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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

"Oh shush. You're perfectly safe." Robin said lifting her up so he was carrying her bridal style and waded into the cool refreshing water. He had one arm under her shoulders and the other under her knees. He slowly lowered her into the water feet first and then once he had his legs down he pinched her nose and kissed her falling back so they both went under. He gave her air before bringing then both out. "Sorry but you seemed terrified and it's hot enough to give heatstroke out here."

@Yuuki Kuran
Carly wiped the water out of her eyes and gaped, wide eyed at him. "Y-You just..." Carly definitely wasn't expecting a kiss from him. "Why?" She moved the hair out of her face
"I told you I liked you." He said before kissing her again without moving her this time. He didn't hug her or grab her he simply let her decide the length and duration of the kiss. "You're the greatest person I know and frankly it's a bias opinion but I don't care." He said with a smile and another kiss on the nose. He quickly stepped on a small fish before it touched her leg.
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Soleil overheard Anthony's conversation with Vanessa and while she was flattered she was swift to smack him upside the head with her staff. "If you don't get back on that cot they'll have to carry you there for a different reason, march!" Soleil didn't leave it as much of an option as she grabbed Anthony's ear in a vice grip and proceeded to drag him back anyways.


Jason looked at Helena trying to process why she seemed though concerned though deep down he appreciated it, a small spark of hope lit up just before a wave of dread snuffed it out. "Well we were attacked by some guy with dolphins for a crew and they put greek fire all over the ship, Anthony threw them onto the other ship and they exploded tossing him and Tania away I didn't see much else cus I got speared with a massive fucking splinter in my gut, I hallucinated seeing my ex-girlffriend. Then all I remember is you."


Valencia returned from her mothers palace in Tartarus smiling she stepped out of a shadow only to bump into an unknown girl carrying her bow, the hood on her head fell off as she whipped her head around to see who she ran into her hand flying to her dagger, "Who are you? Wait it's day already?" Valencia looked around absolutely baffled. Her now short and dyed flipping around loosely then falling back into place.

@Yuuki Kuran

(Valencia)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.6ad01437f7ba847194fde2fb4e4bbfb0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41091" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.6ad01437f7ba847194fde2fb4e4bbfb0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Vanessa clenched her fist around her bow and glared at the opening portal. Someone in Tartarus was coming and it usually wasn't someone she enjoyed seeing. Though, this time it was a young girl. "My name's Vanessa." She told Valencia. "It's definitely day time. Look up at the sun." She pointed up toward the sky. "Nice and bright." She teased.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


Carly returned Robin's kiss and attempted to press her body further up against his. "Thanks for trying to help me. I hope it works." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and entwined her elongated fingers through his hair. "You're different from the others. From most guys in my life."
"Um thanks? I think?" Robin responded unsure of if it was a compliment or not. He smiled though at how fast his situation with Carly had improved. "It'll work. We're gonna start small. You just gotta lay down and kick with your feet while paddling with your hands." Robin explained before giving a short example. He then placed two hands on her stomach and lower back. "I'll make sure you don't sink or anything physically impossible."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Carly did as she was told. Though she knew Robin would keep his promise, his cabin was known for being the camp bullies. It just stood to reason that he would lie and let her sink. "Fine. I'm trusting you." She could see a group of sea nymphs giggling at them. Carly ignored them and kept working.
Robin kept his hands there then slowly removed them without Carly noticing. He watched her paddle around him and smiled before hugging her again. "You were doing it by yourself there for a minute." Robin smiled and kissed her hearing a few of the sea nymphs laughing he kicked up water at them without looking. "You cut it out back there. Go make a cyclops or something." He said looking at them before smiling at Carly.
"Hmmm... Chrysaor. He's one of your "brothers" meaning he is a son of Poseidon... He's basically an Ancient Greek pirate." She said, rubbing her eyes as Jason kept talking, "ex girlfriend? Who's your ex girlfriend? ... " she cleared her throat awkwardly, "If you don't mind me asking?" She said, with a totally fake smile. Gaaaaah curse my inability to interest with living beings!

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Carly's eyes widened in even more surprise than when Robin kissed her. "I-I did?! You let go!" She didn't know whether to be excited or angry. After all, Robin broke his promise. The nymphs jumped in the water and Carly had her own suspicions as to what they were doing. "I could ki-ss you." She finally gave in and accepted that Robin did what he thought was right. "Okay, well, that was just one time. Let's get out and dry off."
Robin smiled and took get hand summoning a chain that kept the two connected as he started walking towards the shore and the nymphs. "If I didn't let go you'd think I had to be there all the time." Robin explained remembering that the way he was taught to swim was much different.

Jonathan frowned then sighed. "I totally forgot I had you with me. Sorry I just get airheaded sometimes." He shrugged before sitting by the camp fire to hear the story and response.
Carly smirked. "But, I like you being here with me, but you wanna go get a Nemean lion with my best friend." She argued. "You're gonna have so much fun and I can't go due to my lack of training."

Meanwhile, Vanessa was practicing her archery, alone. "No way in Hades did he like me." She mumbled, almost breaking her target with her power.
"I'd take you but if anything happened. Well I don't want to think of what I'd do." Robin said with a shudder and a frown at the very idea of him having to go the rest of his life without Carly. "It's for the best anyways. Means I can be back before the next holiday. I'll bring you a present."
Carly breathed deeply. "That isn't fair. I wanna get you something too, Robin." She had no idea what he'd like. "You know I'm not letting you go without a fight. No matter how big I get, I'm never too old to grab your legs and hold you in place and sit on your feet." Carly threatened. "I'm not willing to go the rest of my life without you."
"And I workout you. That's why I'm bringing these." Robin holds up his hands summoning a cannonball sized grenade. He smiles before making it vanish. "You can make me something. I have faith in you but I'm going. I'll bring you back a lion fur coat. It'll glimmer like gold and really bring it your eyes." He said kissing her and smiling.

Max took the Keycard and regretted it. "crap… uh please tell me one of you can read the correct number…" He said as the numbers on the card started moving My Dyslexia isn't helping me at all" He kept trying to read the correct number, but it was bothering him so much that he must've looked like he was giving a death stare to the card. He hoped that Alec or Violet weren't dyslexic… he'd feel awkward walking back up to the receptionist to ask what the card said… especially considering she had just asked if he could see. "Anyone?"

@Silent Justice



Kit was surprised when the wolf turned into a girl… he was more surprised when she hugged him. Kit watched as the wild girl went over to where the girl who backed him up before was. Kit recognized the face, but couldn't put a name to it. He shrugged it off and looked down at the Golden sword in his hand. He sheathed his katana and held the blade, and the blade gleamed magnificently as if in response to his amazement. Unlike his own bronze katana, the blade was greek in design… up until it began to glow brightly. Kit covered his eyes from the light as it blade felt like it was conforming to his hands. The blade stopped glowing and Kit looked back in amazement. The Golden Greek blade had changed to take on the form of a weapon he knew how to use well, a katana. The blade was gold from blade to grip, which was fit perfectly to his hand, The guard had a snake like design to it and the back of the blade had a golden boar's tusk on the hilt, which was blunt when Kit touched it. As Kit looked over the blade, admiring the snake designs inscribed onto the blade, he remembered the story behind Chyrsaor, brother to pegasus and son of Medusa. Kit's smile dropped. "That was all." He thought. "You were forgotten while your brother got all the stories." Kit thought about his own life. He'd always been the extra, Owen was the one who should've received the sword. Owen was far stronger and more capable, but he'd given Kit the bade… and the cursed fate that came with it. Kit then had felt happy, but now he felt as if Owen was just giving the blade to him so he had a chance at becoming a hero. His grip tighten on the blade. "Very well." Kit said to himself. "I deem the blade Chyrsaor… after its owner… I will use it to give me… no us a legend to be remembered by." Kit watched as a box appeared in front of him with a gold light. He set the blade down and opened the box. Inside was a golden sheath for the katana along with a message. 'I know i shouldn't be taking a favorite, but i believe in you.' -Hermes. Kit smiled a little bit before pulling the scabbard out of the box and sheathing his sword. He attached it to his waist and looked at the box. He picked up Chyrsaor's mask. "I know i beat you in a technicality… but i own you a legend… so you won't be needing this." And Kit dropped the mask into the box. The box closed and sealed itself, vanishing with a cha-ching noise. He looked over at Antonius and Allie. "Has anyone see Goat Boy?" He asked as Thomas popped back into his mind. "He better not have gone down with that damn pirate ship…"



@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



"Was an enemy" Allie said as Kit completed his 'transaction' "Anyways I'm Allie, one of Artemis's strongest Hunters… and… I'm also Jason's ex…" She watched as Jenna made her way over and Allie gave the girl a scratch behind her ear. Zoul saw this a gave Jenna a death stare before turning towards Antonius. "Tjou smell of Lupa… She is doing well right?" The small wolf asked as HE sat in between Allie and Antonius as a small furry barrier. Allie suddenly overheard Kit shouting. "I don't know who goat boy is, but if he's a satyr then he's probably fine… i knew a satyr who once lasted for a week at the bottom of the sea all on his nature magic." She said optimistically as she looked around from her sitting position. Hopefully this satyr was around… he seemed to important to have just vanished.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Owen turned to Bridget and offer a small goodbye before he started towards the other two demigods. He walked over and caught the tail end of a conversation. "Whats this about a Lion?" Owen asked as a few of his insects crawled along the front of his jacket. Owen then realized he might've just interrupted something important. "If you don't mind sharing that is…"


@Yuuki Kuran



"yeah yeah." Auron said as he sat down "So why did you drag me across this country to come to a Graecus camp?" he asked quietly as the story started being told. "Cause we should be back at camp preparing for the Possible 3rd titan war thats coming." Auron took a deep breath, his blood felt stiff. It was always a side effect of his medicine. He put a hand to his chest and willed the metal in his blood to stay in liquid form rather than harden. He took another deep breath and the feeling left him. "So… whats so important that i had to come?"

Bridget nodded as she got up and walked off, thinking as she played with a ball of light in her hand before her eyes widened as the ball of light quickly shot off as if it had it's own mind. She quickly stumbled as she ran after it, "Hey wait!" she said while trying to keep the ball of light in sight as it zipped around, weaving around the other demi gods who were milling around or practicing. She huffed as she used some of the light from the sun in the sky to speed up after the ball of light.



Not far from camp, a young girl was busy firing arrows at a seemingly distant target which was getting closer by the second. Another young girl was with her but was currently on crutches. "Come on! We're almost there, we have to move faster!" said the teen on crutches. The other girl looked back at her. "If we don't kill that thing, it will try and get into this camp you keep talking about!" She said while continuing to fire arrows before getting pulled back. "They can help fight that off if we move now!" the first girl snapped as she tugged her along the path towards the camp barrier.

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Valencia raised a brow, "You're a funny one aren't you. Would you like a trip to Tartarus."

Jason looked at Helena "I'm related to a dinosaur?.....My Ex-girlfriend is a girl named Allie. She went missing a few years ago haven't seen or heard from her since, will except that hallucination. Why?"

Soleil blinked as they fell, "Eh?" Next thing she knew she looked up at a blushing Anthony. She realized just how they were positioned and squirmed."P-Please get off of me."


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(Donovan was already accepted @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira.)

"Ouch." Anthony said rolling off of Soleil since she'd squirmed her knee quite aggressively into his groin. "My gods that hurts. I didn't even fall on you on purpose. Why?" He wheezed looking miserable as he started worming his way away from Soleil in pain.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Jonathan frowned. "We're here to get rid of the whole namean lion issue. If you want to go back to camp Jupiter so bad I'll draw you a map." Jonathan said before getting up and frowning at Auron's apparent prejudice.


Jenna smiled and hugged Zoul and stayed scratching the wolf behind both its ears. "If he tries to flirt with her I'll go for the legs and you peirce his jugular yes Zoul?" She whispered lightly to the animal with a smile. She then sat behind Allie prepared to tackle Jason should the boy go anywhere near Allie.

"MEDIC!" Natalya yelled from below deck as Tania fainted and was running a slight fever from exhaustion.


Lia wandering the camp, deep in thought about something as she runs a hand along the side of her head that is shaved, lightly stroking the ink imbedded in her skin there. She lightly twirls her fingers and the vines of the tattoo lift off the skin and wrap around her fingers lightly while the rest of it still stays on her skin. She sighs as she sits down against the bark of a large spinley oak tree, leaning against the base of it as she pulls a book out of her jacket and opens it, starting to read.



Isobel currently in her own little bubble, wandering the forest, is actually in her own little bubble which is pitch black minus the small stars which are on the surface of the pitch black bubble. The girl's eyes twinkled softly as she stared at the stars in her bubble, pointing out different constellations for the stars to form for her as she looks at them.



McKenzie wandering the camp, playing with her skull dice as she eventually finds herself in the arena where two boys seemed to be standing having a conversation. She raised a brow and tipped the tip of her fedora as she raised a brow to look at them, looking over them and checking them out slightly as she leans against the arena wall. "I don't want to intrude but isn't this arena used for practice?"

(@BishopOfKings )

(@TheWeirdPhilosopher )


Kat and Olivia currently talking about what their lives were like and their childhoods and such before they found out they were demigods, currently walking towards the Big House. Olivia completely unaware one of her best friends is in the infirmary still unconscious. Kat is avoiding Jonathan at the moment while she figures out if she is actually needed on the quest or not since she heard him ask the newcomers to be on his party.

Elizabeth slowly starts to wake and coughs as she realizes how warm it is, starting to get sick, sweating. "...V-Vhy iz it zo hot...." she mumbled while her head lolled to the side a bit, obviously not doing so good.




Evelyn currently reading as she walks around camp, mostly ignoring anyone and everyone who approaches her since she doesn't find them worth her time or interesting enough since they don't catch her eye. However because she had her nose in her book, she wasn't watching where she was going and was most definitely going to run into something... or someone.

"Uhhh... Max, I'm dyslexic too you know. Every demigod is dyslexic... Well except a few." Alec said, grabbing the card from Max and narrowing his eyes at the numbers, ".... Uhhhh... Oh wait." He exclaimed, then dug in his bag, past all the hair care products and pulled out a black leather glasses case. He then proceeded to open the case and retrieve the glasses inside, stuffing them on his nose and looking again. "Uhhhh... 2... 201... That's look right."

Helena blinked at Jason then took a minute and turned away, rubbing her chin. I think I know who he's talking about... If that's the case, it wasn't a hallucination AND it wasn't a spirit since he saw it... Oh gods, should I tell him?

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @BishopOfKings @Silent Justice
Malaki stepped out in front of the two girls and put his hands out and palms facing the girls. "Good luck for the girls and bad luck for the creepy thingy." He stood perfectly still as a wheel appeared in the air above him and spun. It landed on good and the camp barrier stretched so the girls and Malaki were inside it. The wheel spun again and landed on bad causing a large group of trees to land on the monster. "That's enough for now." Malaki said looking really sleepy all of a sudden. He put his arms down and glanced at the girl's before walking towards camp.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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