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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

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Isobel blinks while looking at him, watching him as he bows before looking around. "....Yes, you're in Camp Half-Blood... just in the forest..." she said softly before looking at Opal. "And it's part of my power..." she said softly while tilting her head at Opal. "And you are...?" she said softly while asking Opal for her name since she had never met her before. "Oh... How rude of me... My name is Isobel..."

(@TheWeirdPhilosopher, @TechEwok )
"Are you 100 percent sure your father is Ares?" Carly grabbed his shirt, then paused. "He's not the nicest guy. His kids are known as the camp bullies, Robin." She teased, having seen his claiming ceremony. "I wish you weren't leaving. I won't be able to sleep while you're gone."

Vanessa hated being scolded. "Yeah? Her mom is Carly's stepmother. I thought I could handle her." She was also secretly angry with Chiron. He spent all his time here with other kids and he wasn't there for his own until she came to camp when she was a little girl. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful." She squeezed his hand.
"Opal, Opal Idlewing." Opal replied in a distant voice hopping down from the tree. "I've been out here for in the forest, but I haven't officially been inside the camp." She grinned in slight amusement listening to Vahlen speak. "Nice to meet you Vahlen, how long exactly has it been since you were at camp?"

@StarrySkyofLostSouls @TechEwok
"I know how they are. I also know that I like to stop and look at the beautiful things in this world just because there's one beautiful thing I have to protect no matter what." Robin said gently tilting her head back so he could look into her eyes while he smiled. He kissed her before lifting her up by her waist gently.

@Yuuki Kuran

Daniel stepped into the house and knelt. "Hello again my master. I've completed the task and I must say your act was magnificent. M-master? Are you all right?" Daniel asked as Thomas stared at him horrified before kicking Daniel in the face and running away. He ran along the coast before stumbling along the beach of the long island sound. He ran into camp his clothes charred and accidentally bumped into Vanessa looking panicked. He noticed her and his eyes grew much wider. "V-Vanessa? You're back? I must be dreaming still." He said shaking his head.

@Yuuki Kuran

A red figure that was part sandstorm part fire stepped away from where Thomas had been. "Fool that damned host almost got me killed." The man walked around Daniel and grinned his face switching between that if a man and that of a wolf.

Sömmer stepped out of a green jeep wearing black jeans and an artfully ripped long-sleeve shirt. Her mother waved from the drivers seat before pulling away from the hill without a word. She didn't really care about that though. It was great to be back at camp. Though it had been almost a year since she had been within the borders, she doubted that anyone would remember her unless they were siblings. Her wavy red-brown hair hung down hear her eyes as she made her way up to the border. It was calming to be back. Away from her stupid family and her equally awful cousins. At least she had freaked them out on more than one occasion.

King had been on the road for days. The goat dude sitting beside him was equally as annoying as the confined space. But he couldn't complain since the hydra that had made an appearance in the County Football Field had almost torn him in half. It was still hard to comprehend, but the satyr had assured him that it was normal for 'demigods'. So as they pulled up at 'halfblood hill' as the goat man had dubbed it. He was surprised to see another girl making her way up the hill. Unfortunately the satyr had actually noticed earlier than him and had climbed out of the slow, but still moving taxi to greet the girl. Clearly he recognized her. So he let him be and climbed out. Approaching her after him.

Sömmer rose an eyebrow as Lionel the satyr that had surprisingly fancied her a few years back approached her followed by a disgruntled teenage boy. Probably a new camper. "Your back!" He exclaimed as the redhead stopped and forced a smile. "Yah. It's good to be back!" Sömmer says. King however stayed silent as the two continued to converse for what seemed to be hours. So as they wrapped up a long conversation about manticores in Denver, he cleared his throat. "Umm sorry if I seem rude but can somebody at least show me around?" He says. Lionel nods, apparently snapping back tohis job as Sömmer dart up the hill. Glad to be rid of both of them so she can catch up with her camp.

(Will be shorter next time xD )
Carly relaxed immediately, though Robin grabbing her chin was unexpected. "I don't want you worrying about me when you fight." She wrapped her legs around him again. "It would cloud your mind and disable you." Gently tugging at Robin's hair, she kissed his temple.

Vanessa barely had time to kiss Chiron's cheek, secretly telling the centaur that she forgave him before she was knocked off her feet. "Woah!" She hit her head on the ground, but sustained no injury. "Ow! What was th-" her jaw dropped. "I-I thought you...you were dead!"
"Close but not quite!" Thomas said still thinking he was asleep he helped her up just to kiss her as soon as Chiron turned away. "Wait I'm not asleep am i?" Thomas said before doing it again just because Vanessa was his original love.

"I always worry about you when I fight. It gives me the strength I need to protect what I love." He said kissing her again on the neck. He then smiled at her and put his forehead against her's. "It's why I always win."

@Yuuki Kuran
Lilac walking with Jezabell to Chiron, stopping when she sees Vanessa and Thomas before patting Jezabell on the back. "That's Chiron... I'll... uh catch you later." she said before heading off to be alone somewhere, making sure both Vanessa and Thomas don't see her. Jezabell blinks before sighing and shaking her head. "Great... already lost someone i thought as a friend and now i'm alone... With no idea who... Chiron.. is.." she said before noticing the large centaur. "Uhm... Hi?"

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Vanessa completely did a 180 from her normal demeanor and started jumping around in excitement. "Dad! Dad, it's Thomas!" She squeezed the other until she was sure he would pop. "I don't believe it! You're back!" She kissed him at last.

"You're so sweet." Carly hated Robin for wanting to leave. "Come on. We'll go pack up your bag and I can make sure you have everything." Her only issue now was that she would need a new sparring partner. "Let's go!" She yanked him toward the cabins.

Thomas gasped for air and kissed back starting to feel light headed. "Hello Vanessa."

Robin laughed following her with a smile. "Maybe I can smuggle you out in my bag." Robin joked before hugging her and opening the door to the Ares cabin. He stepped in and immediately shot all the other people in the cabin a serious evil eye. "Nobody messes with Carly while I'm gone or I will personally teach you what a superman punch feels like." He stated before walking over to his bed and starting to look at his stuff.

@Yuuki Kuran
Alexandra faced the demigods not to far from the camp borders. "So you all get it right? Try not to use your ranks to identify each other. This place is a safe haven no need to be on too much of a high alert alright? Roll call."

Blue smirks. "Beta, ready."

Courtney smiles and nods. "Gamma, ready."

Gavon looks at the ground and then at Alexandra. "Delta, ready."

Katie crosses her arms over her chest. "Epsilon, ready."

Alexandra turns and starts walking to the camp borders. "Alpha, moving. Lets go."

They all reached the borders and walked in. Looking around the camp.
Sömmer walks into the cabin, locating her old bunk and swiftly clearing the new campers crap from her bed. Pulling her stuff out from the floorboard in which she had hollowed out the concrete below, grinned happy to be back.

King was escorted around camp, shown around and introduced to the Hermes cabin so they can take him from there. King cleared out a space on a bunk and sat back.
Lilac currently in the forest, had taken off the silly jeans she had been wearing and the t-shirt to reveal her goat lower half and her leafy/bark top to cover her chest, she quickly kicked off the dumb sneakers and klenex boxes off her hooves before stretching. "Finally... gods pretending to be human sucks..."
Gavon walks to the Hecate cabin. Looking around the camp.

Alexandra walks into the Aphrodite cabin.

Katie starts to fly around the explore the camp.

Blue and Courtney walk together to the mess hall. Thry joke around on the way there.
Vanessa still couldn't understand why a satyr would love a centaur, but there wasn't any use in arguing now. Thomas was back. "I guess I'll have to start taking my meds again." She teased. "Remember those pills I took that kept me appearing human without having to wear my belt?" She winked at him.

Carly waved to them all. "Hey, guys." She sat on the edge of her boyfriend's bed and looked at all the stuff. "I'm terrified, Robin. If you get hurt, I won't be able to get to you. Luckily, Vanessa has healing powers."

(Fixed it)
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Vanessa still couldn't understand why a demigod would love a centaur, but there wasn't any use in arguing now. Thomas was back. "I guess I'll have to start taking my meds again." She teased. "Remember those pills I took that kept me appearing human without having to wear my belt?" She winked at him.
Carly waved to them all. "Hey, guys." She sat on the edge of her boyfriend's bed and looked at all the stuff. "I'm terrified, Robin. If you get hurt, I won't be able to get to you. Luckily, Vanessa has healing powers."

(Thomas is a satyr darling... xD )
Sömmer set her sword on the bed. Stared at her reflection for a short while and then sheathed it at her waist. With a small sigh, the girl left her cabin.
jacunliffe said:
Sömmer set her sword on the bed. Stared at her reflection for a short while and then sheathed it at her waist. With a small sigh, the girl left her cabin.
On the way to his cabin Gavon bumped into a girl.
Sömmer naturally looked up with a small roll of the eyes. But she stopped before she could say anything rude. Pausing to verify what she knew at first glance, her eyes widened. "Gavon"
(....guys i'm going to say this for the sake of this rp... longer then one sentence kay? at least a paragraph or three sentences... so that it's at least 2 lines long..)
jacunliffe said:
Sömmer naturally looked up with a small roll of the eyes. But she stopped before she could say anything rude. Pausing to verify what she knew at first glance, her eyes widened. "Gavon"
Gavon blinked a couple times. "Sömmer?" He looked her up and down. "Wait, you're a demi-god? I never knew. I thought you were... I thought I'd never see you again." He reached over to her and put his hand on her cheek.

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