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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans


"North?!" Max said confused "North as in Canada? Or North as in the Arctic?" Max flopped down on a chair. "Or is it just North?" Max was annoyed. "I swear this girl Alec is bringing better not be a fresh out of the bag newbie." That's when he heard Alec and... A newbie. "Why do I even bother!" Max looked over at Alec and the new girl "hi..."

@Silent Justice




"I don't know why you had me steal this?" A female voice spoke out "I mean seriously. Why the hell is this thing important" the voice said as she gestured to the pomegranate. "I mean it's just a fruit." The girl stepped into a patch of light revealing her face. She brushed her long blonde hair out of her ice blue eyes. "I had to incapacitate four guards just to get into the camp!" She said to the giant being standing in the darkness. "It gives us time to prepare." It says with a deep voice. "The Titans wish to strike the camp again soon, and they want to remove a... Nuisance" the girl sighed "Very well... Inform me of any other news." The girl said as the giant vanished.
"Canada?! Awesome I'll go get my moose antlers!" He said jokingly, then walked over to Max and threw out a smile, "But seriously, Canada? We're probably gonna want to stop by a department store or something for some coats. It's cold up there. I don't want you to catch a cold, Maxyyyyyy...pad?" Holy shit that was close. He was about him Maxy poo.... Though Maxy pad couldn't have been any better... Better try to cover that up. "So, Canada. We better look out for Boreas! He doesn't like people invading his territory..."

"He's the god your checking first." Chiron said then pointed to the cabin that normally housed the Hecate kids. "Anthony should be able to find some gear for you. Do not take him with you though. I need to keep an eye on him."

@Silent Justice @BishopOfKings @explosiveKitten
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Violet smiled when Chiron said that Anthony would help her. He was the one who had originally helped her when she had come into camp, and she thought he was pretty nice, if a bit aloof. "Okay!" She said, walking out of the Big House and towards the Hecate cabin, looking for Anthony.

@BishopOfKings @explosiveKitten
Anthony sat on his bunk and started packing his stuff planning to run away in the night but he heard one of his siblings turn the shower off and Anthony his what he was doing but noticed something strange and picked it up.

Dear Anthony,

You have so much more potential than Chiron will let you expose or experience. You need to leave the camp for your own good. If you stay they'll stifle your growth and become afraid of your wrath. You need to run and fought your way out if it becomes a requirement for your freedom.

Your friend T.

@Silent Justice

"Thanks." Max said as he got up and started after Violet. He tapped Alec on the shoulder so the demigod would wake up from whatever daydream he was having and sprinted towards the Hecate Cabin. He hurried up to the cabin making it there before Violet and noticed the door was cracked open. He pushed it open slightly and shouted in "Hello! Is Anthony in here!!!"

@Silent Justice

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Anthony quickly jammed the paper into his pocket and realized the corner of his bag was still visible. "What's up Max?" Anthony asked worried that Max was going to try and ask too many questions.

Jason looked at the satyr, "She's in my bed," Jason opened his mouth in a split second realizing how his words probably sounded, "Room!...she's uh she in my bedroom.....resting....from her cut." Jason was relieved when Addison told him he could help and bolted over to her. "Right uh how can I help?"


Valencia glowered at him her face getting wicked look, "Well since you want to bring pets into this. Meet Tiko." The moment Valencia said his name the massive tiger sprang from Owen's shadows it's front paws on his shoulder and on the wrist of his bow hand, his claws dug into his skin a little and Tiko lowered his face to the boy's. Valencia stood, "FYI I could decapitate you right now, surrender and I won't. So unless you can think away out of THIS, I believe I've won." Valencia smiled.

Sebastian looked at Addison, "I wouldn't know.......haven't been here long enough."

"Sorry to bother you... But Chiron said you could help." Max said as he walked into the cabin. He noticed the bag. "Umm... Are you going somewhere?"


(I'll put the others up later I'm busy at the moment)

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"N-No in just taking inventory of my gear. In case I get to go on a quest. Anyways what do you need?" Anthony said pulling out a few magazines with camping gear in them and tossed them towards Max. He also slid the bag under his bed with his foot.

@Silent Justice


Chiron was in the big house going over a page that was charred and torn from a journal.
If your reading this then T...... was right they're trying to keep me here but I won't be imprisoned.

2 days later...

I didn't mean to do it but I did. They'll never let me come back now. I've burnt every bridge at that camp just to get to T....... I had to kill two of my guards to get away from the camp and get back my freedom. I didn't mean to do it but it's done now and I've lost the only true home I've ever knew. The celestial bronze and imperial gold of my weapon is stained brown in some places from the blood left on it.

From Anthony.

Chiron put the page away and set the container back in its drawer.


Thomas laughed at Jason when he started trying to explain. "Don't worry dude everybody says that they have to bring an extra bed roll in case she gets injured because she just flops into the first bed she can find. What cut her?" Thomas asked worried she might have a serious wound.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Violet followed Max into the Hecate cabin, and saw Anthony. "Hey, Anthony, I just, uh, needed a weapon," She said. "Y'know, for the quest I have to go on, apparently. I still don't know why they chose me of all people." She chuckled. "I have no adventuring, or questing, or whatever qualifications whatsoever."

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"Guys slow down! Wait a weapon. Ooh I got a good one that I made using magic but after its completion the beads got scattered." Anthony said pulling out the beads and a bracelet but there were only two beads so far. "Each bead makes a different Celestial weapon when attached and tapped magic is fickle though so expect a few quarks."


@Silent Justice
"Ooooo what does this do?!" Alec said, grabbing the bracelet and looking it over. A head fell from the bracelet and as it lost contact with the silver chains, the head expanded, until it was a large bronze frying pan, just in time to crush Alec's toes.

"AHHHHH F******CK!" He shouted, dropping he bracelet altogether and hopping up and down on one foot, holding his other foot, "THAT'S A F***ING FRYING PAN! It looks like it's celestial bronze WHAT THE HELL WHY IS THERE A FRYING PAN MADE OF CELESTIAL BRONZE OW F*CK!" He shouted, then hopped over to the wall and tossing his shoe off, and his sock, and clutching his foot, which was pulsing red almost comically.

@Silent Justice @BishopOfKings

Owen felt a pain run through him... But it wasn't from the tiger that now pinned him. "Pets?!" Owen shouted as he felt his jacket start to empty "Those aren't pets... Far... Far from it" and with that his jacket burst and Tiko was thrown of Owen. He got up and looked at Valencia, a giant hole now over where the jacket covered his shoulder. "If they were pets I wouldn't be afraid of them." He mumbled so that only he could hear. He deactivated his bow and looked at the tiger, then at Valencia "Zugzwang... It's your move" and with that Owen threw a small swarm of insects at Valencia.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Max couldn't help laugh at Alec as he dropped the "frying pan of the gods" on his foot. "So... Chiron said you could do something about... I think he said Boreas."




Kit staggered out of the bathroom and into the hallway. He had just spent the last few minutes emptying his stomach and he hated it. He paused as he noticed Helena wandering in the hall. "Hey" he said as he walked up to her "You doing ok?"


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Alec mumbled at Max, "You laugh now! Wait till you get a heavy bronze frying pan dropped on your foot!" He grumbled some more, put his foot down tenderly, "and yes, it was Boreas we were talking about. He is the god of the North Wind. He has a meat locker in Quebec... Or at least that's what I've heard." He mumbled, hopping up and down a little more.

Helena looked up from her feet when she heard herself being addressed and sighed when it was Kit. "... You look even less okay then me. A startling resemblance of the Hulk... Minus all the bulk and the purple shorts... Okay, no, you look more like Mike Wazowski. Because your a little green."

"No he wouldn't let me leave this cabin if it was up to him." Anthony muttered bitterly before opening a drawer with a lock that said: Anthony's secret stash. If the drawer was opened it would be empty unless Anthony reached into it then he'd be able to pull out useful items. He pulled out what looked like three silver handkerchiefs and then some silver parkas. He then pulled out three small sacks full of gold drachma and some twenties for the three. "I'm a pack rat and apparently Artemis really respects me enough to let me watch her hunt yet I can't participate." Anthony said with a shrug pulling out a small silver letter from him to Artemis that he handed to Violet. "That way these two aren't killed or turned into deer."

@Silent Justice


Felix was staring out into space when something snapped him conscious again. A memory of possibility. Small possibility, but hey, it was something. Felix jumped off his (bed?) and went to the big house, and lightly tapped on it with the back of his knuckle. Hopefully he hasn't been forgotten again.
Chiron opened the door and smiled at Felix and then went to his wheelchair. "Having trouble choosing the other three to go with you after the namean lion? I suggest Valencia, Owen, and Anthony. I'll be coming to supervise but don't tell anybody else."


"D-Deer?!" Max said as Anthony pulled out the stuff from his drawer "Why are even even going to see Artemis?!" Max said as he was trying not to imagine what he'd look like as a deer. "I don't see why we need to go see her."




"No kidding." Kit said as he leaned against the wall. "Try being sea and air sick while on a flying boat!" Kit let out a small laugh "it's not fun..." He looked at the Hades girl and remembered what he heard before. "Hey... What was all that shouting about earlier? I was heading to the bathroom and caught the tail end of a shouting match between you and the goat?" He lied, knowing he had heard a little more than what he spoke about.


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"Er... Where exactly are those people? I've had nothing to do lately, so I've kinda spaced out. A lot." Felix said, sighing afterwards. He mostly just sat in his (bed?), staring up at the ceiling, thinking about fire. The fact that Chiron was coming to supervise was a bit calming, but not by much. He hadn't really met anyone, so it would be unsettling to go on a quest with those he doesn't know, doesn't trust. Then again, he didn't really have a choice, did he?

"You don't but I just got a letter from them saying they were north of here and heading down." Anthony said explaining that the letter was just a precaution in case they did run into the hunters while they were out. "The handkerchiefs are actually tents that instantly set themselves up."


@Silent Justice


"Anthony is in his cabin while the other two are training." Chiron stated.

Helena stared at Kit, her eyes clouded briefly, then she shook her head vigorously and hissed at Kit, "Boy, I hope you are f***ing lying. Otherwise I swear to all the gods, I will kill you in your sleep!... I am not getting into this. No, no, NO." She said forcibly, holding her head in her hands and squeezing her eyes shut. "I am NOT talking about this. No."

"But then, I would need what cabin Anthony's in, and where the other two are training." Felix said.

Detailss are what make up the world. Needing to know the specifics before doing something is a priority. Wow, his self-quotes were getting better. A bit of confidence spread over his invisible bar of happiness.

"Anthony is in the Hecate cabin and I think the others are in the arena." Chiron said handing Felix a map of the camp.
Felix stared at the map for a few second before rolling it up. "Thank you." he said, turning away. He headed out the door and just stared at the sky, how blue it was, before heading to the Hectate cabin. He opened the door a crack and peeked in. "Hello?" he whispered.

(I'm scared of getting any of the camp layout wrong...)


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