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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Jason looked at his sword baffled and enraged, then to Tania, then to the matter lady. "You probably don't get this cut you know, we demigods fight all your battles. But its hard not to be tense when our lives are on the line!! Again I don't expect you to understand such an abstract concept... either way we either move this little meeting to the deck or you get off my ship!! Seriously Helena's not the only one disturbed by your lingerie wearing friend."

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"Oh hohoho!" Eris gave a jolly laugh and poofed over to where Helena is, "As I've said, your friend here is to busy with her delusions to see any of us! Nor can she hear you. She's just... Gone mad!" Eris cackled with glee and poofed to floating over Jason's head, "in case you weren't wondering I'm going to tell you anyway, I'm Eris! The Goddess of Chaos and discord, nice to meet yooooouuuu!" She grabbed Jason's hands and began to shake them fiercely, making Jason shake with them, before she poofed off again, standing beside Mania, "And here is-"

"I am Mania. The Goddess of insanity." Labcoat proclaimed, leaning onto Eris, and Eris casually wrapped an arm around Mania's shoulders. "I just love these little demigods, don't you Eris?"

"Oh why yes Mania, I so do! They have spunk that goes for miles! And oh the chaos they wreck together is... Mmmmm, delectable!" They pair laughed the same jolly laugh, and then Eris poofed away to one corner of the room, where a very regal looking lounge chair was now conveniently placed, and poofed the pair onto it, where they lay beside each other, watching the demigods.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
"Wait a second" Violet said. "You took us on a flight, but you didn't think about where we'd land?! How much of an idiot are you?!" Violet made the mistake of looking down, and felt her heart race increase. Oh my god oh my god- Wait, no, gods... Oh my gods oh my gods we're all gonna die! She thought.


Tania groaned in pain before pointing at one of them and trying to zap them which hurt her a lot and that was sad. She didn't let the pain show on her face though and tried to fry the other one before she felt something warm on her side. She ignored it hoping nobody else would notice the blood starting to flow again.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Alec looked up from his newspaper when Max addressed him, and he blinked, then shouted, "You don't know where we're landing?!" He got up and started to make his way towards the cockpit. "Doesn't this thing have a GPS or something?!"

Jason sighed and passed his fingers through his dreads, he looked at Helena his face showing visible concern for her. He turned his gaze to Tania who seemed to be experiencing some discomfort, he knelt in front of her his worried expression ever more present. " Are you okay?"

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Tania sighed and her leg started to shake. "I'm good just wasting more energy than I should. We need to talk after we bounce these two out of club Helena." She said smiling so he would know it wasn't something too horrible. Yet.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason nodded eased but not content, something in hers eyes told him that he couldn't be content. " Well.. I'm glad you're okay because I'm about to do something incredibly stupid." Jason stood and turned to three family goddesses. "Is there anyway you two ladies could... i dunno.. put me in Helena's mind? I figure you can get your influence in there why not a person over consciousness... kinda like inception."

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The two goddesses looked at Jason, and Eris raised an eyebrow at him. "I... suppose... But why should we? My lovely Mania would certainly LOOOOOVE to add your friend here to many in the 'asylums'. She would just be so much fun to have around." Eris said with a big smile, gripping Helena by her shoulders from behind and shaking her, which only made the girl whimper more and try to escape. "Yes indeed. She'll be such fun to have. Why, I don't want to simply let her go." Mania cried, clinging to Helena in a big bear hug, once again making her panic and run away, to smash herself into a corner and hold her head, trying to keep from going full freak out mode.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason raised his eyebrow, " Sounds to me like you're chickening out.. afraid a little bit will ruin your fun? Well how about this, if I fail you get the both of us and you can test the limits of your crazy powers on me... or you get neither of us but I credit the success of my little mission to your kindness and unending grace. Sound good?"

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"Kindness and unending grace?" The pair looked at each other, stroking imaginary beards then they seemed to huddle together and began to whisper to each other, occasionally glancing back at Jason, then they suddenly turned back around and said at the same time, "you got a deal, kid. But you're gonna have to catch her first." They then pointed at the door, where Helena was busily fleeing the room.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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Jason watched the goddesses a little anxiously replacing just a bit when they agreed, only to point to an empty space. "Oh shite." He went to run after Helena but paused to give Tania a hasty kiss on the cheek, before bolting out the door. He scrambled to the deck turning around and looking for Helena. "The hell did she go?"

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Helena was busily scrambling along the deck, trying desperately to escape something Jason couldn't see. "Go away pops! I don't want to do it! I don't like it! I don't like it! IT HURTS!" She was crying, her eyes clouded as she tried to scramble off the side of the ship, but finding a railing to smash her head into. Meanwhile, Eris and Mania were floating over their heads, eating popcorn and watching as of they were in a movie theater.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason ram towards Helena spring a few feet away, he attempted to process what she had just said but decided against it finding the possibilities disturbing. " Helena... it's me Jason..... thus isn't gonna get anywhere. Hey mania, and Eris, I'm going to form a ice dome around us. When I touch her ill need you to transfer me into her mind.... that okay?!" Jason raised his hand and the water responded spiraling up at his command.

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"Yeah, yeah, whatever." The pair answered, still chowing on popcorn. They all just watched in amusement, as the daughter of Hades started to fight with the water pouring up around her, panic making her react like a caged animal. "MASON! WAIT FOR ME!" She shouted, charging blindly at Jason, full force.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason is startled when Helena charged him but still froze the dome properly before bracing himself. When Helena was close enough he sidestepped Helena grabbing her arm and pulling her into a hug losing his balance and beginning to fall backwards with Helena in his arms. All the while feeling his conciousness slip away completely as they fell. Next thing he knew he owned his eyes and snapped to awareness in an unrecognizable place.

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The place was dark. Transparent souls drifted in lines likes ants, the rock walls washed red by the fires that blazed in multiple places. The walls encrusted with skulls and bones, and they bore the faces of tortured souls. And the ground soaked in blood, and gore littered over the ground. An enraged bellow came from the distance, and a figure was flung from that direction. The figure crashed to the ground beside Jason, but was soon to get up again, her sword in hand and a fire in her eyes.

Helena Imuuno, daughter of Hades. Age fifteen.

A murderous light was shining in the young Helena's eyes, as she screamed at the top of her lungs. "CERBERUS! YOU SPIT HIM OUT OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL SLICE ALL YOUR HEADS OFF AND PULL HIM OUT OF YOUR STOMACH! I WILL GUT YOU, YOU WORTHLESS MUTT!" And with that, the huge three headed dog loomed out of the distance and bayed at her, the middle head having reddish drool dripping from the jaws. The girl screamed, raised her sword and charged off.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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Jason freaked out when he saw where he was and almost thought he was dead until a girl crashed.down beside him. He got a brief look at her face and a flash of recognition went across his. "Helena.. hey wait!" He struggled to his feet slipping and falling face first into a puddle of blood and picking himself up. He wiped the blood of his face and ran after her. Helena, he activated his sword out of reflex but it deactivated immediately. "Helena!!" Jason roared running after the smaller version of his friend. " Come back stupid!! You can't kill that overgrown mutt!"

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"Jason." A hand was firmly planted on his shoulder, and it held him back. The ordinary seventeen year old Helena was standing right next to where he had been, and the difference between her and the younger Helena was immediately recognizable. The fire in her younger form's eyes was gone, replaced with a cold hollowness, and the bags under her eyes from lack of sleep helped the look of... Defeat on the older Helena's face. Yes. This girl, Helena, a grand warrior at Camp Half-Blood, looked defeated.

".... She can't hear you." She muttered, her eyes fixed on the fight in front of them. Her younger form was furiously screeching and slashing wildly at the guardian of the Underworld, it's three heads snapping at her as she hacked and slashed wildly. And even when one of the heads managed to catch her by a leg, she continued her screeching and simply began to stab the mutt in the muzzle.

She was dropped pretty quickly. The right most head was bleeding golden ichor quite heavily from the muzzle, and the others had nicks and cuts as well. But the most damage was yet to come. The young Helena was standing with her bitten leg wobbling badly and was missing several large chunks of flesh. One piece right down to the bone.

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT, MUTT? COME ON! BEING YOUR A-GAME!" She shrieked, then began to limp furiously towards them. The middle and leftmost heads growled, while the right only whimpered as if to say, "no way, I'm backing out" and the two somehow found coordination and snapped at her at once. This was their downfall. She vaulted up onto the left's nose and ran up it's muzzle, and the middle ended up biting the left, clamping both muzzle's shut in the process and leaving the left whimpering. But justice was not served, oh no. Young Helena was limping up Cerberus's left nose, and before the middle head could respond, she was shouting, "AN EYE FOR AN EYE, MOTHER F***ER!" And had buried her sword deep into the left eye of the left head. The middle and right heads didn't even know what to do, they simply watched, slack jawed, as the left head whined and began to shake it's head furiously, but this only aided in her goal. Before long, the left eye of the left head simply popped out of it's socket, and flung off with Helena, riding on her sword. The girl came crashing down, covered in ichor and her own blood, her sword clattering to the ground beside her, and the eye flung off into the distance, crushing a few souls and dispelling them with angry hisses, like the air being let out of an angry balloon.

Helena laid there for moments, breathing hard. Her face was spattered with blood and ichor, her leg was looking like it had been chopped with an axe, and she was covered in gnarly gashes. But somehow, she stood up again, leaning heavily on her sword and attempting to charge again, the three headed dog looking thoroughly frightened of what this chick was capable of, but soon a black fog swooped out of nowhere and sucker punched Helena, and then everything went black around Jason and the older Helena.

She was crying. The entire time they were watching the fighting she was crying, and the bitter tears rolled down her cheeks without control.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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Jason watched a mixed look of feat and awe on his face he watched the whole thing until the scene blacked out. Jason turned to Helena, "That was the bravest, stupid, and most terrifying thing I've ever seen." He looked at her face and the rewards streaming down and it clicked, " Helena.... that was when, HE died..... wasn't it." His expression softened and he wiped the tears off of her cheek already knowing the answer big wanting to hear it. He felt something stir in him and he began to see Helena much differently that before, she was kinder than she let on, cared more than expected, and clearly despite her coldness now had a great deal of live in her heart. Already from what he saw.

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Helena stared at Jason, and suddenly their surroundings- no, the memories- they shifted into a big dark cavern, away from the main cave of the Underworld. The younger Helena was laying on the ground, but now she suddenly jerked awake, breathing heavily and looking around. She seemed to register that she was not where she was before. She could even hear Cerberus's pained wailing from the entrance of the tunnel. But her eyes were locked on something laying just out of her reach. And she had to drag herself across the rock to gaze at it, and finally she seemed to lose the fire. The younger form of herself broke down, picking up the pale arm and hugging it, sobbing loudly and wailing wordlessly as she mourned someone she cared about.

"... I miss him so much sometimes.... I just wish I could hear him making his dumb jokes, and... I just want to eat my waffles with him again... One more time..." The words quivered on Helena's lips, and she began to sob, to wail with her younger self and just grieve, forgetting that Jason was there entirely. She would never cry in front of anyone. But right now, she didn't care.

Her younger self looked up slowly from the remains of her love, and up into the distance. A faint light could be seen at the end of the tunnel, and suddenly she grunted and began to drag herself towards it, shielding the arm from any harm, until she could look out over the landscape. The Palace of Hades loomed in the distance, dark and intimidating, but somehow this sight brought the light back to Helena's eyes. She dragged herself to her feet, shrugging her leather jacket off and snapping it, laying it across the ground, and without even hesitating, she rolled the arm in it, encasing the once living flesh in leather. She pulled a cube of ambrosia from her bag, the last cube she had, and tossed it into her mouth, chewing slowly and swallowing. She stuffed the wrapped arm in her bag and left the plastic baggy for the ambrosia on the rocks. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Hades," her younger form hissed as some of her cuts began to close up, leaving scars, "you need to take better care of your land." And with that, she took off, using her sword like a walking stick, and with a fire in her eyes that would only be sated by revenge.

The memory faded away to black.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Anthony dragged Kit out of the tunnels. Literally dragged Kit on a poorly made stretcher. Thomas dragged Addison back hoping they could leave soon. His other hand held the oars and a annoyed look plastered his face. When they got back to the ship Thomas set the oars down and looked at Helena confused. "What the heck?" Anthony however dropped his cargo letting Kit's feet drop so he could check on Helena.



Max spun out of his chair and was faced Violet "I'm not an idiot!" Max shouted into the headset "Boreas isn't where he usually is!" He walked over to Violet "If he was below us then the Boreads would've stopped us by now!"

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU

(Did Elizabeth always talk like that?)



Kit tensed as the stairs creaked as someone walked down them. "Please... Don't hurt me... I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault." Kit said not knowing it was Olivia. Then the door burst open and a man broke through the door. He stomped down the stairs, passing straight through Olivia. "Boy! Stand up!" The man shouted as he pulled a whip off the wall. "Please... Don't" Kit said quietly. "I SAID STAND UP!" He whipped Kit and the boy yelped. "Pathetic worthless child" the man said as Kit stood up. "Uncle... Please stop... I don't deserve this..." "Don't deserve this! You failed your training, so you get punished." Kit swallowed "but I-" another flash of the whip and Kit was on the floor again. Kit was crying as his Uncle readied the whip again.

@Soul OMU

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BishopOfKings said:
Max spun out of his chair and was faced Violet "I'm not an idiot!" Max shouted into the headset "Boreas isn't where he usually is!" He walked over to Violet "If he was below use then the Boreads would've stopped is by now!"

@Silent Justice

@Soul OMU

(Did Elizabeth always talk like that?)



Kit tensed as the stairs creaked as someone walked down them. "Please... Don't hurt me... I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault." Kit said not knowing it was Olivia. Then the door burst open and a man broke through the door. He stomped down the stairs, passing straight through Olivia. "Boy! Stand up!" The man shouted as he pulled a whip off the wall. "Please... Don't" Kit said quietly. "I SAID STAND UP!" He whipped Kit and the boy yelped. "Pathetic worthless child" the man said as Kit stood up. "Uncle... Please stop... I don't deserve this..." "Don't deserve this! You failed your training, so you get punished." Kit swallowed "but I-" another flash of the whip and Kit was on the floor again. Kit was crying as his Uncle readied the whip again.

@Soul OMU

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Elizabeth gives him a look. "I didn't just lower the temperature... Vhen I got upset I started to freeze everything around me... And one day... I snapped." She muttered while walking with him.

(Yes she did.)


Olivia blinks as he goes through her and narrows her eyes. "I'm not that invisible, am I?" She made her way down the rest of the stairs and stood in front of Kit before making herself visible as the whip came down. She growled softly as it wrapped around her wrist.


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