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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

(@Silent Justice )

"I'm an Ares kid, and that dork," Adrien gestured to Carter who sent daggers her way. "Is a son of Demeter." Carter stuck his tongue out at Adrien, and she flipped him the bird in response. "Most of my siblings are uh, tempermental- "Jerks, bullies, complete assh- "Shut up about my siblings Carter." Adrien huffed taking a step away from the annoying guy. "Honestly, you don't hear me talking about how your mother is crazy, and almost killed the entire human race, or is obsessed with cereal." "She only did that, because she was upset over Hades stealing her daughter. And it's not my fault that she's addicted to the stuff! She's a goddess, they do what they want." Adrien rolled her eyes, focusing her attention back on Violet. "Anyways, hopefully you'll catch on fast. I mean, he's only been here for a week or so."
Jason seemed a bit weirded out by this, "So......why me, why not kill or enslave me.....well besides the fact that it would be incredibly racist."
"I don't know. I just like you. I can't explain it. Oh and I'm not racist a**hat." She said punching his shoulder gently before hugging him and laying her head against his shoulder. "Besides enslaving people and killing them is too lonely." She said honestly.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Thomas smiled and started helping Helena up. "I'll meet you in your room with the stash. Anthony managed to Summon two boxes of the stuff." Thomas said walking towards the lower deck. He moved both boxes into Helena's room and sat on the floor waiting.

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Helena stared up at Thomas as he started explaining his methods of receiving bacon Pringles and helping her up, and she swallowed, personally hoping nobody had seen her shout, "BACON!" Like it terrified her. So she got up slowly, and after a moment's thought, she grabbed Kit, dragged him to his cabin and tossed him on his bed, then trudged off to meet Thomas. When she walked in, she stared at the satyr for a minute, then trudged so her bed and sat down on the mattress, waiting for Tom.

Thomas opened the first box and sure enough it was nearly bursting with bacon Pringles. "But first I need your help. S-should I wait for somebody to ask me out or should I try to find somebody worth chasing? I-I'm tired of waiting Helena and I need somebody else's point of view." Thomas said after closing the door and sliding the box towards Helena.

Noah was drifting in the sleep world again after the girl from outside of camp woke up. Hopefully she got here un-harmed. In his queue of dreams, Noah saw a person's consciousness fall into sleep. The Hypnos Demigod took interest as the person looked befuddled. (Woo, can check that word off my list.) Noah manifested in the campers dream as large poppy with the face of a human. Something you might see in an Alice in Wonderland flower field. Noah recognized the camper as a child of Zeus, Max.

"Hello there Max." Noah said as the dream around them materialized in a large, lush, forest. Noah peered into the outside world as his usual habit. "Are you alright? You seem to be in a strange position right now. Plus your consciousness seems off too."

"... I am the wrong person to ask that question, Tom. What successful relationship have I ever been in?" She said, taking a can from the box and popping it open, grabbing a handful of chips, "If you asked me, I would say never to get too close to anyone, because in our line of work the next you they'll get blown up or eaten by a giant three headed dog." She said bitterly, examining the chips in hand, before stuffing all of them in her mouth and chewing on them.


"I see you've returned!" A voice spoke out from the darkness as Kit sat up. He looked around and dreaded the sight. He knew exactly where he was, the cave where he had received his sword. He turned and looked at the figure in the shadows. "Why'd you bring me here?" Kit asked as he stood up. "I... I wish to tell you something about your sword." Kit shook his head as he knew what the ghost was gonna say "remember what power you wield and what you must do to achieve it." "I don't want to heard this again!" Kit said shaking his head again as the ghost continued talking "your sword caries more than the powers of your ancestors." "STOP IT!" Kit shouted cupping his hands over his ears "it holds our blood" the ghost stepped out of the shadows, to reveal and elderly man. "And your blood must join it." Kit was crying now. "The blade will one day be your downfall. And your powers will be used for generations... Such glorious strength!" "Get out of my head Grandpa!!!!!" Kit grabbed his sword and slashed at the ghost. It passed through the ghost, who grabbed it and raised it above his head. "Don't fight it boy.... Embrace it." And the ghost ran the blade into Kit's heart...

Kit jolted straight up as his nightmare ended.... He clutched his broken shoulder in fear. He stared at his sword "why did I have to take that stupid sword." He pulled his knees to his chest and started to cry. "I don't want to die like that! I want to be a hero" Kit said as he curled up in his room, scared of what his future held for him.
"You know exactly what successful relationship in talking about." Thomas said then Helena's next comment struck him. "It wasn't his fault that happened and it isn't your fault either. I feel like it's probably the camps fault for sending you three down there." Thomas said looking at the ground with a sigh he then got up and smiled placing a hand on helena's shoulder. "I'll have Anthony send more chips. Try to be good okay?" Thomas said knowing that Helena could easily cause trouble and play pranks if she wanted too.

"Well it's good to know I won't be killed, by you at least." He rubbed his shoulder but didn't retaliate, "What made you leave the Amazons??"
"No, Tom, you don't understand!" Helena exclaimed standing up and looking at her hands, "You can call it 'survivor's guilt' all you want, but it IS my fault! If had just reacted faster I could have saved them both, and they'd be alive! ... Okay, ones a rosebush, but still! If I had just... I could have saved them both..." She said, sadly, looking at her hands. She could practically see the blood on her hands. Her breathing began to waver, and she clenched her fists, squeezed her eyes shut, and let her hands fall beside her sides. "... I could have done something... But I didn't..."

Addison had gone back to her cabin to get the Dragon head, and was now trying to connect it to the front of the ship without falling flat on her face. "Come on, don't be that way." Addie grumbled, (although it sounded more like, "Grom om, dom me dat wae") her mouth occupied with a screwdriver clamped between her teeth. Gods, why did my dad have to be short? She thought in irritation trying to keep the masthead still as she tried to attach it.

(@Soul OMU )
Damian blinks and tilts head as he heard something that sounded like words but wasn't. "...uh hello? Anyone there?" He asked while walking towards the source.
"It's just me," Addison replied back, while trying desperately not to drop the screwdriver in her mouth. "Addison." She added on still trying to place the head stably. "Who's there?" She called out, stopping momentarily to see who was coming up onto the deck.
Addison gave an awkward wave, taking the masthead down so that it wouldn't fall into the ocean. "Hi, uh Addison —Even though I already said that— daughter of Hephaestus, and current driver, repairman, and controller of the Argo 3." She greeted Damian taking the screwdriver out of her mouth.

(@Soul OMU )
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Damian smiles a bit in amusement. "It's alright, and I'm Damian, son of Iris, very confused to why he was picked to go on this quest since I arrived basically the day before..."

"Very well then." Owen said as his bow snapped back into firing position. He pulled back on the almost invisible string and a really thick arrow formed between his fingers and the bow. His solar arrows, he knew he could curve them slightly and that he had a some what infinite amount. He exhale and the tip of the arrow formed into a fist, as so it didn't pierce the body of his opponent. "Hajime!" Owen shouted as he let his arrow fly, making the arrow split into three different arrows.



"Dear Gods!!" Max shouted as someone spoke in his dream. He turned to see Noah... Or well Noah's face, but he was a flower. "You've gotta warn me before you just pop into my dream." Then Max focused on on what he asked. "Yeah.... I know." He said clutching his head. He remembered something Tania had said about the grape soda. "Ugh. It was a strong one." He said aloud as he remembered that the cans all had a different potency. "Anyways... I'm a little tipsy and I just kissed Alec, which I'm not very proud of."



Kit walked out of the hallway bathroom. He had gone there to clean his head.... And his stomach. He was making his way back to his room when he heard a shout come from the room next to him. He leaned against the wall to try to hear what was going on. "Fault.... Save them......... Rosebush" Kit looked to see who's room it was, and noticed it was Helena's. He leaned closer to the wall, making sure not to injure himself any more than he already was. He could hear the conversation fully and stood there listening in complete silence.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Damian smiles a bit in amusement. "It's alright, and I'm Damian, son of Iris, very confused to why he was picked to go on this quest since I arrived basically the day before..."

"Beats me," Addison replied tossing the masthead back and forth between her hands. "I mean, I can't fight and I avoid any type of sparring. I've been asking the same question since I got on this ship." Addie stroked the metal dragon head thoughtfully. "But I am one of the best foragers and tinkers in my cabin, and I have the power of fire —Although I don't use it much."
"Yep, it's pretty great unless I get nervous, or accidentally set my clothes on fire seeing as they're not fireproof." Addison replied gesturing to her clothing that was still burned and had holes in it from the dragon breathing fire on her. "Hey, do you think you could hold this masthead up there, so that I can connect it to the ship? I'm a tad bit too short to hold it up there."

(@Soul OMU )
Valencia ran forward but near full speed but not quite there, she shot her arrow at his left shoulder deciding to se just how fast he could move. She notched another arrow and had he row ready in a heart beat being able to shoot accurately at three arrows per second any more than that and she'd miss her target.
"Thanks, I owe you one, because I've been struggling for at least 15 minutes." Addison thanked him using her tools to secure the head, and then attach it to the wiring of the console. "Alright, I think we're good. You may want to step back when I activate this boy, he's been asleep for a while, and still may have a little bit of fire left over to spew out." Addie warned clicking a button at the base of the dragon's neck. "Wake up buddy." The dragon whirred to life letting out a few clicks and a small burst of fire. (@Soul OMU )
Damian nods as he waits for her to finish before jumping back as it came to life. "Whoa... Cool..." he said while grinning a bit, looking at the Dragon head. "You really are the best mechanic." he said while grinning.

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