing at the creature's faces. The remaining few pirates dove overboard and golden boy burst from the water and tried to land in front of kit and chop him in half.
Jonathan yelped and turned bright red. "OUCH! did you just call me snowflake?" Jonathan said only getting redder.

@Soul OMU

Anthony groaned and looked over at Soleil's face. "Am I dead?" He asked quietly whispering. He then quickly thought over the past events. "I must be since I'm seeing an angel." He murmured before passing out again.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Kat smiles a bit with a cheeky look. "Yes, Yes I did. I think it fits you. And you can't stop me from calling you that." she said while putting a hand on her hip, putting her weight onto one side slightly while grinning.

(@Silent Justice)


"eh. Mmmmmmh." Jonathan got an idea and tossed a small marble at her that wrapped her mouth up. He then grinned at his own little prank before realizing there was only one way too remove the rope. "Heh heh.... oh god." He moved very hesitantly and gently kissed the metal rope before turning around brought red.
Holo said:
"eh. Mmmmmmh." Jonathan got an idea and tossed a small marble at her that wrapped her mouth up. He then grinned at his own little prank before realizing there was only one way too remove the rope. "Heh heh.... oh god." He moved very hesitantly and gently kissed the metal rope before turning around brought red.
Kat blinks a bit before looking at him. "Not so funny now huh?" she said while grinning while looking at him over her sunglasses.
Jonathan smiled a tad at the warmth he'd felt but frowned. "Design flaw. I have better ones though." Jonathan turned around still bright red.

Chiron was attending to some of the wounded outside when Sebastian yelled. "Over here around the side of the building."
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Kit laid on the deck a little staggers from the blow he'd just received to his head. He'd been able to turn his head away slightly and avoided most of the damage of the strike, but Kit was still dizzy. He watched as Tania blasted Golden boy off the ship before being carted off by the roman. "Stealing my freaking thunder... Or... In this case lightning." He mumbled to himself as a noise alerted him to something behind him. He brought his sword up as he turned and blocked Golden Boys swing. "Nice try." He said as his greenish red aura came back. "But I'm not losing to some masked weirdo." He forced his blade upwards throwing Golden Boys arms upwards and went for a horizontal slash at close range.

@Soul OMU



Riley quickly stepped closer to the now blinded cyclops and quickly dispatched it. He hurried over the border with the girls before turning back. "I think we're home free..."

@Soul OMU



Allie stared for a second as Antonius stepped in front of her. So many things flew through her brain like. He looked just like Jason?! How?! And more importantly... F*ck me there's two. She was so lost in thought that a dolphin man got to close and sent her backwards. She hadn't felt the punch but it happened, and it jolted Allie back into reality. She landed and sunk into part of her shadow circle and appeared behind the dolphin man, turning the thing to dust with a quick kick. She landed gracefully and watched Helena take Jason below deck. "Good now I don't need to worry about people getting in my way." Allie said cracking her knuckles. "This will be fun." And as soon as she said that she began another dance... This one far faster and more beast like as she lunged and clawed like a wolf... Then she split in two. As two figures started jumping through the shadows. She skidded backwards on all fours as more dolphin men clambered onto the ship. She saw the two girls shed asked to tag along with her on the ship attacking the things as well. She laughed a little as something big stepped out of her shadow. A large black wolf the size of Allie stood next to her. "You ready for round two Zoul?" She asked as the wolfs eyes narrowed and he readied himself. Together the two began taking out the Dolphin men, trying to keep them from advancing further into the ship.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Max was surprised when Boreas said Sugarloaf mountain. He swallowed shakily as he had a quick flash of a memory come back to him. "Thanks." He said as he caught the chameleon. He handed the little robot to Violet subconsciously and turned back to Boreas. "One more question... Do you know any good place to rest around here?"

@Soul OMU

@Silent Justice





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BishopOfKings said:

Owen was so deep in thought he almost walked into the lake. He had been thinking about his recent dreams and his past that he had one foot off the dock before and ice fairy pulled him backwards. He smiled at the thing. "Thanks Lizzie." He said as he turned around and started off the deck when he saw someone down by the beach. He walked over to her and spoke up "nice night isn't it." He said as he stopped behind the girl.

@Soul OMU



Riley quickly stepped closer to the now blinded cyclops and quickly dispatched it. He hurried over the border with the girls before turning back. "I think we're home free..."

@Soul OMU



Max was surprised when Boreas said Sugarloaf mountain. He swallowed shakily as he had a quick flash of a memory come back to him. "Thanks." He said as he caught the chameleon. He handed the little robot to Violet subconsciously and turned back to Boreas. "One more question... Do you know any good place to rest around here?"

@Soul OMU

@Silent Justice

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Bridget blinks in surprise and looks at him. "I suppose so... I like the day better thought... rather... the in between the day and the night... That's when it's the most beautiful..." she said softly while smiling a bit.

Ice sprite currently hiding in Owen's hood, playing with his hair.



McKenzie and Evelyn nod as they pass through the barrier, carrying Isobel between them who is unconscious due to injuries and from using too much energy.



Boreas pouring himself a glass of wine. "Hm? There should be a nice hotel down the road. Anyways good luck you'll need it~"


(@Silent Justice)
Violet looked at the robotic chameleon in her hand curiously. "What am I supposed to do with this?" She asked, examining it. Suddenly, it flew out of her hand, and perched itself on her shoulder. "Okay... I guess maybe it'll be like a pet or something." She said, a bit weirded out. "So, let's go to Sugarloaf Mountain, then!" She said cheerfully.

Sebastian turned his head in the direction of Chiron's voice and looked over his shoulder at Soleil, "This way....are you alright?" He noticed Soleil looking a bit flustered her cheeks somewhat red she nodded a bit too vigorously, "yeah I'm fine!" Sebastian looked a little weirded out but went on, "Alright this way." Sebastian led them around the Big house and into the tent he pointed at an open cot, "You can put the kid there the Apollo kids will handle the rest. Chiron we got two more kids and I sensing some on the way..they're pretty far which makes it confusing that I can sense them but they'll be here probably before morning."

Soleil nodded when Sebastian told her to set the boy down and she complied, being very gentle she straightened up his hair and clothes smiling as she did the thought of him calling her an angel replayed in her head.

Titania stood beside Sebastian still half covered in blood she looked the centaur up and down and looked away dismissively, instead she looked at the campers in the tent and saw Soleil babying the boy the found. "Looks like someone got a new pet." She said a wicked grin spreading across her face.

Jason was floating in the black unconsciousness but two piercing screams slowly dragged him back to awareness, his eyes snapped open and he saw the ground rushing under him and he heard heavy breathing, he quickly regretted coming back to awareness as a wave of burning pain washed over him he wanted to cry out but could only muster a long groan. His eyes looked in to his right and left landing in Helena's face, "Helena?........what happened?"

Antonius sidestepped as another girl rushed passed him carrying his brother, "He's popular with the ladies." Antonius ran to the aid of the girl who had been defending Jason thrusting his sword into a pirate's side it emitted a series of high pitched squeaks before he kicked it off of his sword turning it to dust. He bashed another with his shield before bringing his sword down in a sharp curve . "Are you alright?"

@BishopOfKings @explosiveKitten @whoever else is around.
Anthony groaned as he was set down. Chiron cursed in ancient Greek then looked at Soleil. "Can you help they'll need somebody to hold him down. Sebastian come with me." Chiron said walking towards the incoming kids. "You get the closer kids into the big house and I'll deal with the ones that are father off." He said drawing his bow and running towards the kids. Anthony however groaned then seethed from the pain as a Apollo camper started to examine his back. "You're gonna have to hold him still. This next bit is gonna hurt."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


The twins smiled as one of the last three pirates tried to back away slowly. They were circling him slowly and occasionally growling. "I've got this one. I always love a good hunt." the eldest said removing her hood from her head and changing into a human sized wolf. She pounced on the dolphin-man and started ripping away at him. The younger one noticed Antonius armed near Allie and didn't realize what side he was on. "Allie! " She squeaked before tackling Antonius with her knife on his throat. Her face scrunched up a bit and she started taking in a slightly higher pitch than normal. " Are you okay Allie?" Jenna asked before hearing Natalya say she pounced on a good guy. Jenna jumped off the guy and squeaked again. " Are you ok?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


Golden boy jumped back and then dashed back in his blade in a reverse grip as his other hand drew a small celestial bronze dagger. He was planning to block kit's next strike with one hand then counter using the dagger.

Helena twisted he top off a bottle of water and rather unceremoniously dumped it on Jason's wound, hoping what she had heard about children of Poseidon was true. That they healed with water.

"Huh? Oh shit you're awake!" She said, looking at Jason and pulling out another bottle of water and handing it to him, "Drink, quickly." She commanded.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
After a long and well deserved break, both Vanessa and Carly were on their way back to camp after a failed attempt at locating more demigods. "I can't believe we were gone for weeks and you couldn't sense one demigod." Carly complained, riding on Vanessa's back. "You know I tried. My father wasn't exactly clear on the details." She glared at the demigod through her peripheral vision. "Get down." She ordered. Carly jumped off of Vanessa's back and walked the fifteen feet that they had to go as Vanessa looped her belt back on, reducing her number of legs. It was strange that there weren't any monsters coming after them. "Run!" Vanessa pushed Carly through the barrier quickly before some could show up. Carly wasn't expecting it and fell face first into the dirt just as they crossed the barrier and made it inside the camp. Spitting dirt from her mouth, darkness surrounded Carly. "You are gonna pay for that!"
Robin was walking when the cyclops appeared. He smiled and checked his bare hands then shrugged as imperial gold gloves appeared on them. "Suburban superman at your service ugly." He said smiling as the creature advanced with it's club raised. He rolled forwards to dodge the first attack and punched the creature in the knee taking it down a notch. "Bring it!"

@Yuuki Kuran
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Carly then looked up. "Oh! That's why you pushed me!?!" She noticed the ugliest of Cyclops monsters she had ever seen. Tyson was definitely better looking then this guy. "Hang on, Robin!" She brought out her griffon claw dagger and charged.

Vanessa hated admitting it, but she was glad for the help. Removing her belt, she galloped into battle, taking the bracelet from her wrist. It morphed into her bow. "I'm over here, handsome!" She teased the beast. "Come and get the pony, Brainless!" She fired the first arrow, aiming for his eye.
Robin heard the girls and grinned before the cyclops grabbed it's eye and swung at Vanessa missing horribly. "War! War for the angry, the damned, the betrayed, the loyal, the righteous, and the worthy! In the name of Ares you perish in battle!" Robin yelled jumping into the cyclops' arm then jumping off to hit the monster with a superman punch. Both of them fell to the ground but Robin landed in a ninja pose only to see a few telkhines charging. He yelled at them before diving and brutally spearing one like a professional wrestler. He stabbed it with two bronze daggers he'd just summoned before kicking another one. "Is that all you've got puny runts! Bring me your champion and fight for your glory and honor!" Robin yelled actually scaring a few of the monsters away while scaring the others stiff.

@Yuuki Kuran
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