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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

"I didn't like it there. They didn't care if I lived or died. That doesn't matter though since it seems I'm not a very good amazon anyways." Tania said before hugging Jason with a smile. She muzzled his neck with get head and then gave a relaxed sigh but was still tense. "It doesn't matter because you care if I'm okay, right?" She asked looking up at him hopefully.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"You're so delusional it isn't even funny. What could you have done been eaten too. Catch an explosion and die with them? Huh?" Thomas asked with a sigh.

Jason smiled gently, "Of course I care otherwise I wouldn't have hauled your a** away form the Venti." He said his tone joking but his voice was calm. Jason kissed Tania's forehead and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close."
"Thank you." She said with a sincere smile hugging him. She started to feel safe and was soon asleep with her head against his chest. She was still smiling but some hair got in her face.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
"Well the person before me had already done a lot of work on him, and the Hades girl, Helena? Yeah, Helena helped me out a bit. Although she was a tad bit rude while doing so." Addison commented stroking the dragon's head. She grinned as he clicked happily. "He's says thank you for calling him cool. Uh, I think he says his name is Felix. He was made after the Argo 2's first dragon disappeared, but the person creating him gave up after the wiring for his head continuously failed."

(@Soul OMU )
Damian smiled a bit. "Well it's nice to meet you Felix! And why give up on something when you've worked so hard to fix it?" He said while looking at the dragon head.
Felix clicked enthusiastically at Damian, puffing a small cloud of smoke at him. "He doesn't know, and is just happy to be awake." Addison replied grinning at the dragon. "Maybe one day I'll get around to making you a body." Addie crooned to the masthead. "So," she focused her attention back on Damian. "I see you've been paying a lot of attention to the Demeter kid, Carter, at camp recently." Addie commented in an innocent, yet suggestive tone of voice.

(@Soul OMU )
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Helena growled at Thomas. "You don't know what I went through on that quest! Do you know what it's like to be the only one who survived a quest?! Watching your friends die and feeling their soul retreat to the Underworld!? Seeing one fried to a crisp and turning into a rosebush!? THERE WAS ONLY AN ARM LEFT OF MASON!" She shouted, slamming her fist against the wall, tears prickling at her eyes, "AN ARM, TOM! All I had left of them was a rosebush sapling and a F***ING ARM!" She was crying now, salty tears dripped down her cheeks to the floor, "And I took those F***ING THINGS. I took them with me! And I brought those bits back to camp, to be buried! That rosebush is planted outside my cabin because he didn't have a family or a f***ing girlfriend who cared! And Mason..." Her voice faltered, her eyesight blurred with tears, and her entire body was wracked by sobbing, making her just want to curl up and cry, but she couldn't. She wouldn't.

"... Get out, Tom..."


Kit stepped away from the door to Helena's room. He knew he'd just heard something he shouldn't of, but he had so many questions. Who was Mason? Where did they go and why? Kit ignored all these thoughts and hurried away from Helena's room. He slammed the door shut and flopped onto his bed. "Well.... I should get some sleep." He said and he closed his eyes.



Owen quickly sidestepped the arrow and brought up his left arm, so the the arrow caught and torn a hole in the jacket. He smiled knowing that he was closer to ending the fight. He drew his bow back and launched another arrow. It split into four arrows each flying towards Valencia. "Ok Owen... If she come in close. Then you can win." He thought as he whirled notching another solar arrow.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
(It deleted my post so I'll fox this later.)

"You aren't the only person who lost somebody they loved. You are however the only person shoving everybody else away." Thomas said leaving.


Anthony felt the impact before actually realizing what was happening. He had accidentally bumped into a Ares kids and was being jumped by three of them.

Noah sighed at Max's comment. As a son of Hypnos, Noah should be able to pop into dreams unannounced. Besides, what is supposed to happen when Noah is about to pop into a dream? A warning or disclaimer just pops up? Ridiculous. Max went on to talk about his incident. "Really? Well, you may not be proud of it but I am sure others might be envious..." Noah said. This was interesting, Tania could be in love with Jason, and Alec is chasing Max. "The kid is a son of Aphrodite." Noah stated turning back into a human manifestation. "Are you going to stay asleep or do you wanna wake up and talk with Alec? I could help you with the waking up part." @BishopOfKings
Alec still had Max in his arms, and after shaking him furiously trying to get him to wake up, the son of Aphrodite gave up the struggle and just started dragging the other boy to his bed, dragged him onto the covers, then shuffled the covers over him. As disgusted as he was that Max had turned to drinking, he wasn't about to give up without hearing the boy out... But he still wasn't happy.

He left a note on Max's bedside table in the form of a note rolled up and stuffed with the end sticking out of the poured out soda can.

And stabbed into the wood table with a knife.

"Seriously? Talk to me the minute you get this.

~Alec <3"

Helena watched Tom walk out, her breathing growing more and more shaky by the minute. Gods... Oh gods... Slowly she backed up against her wall and slid to the floor, holding her head in her hands, sobbing heavily into her hands, hoping that would muffle the sound. Her sobbing only grew worse and worse until she couldn't muffle the noise anymore. She had to cover her face with her pillow. Her stuffed toy sat on the bed next to her looking adorable and understanding. Kovu understood heartache. Yeah. Of course he did. He understood better then some stupid satyr who gave you bacon flavored Pringles and was only... Trying to... Help....

".... GODS, I HATE MYSELF!" She shouted, throwing her pillow across the room and having it slam against the door.

@BishopOfKings @Anyone willing to try to comfort a seriously depressed and suicidal/murderous Helena
Thomas was waiting outside the door just in case Helena went ballistic add she did. He walked in carefully and frowned at her but he also had brought something with him and held it up. It was a pad for combat practice that people would hit or kick and it was the size of his body. "Calm down. I'm here for you, look I brought you something to beat the anger into." Thomas said closing the door and bracing himself.

"I hope I catch on, too..." Violet said to the Ares kid. "This is a whole lot to take in, really. The whole 'children of the gods' thing is kind of a big shock." Violet was still trying to take all this new information in. "So, uh, yeah, you're a Demeter kid?" She asked, turning to the boy. "What was that about your mom nearly killing the human race? And being addicted to cereal?" She stifled a laugh. What, was Demeter the god of cereal or something? Did she nearly kill the human race by unbalancing their nutritious breakfast?
"Yeah, it's pretty overwhelming at first." Adrien replied honestly, ruffling her hair. Carter's face turned bright red in a mixture of embarrassment and irritation. "My mother is the goddess of the harvest, and fertility of the Earth. She got really depressed when her daughter was taken, and put the whole world into a state of famine and wouldn't allow anything to grow until her daughter was brought back to her. And the cereal thing, you'll have to ask her one day if you really want to know, because I have no idea." He replied awkwardly, looking away from the two.

(@Silent Justice )
Helena looked up at him, her blue eyes red at the edges from crying hard. Her expression as he pulled out some dumb things to punch became one of disbelief "... Seriously? You think I want to beat up something right now? I'm sad, not angry!" She shouted, getting up and grabbing her pillow and Kovu from the floor and stomping her way to her bed, "and didn't I just say to GET OUT?! I don't want to talk, I don't want to beat up anything, I just want to be left alone!"

"You don't really want that and we both know it. Nobody wants to be alone not even Anthony and he doesn't trust any of the other demigods." Thomas said tossing the pad away so he could sit next to Helena. "You know damn well I can keep secrets for you. Nobody except me and you knows what happened it your cabin after you came back." He crossed his arms to show that he wasn't budging a bit. "Now let it all out and it will only be between us."

"..... I'm not talking about this anymore. Get out." She growled, shoving him off the bed and laying down, stuffing her face in her pillow. No way. Not happening. This guy could try all he wanted, but she was not in the mood for this crap. She was in no way going to go about this and give him the pleasure of making her open up. HA!

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"You need to relax and chill. If you don't want to talk then don't. But enough trying to push me away it's clearly not working." Thomas said getting up and he smiled at Kovu and got a idea. He kneeled at the side of the bed so he was neat her head and started to hum. "I think I know just what you need. You need some hakuna matata." Thomas said standing up and looking around at the room. Place looked like a crypt but made of wood and not dirt.


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"Oh my god you need to shut up before I jam that "Hakuna matata" up your ass, goat boy." She hissed through her pillow, reaching for her Kovu toy and ending up only finding Tom's head. "...this isn't right...this isn't what I want..." She muttered, looking and seeing her fingers entangled in Tom's hair.

".... God, I'd kill for a Taco Bell right now."

"I could get you some. Anthony could get pretty much anything onto this ship. He's strong he just needs a very quiet place for it." Thomas started gently untangling get fingers and handed her Kovu. "I only want to help you. You're not alone I'm here for you." Thoma said sitting on the floor and smiling at her still trying to cheer her up.


"No... I can wake myself up" Max said as he started walking away from Noah. "When you've lived most of your life suffering in terrible nightmares, you learn how to wake yourself up."

Max sat forward in his bed and instantly clutched at his head. His head was killing him, and then he saw the knife. "Uhhhhhh!" He said as he rolled out of the bed. He hadn't remembered getting into his bed, but he didn't care he needed to check something. He opened the fridge and pulled out another can of Tania's soda. "Just as I thought." He said as he read the label "Screw you Mr. D and screw you and your inconsistent drinks!" He threw the can across the room and it exploded against the wall. He clutched his head, he'd only wanted to calm down not get wasted. He walked over to where the knife stuck out of the table. He saw the note and read it. "Oh dammit!" Max said as he realized what Alec probably thought of him. "I swear I'm gonna backhand that boy." And that's when he began to remember what happen before he passed out. He clutched his head. "I'm definitely smacking that boy... He should be in his cabin. Max said as he walked out the door with a monster headache, and started walking towards the Aphrodite cabin.



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Helena stared at Thomas, then shook her head, cuddled with Kovu and stuffed her face into her pillow again, mumbling unhappily as she was washed in darkness. Or, at least her eyesight was. Laying with her head in the pillow and the room's warmth, soon her consciousness began to slip away. She fell asleep easily, effortlessly. Without the assistance of antidepressants or anything! It's a miracle! WOOOOOO!

Alec was busily digging into a carton of Ben&Jerry's ice cream with a metal spoon, sitting on the stairs of the Aphrodite cabin, and staring angrily at the ground. God, how could he be so stupid? Of all he had to go and do, the first thing he did when Max opened that f***ing door was KISS HIM? And then he found out he was drunk- Where the hell did he get alcohol?! He wasn't even legally able to BUY alcohol! and even worse it was one of Mr. D's wine sodas! That sh*t smelled strong as hell too! He had barely drank anything and he was dead drunk! Ugh... Idiot, idiot, idiot... He sighed sadly and put the ice cream down, with the spoon still sticking out of the carton. Then he put his head in his hands.

"... siiiiiiiiiigh...."

When Max saw the boy he shook his head. "Great." Max mumbled as he walked up to the boy. "Alec!" Max said as he lifted up the demigods head. "Ok. First things first" he slapped Alec "that was for kissing me" he backhanded the boy "and that was for thinking I was drinking away my sorrows." He lowered his hand "and this..." He hugged Alec "Is to make you feel better" he looked up noticing a group of Alec's sisters staring at them through the window. Max stared angrily at the girls and they scattered away from the windows. "So..." Max said as he released Alec "how long have you had a crush on me?"


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Anthony walked past max and Alec bloody and bruised he stopped to let out a sigh. He then spit out a tooth and say down again feeling too tired to keep walking. "Why does my nose have to bleed so much?" Anthony mumbled tilting his head back just in time to see Charon walking past him. Chiron frowned at him then kept walking and stopped by Max and Alec with a tag in his hand. "Hello you two it seems something has gone missing and I need you two and one person Max chooses to find it. Here's the item's label."

Pomegranate from the underworld obtained by Helena daughter of hades, Mason son of Hephaestus, and Buddy the satyr.

"Too many people died getting that for us to let it go so easily. As such you two and your third member are in charge of finding and retrieving it." Chiron said before turning and walking away.


Thomas heard get breathing slow and realized she'd fallen asleep. He then moved her head so it was facing the side and moved hair out of her face. "Sleep well." Thomas said before pulling the blanket over her and then walked out without making much noise.

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Alec looked up just in time to get slapped in the face, and before he could even shout, "OW!" Max backhanded hi, leaving a nasty purple bruise on his cheek. "Ah! What the hell, Max?!" He shouted, holding his face and moving his jaw, and when Max hugged him, he tensed, expecting Max to stab him in the back or something. And after that, Max decided to ask him how long he'd had a crush on him?! He could only stare with his hand on his cheek. He didn't even hear Chiron speak to them. His eyes showed hurt, staring at Max.


It appears the gods decided to be kind.

This time her dreaming was pleasant. She sat in her bedroom back in Texas. It was very roomy, but somethings seemed off and didn't reflect Helena. The room was painted a bright vibrant pink with white wood dressers and a vanity, but otherwise the girl's style was reflected heavily. Her punk-like clothing hung from the dressers and off the closet doors, and all over the floor. Various band posters were scattered along the walls, a small jewelry box full of necklaces, bracelets and rings, a black beanbag in the corner beside a short bookshelf of books and black and white rug on the floor. She relaxed where she was, sitting on her bed cross legged.

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