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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Alec stared at Max, then grumbled and stuck his lip out in a pouty face,crossing his arms over his chest, "Yeah, alright. Sure. Just go talk to the horse man, and leave me all alone to track down one random Athena child." He said, then laid back down and sighed, staring up at the ceiling, then closing his eyes with a sigh.


"Don't say that" Kit said with a sniffle, not noticing Noah. "You helped me during the fight with the wolf dudes... If you hadn't been there I might have been mincemeat." Kit stood up and turned to look at Olivia, who was already starting to fade into the background. "You are something to me..." Kit looked down at the ground "maybe... Maybe we have more in common than I thought."

@Soul OMU




Max sighed as Alec slumped down. He hated it when Alec would act like this, so he just turned towards the door and started out. "I'll come back here when I'm done... Ok." Max said as he left the Cabin and started towards the Big House. As he walked he looked around at the camp. He'd been on trips during the last few great prophecies and when he heard about this one he got excited. Instead, now he was going on a recovery mission with some girl he didn't know and Alec... He sighed as he started up the stairs to the big house. He knocked on the door. "Hey Chiron! You in there?!"



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BishopOfKings said:
"Don't say that" Kit said with a sniffle, not noticing Noah. "You helped me during the fight with the wolf dudes... If you hadn't been there I might have been mincemeat." Kit stood up and turned to look at Olivia, who was already starting to fade into the background. "You are something to me..." Kit looked down at the ground "maybe... Maybe we have more in common than I thought."

@Soul OMU

Adrien saw Sebastian sitting next to, what over time she had began to think of as, their tree. "Hey sunshine, you look quite cheerful today." She greeted sitting down next to him with her back against the tree. She'd been a lot more introverted recently now that Addison had left on the quest, and had been finding herself in quite a lot more squabbles with other campers. "So, mister mister, what's got you down?"

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
Valencia took another step and sank into her own shadow moments before she would, have passed Owen, she stepped of a shadow along the wall behind him firing two arrows that had a dark haze around them. The haze revealed itself to be black fire that enveloped the arrows.

Sebastian looked up and saw Adrien he felt surprised for a moment but opened his mouth and responded, "I'm annoyed...the ares kids are rude and the Aphrodite kids tried to control me.....not a good idea for future reference."

Jason released Tania and sat up feeling a little better but still a bit tired, he felt bad about going to Tania when the others needed help as well. "I should go see how everyone is doing and I should probably take watch since everyone else is mostly down or preoccupied." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked out asking himself what just happened. Making his way up to the deck he looked at the damage done. "Well crap.....Hey Addie.....want me to get started on repairs or something? I might be able to freeze some supports on the mass and bolt it back together or something."

@BishopOfKings @LuckyANDKitty
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Alec waited until Max was gone before he slid out of bed with sigh. Everything had been suddenly complicated, now that Max knew about his crush on him. He had hoped things wouldn't turn into this awkward state, but here he was, trying desperately to at least maintain his friendship with Max. But no matter. They had to get that freaking pomegranate back before Helena came back from her quest, otherwise she would flip her lid. So off he stumbled, towards the Athena cabin, looking around for this new girl that he didn't know her name.

"Ok." Tania said with a blush and a smile but her face was still pale and tired. She was weak but she would live since the burning feeling was gone and she wasn't getting any weaker.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Anthony opened the door to the big house to let Max in and then turned around and started complaining again. "Why do I have to stay here? Did I do something wrong somehow? Even then I don't think it's right to punish somebody over something they can't even remember." Anthony kept asking questions at such a fast rate that Chiron didn't have time to answer and looked to Max to help by causing interference or a distraction.


(If I missed anybody please tell me.)

"You don't think I know that feeling." Kit said as he looked up "I can't use any of my special powers without holding that sword." He walked over to Olivia "If I drop it during a fight in screwed." He laughed a little bit. He looked back at the cliff face. "I think it's about time I wake up... But... I really don't want to fall..." He smiled at Olivia "Is there any way you can help me out of this?"

@Soul OMU



Owen turned as soon as Valencia vanished and began looking around for her when he heard the voice. "Down." It was a simple word, but Owen knew the importance of it. Owen quickly dropped to the ground as the two black fire arrows sailed over his body. He spun back up to his feet like a break dancer and spotted Valencia. "Shadow hopping... So not fair" he mumbled to himself as he quickly drew another arrow. Owens eyes flash a burning orange as the bow grew extra limbs on itself. He smiled as he let go. The arrow flew a few feet before splitting into ten arrows, each with Owen's signature weapon hidden inside, his insects.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



When Max walked into the Big House he wasn't expecting to interrupt an argument between a horse and an demigod. "Sorry if I'm... Interrupting this... Conversation." Max said awkwardly "but... You said to stop by so I could get more information for the mission." He looked at Anthony and then at Chiron "That's all.. So if we can get this done you can go back to... Umm talking."


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BishopOfKings said:
"You don't think I know that feeling." Kit said as he looked up "I can't use any of my special powers without holding that sword." He walked over to Olivia "If I drop it during a fight in screwed." He laughed a little bit. He looked back at the cliff face. "I think it's about time I wake up... But... I really don't want to fall..." He smiled at Olivia "Is there any way you can help me out of this?"

@Soul OMU



Owen turned as soon as Valencia vanished and began looking around for her when he heard the voice. "Down." It was a simple word, but Owen knew the importance of it. Owen quickly dropped to the ground as the two black fire arrows sailed over his body. He spun back up to his feet like a break dancer and spotted Valencia. "Shadow hopping... So not fair" he mumbled to himself as he quickly drew another arrow. Owens eyes flash a burning orange as the bow grew extra limbs on itself. He smiled as he let go. The arrow flew a few feet before splitting into ten arrows, each with Owen's signature weapon hidden inside, his insects.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



When Max walked into the Big House he wasn't expecting to interrupt an argument between a horse and an demigod. "Sorry if I'm... Interrupting this... Conversation." Max said awkwardly "but... You said to stop by so I could get more information for the mission." He looked at Anthony and then at Chiron "That's all.. So if we can get this done you can go back to... Umm talking."

Alec looked up at the Athena cabin, then his eyes fell on a girl standing in front of it. Ah! It's her! The girl from my vision! he thought, before his normal friendly smile on his face and marched right over to her and said, "Hi! Are you new to the camp, you look lost. I'm Alec, son of Aphrodite. Who are yooooou?" he said, sticking his hand out for her to shake.

@Silent Justice
Valencia saw the arrows split and growled, "Shit." She took two steps forward before going into a no-handed cartwheel instead bringing her hands together and drawing back the bowstring a black flame arrow forming where a normal one would be, she landed aimed and released in an instant feeling an arrow bit into her thigh a split second later. "Ouch! Son of a!" Since it was an energy arrow she counted herself lucky it didn't go deeper or take her leg off, she stayed stayed standing and shot off three more black arrows before chancing a look at her thigh.

@BishopOfKings @LuckyANDKitty
Violet turned in surprise when someone started talking to her. She had been standing in front of the Athena cabin, a bit nervous, but she had been about to walk in. "I'm Violet. Nice to meet you, Alec. And yeah, I'm new. A daughter of Athena, at least according to the guy who first talked to me when I got in here. You could probably already tell that, what with me being in front of the Athena cabin." She chuckled. "So, you're a son of the love goddess, huh? You must get all the ladies, right?"

Alec listened to her explain who she was, nodding all the while and sifting through his brain, So I was right about her Athena eyes. So now I have her, all I have to do is convince Max to not look at me like I have two heads and everything will be- then she mentioned "getting all the ladies" with which he promptly stopped his inner bickering and stared, then looked down, then back at Violet before gesturing at the word "GAY" sprawled across his chest with fancy lettering and rainbow colors.

@Silent Justice
(I didn't know he was wearing that, but I'm gonna roll with it)

Violet laughed. "I noticed that. It was a joke, dude." She said, smiling. "Now, why did you come over here and talk to me?" Violet had learned over the years that people generally didn't come and talk to her without good reason. Usually that reason being to either 1.) Ask her for help with their homework, or 2.) Try and flirt with her. She was pretty sure there was no homework to do here, and it was pretty obvious he wasn't going to flirt with her.

"Alright, straight to the point. Okay. You're coming with me and one other boy on a deadly dangerous quest for a holy pomegranate. Isn't that exciting? Now c'mooooon lets go talk to Maaaaaax." And with that, he grabbed Violet by the wrist and marched off, whistling to the tune of "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins.

@Silent Justice
Anthony heard Max and sighed before walking towards the door then stopped and looked back. "I'm gonna find out why you won't let me go on a quest." Anthony said before leaving the big house to find out how he would catch the maenads.


Thomas stood on the deck and looked over the damage. When he saw Jason he began wondering were Tania was at since she seemed attracted to the boy. "Where'd Tania go?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Violet's eyes widened. "Waitwaitwait, I'm coming with you on a quest?!" She exclaimed as she was dragged along. "I just got here! I haven't even gotten to my cabin! Shouldn't I get some sort of weapon?! And why are we going after a holy pomegranate?!" She was so confused. "And why me?! I have like, no battle experience!"


Max usually could read a situation well... This wasn't one of those times. He watched as Anthony left the Big House, complaining about something. "I'm not gonna ask." He said as the door shut behind the demigod. "So... Chiron... Where am I supposed to go to get this 'Holy Pomegranate'?"

@Soul OMU

@Anyone around



"Step left" the voice spoke again in Owen's head. He shifted and did exactly what the voice said and dodged the arrows. He straightened and snapped his fingers as a few insects started crawling around on Valencia's thigh "FYI I could paralyze you right now!" He said nonchalantly "Surrender and I won't!" Owen kept his bow at the ready, something wasn't right. He felt that maybe this girl had something else in store. He kept up the threat thought. "So unless you can figure a way out of this I think I've won."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Olivia slowly wakes and yawns, in her bedroom back at camp. She stood up and stretched as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, smiling a bit tiredly.

"I saw you in a vision! You were helping us fight off a bunch of monsters! Don't worry, this'll be a "learning on the job" quest! Wheeeee and also, since you asked, this pomegranate was retrieved from Persephone's garden in the Underworld by a friend of mine," his voice started out cheery, then grew darker at the mention of the pomegranate, "Helena, a daughter of Hades, went down there with a satyr named Buddy and a boy named Mason, a son of Hephaestus..: only Helena came back..." He paused as he felt a lump grow in his throat, but he cleared his throat quickly and continued, "Too many people died to get that stupid fruit. That's why we need to retrieve it from whoever took it."
"You and the others must head north. We found a lot of ice in the attic were the object was stolen from." Chiron said with a frown at the thought of Max and Alec taking a third camper to Canada to fight some frozen god.

Violet had so many more questions to ask, like 'Why do we need a pomegranate?' 'Who's Persephone?' and so on, but she kept them to herself. "Wait, you had a vision about me? And I still probably need some sort of weapon." What, did he expect her to fight crazy monsters and shit with her bare freaking hands?!

"Yeah, you'll get something before we leave! We probably aren't leaving today. Now stop complaining and get into the Big House. Chiron is waiting. Best not keep horse man waiting, la dee dah, he'll figure out your weapon situation." Alec said, dragging Violet inside the Big House just in time to hear Chiron tell Max where they were going. "I found her. Violet, the horse man is Chiron, and the guy over there is Max, son of Zeus. He's the third member of the quest for the holy pomegranate." He pointed at Chiron, then at Max, his eyes swept with a happy glow in Max's direction.

@Silent Justice
Violet's eyes widened as she was dragged into the Big House and saw the horse guy, Chiron. "Whoa..." She said. Weird looking wolf-things were one thing, horse-people were quite another. Then she remembered that they were called centaurs. She only knew a little of greek mythology. "Uhm... Hi Chiron... Hi Max..." Violet said nervously. It wasn't every day she was introduced to a horse man. "So, where are we gonna have to go to get this 'holy pomegranate'?" She asked Chiron.

Addie turned around in surprise at the sound of Jason's voice. "No- No, it's alright." Addison finally took a glance at the deck, and realized just how much damage had been done during the venti attack. "Uh, actually. I could use some help..."

Adrien nodded pursing her lips. "Yeah, they're not the most pleasant. But there's a few every now and then who either blow the others out of the water with their wickedness, or they act nothing whatsoever like their siblings and you wonder if they were claimed by the right God or Goddess."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )

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