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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans


Kit took a step back and made a surrendering gesture. "Wait! Am I missing something?" He said after hearing Helena start getting angry "All I heard was shouting and by the time I got to the door you were talking about a rose bush. I left thinking that Tom calmed you down." He took a small step backwards "I swear that's all I heard. If you want I'll leave and go topside and leave you alone?"




"That's not very reassuring" Max said as he took one of the handkerchiefs from Anthony "Never really liked the hunters." Max heard someone at the door "I think you have a visitor." Max said as he picked up the Frying pan of the Gods.


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Alec glared at the bronze frying pan, then hopped over to Max and picked up the bracelet, "Artemis is actually a rather nice goddess as long as you show her the respect she deserves... It's her Hunters that are less then pleasant." He said, glaring at the frying pan more, before grabbing it from max and touching it to the bracelet, watching it shrink into a silver charm again, before stringing the thing onto the bracelet, clipping it, and tossing it back to Violet.

@BishopOfKings @Silent Justice

Helena hissed briefly, then turned to look at Kit, "Look, I am not getting into this. We can talk about ANYTHING ELSE, ANYTHING BUT that conversation! ALRIGHT?" She glared at the son of Hermes, her blue eyes angry and temperamental. But they were also hiding something. Sadness? Grief? Who knows?
Jason looked down, "I.....cut her, I was getting in the zone and she got close. I nicked her but that seemed to be enough. And yeah she plopped right on my bed and then.....well yeah."

Valencia knew she had seconds to act and was quick about it, she burned the bugs off of her thigh and got straight to generating shadows which she used to mak a wall, it served as both defense against the bugs and transport as she dove in and rose onto Tiko's back immediately sending off three normal arrows followed by two fire arrows aimed at his exposed shoulder, her normal arrows stayed their course on varying points of his left side.
Violet watched in amazement when the bead from the bracelet transformed... Into a frying pan. Her first thought was "Whoa, cool!" Her second thought was "Why a frying pan?" She laughed as it fell on Alec's toe. She caught the bracelet and put it on. "You okay there?" She asked him, still chuckling. Then she remembered Anthony, and turned towards him and said "Thanks, Anthony."

"It was no Thang but a chicken wing." Anthony said joking as he shut and locked his drawer then looked at the new intruder. "What's up?"

Cade had become bored. He'd already studied and dived into the lake and made friends with the nereids and doesn't know a lot of other people. He went to Chiron and asked him what to do and gave him the radical idea to go on a quest. Cade reluctantly replied, he had trained and already started to get a hang of transforming. He got a map from Chiron and went to the Hecate cabin where he saw a group of people. He got nervous as he always was socially awkward and went in. "Excuse me, is Felix in here?"
Felix took a few deep breaths then said "Chiron asked me to go on a quest, and I would like to select you for it." The nervousness and shakiness in his voice was obvious. He felt anxious, going on his first quest with others. Although, he was sure he could work it out.

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Owen felt his heart stop a second as the insects were burned alive. He clutched his stomach and made a swiping motion with his other hand making the arrows vanish into a swarm of insects. His breath came out shaky as he felt a few more insects die off due to the fire. He closed his eyes for a second as he felt memories rush back.

(16 Years Ago)

Owen sat on the ground crying. He was barely a year old. His stepfather was siting next to him... And his father... Apollo was there as well. I front of the baby sat a small centipede. "I'm... Sorry Owen" his stepfather said as he turned the baby onto his back. Owen felt small feet on his spine... Then a bite. Owen felt the centipede bury it's body into Owen's spine and fuse. "I hate it when my children get these powers... It always ends horribly"

Owen's eyes opened as he came back into reality. He slowly moved his hand to back of his neck. His hand brushed past the centipede, now much bigger... And much longer. After he'd gotten older he learned that his live was tied to the insects... And if they all died... Owen shook his head and made himself focus back on the fight. Owen looked around and smiled. He had spread his insects around the arena, almost unnoticeable unless they were purposely trying to look for them. Owen swiped his hand downward and sent a swarm across the ground towards Valencia. He smiled and flicked his hand up and the insects flew up and flew straight at Valencia.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Max looked around and noticed the cabin start filling up. "I think we should get going. We've got a long way to go." He started to turn around then looked back "Unless you have some more things you need to give us."




"Ok... Sorry for bringing it up" Kit said as he calmed down "So how are you doing... I meant both you and I just fell from 30,000 feet and my shoulder still feels messed up." He pushed his shoulder backwards and it cracked as it popped backwards. "So... How was your high dive?"


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Thomas grew almost pale and then turned red. "You do realize celestial bronze is very lethal even from a scratch right? It doesn't just harm the body it endangers the soul by forcing the victim to realize and repair some unfinished life choice." Thomas said with a glare and then he walked away. He felt as though Jason was purposely trying to ruin the potential of the group.

Tania stumbled up onto the deck still looking terrible and leaning against the railing just to stand. "Hey Jason you need any help. I normally just rest after I'm hurt but shouldn't I be trying to help you and stuff so you'll like me more?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Anthony shook his head and waved goodbye to Max then looked at Felix and Cade. "So you think I want to go out on a supervised quest? No thanks I'd much rather go on one without the babysitter watching us."


Helena signed and grabbed her head, turning it from side to side, earning a sickening crack with each 180 degree turn, "Oh, you know. Just sore like I'd been tossed into a wood chipper. A few cracked ribs. Not that I couldn't just mend them, which I did.... I am a master of bone, after all..." She stared at Kit's aforementioned bad shoulder, and without bothering to ask if she could, she reached over, grabbed his arm by the humorus and immediately a skeletal layout of Kit flashed in her mind.

"F***ed up shoulder is not the extent. You got a rib cracked in a hell of a lot of places. Annnnd your spine is a little out of whack... Do you have scoliosis?" She asked, looking at him curiously, "I can fix these little problems at the small cost of fetching me some Pringles and watching the Lion King with me. It's so boring watching this stuff alone, and no it seems to want my help anyway."


Kit clenched his eyes shut as Helena grabbed him, thinking she was gonna throttle him. The he heard her start talking. "No... I don't have scoliosis..." He said as he listened to what she had to say. "Remember how I had to cut the ropes on the mast? Well right before I hit the water the mast swung around and hit me." Kit bit his lip. "I'd like it if you fixed it... Although I'm not sure where I'd find Pringles in the middle of the Ocean."

@Silent Justice


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Helena smirked and mumbled. "Pringles are my cabin. I go them from Alec and apparently Thomas has Anthony sending in more." She said, then in a swift motion, she jammed Kit's shoulder back into place. "Oooo, that sounded like that hurt, hahaha." With that, she moved around to behind Kit and smashed her fist against the small of his back, earning a CRACK! as it snapped back into place. "That one sounded worse."

Alec grumbled and hopped out of the cabin, "Yeah, I'm fine. Lets gooooo, Max. I gotta start packing."

"Um..." Violet said awkwardly. "I don't have anything to pack. I just got here. All I have are the clothes on my back." She stood there awkwardly for a moment. "Soooo... I guess I'll just wait for you guys to get packed." She walked out of the Hecate cabin, and began to make her way to the Big House.

Felix tensed for a moment. He turned and walked out the door, closing it softly behind him. How did he know Chiron was supervising? All he had said was that Chiron sent him. He sighed as he looked up into the sky, the blue, blue sky.

Just drifting slowly into the sky, that would be spectacular. Would he see what the blue was made of, if it wasn't just a reflection of the water on Earth? What if it was just a cloak, and sinister things were hiding behind spots of it. What would he do if he met them? Would he call for help? In the sky, you can't really call for help, can you?

He shook his head and walked away from the cabin. He was getting distracted.

He looked at the map, stared at it, and the pictures seemed to jump out at him. He reached out to touch them, but he couldn't touch them. It was like watching something in 3D. It pops out, yet you can't touch it. Weird. Felix rolled up the map and set off to... Where was he supposed to go again? He paused for a second, standing in the middle of camp, when his memory started working again.

He was going to the arena. He set off, pausing at times to stare into the sky.

And with that, he was inching his way to the arena.


Kit stifled a scream as his bones were 'fixed' "My Gods!" Kit said "A little warning before you try to break me." He rolled his shoulder "So... Can I ask why Lion King?"




Max shook his head as he followed Alec out the door "You're gonna fall on your face." Max said as he turned towards his cabin "I'll meet you at the Big House" Max said as he jogged off. Max opened the door to his cabin and went inside. "Ok... Let's get packing."

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"If I had warned you, you would have been waiting for it. And if you were bracing against it, then I would have had to put more... Force into it. Yeah, force is a good word to use there." She said, walking around I back in front of Kit, "And why the Lion King, you ask? Because the Lion King is awesome? Orrrr," she said with a smirk, she brandished DVDS from behind her back," Orrrr, we can watch Pirates of the Caribbeaaaaan. Your choice."

Alec waved at Max nonchalantly, "Pfft, never fear, Maximillion, I am perfectly fine OH GOD-" the sound of crashing preceded as Alec tumbled face first into his cabin and disappeared inside.


"I thought I was at your command." Kit joked as he walked passed her towards her room "You said I'd have to watch whatever movie you chose." He turned around "So what will it be?"



It didn't take long for Max to finish packing. He'd thrown a few sets of clothes and his tool kit into his bag and zipped it up. He already had a few packets of Ambrosia and two canteens of Nectar stashed in the bag. He threw his bag onto his shoulder and stepped out of his cabin "Hopefully Alec is done packing. I want to get this whole thing done and over with." And with that Max started towards the Big House


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"Yeah? Well then I command you to choose." She said bluntly, holding up the movies. "Be our guest, kit."

Ha, look at my wit.

Alec stumbled out of the cabin with a bag teeming with travel supplies and what looked like hair care products. He had a fresh shirt sporting yet another gay pride slogan, and his ordinary red jacket. He had a pair of winter boots with the laces tied together slung over his shoulder, and his knife on his hip. "I am SO READY for this! WHEEEEE baby's first deadly quest! Whooooo..." He said with little excitement.

Violet got to the Big House, and waited for Max and Alec to arrive. She had more questions to ask, but she was more than a little intimidated by Chiron. He was a centaur, and she was still getting used to all this magical stuff. So she just paced around in the Big House in awkward silence, awaiting the arrival of the gay guy and that other one.

Valencia flipped off of Tiko. As the massive tiger went up on its haunches to take the blow, he roared from the impact and dissipated. Valencia grit her teeth in rage, even though she knew the tiger could not die she always felt like they did when they were defeated. Started shooting off black fire arrows using her Umbragenesis to her advantage swatting swarms away when they got too close. She saw a chance and drew back another black fire bolt putting a great deal of energy into it causing it to grow and become very unruly giving off heat in waves she aimed at Owens chest. "Checkmate my a**." She said in the same instant in which she released the arrow.

Jason was very glad he could visibly blush as he walked over to Tania, "It's alright..just get some rest..sleep a little.....and by the way your satyr friends hates me for cutting you. I thought he would be more upset that you were in my bed but nope..he got angry about the cut."
Tania smiled and hugged Jason then turned around to make her way downstairs. "I've stolen his bed a few times so it don't surprise him." Tania said then went and laid down not even trying to sleep because she hated sleeping alone.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

With all the things Owen wanted to do in his life, exploding... Wasn't one of them. He had been winning the sparing match, and he thought he had Valencia on the ropes until she drew her bow. In a flash Owen raised his own bow and quickly charged and arrow, and fired. Only after he fired the shot did he realize his mistake. He quickly flicked his wrist down and all his insects dropped, burying themselves in the earth. Owen could barely brace himself before the arrows collided... And exploded. Owen would've though the giant explosion that engulfed the entire field was cool... If he himself wasn't part of the explosion. He felt weightless as he was sent flying backwards into the hard stone of the stands, landing close to Elizabeth, and embedding himself in the stone that made up the stands. Owen was seeing stars and he knew he'd broken a few bones... But he knew Valencia must have too. The resulting explosion would've hit her too. He wanted to get up and check on her, but his body betrayed him. "Let's... Call it.. A... Draw..." Was all Owen could say before falling into unconsciousness.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Soul OMU

@Anyone with Eyes and Ears



Max arrived at the big house in time to watch the explosion from a distance. He quickly pounded on the door screaming "Chiron! Explosion at the Arena!" He looked over, knowing he could fly over, but he had a mission to start, and a gay boy crushing on him... He did not need the extra stress of dealing with injured people to be added to the listen. He looked to Violet "For the Record... This kinda stuff happens quite frequently around here."

@Silent Justice




Kit sighed "fine..." He said as he started towards Helena's room "I say Lion King." He turned to look at Helena "After all, I think we both have had enough Pirate of the Caribbean for one day... Savvy"


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Elizabeth blinks in surprise at the sudden explosion and glances down when she notices Owen plastered on the stairs and makes her way over carefully to see if he's conscious or not before sighing and getting the wind to lift him as she takes him to the infirmary.

"God I hate it when things explode." Alec said, looking up and around, then making his way over to the Big House and making his way inside. "Max, isn't your mom a pilot? Did I hear that right?" He asked, walking up beside Max and stretching, arching his back and yawning. This was gonna be a long trip. He sure hoped it would be over soon so he could get back to just chilling out with Max and his friends more.

"Max go on your quest and I'll take care of it." Chiron said walking out holding a bag of herbs as he started walking to the arena.


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