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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

She rolled over to laying beside him, staring up at the sky, and oddly enough, she began to laugh. Not a crazed laugh, just genuine, joyful laughter. "Haha, when you think about it, we went a crazy adventure through each other's minds with the aid of a lebian mismatched god lady with a goat leg and a lady with ever changing clothing. Haha... Hahahaha!" She continued to laugh, till her sides were aching and she was doing that painful hissing laugh.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Anthony and Tania both had a painted look on their faces for only slightly different reasons. "Get a room you two." Tania said a little annoyed before walking to the edge of the ship to stare at the water. Anthony however started climbing towards the top of the ship hoping to find something very distracting.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Helena's laughter proved to be infectious and Jason found himself laughing along with her, "You'resuch a wierdo, but her clothes were god-awful." He eased himself up on his elbows when Tania spoke he looked at her a sudden shift in his mood as she walked away. "Well that's just wonderful..."

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Helena looked up at Tania and immediately the playful light in her eyes was gone, "Oh f*** off, Tania. What's wrong with a little laughter? I know you don't laugh much, but other people do. No need to rain on our parade, Sparky!" She shouted at Tania, rolling to her hands and knees, then standing up and dusting off her clothes. She narrowed her eyes at Tania, "Just because we're having fun doesn't mean you have to ruin it."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Tania scowled and then smiled and turned back to the two. "No I'm just saying that you two are acting pretty much like a couple. I mean I have no experience in that area but I've seen couples before." Tania said then turned around and frowned staring at the water. She gave a sigh and her shoulders slumped and the air above her head crackled. "The girl always seems to be having fun while there's a warm smile on her face and a light in her eyes but then I look in the mirror and try to smile and it just seems so much colder. It just seems like a pathetic attempt at having something I'm not allowed to even consider." She turned around and let her down stay in place. She then marched past Helena and then past Jason giving him a small smile. "If I'm running your fun I'll just lock myself in my room."

"You're welcome Helena. If I hadn't come to check on this ship and her crew you would be in the catacombs still." Anthony said from the crow's nest as he started tying new rigging and making a series of ropes appear on the ship so he could get around quickly from the crow's nest.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason whipped around and caught Tania's arm firmly, giving her pleading look. "She doesn't deserve that and neither do I...what's wrong...why are you so angry?" Jason wanted this to work out, but even as he spoke he felt different in the deepest part of his mind....what was changing?

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Tania sighed and looked at him hurt in her eyes. "I don't know maybe it's that you're so focused on her. I don't know the word for it I. I just don't like it. It hurts me seeing you just as happy with somebody else." Tania said sincerely confused about the whole concept of jealousy. She looked at her arm then at him and finally it broke her and she laid her head on his chest and felt her eyes start watering. "I like you and don't like the thought of somebody else stealing you away. We can show down or speed up or whatever you want just please don't leave me alone."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Helena was about to throw some cruel remark at Tania when suddenly the other girl seemed to break down. Needless to say it kind of shocked Helena. She had never seen Tania crying before. Like, holy shit, somebody bust out a calendar and mark the date. Tania has human emotions! But all mocking aside, she couldn't bring herself to interrupt. So she simply slipped away. Below decks she went, fading into the dark as she normally would.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Addison kept to her own devices as she began replacing and fixing the damaged oars. Felix kept clicking at her, but she wasn't paying attention as she waved him off. "One second Felix, I'm busy." She scolded, but was only teasing. Felix clicked in irritation at her. "Okay, okay I'll give you the oil and sprinkles after I finish you weirdo with your even weirder craving- Oh wait! Don't tell me! You're pregnant?" Felix blew a puff of fire at her. "I'm just teasing you oaf." Felix clicked at her softly making Addie frown. "No, no I'm fine bub. Being undeground does stuff to me, is all." Her fire had been a little less cooperative than usual now that they were back above ground, and it made Addison feel slow and sluggish. "I probably just need a nap." She crooned, trying to calm the stressing dragon. Her eyes began to droop every now and then while working, but then Felix would blow a puff of hot air in Addie's face to keep her moving.
"Who the hell is Boreas, and what the hell are the Boreads?!" Violet said, exasperated. "You should have fucking found us a place to land!" She said, nearly panicking.


"Who are they?" Max said calming down a bit. "Boreas is the god of the North Wind, the Boreads are his children who guard his domain." Max walked to the window and felt the plane shift slightly before it stabilized again. "Weird… I'm sure i put enough wind around the plane to keep it stable and airborne…" He looked out the plane window. "There" He said as he pointed to a hotel looking building. "He's usually found there, in the top of the hotel, and i was planing on landing there… its a lot more spacious inside." Max crossed his arms. "But considering that we are so close to it and we are demigods, the Boreads would've flow out here to see what we need."

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU



Kit's eyes looked at Olivia as she spoke her mind, but before Kit could respond his uncle took a step towards the girl. "Such a bold thing to say girly." His uncle said as he moved towards Olivia. "But this boy will fail you every time he's ne-" Kits Uncle stopped talking as he was sent into the wall by Kit whose arms were glowing a red color. "Don't you ever call me a coward again!" Kit shouted as he moved towards his uncle. His uncle only laughed as Kit picked him up "Now see here boy." His uncle choked out as Kit griped his throat. "This is what i wanted to do… to make your ruthless.. to make you unfeeling… just like your stepbrother…." Kits uncle disappeared and Kit dropped to his knees. He looked around as the dream started to slowly dissipate, and his eyes locked on Olivia. "Thanks… for saying that… i needed it." He said as he noticed the dust. "W-were you gonna… fight?"

@Soul OMU

(Owens Glove)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/320.png.4c674bdcf7bd274453d268f56c8ce5cc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/320.png.4c674bdcf7bd274453d268f56c8ce5cc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 320.png
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explosiveKitten said:
Helena was about to throw some cruel remark at Tania when suddenly the other girl seemed to break down. Needless to say it kind of shocked Helena. She had never seen Tania crying before. Like, holy shit, somebody bust out a calendar and mark the date. Tania has human emotions! But all mocking aside, she couldn't bring herself to interrupt. So she simply slipped away. Below decks she went, fading into the dark as she normally would.
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"Hey princess death and decay can I talk to... Dammit." Anthony said finishing his rope tying before grabbing one and swinging down to the deck. He walked below decks and remembered he didn't even have a room on the ship. He was positive that Helena wouldn't remember him at all and if she did it would be because him and Mason used to butt heads a lot and Anthony had the scars to prove it. He wouldn't have ever laid a hand on Mason though because he knew that would push Helena away and plus Anthony didn't see the point. "Hey Helena you down here?" Anthony asked expecting her to appear behind him or something that was supposed to be scary.

Helena heard someone calling to her, and she only groaned in response, followed by the sound of crunching chips, "Jason, I'm really not in the mood for a "pep talk" or whatever, I just wanna eat my Pringles, watch my movies, and sleep... Wait that isn't Jason's voice... AHHHH AM I HEARING VOICES AGAIN? Ehhhhhhhh leave me alooooone!" She cried, and the sound of a door shutting came from the darkness. Securely in her cabin, she sighed and continued to munch on her pizza Pringles.

"Dammit Helena it's Anthony from camp. You aren't hearing voices I just know how to perform long distance travel. At a price of course." Anthony said knocking on the door. He then got an idea and decided he couldn't resist. "Get out here I'm turning this vessel into a pirate ship and I want a second opinion. I already did the rigging so you can swing to anywhere from the crow's nest." Anthony said hoping it would draw out Helena.

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BishopOfKings said:
"Who are they?" Max said calming down a bit. "Boreas is the god of the North Wind, the Boreads are his children who guard his domain." Max walked to the window and felt the plane shift slightly before it stabilized again. "Weird… I'm sure i put enough wind around the plane to keep it stable and airborne…" He looked out the plane window. "There" He said as he pointed to a hotel looking building. "He's usually found there, in the top of the hotel, and i was planing on landing there… its a lot more spacious inside." Max crossed his arms. "But considering that we are so close to it and we are demigods, the Boreads would've flow out here to see what we need."

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU



Kit's eyes looked at Olivia as she spoke her mind, but before Kit could respond his uncle took a step towards the girl. "Such a bold thing to say girly." His uncle said as he moved towards Olivia. "But this boy will fail you every time he's ne-" Kits Uncle stopped talking as he was sent into the wall by Kit whose arms were glowing a red color. "Don't you ever call me a coward again!" Kit shouted as he moved towards his uncle. His uncle only laughed as Kit picked him up "Now see here boy." His uncle choked out as Kit griped his throat. "This is what i wanted to do… to make your ruthless.. to make you unfeeling… just like your stepbrother…." Kits uncle disappeared and Kit dropped to his knees. He looked around as the dream started to slowly dissipate, and his eyes locked on Olivia. "Thanks… for saying that… i needed it." He said as he noticed the dust. "W-were you gonna… fight?"

@Soul OMU

(Owens Glove)

View attachment 94222
Elizabeth looks at him and doesn't say anything as she looks over the glove carefully with her analyzing eyes. "...I promise." She said slowly as she nodded lightly before looking at him once more.


Olivia blinks as she starts to calm down. "... If it came down to that... I would have... I meant what I said... Your my friend... And I'll stay by you... Even thought we just met, we are alike... In many more ways then one.. Even if I'm not the best fighter I still dove in to save you from that wolf man... And I'm pretty sure your uncle's spirit was going to come after me.."

"Well, let's land there anyway! Let's see what the problem is. I mean, we're like, heroes or something, right? If there's something wrong, maybe we could fix it..." Violet said. And by "we", she really meant "you two". "We need to land somewhere, right? Let's not just land in some random place in the Canadian wilderness."


"Yeah, just because we're heroes doesn't mean we can fix everybody's problems. Although I do agree with Violet, we should just land, then get out and look around. That will probably help us in the long run. So, find us an airport to land in or something? Or maybe just a big field?" Alec finally piped up, not taking his eyes off his magazine the entire time. When he looked up, he stared at Violet, then looked at Max again.


@Silent Justice

Owen was relieved at Elizabeth's answer that he hugged her. "Thank you!" He said as he hugged her. He was happy that he didn't have... Owen shook his head and let go of Elizabeth. He didn't want to think about what he'd have to do. "Umm... Oh! Crap! Did you see anyone bring Valencia to the infirmary?!"

@Soul OMU

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Silent Justice


(Btw I'm surprised you two didn't scream at Max for leaving the cockpit, and letting the plane fly without a pilot.)

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BishopOfKings said:
Owen was relieved at Elizabeth's answer that he hugged her. "Thank you!" He said as he hugged her. He was happy that he didn't have... Owen shook his head and let go of Elizabeth. He didn't want to think about what he'd have to do. "Umm... Oh! Crap! Did you see anyone bring Valencia to the infirmary?!"

@Soul OMU

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Silent Justice

"Uh... That's a weird question..." Violet said, then thought for a bit. What an odd question. Then she realized that Max most likely wanted to know because he was going to fly them up there... "Hm... I think I'm like, 110 to 120 pounds... I dunno."

"Dude, you don't ask a lady her weight! God! ...I don't know I haven't stepped near a scale in a long time... What does it matter?" Alec asked, looking confused. Then he looked up at the top of the hotel, and got sick just looking up at the top, "Uhhhh... Max? Why are you asking...?" He looked nervously at the top of the building.


@Silent Jarpy
Jason held Tania in his arms and looked down at her, struggling as he tried to figure out what to say. "I only did.....I can't believe I'm saying this but we clearly need to talk.... whenever you're ready though I'm not going to push you into it."

Valencia laid on the grounds in the arena barely conscious and in a great deal of pain. It hurt to move and even worse it was hell to breathe. Despite the pain and sensation of her broken rib actually piercing her lung, she rose to her feet loading her balance and falling right into a large black patch of fur. Tiko walked alongside Valencia guiding her to the big house.

(Dunno what's going on with Sebastian)

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Max smiled as Alec got the message. He grabbed both of them by their waste and jumped up and the wind took them up. The first thing Max thought was "Liar" As Max flew the three of them up he could easily tell their weighs. Violet was definitely heavier than 120 lbs… Maybe about 150, and Alec was about the same weight. By the time they got up to the Pyramid shaped roof Max was winded. He set the two down on the small ledge on the roof and went to where the door to Boreas's… crib?… sure why not. Max placed a hand on where the door would open and exhaled. He used the wind to push the doors open, before pulling the other two inside. The door shut behind them and the air instant;y felt chillier. Max let out a shaky breath. "Ok… Now where is Boreas." He asked as he stood in the middle of the chamber.

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU



Kit stood up and noticed that Jason and Tania were having some sort of argument and decided he'd find Helena. After all she did go sprinting through the catacombs screaming about something. He walked down below deck and noticed Anthony standing outside Helena's room. "Hey… weren't you at camp?" He said confused "How did you get on the ship?"

BishopOfKings said:
Max smiled as Alec got the message. He grabbed both of them by their waste and jumped up and the wind took them up. The first thing Max thought was "Liar" As Max flew the three of them up he could easily tell their weighs. Violet was definitely heavier than 120 lbs… Maybe about 150, and Alec was about the same weight. By the time they got up to the Pyramid shaped roof Max was winded. He set the two down on the small ledge on the roof and went to where the door to Boreas's… crib?… sure why not. Max placed a hand on where the door would open and exhaled. He used the wind to push the doors open, before pulling the other two inside. The door shut behind them and the air instant;y felt chillier. Max let out a shaky breath. "Ok… Now where is Boreas." He asked as he stood in the middle of the chamber.

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU



Kit stood up and noticed that Jason and Tania were having some sort of argument and decided he'd find Helena. After all she did go sprinting through the catacombs screaming about something. He walked down below deck and noticed Anthony standing outside Helena's room. "Hey… weren't you at camp?" He said confused "How did you get on the ship?"



Olivia starts to wander camp and decides to go to the arena to train since she needs a bit more practice so that she'll be able to defend herself should a threat arise or another camper decides to attack her for no reason.
BishopOfKings said:
Max smiled as Alec got the message. He grabbed both of them by their waste and jumped up and the wind took them up. The first thing Max thought was "Liar" As Max flew the three of them up he could easily tell their weighs. Violet was definitely heavier than 120 lbs… Maybe about 150, and Alec was about the same weight. By the time they got up to the Pyramid shaped roof Max was winded. He set the two down on the small ledge on the roof and went to where the door to Boreas's… crib?… sure why not. Max placed a hand on where the door would open and exhaled. He used the wind to push the doors open, before pulling the other two inside. The door shut behind them and the air instant;y felt chillier. Max let out a shaky breath. "Ok… Now where is Boreas." He asked as he stood in the middle of the chamber.

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU



Kit stood up and noticed that Jason and Tania were having some sort of argument and decided he'd find Helena. After all she did go sprinting through the catacombs screaming about something. He walked down below deck and noticed Anthony standing outside Helena's room. "Hey… weren't you at camp?" He said confused "How did you get on the ship?"


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