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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

"It wasn't that it was the way you two were laughing and being all happy afterwards. You were laying on her." Tania said looking down and away feeling ashamed that she had been so upset over it when Jason made it seem like nothing.

Anthony sat on the ship deck and was watching two stone Shabti fight then he stopped his hand destroying them. He then pulled a carrot from his pocket and a bunny from his hat. He handed the carrot to the rabbit.
Jason got out of the stupid pose and looked at Tania clearly concerned, "I'm sorry I guess I didn't realize what was going on. It was an interesting experience to say the least, but I don't want you to be upset....though if you're worried maybe we should slow down...go back to being friends and get to know each other more before we jump straight into the whole relationship thing." Jason had his fingers intertwined with Tania's but as he spoke he slid them away pulling his hand back his hand felt empty and he could still feel her hand in his the sensation lingering before disappearing.

Sebastian paused feeling someone close, his gold eyes turned before he did and before his body turned all the way around he was stepping out of the girl's shadow. "It's not polite to stare, or eavesdrop. Who are you and what do you want."
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason got out of the stupid pose and looked at Tania clearly concerned, "I'm sorry I guess I didn't realize what was going on. It was an interesting experience to say the least, but I don't want you to be upset....though if you're worried maybe we should slow down...go back to being friends and get to know each other more before we jump straight into the whole relationship thing." Jason had his fingers intertwined with Tania's but as he spoke he slid them away pulling his hand back his hand felt empty and he could still feel her hand in his the sensation lingering before disappearing.
Sebastian paused feeling someone close, his gold eyes turned before he did and before his body turned all the way around he was stepping out of the girl's shadow. "It's not polite to stare, or eavesdrop. Who are you and what do you want."

Lia turns around slightly. "...I'm Lia Wilson, just got here, was checking out the place when I heard you playing." She said while crossing her arms. "And you are?..."
"I don't know. I literally never had anything even slightly close to this before." Tania said noticing the large empty space that Jason was leaving already.
"Not your concern." Was all Sebastian said before walking away headed away towards the big house, "If you just got here I assume you need someone to take you to Chiron...unless you've seen him already in which case I can drop you off and get on with my life."

"Perhaps we should make sure it's not just crush or anything like that...in which case well know if we could actually last or not." Jason said his voice attempting to be cheerful but he was dreading this as much as she was afraid that they may in fact change....that he was killing something good before it ever happened.

(Who runs this rp now? Would it he okay if I made Antonius a thing her.. Right now. Btw @Holo Valencia is trying to say hullo to the hunters (old friends))
(I'm in charge and I'd enjoy having Antonius here.)

The hunters saw Valencia and some smiled and ran over while others simply waved.

"Ok Jason." Tania said seeing the appeal and the draw backs of the idea already.

Helena was busily digging through her packed bags. Where are those dumb things? She thought furiously, plunging her hands down into the bag carelessly. Her mind was trapped on the image of Tania and Jason... Damn. She had never seen Tania looking so upset. It made it kinda hard to hate her... Almost. She mind was trapped in various other places, most of them being bloody and gory as all hell... She neede a little relief.

I swear I brought them... She thought with growing frustration. Then her hand found what she was looking for.

She pulled the little baggie full of razors from her bag, and as she did this, something else was flung out of the bag. With some ninja-style reflexes, she caught it, and looked at it.

A little tape. Marked in blue sharpie as " :D "

She stared at it, then sighed and moved over towards her her tape player and popped it into the slot. There was click as the tape began to play. Alec's voice erupted from the player.

"Hiii Helena. You see, I had this big prophetic vision in my toilet water- don't ask me why I was looking in the toilet- um, and I saw you going on big dramatic quest in Greece. I saw you really sad. You were crying, and covered in blood, and... yeah. So I had this little mix thrown together cause I know you love these things. And I uhh... I want you to know that it'll always get better. So don't despair. I believe in you. Woop woop!... Oh yeah, and for future reference if you ever want to skip this message just hit the 'next' button on the player. It'll start teh music. Baiiiiii! Hearts, love, kisses! MWA!"

And then the room was filled with music. And it made Helena drops her bag of razors.

(the song that always gets her)


Jason perks up as he hears music his face showing confusion then shifting to fear as he feel the ship rocking weirdly, "We're moored right, the ship shouldn't be rocking this much.....wait her stay safe." Jason bolted out of the room running up onto the deck his footsteps heavy against the wooden boards his senses went out into the water and he quickly pinpointed the source. Something was rocketing through the water at a ridiculous speed and that was typically not a good thing. Jason activated everything his helmet his sword shield and even the cape that flowed down his back. "Come out come out whatever you are." As if on cue a figure exploded out of the water spraying water everywhere, Jason ignored the droplets and put his shield up in time to block a stab from a heavy spear. Jason stepped back and through the visor of his helm saw another jab coming his way, he knocked it aside with his shield and stepped in swinging down sharply only to have his sword knocked off of a shield rattling. "Damn." He stepped forward and rammed his shield into his opponents only to feel a short bit of resistance then nothing, The person had twisted out of the way and had Jason not regained his footing when he did he would have been skewered but he swung his sword back around and knocked the spear from the person's hand the person drew a sword from his hip and stepped in locking blades with Jason, they twisted and turned finally breaking the lock. They fought like this for another five minutes matching each other perfectly neither side letting up until Jason finally tripped his opponent up doing a double feign before disarming the teen and sticking him to the main mast. Y shoving his sword through a loop in the straps of his armor. "Who are you?" The person slowly raised his hands and took off the helmet to show Jason his own face. "What the fuck?!" Jason practically ripped off his helmet and and dropped it to the deck, "Well I figured you were good but I didn't think I'd lose to you on our first go, guess that why your the older brother." Jason looked befuddled, "I-I'm an only child....right?" "Wrong it's just that I'm roman and you're greek....My Name's Antonius grace ex-Preator of the roman legion, and your younger brother." Jason didn't know what to do so he followed his gut instincts and ripped the sword out of the mast, deactivate his gear and wrap his little brother up in a bear hug, "I'm Jason Michaels, and I'm your older brother."

Sebastian looked back "I have my reasons...so are you coming or not. I dint want to have you get lost or injured in your short time here. Now c'mon we have a centaur to meet."

"I don't think it was Khione." Max said as he tried to think of other ways snow could've gotten there. "If it were Khione i would think there'd be more than what was there…" Max snapped his fingers "Maybe whoever stole it was either teleported in or out of the room to a snowy area." He said as he heard Alec speak up next to him "Do you know any place that would house monsters that has son- God dammit Alec what are you whining about! Theres nothing on your back!"

@Soul OMU

@Silent Justice (WHERE ARE YOU GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!)



Erik had been stuck in an airport for hours, chased through Long Island, had a big cut on his back and he was backed against a tree near Camp Half-Blood, So Erik decided to what what he did best… card tricks. "WOAH! HEY WANNA SEE A TRICK?!" He shouted as the two cyclops stopped their attack. "Uh what?" "A trick… a card trick… w-would you like to see one?" The cyclopes scratched there heads and Erik pulled out his cards before they could say no. "Alright. Pay attention. Watch the cards." He said as he began mimicking things he'd seen from Now You See Me. "Now… Watch as i make dust appear!" And with that Erik flicked his wrist and two cards flew through one cyclops turning him into dust. The cyclops looked down at his friend and began clapping as the trick came to the end, before realizing what had just happened. Erik threw another card through the remaining cyclops and took a small bow. "Thank you thank you, you're too kind… *sigh*" He said to himself as he bent down to pick up the cards. "Well.. lets see how i faired." He said as he flipped the cards over. "King… Jack… two… Bust." He said as he slide the cards back into his one of his card packs on his back. "Well… hopefully this isn't a sign or anything… Eh, Max would know." And Erik walked into Camp looking for his old friend.

(Anyone wanna talk to this nub… well he's open for conversation)



"… And thats how i managed to defeat the gua-" Kit said as he turned around to see that Anthony had vanished and he had been talking to himself. He rolled his eyes. "Typical…" Kit stuffed his hands in his pockets as he turned and made his way towards the deck. He stepped out on deck and noticed someone new on board… and he was hugging Jason… Thats not awkward. "Hey Jason… who's this… some long lost boyfriend or something?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Owen walked down hill quickly to make his way to where the hunters were. He was gonna try to explain that he wouldn't be taking any challenges again this year… and would most likely be challenged to some archery contest… Again. He walked over to the group and noticed Valencia. "Hey!" He shouted as he made his way over. Already getting a mix of disgusted and cocky smiles from the other hunters. "Um… sorry about the explosion… not something i wanted to happen… Are you ok?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
"ARE YOU BLIND MAX-" Alec reached around, grabbed whatever it was and shoved it in front of Max's face, "THIS WAS CRAWLING ON MY BACK! A WEIRD LIttle robot... Chameleon...." He said, blinking at the little robot in his hand. It's limbs were still moving like it was walking. It was bronze that shone in the light, with two ruby eyes. It's tail curled and uncurled, it's beady eyes darting about.

"It's... It's an automaton... But what the hell is it doing on my back... Wait- if this thing isn't with Hephaestus, then it's-" suddenly the chameleon's jaws unhinged, and it began to spew flames and spin it's head around crazily, it's limbs flailing at super fast speeds, "it's malfunctioning!" Alec shouted, dropping the tiny thing. It took off at an unbelievable pace, running in rapid circles while spewing flames.

Alec only stared.


(Just saying, Boreas should be freaking out now, @Soul OMU)
Anthony grabbed the rabbit and went below deck. He knocked on helena's door and stayed there waiting for it to open. "Bunny delivery for a beautiful cold of Hades." Anthony said knocking on the door a little harder when he heard the music playing.

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A girl named holly crawled across a forest, smoke arising from her hand. She had just had one of her moments where she lost control. She burnt down a large amount of trees and one wood cabin. She saw an area that appeared to be a camp. She crawled to the inside of it and collapsed on a path.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason perks up as he hears music his face showing confusion then shifting to fear as he feel the ship rocking weirdly, "We're moored right, the ship shouldn't be rocking this much.....wait her stay safe." Jason bolted out of the room running up onto the deck his footsteps heavy against the wooden boards his senses went out into the water and he quickly pinpointed the source. Something was rocketing through the water at a ridiculous speed and that was typically not a good thing. Jason activated everything his helmet his sword shield and even the cape that flowed down his back. "Come out come out whatever you are." As if on cue a figure exploded out of the water spraying water everywhere, Jason ignored the droplets and put his shield up in time to block a stab from a heavy spear. Jason stepped back and through the visor of his helm saw another jab coming his way, he knocked it aside with his shield and stepped in swinging down sharply only to have his sword knocked off of a shield rattling. "Damn." He stepped forward and rammed his shield into his opponents only to feel a short bit of resistance then nothing, The person had twisted out of the way and had Jason not regained his footing when he did he would have been skewered but he swung his sword back around and knocked the spear from the person's hand the person drew a sword from his hip and stepped in locking blades with Jason, they twisted and turned finally breaking the lock. They fought like this for another five minutes matching each other perfectly neither side letting up until Jason finally tripped his opponent up doing a double feign before disarming the teen and sticking him to the main mast. Y shoving his sword through a loop in the straps of his armor. "Who are you?" The person slowly raised his hands and took off the helmet to show Jason his own face. "What the fuck?!" Jason practically ripped off his helmet and and dropped it to the deck, "Well I figured you were good but I didn't think I'd lose to you on our first go, guess that why your the older brother." Jason looked befuddled, "I-I'm an only child....right?" "Wrong it's just that I'm roman and you're greek....My Name's Antonius grace ex-Preator of the roman legion, and your younger brother." Jason didn't know what to do so he followed his gut instincts and ripped the sword out of the mast, deactivate his gear and wrap his little brother up in a bear hug, "I'm Jason Michaels, and I'm your older brother."
Sebastian looked back "I have my reasons...so are you coming or not. I dint want to have you get lost or injured in your short time here. Now c'mon we have a centaur to meet."

Lia rolls her eyes. "Yeah yeah... I think he might be busy since a giant group of girls showed up..." She said while chewing on a piece of gum and blowing a bubble with a bored look.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)


Boreas blinks before blasting it off the top of his domain, just looks a bit weirded out. "...I hate reptiles...." He said while wiping his hands on his vest before looking back at them. "It's possible, also it depends on who would want the undead pomegranate." He said while looking at them.



Kat currently at a rave, dancing, having a good time until she noticing something a bit off and looks around her while dancing. Spying three barely hidden Harpies making there way towards her. She grinned a bit as she twirled one of her glow stick while waiting for them to get closer before throwing it down, causing it to burst into bright neon colours, allowing her to make her escape out of the club and out onto the street, she quickly ran into an alley before getting cut off by a Harpy. As she turned around, the other two were there; Kat grinned before glowing as she Shapeshifting and took flight, turning into a raven as she starts making her escape. The harpies drop their weak mist mirages and take off after her.
Jason released his brother and they both looked at Kit, "Turns out I have a twin roman brother. Son of....Neptune right?" "Yeah but it doesn't make much of a difference." "You'd be surprised. Anyways Kit, Antonius, Antonius, Kit....welcome aboard the Argo 3."

Valencia looked at Owen, "Yeah well it was a good match despite the rib jabbing my lung and a few bruises I'll be fine. I only have one question, how did that wall feel?" Valencia said the last part with a cheeky grin glad that it was at least a draw. "In all honesty I should have just poured on the fire arrows, they're easier to manipulate not to mention they explode...but you know that."

Sebastian looked back over his shoulder, "You don't like people, do you. I can understand that." Sebastian felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and looked towards the entry way. "Quick detour....this way." He changed course and headed towards that weak life force his vision sinking into the spiritual plane in order to see the girls exact location. "There you are." He said under his breath lengthening his stride a little more.

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[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]
Jason released his brother and they both looked at Kit, "Turns out I have a twin roman brother. Son of....Neptune right?" "Yeah but it doesn't make much of a difference." "You'd be surprised. Anyways Kit, Antonius, Antonius, Kit....welcome aboard the Argo 3."
Valencia looked at Owen, "Yeah well it was a good match despite the rib jabbing my lung and a few bruises I'll be fine. I only have one question, how did that wall feel?" Valencia said the last part with a cheeky grin glad that it was at least a draw. "In all honesty I should have just poured on the fire arrows, they're easier to manipulate not to mention they explode...but you know that."

Sebastian looked back over his shoulder, "You don't like people, do you. I can understand that." Sebastian felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and looked towards the entry way. "Quick detour....this way." He changed course and headed towards that weak life force his vision sinking into the spiritual plane in order to see the girls exact location. "There you are." He said under his breath lengthening his stride a little more.

Lia huffs as she follows him, looks annoyed to be honest and would rather not have to be following him since he doesn't seem to care at all as she looks around, chewing her gum.
Sebastian looked back at Lia over his shoulder then keeps walking heading up the hill and finding the unconscious girl, he knelt down and taking one of her arms slipped her up on his back fixing it so that he held her as if he were giving a piggy back ride. He then turned and trudged down the hill back towards the Big house. "She needs medical treatment, she's been through a lot I can feel it."

@Soul OMU
Jonathan saw a bird being chased by two harpies and decided it must be a demigod or a regular god. Either way he knew he should help and had an immediate idea that was probably dumb and crazy. "Oh what the hell. Might even get a thank you this time." Jonathan said starting his motorcycle and riding as fast as he could at a shadow across the street. Street going into that shadow he popped out on a skyscraper roof. "There's a broken street lamp and is dark down there. That's my target then." Jonathan said activating his weapon and then riding over the edge and down the side of the building. "This was a bad idea!" He yelled on the way down as the ground started coming up fast. He then saw things go from bad to lethal as the light flickered a few times right before he hit the ground. He fell into the shadow in between flickers and burst out of the shadow under a harpy and took it up with him as he sliced the other with his battle axe. "Keep your cool Jonathan. Just play it off." He thought before looking at the bird that was flying away. "Hey! You're all clear back here." He yelled before falling down with his bike into another shadow. He popped out on the street under the bird and started following from the ground hoping it would land soon. His tires were smoking and his heart was pounding in his chest. "hephaestus's hand grenades that was a stupid idea."

@Soul OMU
Holo said:
Jonathan saw a bird being chased by two harpies and decided it must be a demigod or a regular god. Either way he knew he should help and had an immediate idea that was probably dumb and crazy. "Oh what the hell. Might even get a thank you this time." Jonathan said starting his motorcycle and riding as fast as he could at a shadow across the street. Street going into that shadow he popped out on a skyscraper roof. "There's a broken street lamp and is dark down there. That's my target then." Jonathan said activating his weapon and then riding over the edge and down the side of the building. "This was a bad idea!" He yelled on the way down as the ground started coming up fast. He then saw things go from bad to lethal as the light flickered a few times right before he hit the ground. He fell into the shadow in between flickers and burst out of the shadow under a harpy and took it up with him as he sliced the other with his battle axe. "Keep your cool Jonathan. Just play it off." He thought before looking at the bird that was flying away. "Hey! You're all clear back here." He yelled before falling down with his bike into another shadow. He popped out on the street under the bird and started following from the ground hoping it would land soon. His tires were smoking and his heart was pounding in his chest. "hephaestus's hand grenades that was a stupid idea."
@Soul OMU
Kat blinks as she hears what happened behind her and looks back slightly as she sees him kill the harpy before giving a caw and giving a caw of surprise as the harpy flings sharp razor feathers at her, piercing her feathers and wings, sending her down to the ground. Kat grunts and changes back. "S-Shit..."
Jonathan followed after the bird as it started to land he pulled up next to her. "Want a lift?" He asked with a quick look around before spotting the harpy he'd run over was talking off again. "Now or never." He said before actually looking at the girl and found out. "Hey Jonathan your heart wasn't in high gear but instead it was only in second welcome to fifth." Jonathan thought to himself.

@Soul OMU
Holo said:
Jonathan followed after the bird as it started to land he pulled up next to her. "Want a lift?" He asked with a quick look around before spotting the harpy he'd run over was talking off again. "Now or never." He said before actually looking at the girl and found out. "Hey Jonathan your heart wasn't in high gear but instead it was only in second welcome to fifth." Jonathan thought to himself.
@Soul OMU[/quote

Kat grunts as she pulls the feathers out of her skin. "...Yeah." she said as she took his arm and pulled herself up and on his bike, winces in pain from the sharp razor feathers.
(Botched the quote part. xD )

Jonathan gladly let her on but put her in front. "Drive south I'll hold off the thanksgiving turkey." He said starting to pull odd bits and pieces from his bag to arm a device he'd made.

@Soul OMU
Holo said:
(Botched the quote part. xD )
Jonathan gladly let her on but put her in front. "Drive south I'll hold off the thanksgiving turkey." He said starting to pull odd bits and pieces from his bag to arm a device he'd made.

@Soul OMU

Kat blinks and starts driving. "Alright then buddy..." she said while focusing on the road while letting the stranger who did save her from one of the harpies do his thing.
(You quoted my post and stuck your post in the quote too.)

Jonathan finished and used his axe to block a few strikes from the harpy. He then tossed a small black orb of metal that was hard to see in the dark. The harpy ran right into it add it popped open into an electrified net. "Ding fried turkey." Jonathan said with a smile before looking forward again. "Pardon me." He said then placed his hands on hers and turned them towards camp halfblood so they Rolled right in.

@Soul OMU

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