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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Valencia watched as the two arrows collided and dropped to her knee her bow turning into swords and being quickly driven into the ground which would have kept her anchored if the ground wasn't ripped up as well, she was thrown back with more force than she had anticipated knocking her swords out of her hands as she flew. Valencia hit the ground hard landing on her side and rolling/sliding back towards the wall, a sharp pain in her chest and difficulty breathing told her that she had three broken ribs at least one of which was jabbing her lung, one wrong breath and it would push through. She groaned as she laid there in in the back of her mind resolving herself to murdering bugboy when she healed.

Jason smiled and wrapped his arms around Tania when she hugged him, he laughed when she talked about crashing on Thomas' bed. He went back to Addison, "Alright, how can I help?"

Sebastian stretched and stood up, "Want to go for a walk." he looked at Adrien his face neutral and body pretty slack he looked like a dead man walking.

(9 years ago)

Owen sat staring out the science lab window watching the other kids playing on the playground. Owen wasn't like them; while they all played together he would rather sit up in the science lab and look at the bugs. The lab had a bunch of insect habitats in it and there was even a beehive on the window that he could look into. He would spend all his time up there looking into the hive and watching the bees as they worked. He always enjoyed his time there... Until that day. "So this is where you disappear to!" Said a voice from behind Owen. He sound around to see the school bully, Alvin. "Oh I'm sorry Bugsy, did we interrupt you and your friends?!" The bully laughed as two of his friends joined him in the room. "J-just g-g-go away!" Owen managed to squeak out "And l-leave me alone!" Alvin chuckled and walk over to Owen. "Why should we? It's not like you have anyone to make us!" He pushed Owen passed him and into his friends who quickly grabbed Owen. "S-stop! What are you doing!?" Owen shouted as Alvin made his way to the window. When the bully turned around, the smile on his face scared Owen. "I'm gonna squish your friends!" Owen squirmed. Trying to get out of the other bully's grasps. Meanwhile, Alvin had picked up an Ant farm... One of Owens favorites. "Whoops!" He said as he let it fall to the ground. The ant farm broke and Alvin began stomping on the remains. Owen felt as one by one the tiny ants died. He started to cry. "Awww little Bugsy here is sad. Cause I killed the worthless insects." Owens eyes snapped open and he looked up at Alvin. "What did you say?" The bully laughed. "I said they were worthless insects! Useless maggots... Just. Like. You" Owen stared hatefully at the bully and screamed "YOU ARE A F*CKING *SSHOLE!!!!" The bully's were shocked at the little 8 year old boy. "I HATE YOU!" Something pounded on the window. Owen closed his eyes. "I HATE YOU!!!" Another pound "I WISH YOU'D JUST DIE!!" The glass shattered and Owen fainted as the sound of screams where covered up by the buzzing of bees.


Owen jointed forward and instantly regretted doing so. He screamed in pain and fell back onto the bed... Wait... Bed? He looked around and noticed he was in the infirmary and that Elizabeth was there. He shut his eyes, going back to the dream. He remembered how that ended. Owen had woken up later in the nurses office. The nurse told him that the glass had shattered and a swarm of bees had flown into the school. They had found Owen with a bunch of bees all over him, but not a single one had stung him. When he asked about Alvin and the others, the nurse looked down. She had told him that the other two were fine, but Alvin... Alvin had an allergy to bee stings. He had died on the way to the hospital. Owen shuttered. He knew he had caused the bees to break through the glass... He had killed the kid. Owen opened his eyes again and looked over at Elizabeth. "Hey... How did I get here?"

@Soul OMU



"Yeah she is." Max said as he stared walking towards the hill "but she is currently in Brazil. (Lol. References)" he turned a gestured for both of them to follow him. "So. Today... We fly Air Max!" He cracked his knuckles "hopefully you don't have a problem with that!"

@Silent Justice

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BishopOfKings said:
(9 years ago)

Owen sat staring out the science lab window watching the other kids playing on the playground. Owen wasn't like them; while they all played together he would rather sit up in the science lab and look at the bugs. The lab had a bunch of insect habitats in it and there was even a beehive on the window that he could look into. He would spend all his time up there looking into the hive and watching the bees as they worked. He always enjoyed his time there... Until that day. "So this is where you disappear to!" Said a voice from behind Owen. He sound around to see the school bully, Alvin. "Oh I'm sorry Bugsy, did we interrupt you and your friends?!" The bully laughed as two of his friends joined him in the room. "J-just g-g-go away!" Owen managed to squeak out "And l-leave me alone!" Alvin chuckled and walk over to Owen. "Why should we? It's not like you have anyone to make us!" He pushed Owen passed him and into his friends who quickly grabbed Owen. "S-stop! What are you doing!?" Owen shouted as Alvin made his way to the window. When the bully turned around, the smile on his face scared Owen. "I'm gonna squish your friends!" Owen squirmed. Trying to get out of the other bully's grasps. Meanwhile, Alvin had picked up an Ant farm... One of Owens favorites. "Whoops!" He said as he let it fall to the ground. The ant farm broke and Alvin began stomping on the remains. Owen felt as one by one the tiny ants died. He started to cry. "Awww little Bugsy here is sad. Cause I killed the worthless insects." Owens eyes snapped open and he looked up at Alvin. "What did you say?" The bully laughed. "I said they were worthless insects! Useless maggots... Just. Like. You" Owen stared hatefully at the bully and screamed "YOU ARE A F*CKING *SSHOLE!!!!" The bully's were shocked at the little 8 year old boy. "I HATE YOU!" Something pounded on the window. Owen closed his eyes. "I HATE YOU!!!" Another pound "I WISH YOU'D JUST DIE!!" The glass shattered and Owen fainted as the sound of screams where covered up by the buzzing of bees.


Owen jointed forward and instantly regretted doing so. He screamed in pain and fell back onto the bed... Wait... Bed? He looked around and noticed he was in the infirmary and that Elizabeth was there. He shut his eyes, going back to the dream. He remembered how that ended. Owen had woken up later in the nurses office. The nurse told him that the glass had shattered and a swarm of bees had flown into the school. They had found Owen with a bunch of bees all over him, but not a single one had stung him. When he asked about Alvin and the others, the nurse looked down. She had told him that the other two were fine, but Alvin... Alvin had an allergy to bee stings. He had died on the way to the hospital. Owen shuttered. He knew he had caused the bees to break through the glass... He had killed the kid. Owen opened his eyes again and looked over at Elizabeth. "Hey... How did I get here?"

@Soul OMU



"Yeah she is." Max said as he stared walking towards the hill "but she is currently in Brazil. (Lol. References)" he turned a gestured for both of them to follow him. "So. Today... We fly Air Max!" He cracked his knuckles "hopefully you don't have a problem with that!"

@Silent Justice

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Elizabeth yawned a bit as she rubbed her eye. "I brought you here..." She said softly while sitting up and stretching a bit, her back popping back into place. "You alright?" She said softly while looking at him. (@BishopOfKings)
"Air Max? You can fly an airplane???" Alec asked, raising an eyebrow at Max curiously, then started rummaging through his bag and pulling out an apple, and sinking his teeth into it, the skin snapping with a satisfying crunch. He offered another apple to Max.

Helena snorted at Kit and threw back, "You think? Just a little." Before she followed him to her cabin, and sidled past him. She moved to her bag and began to dig through it, looking for her massive DVD case and portable DVD player.


Max waved away the apple and focused on Alec's question. "Yeah." Max said as he turned around and began walking backwards "I've been able to fly a plane for four years... And I've been able to legally fly one for about a year." He chuckled at how many times he been caught... And got away with it. "So... If e can get to an airport we can fly up to.... Quebec?" Max said slightly confused. "And hopefully dad won't shoot us out of the sky."

@Silent Justice




Owens relaxed a little bit. "I'm fine... Well I'm in pain but I'm fine..." He said as he remembered the dream "I uh.... Just had an old memory surface..." Owen sat up slowly as to not hurt himself again. He winced as he slumped into a sitting position "... And it wasn't one I wanted to remember..."

@Soul OMU



Kit stood in Helena's room as she dug through her DVDs. "You know... Something's been bothering me." He said as he walked over to Helena's bed "I feel like we should be getting close to wherever the hell we are going."
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"Delos? The island of Artemis and Apollo? Yeah. I doubt it. We should be traveling for a long time before we get there." Helena said, pulling out her copy of the Lion King and tossing it on her bed while she popped her DVD player open. Almost immediately, an image of the loading screen appeared on the wall, stretching across the doorway. Then Helena popped the DVD into the player and it started to play through the opening previews.

"Sure, a walk sounds like a nice thing." Adrien replied standing up, and mimicking his action.

"We've arrived in our first location; France." Adrien called into the PA system, earning excited clicks from Felix. "Sure bub, I'll get you something to snack on. "Well, just keep a look out for a place that sells oars while exploring." Addie pulled a few levers on the ship, and the boat slowly descended through the air and down into the water.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
Tania groaned in pain as the ship hit the water jostling her a bit. She was in Jason's cabin on the bed feeling okay but extremely tired all the time.

Thomas stepped into the deck just in time to see something strange grab the oars from the ship and run off. "Helena, Kit, Addison let's get these things before they escape with the oars for the ship. Jason and the others can keep watch."

Anthony had to do something foolish even if it got him found out. He vanished from his bed in the Hecate cabin and appeared on the boat. He then used his magic to place some of the world's best chocolate on Helena's pillow before vanishing again.

Halfway through Hakuna Matata, they landed. Kit stood up and stretched his legs. He didn't mind the movie... What he did mind was that Helena would occasionally start singing along with realizing it. He groaned then heard his name being called along with Helena's. "Come on let's go see what the goat wants." He said as he hurried out of the room and onto the deck. "What's with all the shouting?" He asked as Thomas was shouting about oars.



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"France? We're in France?" Helena looked up, then glanced at Kit, before smacking the DVD player shut, and rushing up onto the deck. Immediately, she could sense a difference in the air. The smell of French culture was in the air. Perfume, food, oh the FOOOOOOOD, and the scent of impending doom.

"... Was my name called?"

@BishopOfKings @Holo
Thomas frowned at the two of them. "Yes we're in France now come on we have to get moving so the two oar stealing things don't escape." Thomas yelled as he jumped over the side of the ship to land on the dock. He then started running.

Anthony saw Helena moving down on the deck and realized it was a golden opportunity. He followed her after stashing his bag under the crows nest of the ship. He then slid down one of the ropes before diving into the water quietly. He swam to the dock and climbed up barely visible from the spot Thomas had landed on.


Helena blinked as Tom ran off, before she glanced at Kit, sighed, shook her head and jumped off the ship, rolling to her feet and running off after Tom. "Oar stealing things? That's very specific Tom! How are we supposed to know what we're looking for!" She shouted at him, then added, "Do you even know where we're going?!"


Kit sighed as he hopped over the side of the ship. "Why us?" He said to himself as he hit the ground and hurrying to catch up to the others "oar-stealing things?!" He asked as he came up next to Helena and Tom "wait... Why do we need oars if the ship can fly!?"



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Thomas liked back and scowled. "We're right on their assess that's how I know where to go. They're hard to describe and the oars control the ships flight." Thomas said looking back just in time to see a figure made of mist run past them and up onto a roof. "Ignore that. The creature's are up ahead. Oh gods." Thomas saw a net coming at him but was surprised when it burst into flames and vanished.

"Seriously, Tom?! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING US?!" Helena shouted, getting frustrated with the goat boy. The people around them were staring at them, probably wondering why they were running. What were they running from? What are they running after?! "What are we even chasing GOAT BOY!?" She shouted, picking up the pace to run beside the goat, and struggling to maintain that pace. What? You try to outrun a determined goat!


Kit barely was able to keep up as Tom bolted ahead. He tripped a few times and got annoyed with the goat. "Dude! Where are we even going!" He said running up next to Helena "And at this pace we'll be to winded to fight whatever stole the oars!"

@Silent Justice


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Thomas stopped breathing heavily as a nearby manhole cover slammed shut. It then lifted itself into the air and fell before mist flooded into the hole. "Looks like they went down there. Also seems we have a guide." Thomas said jumping down.

Anthony floated down the tunnel a bit then stopped to turn around. He couldn't risk reforming yet.

"What?" Helena shouted, then jumped down after Tom. The sense of death was overwhelming. She was practically drowning in the musty smell of the dead. "Tom, I don't like this, this tunnel leads to the catacombs under Paris!" She shouted, refusing to leave her spot.

Alec had quite enjoyed the exploding gift shop. The place had the cutest cashier boy that had been really good to look at, and he had even flirted with him before he tried to destroy Alec's face. But it didn't matter. Here they were at the airport, on Max's plane. It was mystifying, thinking that Max could fly a plane. Now he could only hope that Zeus wouldn't shoot them out of the sky.

@BishopOfKings @Holo
Thomas stated at Helena in disbelief then sighed and went down. "If we get lost and die down here it's your fault." Thomas said just before his head vanished. Anthony flew himself back up and swirled around Helena. "Why aren't you going down? They'll need your help. If anything goes wrong I'll whisk you out of there in a flash ok?" Anthony said in his most covered form.


Kit turned to look at Helena "come on.. If anyone known there way around down here it would be you... I meant you are a child of Hades." He turned and looked at the dark tunnel ahead of him. He pushed the guard of his sword so that the blade was showing. "Ok... Let's try this out..." Kit said to himself as he closed his eyes. The word instantly flashed in his mind. Heighten. His sword began to glow green and Kit opened his eyes. The dark tunnel that was in front of him was now fully visible. He turned back to look at Helena and saw the figure floating around her. "Let's go..." He said as he turned and follow Thomas down into the Catacombs.



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"Yes! The place is wicked dangerous! Did you see As Above So Below? It's true!" She pointed down into the tunnel, "the Catacombs work as an outlet for damned spirits from the Fields of Punishment to escape to the world of the living! The place is crawling with evil spirits that only- TOM!" She shouted, rushing over to where Tom disappeared, "TOM YOU STUPID GOAT! GET BACK HERE!" She hesitated to follow him, then shouted in frustration, steeped her nerves, and jumped down into the catscombs.

@BishopOfKings @Holo
Anthony saw Helena jump and followed her down catching her so she didn't hit the bottom hard at all. He then formed into four separate torches lighting the dark tunnel with green flames. "You'll be fine Helena." Anthony said with a smile. Thomas walked forward to and noticed the two creatures running still. "You two stupid little money things!" Those yelled before running towards the creature's.

Jason disliked immediatelybeing discarded by Tom, figuring it had more to do with spite than actual reasoning. But he decided to just do it arming himself with his sword he walked around the perimeter of the boat, his mind wandering to Tania. It was nice they were dating and everything but he felt sort of rushed. Going over the situation in his mind. The more he thought the more uneasy he felt almost as if he were fpaced into it. Having been told the consequences by Thomas he felt at he had to say yes otherwise she would die..."Crap...." Jason knew the only way he could ever be happy and sure of his relationship with Tania would be to end it and start.. over with some actual knowledge or understanding between them.

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Helena noticed the lights and immediately wanted to flee from them. She was hearing voices. Anguished screams. The dead around her were all mangled and terrified, they're mouths gaping open as they screamed silently.

"MY BABY! Where's my baby!?"

"I didn't mean to kill her!"

"I want to go home!"

"Mama! Mama! I want my mama!"

It was all ringing in her head. She looked around at them all. They were crowding around her, clawing at her flesh, begging to be released from the tunnels. Thousands of voices, thousands of spirits, poured out of the tunnels, brought there by her mere presence. She could feel the fear pouring off of them all. "I-"

"I want to leave!"

"Help me!"

"I didn't want to die!"

"Avenge me!"

"I want revenge!"

The voices were becoming angry. More spirits poured from the tunnels. Some were a dark red color. They had the same tortured expressions, but theirs were angry. Vengeful. Murderous.

"I'll kill them!"

"They're dead to me!"

"Find them! Kill them!"


She was beginning to panic, covering her ears, thing to escape the voices commanding her to do things. It was all she could do to stop them from simply possessing her and..


Her blood froze. Her heart beat a mile a minute. She could feel his gaze boring into the back of her head. When she turned, he was there. His face was oozing puss and blood, his face nothing but ridges, mountains left by a bloody butcher's knife from long ago. He was at the back of the crowd, his face split in a sharp toothed smile. Hissing her name.


She was frozen in place. Her breathe caught in her throat. She could only stare. When he suddenly started moving, she started moving. Running for her pitiful life through the droves of the dead.


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