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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

"Well, that was crazy..." Violet said as she got on the plane. The adventure hadn't even really started, and already a gift shop had exploded. "So, uh, Max, you sure you can fly this thing?" She asked.

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Kit felt movement behind him and turned around in time to see Helena run off in the complete Opposite direction of where they were headed. "Crap!" Kit said said as he hurried after Helena. "Ghost boy. Stay with Thomas. I'll get Helena." And with that Kit plunged into the dark tunnels after Helena. He was catching up when he saw what she was running from. His form shifted in and out of Kits sight, but when he did appear Kit could see all his features. He picked up the pace and got closer to Helena. "Yo! Helena! Slow down!" He said as he ran up behind her "You're running away from everybody!"

@Silent Justice

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Anthony saw Helena freaking out and grabbed her covering her in mist and lifting her out of the hole in the ceiling. He set her down and reformed before letting go to check on her. "You're alright Helena those torches are there to protect you. I'm here to protect you and I can since Hecate is also the goddess of necromancy."


Tania was wondering something about relationships and as such wanted answers. She climbed to the deck slowly and carefully stopping when she saw Jason. "Hey Jason I have a question about the whole relationship thing. Aren't we moving fast or is this really how it works?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Helena continued screaming, running through the tunnels, covering her ears. They were screaming and following her. She was in full panic mode now.

"Kill them!"

"Avenge me!"

"Help me!"

"STOP IT! STOP TALKING TO ME! I CAN'T HELP YOU! STOP IT! STOP!" She was screaming, her hands over her ears. She ran in a panic, not even realizing that the tunnels had faded away. She was now running in a panic through the streets of Paris, screaming like the devil was chasing her. And in her mind, he was.

@BishopOfKings @Holo
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Anthony moved quickly changing between mist and solid to catch her. He appeared in front of her and tried to gently hug her but she was moving faster than he expected and he grabbed her just fine but he also connected lips with her. "Sorry Helena." Anthony said moving his face back before teleporting them back to the ship. "You're safe now. I've got your back."

BishopOfKings said:
Max waved away the apple and focused on Alec's question. "Yeah." Max said as he turned around and began walking backwards "I've been able to fly a plane for four years... And I've been able to legally fly one for about a year." He chuckled at how many times he been caught... And got away with it. "So... If e can get to an airport we can fly up to.... Quebec?" Max said slightly confused. "And hopefully dad won't shoot us out of the sky."

@Silent Justice




Owens relaxed a little bit. "I'm fine... Well I'm in pain but I'm fine..." He said as he remembered the dream "I uh.... Just had an old memory surface..." Owen sat up slowly as to not hurt himself again. He winced as he slumped into a sitting position "... And it wasn't one I wanted to remember..."

@Soul OMU



Kit stood in Helena's room as she dug through her DVDs. "You know... Something's been bothering me." He said as he walked over to Helena's bed "I feel like we should be getting close to wherever the hell we are going."
Elizabeth looks at him. "They have funny ways of coming back don't they... Sometimes they come back to show us something important... or warn us of something to come.." she said softly while focusing on her hands.



Damian thinking deeply as he wanders around the ship before deciding to check out the Crow's nest. As he makes his way on deck, he looks up at the Crow's nest and sees something shine at the top before deciding to make his way up the net to see what's on top.
Helena continued her panic, until she realized she was on the deck of the ship. The Argo III. "... H-how... W-what... Is this a trick? No... Nonono, this is a trick isn't it? Please, I don't want to hear the voices anymore... Please... Please!" She whimpered, collapsing to the deck, her hands clamped to her head as she tried to block out the voices she was sure she heard.


Kit made a grab at Helena... Just for her to vanish. Kit fell forward landing hard on the ground. "The.... F*ck?" He said as he looked around for Helena. "Where did she go-" crack! Kit looked down at the floor to notice the ground was made of wooden planks. "Oh.... Sh*t." Was all Kit said before the ground gave out and he fell into the dark pit. Kit landed hard on the dirt a few seconds later. He stood up groaning in pain as he felt his shoulder was fractured again. "Son of a B*tch." Kit said as he found himself in utter darkness. "Even with heighten senses I can't see... That just great. He unsheathed his sword completely as held it out. The green glow gave an Creepy feeling as it illuminated the tunnel. "W-well... Here it goes."he said as he walked off into the darkness to find his way back.



"I hope it's not trying to tell me something" Owen said as he thought back to the dream "cause I don't like the message... At all." Owen shuttered "and... It's not a moment I like to remember. I hope it's not trying to tell me what I'm going to become."

@Soul OMU

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BishopOfKings said:
Kit made a grab at Helena... Just for her to vanish. Kit fell forward landing hard on the ground. "The.... F*ck?" He said as he looked around for Helena. "Where did she go-" crack! Kit looked down at the floor to notice the ground was made of wooden planks. "Oh.... Sh*t." Was all Kit said before the ground gave out and he fell into the dark pit. Kit landed hard on the dirt a few seconds later. He stood up groaning in pain as he felt his shoulder was fractured again. "Son of a B*tch." Kit said as he found himself in utter darkness. "Even with heighten senses I can't see... That just great. He unsheathed his sword completely as held it out. The green glow gave an Creepy feeling as it illuminated the tunnel. "W-well... Here it goes."he said as he walked off into the darkness to find his way back.



"I hope it's not trying to tell me something" Owen said as he thought back to the dream "cause I don't like the message... At all." Owen shuttered "and... It's not a moment I like to remember. I hope it's not trying to tell me what I'm going to become."

@Soul OMU

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Elizabeth clenches her hands together and the temperature drops slightly. "I hear ya... I don't want to become or be anyone but myself... That's the only person I know how to be... And have control over..." She said while sighing and shaking her head.
Anthony picked her up gently and walked her to her cabin to lay her on her bed. He then gently moved since hair from her face and kissed her forehead. He brushed some of the chocolate or if the way before laying get on her bed with a gentle smile. "You're safe now but I've got to help the others." He turned and had to walk back knowing that if he moved another person he'd be a goner. Halfway back he stopped and had a coughing fit. He didn't want to look but couldn't help himself. He looked at his hand and want surprised to see a large amount of blood on it and the floor. "It's Helena so it's worth it." Anthony stumbled back to where he'd saved Helena from and found the hole kit had made. "Dammit." Thomas came by and noticed Anthony then smiled before saluting and jumping down the hole. Anthony followed floating down unsteady the whole way. He made a green flame appear in his hand and started walking towards a faint glow.


Kit was losing it. Kit was used to being alone, but he wasn't used to the voices. Lots heightened senses were allowing Kit to hear and see things he shouldn't. Every second it seemed like a new voice was scolding him

"Help me"

"Where's my mommy"

"Is so cold"

Kit now understood why Helena had freaked out. He increased his pace and continued moving into the tunnels. Kit held his head in his right hand, not feelings the pain in his shoulder. He knew where each of his powers came from and was hating the fact he had an ancestor who was a child of Hades. He rounded a corner and slid down a small slope, dropping him into another tunnel which had water covering the floor. "This can't be good" he said as he continued forward, then he heard a voice.


The voice rang in his ears




Kit began spinning around as new voices joined the first.

"Submit to your fate"

Kit spun as a ghost appeared before him. It floated in front of him with a disapproving face. He had s large beard and was bald with a scarred up face.


Kit stepped backwards


The other voices were joining in


Kit screamed and ran at the ghost. He started swinging his sword blindly trying to remove the ghosts. "GO AWAY!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" He screamed as the voices continued to chant in his mind.

@Soul OMU

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Elizabeth shrugs a bit. "I only saw bits and pieces since I was preoccupied by my book..." She said while taking a deep breath and calming herself and letting the room go back to normal temperature. "...sorry about that... I... Lost my train of thought and let the room drop..." She said softly.


Olivia wandering the camp while looking around, yawning softly as she settles down in a tree to get some sleep. Letting herself fall into the abyss known as the dream realm.
Anthony and Thomas heard it at the same time and both took off. Anthony moved a bit faster since he ran every day no matter what to make sure he was fast enough to escape most threats. He arrived a few seconds before Thomas and placed himself back to back with kit. "What was attacking you?" Anthony asked as Thomas came in winded to the core.

Addison shrunk in on herself slightly as she tried to escape from the wailing voices of the souls. Their voices were ringing in her ears. They weren't as loud or obnoxious as they seemed to be for the other two, but their voices were still audible. Just barely there. Her breathing became more erratic the longer they were down in the catacombs.

"It wasn't my fault

"Save me"

"Why didn't you love me"

The whispering was right there at the back of Addison's conscious, slowly driving her mad. It was so cold and dark down in the tunnels, and Addie absolutely hated it. Maybe it was a bad idea for them to be sent down here?



Addie shook her head furiously, trying desperately to ignore the whispering in her ear. A chill went down her back at the feeling of something brushing behind her. Addison's hands lit up on their own accord in fire; the voices went silent. She sighed in relief, her breathing slowing as she made a move to catch up with Kit when he took off.

"Kit? Kit where are you?" She heard him yelling a little ways ahead of her, and took of to try and find him and get the Hell out of there as soon as possible. "Kit?" Addison saw Anthony and Thomas near Kit and sighed in relief. "Thank gods, it's you guys." Her right hand held a blazing ball, while the right one wiped the nervous sweat from her brow.

(@BishopOfKings ) (@Holo )
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Kit continued slashing wildly. The ghost had vanished, but he still heard the voices. Submit. The word continued to pound in his ears, then he heard a new voice.

"What was attacking you"

The voice came from behind him. Kit started to calm down until he heard the laughter. It echoed in the same voice that spoke from behind him. "STOP!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Kit screamed as he swung his blade at Anthony, smacked him hard with the back of the sword. Kit began to hear more voices

"It's you guys"

Another laugh. Kit backed away from the others. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!" Kit felt something enter him. He looked forward into his grandfathers eyes and dropped his sword. The voices quieted, but Kit could still se the ghost. Kit's hand grabbed the blade and lifted it up, and spun it around, so the blade pointed at Kits chest. "The choice draws near." Both Kit and the ghost said in unison before the ghost vanished and Kit crumpled to the floor.


@Soul OMU (In case you want to pop into Kits subconscious



"No... It's my fault. I got you worked up." Owen said as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "You think you could help me up? I'm not very stable... And I kinda need to grab my other jacket." He gestured to the jacket that now had a giant hole in the shoulder.

@Soul OMU

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BishopOfKings said:
Kit continued slashing wildly. The ghost had vanished, but he still heard the voices. Submit. The word continued to pound in his ears, then he heard a new voice.

"What was attacking you"

The voice came from behind him. Kit started to calm down until he heard the laughter. It echoed in the same voice that spoke from behind him. "STOP!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Kit screamed as he swung his blade at Anthony, smacked him hard with the back of the sword. Kit began to hear more voices

"It's you guys"

Another laugh. Kit backed away from the others. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!" Kit felt something enter him. He looked forward into his grandfathers eyes and dropped his sword. The voices quieted, but Kit could still se the ghost. Kit's hand grabbed the blade and lifted it up, and spun it around, so the blade pointed at Kits chest. "The choice draws near." Both Kit and the ghost said in unison before the ghost vanished and Kit crumpled to the floor.


@Soul OMU (In case you want to pop into Kits subconscious



"No... It's my fault. I got you worked up." Owen said as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "You think you could help me up? I'm not very stable... And I kinda need to grab my other jacket." He gestured to the jacket that now had a giant hole in the shoulder.

@Soul OMU

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( xD she'll feel his terror.)

Olivia blinked as a wave of terror and fear rushed through causing her to stop and gasp for a moment and shiver as a wave of dread and coldness hit her soon afterwards as she quickly made her way towards Kit's subconscious. She knew it had to be him because the other subconscious' were very quiet and she hadn't been in them yet to feel such an impact like she did from Kit's.


Elizabeth goes over and offer him her support and her arm as she stands beside him and the bed. "Yeah... Of course... And it wasn't just you... You didn't notice that your words had an effect..." She said softly while helping him up.

Anthony stumbled back and his forehead was bleeding along with his nose. "Ouch ass!" He kicked kit in the side gently before tilting his head back. Thomas lifted kit into his shoulders before walking back towards the exit but it had collapsed. "Great guess we're heading that way."



Tania stumbled and accidentally fell into Helena's room hurting her arm on the way down. "Ouch damn cut draining my energy." Tania said starting to get up."

Helena was busily trying to calm herself down. She had found and registered that someone had dragged her from the catacombs back to the ship, in mere moments. She didn't understand. But heck. Nothing was making sense. And the ladies with the antlers and ever-changing labcoat didn't help.

They stood in the corner, watching her with creepy smiles. Antlers and Labcoat. Just her luck.

Someone came tumbling into her room. It only made her slip away from reality a little more...
Tania got up and groaned with a frown. "Hi Helena. Hey do you mind helping me onto the deck I think I heard Anthony." She said before trying to move and falling over again.

At this point Antlers became visible to Tania. She was a tall gangly woman with stringy black hair that was shoulder length, and her eyes were yellow. But that was not the most stand-offish feature, oh no. It could be the fact that she had one green scaley dragon leg, and the other leg being that of a goat. Or that one arm had the talons of an eagle, and the other a lion's paw. Or perhaps it was the mismatched wings sprouting from her back that was the oddest. One leathery bat wing, one feathered wing. But no, it had to be the buck's antlers sprouting from her head. "Oh dear Tania, I'm afraid she is t able to hear you right now, you see, she's so deep into her delusions that if you try to talk to her, she'll think it was simply part of her hallucination. Isn't it grand?" The woman said, tracing Tania's face with her lion's paw, and giving a jolly laugh.

Tania zapped the hand that touched her and stood up. "Two things. 1. Don't touch me. 2. Leave her alone and go f*ck off." Tania said weak but still plenty feisty. She stood up shakily and stared at the odd woman in the room.


8 year old Kit sat in the middle of his basement waiting for his punishment. He knew it was a dream, but his subconscious was tormented so much that he couldn't break free. So the little boy sat there in the dark musty cellar waiting for what he knew would come. His uncle would come down the stairs to beat him, like his grandpa did, when he failed in his training. He was supposed to be the next sword-bearer in the family, but he knew he wouldn't be able to fulfill that duty. Kit pulled his legs close to his chest and started crying, wanting his mother to come down and stop the torment, so she could read him his favorite stories...

@Soul OMU



Owen took Elizabeth's hand and stood up, wavering a little bit at first but regaining his balance quickly. "Thanks" he said as his body adjusted to the pain of moving. "What do you mean. It had an effect.... I highly doubt you had the same type of experience I did..." Owen rubbed the back of his neck, right when the centipede rested. "... I doubt anyone... Well maybe one or two people have."

@Soul OMU



It didn't take long before Max had gotten the ragtag group of Demigods above Quebec, but that's when the real problem hit Max. He flicked on the intercom "Hey Alec..." He said as the noise canceling headphones he'd given the others relayed the message. "By any chance do you know where in Quebec we need to land?"

@Silent Justice

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Jason felt something wrong, the hairs sorts on the back of his neck and everything was trying him to run away...so what did he do? He made his way towards what felt like the source. He came to Helena's door and looked over the three he saw there. It was Elizabeth, Tania, and an visibly terrified Helena. "What happened out there?"

( If anything wrong let me know how to change it please)

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BishopOfKings said:
8 year old Kit sat in the middle of his basement waiting for his punishment. He knew it was a dream, but his subconscious was tormented so much that he couldn't break free. So the little boy sat there in the dark musty cellar waiting for what he knew would come. His uncle would come down the stairs to beat him, like his grandpa did, when he failed in his training. He was supposed to be the next sword-bearer in the family, but he knew he wouldn't be able to fulfill that duty. Kit pulled his legs close to his chest and started crying, wanting his mother to come down and stop the torment, so she could read him his favorite stories...

@Soul OMU



Owen took Olivia's hand and stood up, wavering a little bit at first but regaining his balance quickly. "Thanks" he said as his body adjusted to the pain of moving. "What do you mean. It had an effect.... I highly doubt you had the same type of experience I did..." Owen rubbed the back of his neck, right when the centipede rested. "... I doubt anyone... Well maybe one or two people have."

@Soul OMU



It didn't take long before Max had gotten the ragtag group of Demigods above Quebec, but that's when the real problem hit Max. He flicked on the intercom "Hey Alec..." He said as the noise canceling headphones he'd given the others relayed the message. "By any chance do you know where in Quebec we need to land?"

@Silent Justice

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(Elizabeth's hand.)

Olivia quietly moving through Kit's subconscious until she finds him in the basement, as an 8 year old, she closed her eyes and quickly changed her form as well before quietly making her way down the stairs.


Elizabeth gives him a look. "It was very hard for me to control my powers as a child... I was always cold... And the air around me vas alvays cold.. People knew I vas different... That i vas a freak.. Even vith my icy aura... People still pushed me around. Like hey it's the ice queen... Or the abominal snowman..."

"Ohhhhhh my, my!" The woman with the antlers cried when Jason ran in, poking the sword he stuck in her face and watching it deflate like a balloon in his hands, "Everyone around here is SOOOOO tense! And none of them know who we are! Isn't it sad, my lovely?" Antlers pouted, gesturing at the other woman in the room. This other woman had similar black hair, but without all the mismatched body parts. The crazy thing about her was her clothes. They were constantly changing. It could be a white labcoat one minute, to a dress made of human skin, to lacy lingerie, and all the way back to labcoat in a flash. And her smile. Her smile was not that of any normal person. Anyone in the room could feel their sanity being sapped away simply by looking at her.

"Oh my. It appears they DON'T know who we are, Eris."

"They don't? Why that's a right shame, Mania!"

"Indeed. Shall we tell them?"

"Why, I love it when you get all the ideas!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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