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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Johnathan continued until he saw the "Justin Bieber" hole and lowered his bow before chuckling. He turned to face Erik and said,"That's quite the card trick." he couldn't help himself and continued laughing.

"You lost control..." Adrien trailed off when she realized that Addison had said the same thing when she had accidentally burned down a cabin on one of their quests. "You're a daughter of Hephaestus aren't you?" Adrien looked down at Holly's hand and the smoking confirmed it for her.


"Well I guess I need to try and find my style huh?" Elian studied the eye curiously when Erik showed it to him. "What do you mean it wasn't your best moment? Excuse the outbursts, it's a force of habit." Elian added on, but he didn't feel bad. He'd learned to except that his mouth automatically repeated what his mind was thinking, and that was the curse of being a son of Horme. "I don't think there's really a weapon that goes with manipulating impulse, but I'll go check out some of the weapons in the armory. Also, why do you have Justin Bieber cards?"


Addison looked at Kit in frustration. "It's not the bloody simple Kit! My fire powers are all wonky from the catacombs, and I still have a wing to finish up before we can get back in the air."

(@BishopOfKings ) (@UnwantedTruth )
Holly slowly nodded. "Yes...." She muttered. She slowly sat up. "I'm....sorry for interrupting all of you....I should leave." She said as she slowly stood up from the bed.
Adrien shook her head gesturing for the girl not to leave. "Why don't we walk around the camp, so that you can clear your head?" She suggested in a soothing voice. "It's okay, my best friend is a daughter of Hephaestus, fire powers and all, I get that it's not easy." Adrien could feel eyes looking at her questioningly. Ares children were rarely nice to people, and Adrien was no exception, but Adrien had always had a soft spot for the Hephaestus kids at camp. They were so amusing and quirky, and they came quite in handy when it came to creating new technology.

(@UnwantedTruth )

"Elizabeth!" Owen shouted as he hurried over to her. "Calm down. Please!" He ran to her and pulled her into a hug. "Lizzie please calm down…" Owen felt his body temperature drop a little. "whatever it is… it wasn't your fault… stop with the ice. please."

@Soul OMU



"Ok, Do you have a PA system?" Kit said as he hurried over to Addison. "We will need some sort of protection from that thing, and We are gonna need Jason up here." Kit put a hand of her shoulder. "Where is it?"




"I don't have JB cards." Erik said "A few of my friends wanted me to try using Cards against Humanity to kill a monster… I still haven't gotten all of the cards out of my decks." Erik pushed his hair back over his dead eye. "And about the eye… Well i got in a scramble with a cyclops… i lost my eye… and the girl i was with vanished…" Erik pulled out another card from his deck. "Queen of Spades… go figure… She was one of my greatest friends… hopefully she's ok." Erik sighed. "Anyways… i can try to help you with your weapon… just give me details of your powers and maybe i can figure something out."


BishopOfKings said:
"Elizabeth!" Owen shouted as he hurried over to her. "Calm down. Please!" He ran to her and pulled her into a hug. "Lizzie please calm down…" Owen felt his body temperature drop a little. "whatever it is… it wasn't your fault… stop with the ice. please."

@Soul OMU



"Ok, Do you have a PA system?" Kit said as he hurried over to Addison. "We will need some sort of protection from that thing, and We are gonna need Jason up here." Kit put a hand of her shoulder. "Where is it?"




"I don't have JB cards." Erik said "A few of my friends wanted me to try using Cards against Humanity to kill a monster… I still haven't gotten all of the cards out of my decks." Erik pushed his hair back over his dead eye. "And about the eye… Well i got in a scramble with a cyclops… i lost my eye… and the girl i was with vanished…" Erik pulled out another card from his deck. "Queen of Spades… go figure… She was one of my greatest friends… hopefully she's ok." Erik sighed. "Anyways… i can try to help you with your weapon… just give me details of your powers and maybe i can figure something out."


Elizabeth tenses up for a moment, her black eyes slowly flake over with bits of white. "...Owen...?" she said softly while still shaking in his hold, still not completely calmed down since she's still seeing bits and pieces of the fire that killed her family.

(@BishopOfKings )
LuckyANDKitty said:
Adrien shook her head gesturing for the girl not to leave. "Why don't we walk around the camp, so that you can clear your head?" She suggested in a soothing voice. "It's okay, my best friend is a daughter of Hephaestus, fire powers and all, I get that it's not easy." Adrien could feel eyes looking at her questioningly. Ares children were rarely nice to people, and Adrien was no exception, but Adrien had always had a soft spot for the Hephaestus kids at camp. They were so amusing and quirky, and they came quite in handy when it came to creating new technology.
(@UnwantedTruth )
Holly's eyes widened partially. "I...I don't want to cause trouble...it'd be best if I were to leave..." She said. She then sighed. "But we can talk about it I suppose...it'd be great if you gave me a tour I guess..." She said shyly.

"No, you shouldn't leave." Adrien retorted leading the girl outside. "We all have our burdens and troubles, it's apart of the life of being a demigod." Adrien looked around at the camp with a unreadable expression. This was her home. It always had been, and always would be. "Stop acting like your some monster, who's going to destroy us all, and accept what you can do." She turned to look at the Hephaestus girl with a serious expression on her face. "This is where demigods come to be safe, and learn to control their powers. You're a demigod. And you're here. So instead of trying to run away from yourself, you should instead get to know that other girl inside of you, and learn how to make her apart of who you are."

(@BishopOfKings )
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Holly paused. She sighed. "I suppose I could stay for a while...but where would I sleep?" She asked, frowning slightly. She looked down at her torn clothing: she was wearing a t-shirt with the bottom half ripped off and extremely ripped shorts. "Oh dear...I'm going to need new clothes..." She said.
McKenzie was currently playing in one of the Casinos after managing to bribe her way in, she was currently playing at one of the Black Jack tables and had already won a lot of money. However if she didn't pay attention, her luck was going to run out since a cyclops, a fury and a hellhound were right on her tail and making their way towards her. She glanced away from her hand and surveyed her area before noticing the large bulky figure of the mist covered Cyclops before backing out of her hand and taking the money she won and started walking slowly towards the counter to get the money she won in bills. As she did so, she watched as the Cyclops and Fury made their way towards her, she lowering her head as the tip of her hat hide her eyes and she grinned while tossing her dice into the air before picking up the money she had won and threw some in the air before yelling out. "FREE MONEY!" she said before racing off as some broke people quickly came and started picking up the money, blocking the Cyclops and Fury's way as she ran, quickly hoping onto the street car as it passed, laughing as it started taking her towards New York City so she could head into Camp Half Blood.


Holo said:
Jonathan walked into the hypnos cabin and smiled. He was going to wait for them to finish before explaining the quest to Kat and asking for her help.
@Soul OMU
Kat finishes talking with Olivia and glances at him. "Oh hey, speak of the devil, here's my saviour now." she said while Olivia raised a brow, looking at him. "Oh really? Well hello..." she said softly while giving a brief wave and walking out of the cabin to leave them alone even thought they aren't allowed to be alone in a cabin together.



Bridget currently reading, sitting down by the lake side/ocean shore? wishes that it wasn't so late in the day since she loves watching the sun rise and sun set and feels stronger when its sunrise and just a tiny bit stronger at sunset.



Isobel and Evelyn currently running from three cyclops' who are on their tail. Isobel looks ready to collapse while Evelyn looks annoyed as she grits her teeth and looking behind them. "You sure you can't shadow travel?" she said while Isobel shook her head. "N-No... I already used enough of my energy trying to keep them from finding us..." "Well it looks like i'm going to have to be the hero then.." she said as she scooped up Isobel and started shadow travelling towards the camp.

Jonathan smiled and looked up. "I wanted to ask you a question." Jonathan stepped into the cabin with a blush realizing it was empty. "I uh w-wanted to uh see um if you'd uh go on a quest with me?" Jonathan said nervous for a he didn't know. He found himself staring at her.
Titania was dumped unceremoniously in the forest surrounding camp as the trip from Tartarus ended she was face down in the dirt. She picked her self up and looked around wiping the dirt clumps from her face and smearing the smaller bits. She simply watched as her screeching bloody morphing figure of a mother flew around in a figure eight before plunging back into the ground as it split open to receive her the hole to Tartarus spewing it's familiar acid air before stitching itself back up. Titania just watched unphased as the closest thing she had to a companion disappeared.

She knew her mother at least dumped her in the direction of this Camp Half blood. Titania wondered what it would be like taking a few steps before hearing the familiar growl of a hellhound behind her she turned to face it with her pale blue eyes and smiled as she saw it begin to whimper and back away. "Oh, O remember you.....those teeth yes I know those teeth I remember how they feel too...well now I have my own beast...she likes to play too do you want to play with her?" The hounds whimpers grew louder and a cruel smile full of malice formed on Titania's face. "Oh don't be like that....I didn't cry half as much when you bit into me..." She stalked forward her flesh crawling and changing until her entire left arm was it's own beast mouth with sharp teeth and powerful jaws the last count was the hellhound's yelp and the crunch of bones.

About ten minutes later Titania walked out of the woods once again covered in blood that was not hers a surprisingly peaceful expression on her face for a moment before it became deadpan.
"Now where is Chiron." Titania meandered through camp looking for anyone that she thought would be Chiron her mother brief description between the babbling about disturbing deaths was not very helpful.

(where's Jason, Sebastian and Valencia again??)

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[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Titania was dumped unceremoniously in the forest surrounding camp as the trip from Tartarus ended she was face down in the dirt. She picked her self up and looked around wiping the dirt clumps from her face and smearing the smaller bits. She simply watched as her screeching bloody morphing figure of a mother flew around in a figure eight before plunging back into the ground as it split open to receive her the hole to Tartarus spewing it's familiar acid air before stitching itself back up. Titania just watched unphased as the closest thing she had to a companion disappeared.
She knew her mother at least dumped her in the direction of this Camp Half blood. Titania wondered what it would be like taking a few steps before hearing the familiar growl of a hellhound behind her she turned to face it with her pale blue eyes and smiled as she saw it begin to whimper and back away. "Oh, O remember you.....those teeth yes I know those teeth I remember how they feel too...well now I have my own beast...she likes to play too do you want to play with her?" The hounds whimpers grew louder and a cruel smile full of malice formed on Titania's face. "Oh don't be like that....I didn't cry half as much when you bit into me..." She stalked forward her flesh crawling and changing until her entire left arm was it's own beast mouth with sharp teeth and powerful jaws the last count was the hellhound's yelp and the crunch of bones.

About ten minutes later Titania walked out of the woods once again covered in blood that was not hers a surprisingly peaceful expression on her face for a moment before it became deadpan.
"Now where is Chiron." Titania meandered through camp looking for anyone that she thought would be Chiron her mother brief description between the babbling about disturbing deaths was not very helpful.

(where's Jason, Sebastian and Valencia again??)

(Val is in infirm and Seb with Lia.)
Valencia watched as the others crowded around a new girl but didn't do much to help especially since she was having her own problems so she just settled in and waited for an Apollo boy to help and maybe flirt with.

Sebastian stopped at the infirmary and pointed towards the centaur, "There's Chiron right there, he can help you with whatever you need. I need to go....seems there are others in great danger near the border...I'm starting to feel like a doorman....until next time." Sebastian turned and logged back out to the border standing on the hill and pulling his sword off of his neck and holding it out to his side, waiting and watching.

Antonius jerked forward and caught Tania looking at Jason for guidance, "uh just set her on her bed...."

Jason said looking a little weirded out he was surprised by his brother's reaction time and took her legs in his arms helping him to set her on her bed as gently as possible. Antonius set her down and got a good look at her and looked dumbstruck he looked at Jason, "Dude, she's beautiful." Jason crossed his arms, "Yeah...I know." Antonius took a moment then put his hands up Jason waved it off. "It's alright we're...I don't know what we are."

"I'm just dizzy. I can still hear you two handsome fools." Tania said after Antonius called her beautiful. She was blushing bright red before the whole boat tiled and stopped held in place by the waves.

Thomas started freaking out and Anthony ran up onto the deck as the enemy ship caught up. "Hello pathetic Greeks. Wannabe Egyptians. Confused child." A man said stepping into the Argo 3 with a group of half dolphins and a boy with a golden mask. The man turned to Anthony and smiled. "You have ten minutes to surrender or die. There are jars of your own fire all across the ship and my hostages will turn on you at any moment. Eidolons are in three members of your crew. You simply cannot win."


@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


@Soul OMU

@i can't remember now
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"Yeah... It's me." Owen said he pulled her closer "just calm down... I'm here" Owen was shivering. "Please stop with the ice... Whatever you're thinking... It wasn't your fault... Ok" he said trying to calm her down. "Just go to your happy place." He was repeating the same phrases he once said to Kit after one of his Uncles 'training sessions' "please..."

@Soul OMU



Kit let go of Allison's shoulder and went to go signal Jason when the ship was being threatened. "You know... The whole surrender or die thing is pointless." He said as he drew his sword "Knowing people like you, you're just gonna kill us later for something something prophecy..." Kit sighed "And plus... We are demigods. I don't think we would surrender that easily... Or at least I won't."




Standing near the docks Allie stood watching the boat through a pair of binocular. "This is bad..." She said as he watched the pirate ship pulled up near the other boat. "This is really bad." Allie dropped her binoculars into her pack and hurried closer to the boat. She whipped out her bow and looked to the boat and smiled. She jumped into the nearest shadow and vanished into it, making a child drop his ice cream in surprise. Allie took a step inside the deck and appeared near where the steering wheel was. She heard the Hermes kid speak about not surrendering and she notched an arrow. "Hello there again." She said as she swung into view of the action pointing her now at the pirate ship. The Hermes kid looked surprised, but his surprise turned to excitement... As he realized he had back up. She pointed the arrow at the man next to the golden boy. "You and I have a bad habit of running into each other Danny."




Riley's day was bad before the Cyclopes and the girls appeared. He was coming from his house when his new neighbors invited him over for lunch... Where he found out that the old couple were dracaena and he had to use his hair comb to defend himself... Even though his comb could become a sword he was caught off guard and killed the two He would be cleaning monster dust an Ichor out of it for hours. Then the harpies at the bus stop stopped him for awhile since their claws got stuck in his Afro, making him stop and cut them out. Thank god his mother liked the Afro and the hair grew back quickly. Riley mumbled to himself about how crap his day was going when two girls stumbled out of the shadows in front of him... Causing him to jump backwards... Into the Cyclopes... Riley turned slowly and saw the Cyclopes "Worse... Day... Ever" he said as he moved away from the Cyclopes and held out his comb, and it changed into his special sword. "Can either of you fight?" He asked as his sword started glowing and lunar white. "Cause if you can't. The Fro master will take care of you."

@Soul OMU



"So... Make people do things with your voice? And you're reckless." Erik thought for a second "maybe brass knuckles? Depends on whether or not you like cqc." Erik threw another card into a target. The he started chuckling "Or maybe... A megaphone." He laughed at little bit at the idea of a guy killing monsters by shouting into a megaphone... Ah Coach Hedge would be proud. He calmed down at looked back at Elain "I'm pretty sure we have one somewhere."


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BishopOfKings said:
"Yeah... It's me." Owen said he pulled her closer "just calm down... I'm here" Owen was shivering. "Please stop with the ice... Whatever you're thinking... It wasn't your fault... Ok" he said trying to calm her down. "Just go to your happy place." He was repeating the same phrases he once said to Kit after one of his Uncles 'training sessions' "please..."

@Soul OMU



Kit let go of Allison's shoulder and went to go signal Jason when the ship was being threatened. "You know... The whole surrender or die thing is pointless." He said as he drew his sword "Knowing people like you, you're just gonna kill us later for something something prophecy..." Kit sighed "And plus... We are demigods. I don't think we would surrender that easily... Or at least I won't."




Standing near the docks Allie stood watching the boat through a pair of binocular. "This is bad..." She said as he watched the pirate ship pulled up near the other boat. "This is really bad." Allie dropped her binoculars into her pack and hurried closer to the boat. She whipped out her bow and looked to the boat and smiled. She jumped into the nearest shadow and vanished into it, making a child drop his ice cream in surprise. Allie took a step inside the deck and appeared near where the steering wheel was. She heard the Hermes kid speak about not surrendering and she notched an arrow. "Hello there again." She said as she swung into view of the action pointing her now at the pirate ship. The Hermes kid looked surprised, but his surprise turned to excitement... As he realized he had back up. She pointed the arrow at the man next to the golden boy. "You and I have a bad habit of running into each other Danny."




Riley's day was bad before the Cyclopes and the girls appeared. He was coming from his house when his new neighbors invited him over for lunch... Where he found out that the old couple were dracaena and he had to use his hair comb to defend himself... Even though his comb could become a sword he was caught off guard and killed the two He would be cleaning monster dust an Ichor out of it for hours. Then the harpies at the bus stop stopped him for awhile since their claws got stuck in his Afro, making him stop and cut them out. Thank god his mother liked the Afro and the hair grew back quickly. Riley mumbled to himself about how crap his day was going when two girls stumbled out of the shadows in front of him... Causing him to jump backwards... Into the Cyclopes... Riley turned slowly and saw the Cyclopes "Worse... Day... Ever" he said as he moved away from the Cyclopes and held out his comb, and it changed into his special sword. "Can either of you fight?" He asked as his sword started glowing and lunar white. "Cause if you can't. The Fro master will take care of you."

@Soul OMU



"So... Make people do things with your voice? And you're reckless." Erik thought for a second "maybe brass knuckles? Depends on whether or not you like cqc." Erik threw another card into a target. The he started chuckling "Or maybe... A megaphone." He laughed at little bit at the idea of a guy killing monsters by shouting into a megaphone... Ah Coach Hedge would be proud. He calmed down at looked back at Elain "I'm pretty sure we have one somewhere."


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Elizabeth slowly starts to calm down, her eyes start to blend white and black together, holding onto his arms in his embrace. "...Owen... Owen... I-I'm sorry... I-I'm sorry..." she mumbled as she started to sway a bit and passed out.



Evelyn snorts as she summons her sword and puts Isobel down. "Of course we can fight..." she said as one of the cyclops turned to dust as a girl came flying out of a tree with clawed brass knuckles and a fedora sitting on her head. "You guys are almost there, keep going!" she said while tossing her dice into the air, grinning. Isobel stumbles behind her and quickly heads towards the barrier.

Jason smiled and Antonius blushed when Tania spoke, "Well uh we shou-" at that moment both Jason and Antonius felt something knock into the ship. "That can't be good let's move." "Shouldn't we stay together what if-" "What do you mean if there's trouble up on deck then that's where we need to be c'mon." Jason hurried out the room casting a backwards glance to Tania, he activated his gear from his helmet to his sword. Antonius doing the same except his gear was decorated and roman. They bolted up to the deck weapons drawn and shields up.

Titania was still walking around the edge of camp when she saw a boy sprinting towards a hill, she decided to follow him and wound up leaning against a tree watching him stand with his sword drawn she wondered exactly what he was doing there, but decided to watch a good killer must always watch.

Soleil knelt beside the seventh pile of gold dust sifting through it with her free hand still holding her staff int the other there were evident signs of a battle around her yet she was unharmed and appeared to have not broken a sweat. So far she had collected five dragon teeth and a long sharp piece of bone. She also had found the swords and a shield from her three Dracaena opponents and to top it off there was a massive helmet in very good condition. She stacked all of the gear on a shield and dragged it behind her. Except for the dragon teeth she had learned that it was not a smart idea to let those slide, if they got into the ground something nasty popped out. Those the out in a makeshift pouch fastened to a belt loop. She strode past a giant tree dragging her sled of gear behind her trying not to notice the particularly sharp glare of the dragon wrapped around it. She shuffled past only to see a boy with his sword drawn standing there with his gaze locked on her she froze for a minute and looked back into his.....gold eyes? She fumbled almost dropping her staff as she tried to wave, "
Uhm, hello my name's Soleil.. Uh nice to meet you?
Anthony stood with one eye green and the other gold starting a battle of Wills. He focused entirely on destroying the Eidolon.

Tania's eyes turned gold and she followed bursting onto the deck and summoning lightning as she ran to the man's side. She stood by the man and turned to the crew her eyes gold and her face emotionless. "Give up or you'll die. If you resist I'll kill Tania here first." She said in a very gravely and raspy voice.

Thomas walked up to the man and knelt before stepping into the other ship his eyes were also gold. He also held a button in his hand. "detonation in five seconds." He said as Anthony stood and used magic to Summon all of the explosives to him. He threw them onto the other ship and started pulling Tania back when the blast sent the pair flying into the mast. There was a loud crack from Anthony's lower back and a cry of pain from both of them. Daniel and golden boy stood in a barrier as the ship behind them blazed.
Explosions rocked the boat. Helena looked up from her movie and looks up at the ceiling. "What the he is going on up there..." She mumbled, standing up and making her way up to the deck. What she found displeased her. "What the-" she started but hen she saw the Eidolon Tania and Tom, and the burning pirate ship met to the Argo III. She stared, then stepped back into the shadows. Maybe they hadn't noticed her. Hopefully. She really had no idea what to do with eidolons. Of all things she hated, it was eidolons. The stupid things could possess anyone and they were the biggest annoyance to get of.

Kit was on top of the world up until the world in front of him exploded. He was ready to fight, he had some mysterious black haired girl show up who was one his side, and he could feel new power coursing through his blade that he couldn't wait to try out. Then the pirate ship exploded. Kit flew backwards wrapped in a blue aura before smacking into the side of the ship and falling overboard. Kit grabbed onto one of the oars and he dangled there, barely touching the water. He was breathing heavily trying to get air back into him lungs. He had barely gotten the defense buff up in time for him to not be paralyzed from the waist down. He struggled and pulled himself back into the ship. "A-alright... Now I'm pissed...." He said as he pointed his sword at the two men. "Who's first" he began glowing green.

@Soul OMU



"Ok." Riley said as he felt something shift inside him "But I got this" He said as he moved towards the two remaining Cyclopes. He felt recharged as he knew the moon was starting to break on the horizon. He sidestepped one cyclops as brought his sword up, cutting through the monster with a silvery white glow. The monster turned to silver powder quickly and Riley turned his attention to the other cyclops. It stood there with and angry look on his face as he charged screaming something about revenge. Riley lowered his head as the cyclops punched. The sound of cracking knuckles was heard as the cyclops pulled his hand back in pain. "Sorry about that." Riley said and the fist shaped dent in his Afro pooled back out. "Mom likes the fro." And with that he brought his sword up, bisecting the other monster. He flipped his hair out of his eyes and turned towards the other girl. "Any other problems?"

@Soul OMU

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Elizabeth resting quietly, having a dreamless sleep for once, feels and looks quite peaceful which she is glad for since she would prefer a dreamless sleep to a nightmare filled one.


Evelyn supporting Isobel. "We need to move now... There were more then those and Isobel is going to pass out." She said while holding her sword up to defend them in case she has too.

McKenzie goes over and helps hoist Isobel up. "Let's move then people~" she said as she started moving.
Holo said:
Jonathan smiled and looked up. "I wanted to ask you a question." Jonathan stepped into the cabin with a blush realizing it was empty. "I uh w-wanted to uh see um if you'd uh go on a quest with me?" Jonathan said nervous for a he didn't know. He found himself staring at her.
Jonathan laughed nervously. "O-Ok. I just thought we make a great team and that it'd be nice to know you." He said before turning around and starting to walk away.

@Soul OMU

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