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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Felix stared at Chiron as he walked away. Two others? Anthony has amnesia? Who was Anthony, anyways? It was a bit confusing. He sat down, and tried to think. He certainly couldn't get two others. Usually he just went by himself. If he could, he would get two others. But he couldn't. He sighed as he put his hands on his eyes and sat down, thinking. It was all he did, after all. Just thinking all by himself...

"Why here?" Kit asked as he continued down the cliff face "Why me?" His foot slipped and he caught the wall. "I mean, if you can enter anyone's dreams then why choose mine?"

@Soul OMU



Max hadn't noticed Alec pass out until the boys face hit the ground. "Oh sh*t!" He said as Max scrambled to get the boy. He pulled Alec's arm over his shoulder and pulled him to his feet. He pushed his way into the cabin, and after an annoying amount of time trying to get Alec's sister to cooperate with giggling uncontrollably, he got Alec into his bed. "The hell was that all about?" He asked himself as he looked at Alec. He went to brush a piece of hair out of Alec's face, but stopped. It didn't feel right to him, he could barely think about being his b-b-b.... He shook his head. He didn't want to do it, but... Max sighed and sat down at the base of Alec's bed. All Alec's siblings had cleared out thinking something was gonna happen. He stared at Alec. "What am I gonna do...."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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BishopOfKings said:
"Why here?" Kit asked as he continued down the cliff face "Why me?" His foot slipped and he caught the wall. "I mean, if you can enter anyone's dreams then why choose mine?"

@Soul OMU



Max hadn't noticed Alec pass out until the boys face hit the ground. "Oh sh*t!" He said as Max scrambled to get the boy. He pulled Alec's arm over his shoulder and pulled him to his feet. He pushed his way into the cabin, and after an annoying amount of time trying to get Alec's sister to cooperate with giggling uncontrollably, he got Alec into his bed. "The hell was that all about?" He asked himself as he looked at Alec. He went to brush a piece of hair out of Alec's face, but stopped. It didn't feel right to him, he could barely think about being his b-b-b.... He shook his head. He didn't want to do it, but... Max sighed and sat down at the base of Alec's bed. All Alec's siblings had cleared out thinking something was gonna happen. He stared at Alec. "What am I gonna do...."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Olivia shrugs. "I guess I just felt like you needed someone to talk to..." She said softly while helping him get his footing.

Anthony sighed and walked to the volley ball field and stared at the crater in it. "Looks like my face. Why does everybody avoid me? Do I have the plague or something. Is the plague still around at all anyways?" Anthony wondered as a few aphrodite kids seemed to be preparing to swarm him for some reason he hadn't yet realized until they actually moved in and started making him look like he hadn't been jumped multiple times. "Thanks girls." Anthony said as they walked off seeming satisfied with their work on his bruised face which now looked fine unless you got within conversation range of him.

"Oh well back to my schedule of wandering because I'm banned from combat practice and magic practice." Anthony said walling towards the camp fire where he sat and stared into the flames feeling a sense of neglect wash over him.

Carter noticed Anthony looking pretty down and decided to go chat with him. "Hello fellow camper! Why so gloomy?" The Demeter boy greeted sitting down enthusiastically next to Anthony. "You're gloom is making the edges of the campfire turn a grayish blue."

(@Holo )
Anthony jumped when somebody talked to him and started looking around to see if the boy was talking to somebody else. "M-me? Nobody ever talks to me. Well except Tania but she's on the quest."

Noah eyes widened even more as Helena's story progressed. He glanced over some of the more gruesome pictures before putting them down, absolutely horrified by what he has seen. "That's...that's inhuman." Noah said quietly as Helena concluded her story. Noah whisked the pictures back into the shoe-box, not wanting to see them any longer. "I'm glad you found a better family though. That is why you gotta do your best to succeed in the quest." Noah said encouragingly. "To save them, to save the world. Besides, you're a tough girl. You can take on anything that gets thrown at you."
"Noah. It's not over." She said quietly, staring down at the shoebox. "It was never over..." She looked at Noah and stared, then started pulling more pictures out of the box, "I lived happy until I was nine. One night, there was a prison break. I saw it on the news before I went to bed, and lets just say I was little scared. After the prison break I slept with Gordon and Marilyn in their room for weeks, before they finally managed to coax me back into bed on... October 24th. Day after my birthday. I had just turned nine. And of course I couldn't sleep, and I was thirsty. So I decided to get up and get a glass of water. But when I stumbled into the kitchen area of he apartment, I noticed glass all over the floor. And a rock. The window having been smashed in. This should have been unsettling, but no. I just tiptoed around the glass and got myself some water. Took a few sips, before I turned around and there he was. Standing there in rags and unkempt scraggly hair. His eyes were murderous. And he had a gun pointing straight at my face. "I finally found you," he said, staring at me with a wicked grin, and that stupid pistol was gleaming in the artificial light. And it was terrifying. He told me about how he had broken from prison because he had unfinished business with me.

When the first shot was fired, I got hit right in the gut," she pulled up the edge of her shirt to show a large circular scar the size of a golfball, "But somehow, somehow I didn't fall. I didn't shut down. In fact, it woke me up. And before I knew it, I had grabbed a butcher's knife from the kitchen drawer and defended myself in an adrenaline induced haze, and the last I remember of it is me, siting on his chest and bashing that f***ing knife repeatedly into his face, screaming for him to die, just die, just leave me alone! And by the time Gordon got out of his bedroom with his shotgun in hand, he saw me sitting in a pool of blood, crying, my arms and face splattered with blood and gore, and a man's body with his face mutilated with a butcher's knife embedded in forehead." She pulled out several pictures from the scene, including the face of the man, and the bloody kitchen, "I was never prosecuted... It was self defense.... Besides, I don't think the jury could've had the heart to punish me after all I'd been through..." She let her shirt fall back down, and rested both her hands on the edge of the vanity, staring down at the floor for a long moment. "... So, now you know I guess..." She murmured, reaching up and running her hand over the back of her right shoulder. A massive tattoo consisting of 24 skulls extended down her back from that point, a tattoo most everyone at camp had already seen, but perched at the top was one larger, bloody skull. With a butcher's knife in it's forehead.

Alec soon woke up and groaned, rubbing his forehead and mumbling, "Gaaaah, it feels like I've been dragged behind a chariot... " he groaned again and sat up, looking around, then he saw Max sitting at the end of his bed and his siblings had cleared out.

".... Hi, Max... How did I get to bed?"

@BishopOfKings @Noah

Kit took Olivia's hand and steadied himself. "I guess... Not like the dream will change." He said disappointedly "I always slip there, and steady myself... Just like the first time." He kept walking down the path until he reach a part where three people could walk side by side and stopped. "And right here... I fall." He said as he sat down next to the edge. "Everytime I come here I fall off the cliff and impale myself on the rocks down there..." He lifted up the part of his coat to reveal a scar running along his lower ribs. "I almost died from this... But... I woke up about an hour later and my wound was stitched up and I felt like I could beat anything...." He sighed and looked at Olivia "And this was probably the easiest part of my journey..."

@Soul OMU



"You Flew." Max said jokingly "you sprouted wings a flew thorough the door with the grace of a bird." He laced the joke with sarcasm as he looked at Alec. He remembered Helena telling him about Alec's occasional blackouts before, but he'd never seen one happen. "Joking aside." Max said as he scooted closer to Alec "What happened?"


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".... What...?" He looked confused at first, then slapped his forehead, "OH! I know where we have to go for our quest and who we have to bring! I saw it in my knife blade!" He said, looking around for the knife, and finding it, "Wait, where is my knife...?"

Cade came out of the lake in his board shorts after his swim and exploration of the lake where he spends lots of his time. He grabs his towel off of the sand and starts drying himself off as he walks over to the campfire to get warm. He notices somebody there and stops shortly in his stride but then continues to walk hesitantly to the fire. He sat a few spaces away from Anthony and looks at the fire while he dries off but looks at Anthony through his peripheral vision but instinctively glanced at him as he notices the bruise on his face.
BishopOfKings said:
Kit took Olivia's hand and steadied himself. "I guess... Not like the dream will change." He said disappointedly "I always slip there, and steady myself... Just like the first time." He kept walking down the path until he reach a part where three people could walk side by side and stopped. "And right here... I fall." He said as he sat down next to the edge. "Everytime I come here I fall off the cliff and impale myself on the rocks down there..." He lifted up the part of his coat to reveal a scar running along his lower ribs. "I almost died from this... But... I woke up about an hour later and my wound was stitched up and I felt like I could beat anything...." He sighed and looked at Olivia "And this was probably the easiest part of my journey..."

@Soul OMU



"You Flew." Max said jokingly "you sprouted wings a flew thorough the door with the grace of a bird." He laced the joke with sarcasm as he looked at Alec. He remembered Helena telling him about Alec's occasional blackouts before, but he'd never seen one happen. "Joking aside." Max said as he scooted closer to Alec "What happened?"

Noah felt rather embarrassed assuming the story was over. He wanted to go full on asian-disgrace-kill-himself, but politely listened to the rest of Helena's story. Noah didn't know what to say. The corners of his lips drooped slightly as he saw the scar on Helena's body. "Well...uh...." Noah felt awkward and didn't really know what to say next. "Thanks for sharing that with me, would you like to speak with anyone at camp? If they are sleeping I probably could patch them into this dream." Noah stated.
"Not particularly... I think I'm about to wake up anyway. Don't bother... Oh, and Noah?" She looked at him, "What I just told you is easily my biggest secret. Keep it that way for me, okay? I'd hate for anyone to find out about me and my foster dad." And with that, the began to slowly fade away, the color bleeding from the walls as Helena slowly woke up... And found herself laying in her with a can of Pringles in hand. As she slowly sat up, she resumed her eating and got out of bed, walking off down the hall to see if she could help with repairing the ship in any way.

"I wish it were that simple..." Kit Said as he looked at the floating girl "But this dream is different. Your siblings call it a Memory dream... Where no matter what you do, the dream can't be changed... It follows a set path" Kit closed his eyes "All the people who went on the journey to retrieve my sword have them. My Uncle... My grandfather. They both had them." He opened his eyes. "I've had many Hypnos kids try to help me change it, but nothing works" he sighed "So in the end I fall and I always wake up."

@Soul OMU



"Who?" Max said as he got up and went towards the door, seeing the knife lying on the ground. He picked it up and hurried back to Alec, placing the blade in his hand. "Who is the third person?"


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BishopOfKings said:
"I wish it were that simple..." Kit Said as he looked at the floating girl "But this dream is different. Your siblings call it a Memory dream... Where no matter what you do, the dream can't be changed... It follows a set path" Kit closed his eyes "All the people who went on the journey to retrieve my sword have them. My Uncle... My grandfather. They both had them." He opened his eyes. "I've had many Hypnos kids try to help me change it, but nothing works" he sighed "So in the end I fall and I always wake up."

@Soul OMU



"Who?" Max said as he got up and went towards the door, seeing the knife lying on the ground. He picked it up and hurried back to Alec, placing the blade in his hand. "Who is the third person?"


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Olivia watching him and huffs, her cheeks puff up a bit. "so your just going to give up and let it happen? Honestly and all you talk about is what a big Hero you are and are going to be... Where is that bravo now Kit?.. I believe you can do this... And I'm not exactly a normal Hypno kid since I doubt they gave you a dream stone."
"I don't know her name, but she's a child of Athena. She had the stormy gray eyes, but her hair was dark. Actually a rather pretty girl." He said, scratching his chin briefly before slipping his knife back into it's sheath at his hip and attempting to stand up, only to start to crumple to his knees upon standing.

Jason pulled his locks out of Tania's face and pulled her head towards his chest.

Valencia continued her charge going full speed to avoid the point where she would be skewered. She notched three arrows and released them diagonally at Owen's chest. She knew the next few moments would be critical and it was safe to say she had a plan.

Sebastian had meandered around camp avoiding the gazes of campers that stared at him, he brushed through and ignored some ares kids who were obviously trying to get into a fight with him. It didn't help when after finally breaking away from the Ares boys the Aphrodite girls found him and tried to get him with some charmspeak, only his overwhelming rage at their attempt to control him kept them from actually doing so as he sent them off with a blood red glare. Ultimately he found himself sitting at the tree where he first met Adrien leaving against it again for some sort of support.

@BishopOfKings @LuckyANDKitty
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Kit's eye snapped towards Olivia at the comment. "You don't understand!" Kit didn't realize he was shouting "This happened to me! This is not some stupid dream!!!! This is my brain forcefully making me relived a god damn memory!" He clenched his fist "This torture I brought on myself, because I wanted the sword!" He swallowed "I wanted this stupid thing, so that I could be a hero, so I could be more then a worthless son of Hermes." He shouted forcing his eyes shut "I am nothing! Okay!!! You hear me!!! Nothing!!! I without this piece of steel am a carbon copy Hermes kid whose only talent is stealing!" He swallowed again "I brought a cursed fate upon myself just so I can be more important! I cursed myself because I felt I was useless! I talk with such bravado that people believe me, but inside I just keep reminding myself what I'm not!!!!" Kit pulled the sword out of its sheath and stabbed it into the ground "This... This is what I tried to be... I'm just a scared little Hermes kid who just wants to be special, but I guess fate doesn't think I should be." He turned away from Olivia and the blade and sat down near the edge of the cliff and started cried.

@Soul OMU



Owen rushed closer to Valencia, turning the arrows she shot to splinters with a quick spin of his bow. Owen knew he had to force her into Close quarters in order to get the upper hand. He clenched his fist, secretly letting his insects crawl inside, and ran towards the girl; hoping he could pull off his crazy plan.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



"No You Don't!" Max said as he grabbed Alec before he hit the ground. "You might want to sit down and rest." Max set Alec back down on the bed. "Hey... I need to go ask Chiron more about the quest." Max said putting his hands in his pockets "Since you know what our third person Looks like, then you should go find her... When you can walk without falling over... Sound like a plan?"


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BishopOfKings said:
Kit's eye snapped towards Olivia at the comment. "You don't understand!" Kit didn't realize he was shouting "This happened to me! This is not some stupid dream!!!! This is my brain forcefully making me relived a god damn memory!" He clenched his fist "This torture I brought on myself, because I wanted the sword!" He swallowed "I wanted this stupid thing, so that I could be a hero, so I could be more then a worthless son of Hermes." He shouted forcing his eyes shut "I am nothing! Okay!!! You hear me!!! Nothing!!! I without this piece of steel am a carbon copy Hermes kid whose only talent is stealing!" He swallowed again "I brought a cursed fate upon myself just so I can be more important! I cursed myself because I felt I was useless! I talk with such bravado that people believe me, but inside I just keep reminding myself what I'm not!!!!" Kit pulled the sword out of its sheath and stabbed it into the ground "This... This is what I tried to be... I'm just a scared little Hermes kid who just wants to be special, but I guess fate doesn't think I should be." He turned away from Olivia and the blade and sat down near the edge of the cliff and started cried.

@Soul OMU



Owen rushed closer to Valencia, turning the arrows she shot to splinters with a quick spin of his bow. Owen knew he had to force her into Close quarters in order to get the upper hand. He clenched his fist, secretly letting his insects crawl inside, and ran towards the girl; hoping he could pull off his crazy plan.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



"No You Don't!" Max said as he grabbed Alec before he hit the ground. "You might want to sit down and rest." Max set Alec back down on the bed. "Hey... I need to go ask Chiron more about the quest." Max said putting his hands in his pockets "Since you know what our third person Looks like, then you should go find her... When you can walk without falling over... Sound like a plan?"

Noah faded away from Helena's dream as she began to wake up. He was some what relieved that she didn't make a threat. Helena simply told Noah to keep the secret. No death warnings or threat of chopping stuff off. The emotions of another dream pulled Noah into it. The Hypnos son materialized in the dreams of Kit who was accompanied by Olivia. He noticed Olivia looking sad and Kit crying. Noah was quite shocked as he never really has seen Kit cry.

"Erm...what is going on here?" Noah asked. The situation seemed tense and awkward. Noah considered proofing away from the dream.

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