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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Lia raced towards the Camp border, behind her was a minotaur and a few snake ladies who seem very interested in catching her and sinking her. She narrowed her eyes and huffed as she kept running, using a bit of her ability to slow down time around their legs so she could have more time so she could reach the camp without being held up. She huffed as she reached the border and leaned against one of the pillars while glancing back to look at the monsters who where now banging on the forcefield.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lia raced towards the Camp border, behind her was a minotaur and a few snake ladies who seem very interested in catching her and sinking her. She narrowed her eyes and huffed as she kept running, using a bit of her ability to slow down time around their legs so she could have more time so she could reach the camp without being held up. She huffed as she reached the border and leaned against one of the pillars while glancing back to look at the monsters who where now banging on the forcefield.

A few seconds later those monsters burst into clouds of bronze dust and a group of girls in silver outfits walk into the barrier with wolves and eagles following close by. They ignore Lia to head straight towards the big house where Chiron is preparing to host a capture the flag game when max, violet, and Alec get back.
Lia says nothing as they pass by, actually ignoring them as she makes her way into the camp, looking around boredly with her purple and pink eyes which seem to be ticking and moving like a clock. She wandered around the camp, looking around until she found the arena, where Olivia was currently training and using her dream and nightmare sand as weapons by turning them into whips.

"yeah sure I can walk." Owen said as his eyebrow twitched. He touched his head as he heard a familiar buzzing. "I need to go check something out anyways." He said as he started towards the camp entrance. Owen pulled his other glove out of his pocket. He slipped it on and hurried off. That's when he saw them. "Aw sh*t" Owen said as he noticed the hunters of Artemis entering the camp. Even though Apollo and Artemis were twins and got along decently well... The children of Apollo and the hunters didn't. Owen sighed as he now realized that the hunters arrival would result in competition between the two... Something that he didn't do. Owen never competed and didn't accept any challenges, and he wasn't about to start now. "Well... Looks like my Cabin is gonna be chaotic form the next few days" he said as he leaned against a tree watching the hunters.



"Well... Looks like you're stuck here." Kit said as he watched Anthony "Cause you don't look like you'd be able to survive another teleport." Kit started to move Anthony towards a room "And truthfully... I think Helena will be fine." He said looking back at her room. "She should be out of her room and acting like she usually does." Kit then realized that there weren't any spare rooms that he could remember. He pulled Anthony into his room. "If you need to, rest here. I don't mind letting you use my room." Kit turned and went to leave before he turned back to Anthony. "Tom needs to bulk up, and... You were bringing them snacks, but not the rest of us?"


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Anthony got up and shook his head shrugging. "Thomas knows to call me. Helena though... well... I... um..." Anthony stated blushing deeply and couldn't think straight since he'd liked Helena for a long time but never been noticed. He looked down distracted by the thought of having held Helena on the way to the ship. He wished she'd notice him but figured she'd probably ignore him anyways or misunderstand. "It's complicated. Besides I can make a bunch of snacks after I get some rest."
BishopOfKings said:
Max smiled as Alec got the message. He grabbed both of them by their waste and jumped up and the wind took them up. The first thing Max thought was "Liar" As Max flew the three of them up he could easily tell their weighs. Violet was definitely heavier than 120 lbs… Maybe about 150, and Alec was about the same weight. By the time they got up to the Pyramid shaped roof Max was winded. He set the two down on the small ledge on the roof and went to where the door to Boreas's… crib?… sure why not. Max placed a hand on where the door would open and exhaled. He used the wind to push the doors open, before pulling the other two inside. The door shut behind them and the air instant;y felt chillier. Max let out a shaky breath. "Ok… Now where is Boreas." He asked as he stood in the middle of the chamber.

@Silent Justice


@Holo (If you want to rp Boreas)
Boreas raises a brow as he looks at him. "Hm? Oh it seems ve have visitors~" he said while sitting back on his chair. Some nymphs giggle and are hanging off him lightly as Boreas looks towards them. "So vhat honour do I get for being visited by a son of Zeus, a son of Aphrodite and a daughter of Athena? Hm?" he asked while swirling his wine glass as he looked at them over his shades.

(@Silent Justice)

".... Um, hello, Boreas, uh, sir. We've just come to ask......" Alec said, not sure what to do in this situation. He turned to Max and said through his teeth, "What are we here to ask him about again?" He didn't feel the little metallic thing making it's way slowly up his back. "Dude, leave me hanging here..."


@Silent Justice

"You like her don't you" Kit blurted out as he watched the boy "don't hide it, or deny it. I grew up with Owen, who when he wants to rarely shows emotions. I can read him... You're a lot easier to read." Kit stared at the Hecate boy. "So come on... Spill. I can keep a secret."

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU


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"Yes! I like her but people don't remember me. Except the Ares kids they remember to beat me bloody." Anthony said looking down and ashamed at the fact that he didn't want to hurt people that were constantly hitting him whenever they could. He was also worried since he was sure Helena barely knew him at all. "Just don't worry about it. She probably doesn't even know I exist. I've had a hard and nearly invisible life."

explosiveKitten said:
".... Um, hello, Boreas, uh, sir. We've just come to ask......" Alec said, not sure what to do in this situation. He turned to Max and said through his teeth, "What are we here to ask him about again?" He didn't feel the little metallic thing making it's way slowly up his back. "Dude, leave me hanging here..."

@Silent Justice
BishopOfKings said:
"You like her don't you" Kit blurted out as he watched the boy "don't hide it, or deny it. I grew up with Owen, who when he wants to rarely shows emotions. I can read him... You're a lot easier to read." Kit stared at the Hecate boy. "So come on... Spill. I can keep a secret."




Max was surprised when Boreas appeared in the chamber and nearly fell into Alec. "We... Uh..." Max cleared his throat "uh we were sent on a quest to retrieve an item that was stolen from Camp... We were told you could tell us we're to go."

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU


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Boreas watching them and blinks before grinning brightly. "Ah! Of course I can, but what is the item you are looking for? Cuz I can't tell you which way to go if I don't know what you're looking for." he said while grinning.

(@Silent Justice)


Valencia and Tiko reached the big house in time to see the Hunters of Artemis arrive she instantly perked up regretted the sudden movement as a sharp pain shot through her. "Take it easy my dear mother Nyx would be upset if you were hurt any further." Tiko said in his deep rumbling voice.. Valencia had always wondered why he had a British accent but never asked about it, "Tiko... Could you lower yourself a bit Id like to ride the rest of the way." Tiko did more than she asked disappearing and reappearing again but this time right under Valencia. She was stopped up in this back and she rode proudly towards the hunters despite her serious would and seriously messed up hair she put on a radiant smile and waved at her friends remembering them from her time hunting alongside Artemis. "Hello ladies been a while hasn't it?"

@Holo (Tania hasn't responded to Jason yet refer to last post)
Tania heard him say that and sniffles a little then nods. "Ok. Is that a bad sign? If so I'm sorry for whatever I did." Tania said with a frown at the thought of things going wrong so fast.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
"Hold up.. Easy there, let's just go to my room, I'm pretty tired and kinda lightheaded." Jason took Tania's hand fingers lacing between hers. "One step at a time right?" Jason led Tania to his room but knew he didn't have to since she knew it perfectly well. "Let's just sit and talk...alright?"
Tania nodded looking nervous and anxious like a cornered animal waiting to be injured. "O-Ok. Are you alright?" She asked genuinely concerned and worried he'd say no and she'd be at fault. Her heart kept pounding and her eyes were subconsciously searching for exits and her mind was filing them away for later use.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason nodded, "I'm fine I guess, I was just wondering why you got so upset up on deck after I got Helena out of her mind.....,not in the way it sounds in the return her to sanity I mean.....you know." He sighed "Are you alright you seem really worried about something...calm down."
Tania sighed and looked at him. "I've never had anybody that treated me the way you do so I just felt awful seeing you pay so much attention to Helena. It seemed like you forgot about me and I just felt upset and hurt. I'm sorry I don't know what came over me I just never felt this way before so I didn't know how to hold it back." Tania said hoping Jason would understand and forgive her.

Kit pulled a chair away from a desk and sat down "You know… i was a lot like you." He said as he looked over Anthony. "I, however, decided to speak up and make a name for myself." He locked eyes with Anthony. "I am just a common Hermes kid, who is only really useful for stealing things." He said "I knew that that wouldn't cut it for me… so maybe you should think on that." Kits good up and walked out in the hallway. "Just don't bother her too much." And with that Kit walked out into the hallway and started exploring the ship

@Soul OMU

@Silent Justice
Anthony sighed and decided to do what he came to do and leave. He however lost his ability to travel far distances for at least a well or two by exhausting himself too much. He knew kit was right but he also knew that he was most likely stuck where he was with no escape coming. He followed kit with a sigh and decided that at least the conversation was pleasant. "I'm much too shy for that."
Jason raised an eyebrow, "You were jealous...of Helena. I guess I can understand..but why? All I did was delve into her mind..and..learn....I just did what I thought was right you shouldn't get jealous over that, but then again I am bout fine a hell." Jason struck a common super model pose and giving her that 'look'. Before smiling and laughing it off.

(Anybody remember what the heck Sebastian was doing?)
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason raised an eyebrow, "You were jealous...of Helena. I guess I can understand..but why? All I did was delve into her mind..and..learn....I just did what I thought was right you shouldn't get jealous over that, but then again I am bout fine a hell." Jason struck a common super model pose and giving her that 'look'. Before smiling and laughing it off.
(Anybody remember what the heck Sebastian was doing?)

(No, but Lia got to camp about a few pages back I believe.. Currently wandering camp.)


BishopOfKings said:
Kit pulled a chair away from a desk and sat down "You know… i was a lot like you." He said as he looked over Anthony. "I, however, decided to speak up and make a name for myself." He locked eyes with Anthony. "I am just a common Hermes kid, who is only really useful for stealing things." He said "I knew that that wouldn't cut it for me… so maybe you should think on that." Kits good up and walked out in the hallway. "Just don't bother her too much." And with that Kit walked out into the hallway and started exploring the ship

@Soul OMU

@Silent Justice
Boreas thinks for a moment. "Hm... Snow... Snow... I can only say there are a few candidates who would have taken it if there was snow..." He said while sitting back in his chair, looking at them, his sunglasses on his nose.


(@Silent Justice)


Lia wandering around the camp, stops watching the dark cladded girl in the arena fighting with solidified sand and starts making her way around, trying to get a feel for the camp. Eventually she stumped upon the amplitheatre where she hears a faint sound of music coming from it.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
Alec looked at Boreas and blinked. "Errr, sir, where is your daughter... Khione? The uh... The Goddess of snow?" And suddenly his back stiffened. "Max..." Alec stammered, shaking him, "Max I think there's something on me... Get it off... Please..."

Something was indeed crawling up Alec's back, at a painstakingly slow pace, which only creeped Alec out more. "Whatisitgetitoffpleeeeeaseeee."

@BishopOfKings @Soul OMU
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Sebastian seemed to pop out of nowhere but anyone who noticed would see or more likely hear him as his fingers played the keys of the piano with speed and grace, he as usually did letting his private thoughts and what he felt dictate what song he played. At the time he played a song that gave his sadness a form and gave him some time to escape it and relax. Most of the time he had his eyed closed but his jaw was tense showing that there was a great amount of concentration on more than one thing .

Sebastian's fingers fly over the keys as he bridges to another song this time it started somber but as he thought of his hope both for his mom and himself the song became almost cheery while being reflective. He let himself get into it opening his eyes and watching his fingers dance as if they were not a part of him he poured himself into the song and by the end he felt the almost foreign sensation of a tear sliding down his cheek. "I still haven't cried." He said his voice not much stronger than a whisper.


[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian's fingers fly over the keys as he bridges to another song this time it started somber but as he thought of his hope both for his mom and himself the song became almost cheery while being reflective. He let himself get into it opening his eyes and watching his fingers dance as if they were not a part of him he poured himself into the song and by the end he felt the almost foreign sensation of a tear sliding down his cheek. "I still haven't cried." He said his voice not much stronger than a whisper.

Lia listening to him and opens her eyes as she barely heads what he says while standing by the entrance of the amplitheatre, debating on whether or not she said say something or not but decides not to since it isn't her place too.

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