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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Noah was pretty impressed at Max's consciousness able to pull itself out of sleep. Drifting around in dreams, Noah found himself being slightly tugged to another dream. It appeared to be Helena's dreams. This was quite odd because most of her dreams were nightmares full of ghastly horrors. Her current dream seems to be actually pleasant. Noah decided to visit her and see how she was doing. The Hypnos demigod used his dream powers to create a piece of paper to fly into Helena's face. On it was written: Disclaimer, Hypnos kid is appearing into current dream.

Dreams have many different ways you can enter. Most of them are unorthodox. Noah slipped out of Helena's closet into her room. "Hello Helena.." Noah greeted as he looked around the vivid room. "How are you faring?" He asked hoping she wasn't in a terrible mood. Noah sat down in the beanbag.
Olivia currently fast asleep, sprawled out on her new bed. As she was floating around in the main dreamscape, she felt a pull in her spirit body before realizing she was being pulled towards Kit's dreams. She took a deep breath before slipping into Kit's dreamscape, glancing around as she did so. "Kit?" (@BishopOfKings)
"What-" A piece of paper smacked into her face, and when she pulled it off her face, Noah was standing in her bedroom, asked her how she was as he sat down in her beanbag chair. At first she only stared, then she sat up straighter and said, "Everything seems to be going fine so far. Nobody's died... yet." She mumbled as an afterthought, then got up and moved over to her jewelry box. She opened it and began digging through the jewelry. Pulling a necklace with a jade arrowhead on a leather cord she sighed, "I knew I left this thing here." She sighed, shook her head and put it back in the box.

Noah tilted his head slightly to the side. Was something troubling Helena? Maybe she was just stressed. Noah couldn't imagine what a trip with Kit must be like. He decided to poke around to see if Helena knew anything about Tania and Jason. "Well that is good...how is uh...Tania and Jason doing?" Noah looked around the room staring at the decorations. It all just shouted Helena at him and actually brought back memories of when Helena actually shouted.

"Keh, f*** if I know. As far as I know, those two are f***ing in his cabin and I wouldn't f***ing know. But Tania does seem to have a genuine thing for the guy. I mean, I understand WHY, I mean the new kid certainly is attractive, but a.) the dreads totally turn me off, and b.) I don't trust Amazons around guys. At all. I don't trust Amazons period. Why? Because they treat guys like slaves and put collars on them. I've seen it. It wasn't pretty." She said, walking back to her bed and flopping on the mattress. "But anyway. Enough about me. What's going on at camp, has Dionysus turned anyone into a dolphin?"


Kit hated surprises, and hated them more when it meant pain. When Olivia spoke up in his dream he was on the edge of a cliff, and with her sudden appearance he fell over the side. He pulled out his sword and dug it into the cliff wall. As he came to a stop on the cliff he shouted up "Hey Olivia!" He readjusted his grip "Can you please warn me that your here! I know it's a dream, but falling off s cliff is not something I wanted to experience!" He pulled his sword out of the wall and started making his way up the cliff.




Max turned to see Chiron behind the two of them. Max took the label and read it over. He remembered the mission... And how it ended. Mason had started helping him with unlocking all of his chess pieces when he left on the mission, and when Helena returned alone.... Max shook his head not wanting to remember anymore. He looked at Alec who looked hurt. "Alec." Max said putting his hand on his shoulder "Im not mad at you. If I was in your position I would've kissed me too." Max hugged the demigod again "Listen. If you want I'll try and make this work... Ok?" He said as he looked at the label in his hand "And we need to figure out who the third person we are taking is gonna be?"


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BishopOfKings said:
Kit hated surprises, and hated them more when it meant pain. When Olivia spoke up in his dream he was on the edge of a cliff, and with her sudden appearance he fell over the side. He pulled out his sword and dug it into the cliff wall. As he came to a stop on the cliff he shouted up "Hey Olivia!" He readjusted his grip "Can you please warn me that your here! I know it's a dream, but falling off s cliff is not something I wanted to experience!" He pulled his sword out of the wall and started making his way up the cliff.




Max turned to see Chiron behind the two of them. Max took the label and read it over. He remembered the mission... And how it ended. Mason had started helping him with unlocking all of his chess pieces when he left on the mission, and when Helena returned alone.... Max shook his head not wanting to remember anymore. He looked at Alec who looked hurt. "Alec." Max said putting his hand on his shoulder "Im not mad at you. If I was in your position I would've kissed me too." Max hugged the demigod again "Listen. If you want I'll try and make this work... Ok?" He said as he looked at the label in his hand "And we need to figure out who the third person we are taking is gonna be?"


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Olivia flinched a bit as she looked down at him. "Sorry... I'll be sure to remember that if I do..." She said softly while looking at him. "...interesting dream..." She said softly while glancing around.
Noah smirked inside Helena's dream. "No, not yet. He is probably preoccupied with the stuff in Olympus." Noah stated as he got up out of the beanbag. He was getting tired of the room he was in. Noah was typically used to more vivid or entertaining dreams. "Would you like to switch to a different dream? I hope you don't just intend to sit in this room the entire length or your sleep." Noah said jumping up and floating a bit. Even though he could not manipulate memories from dreams like other Hypnos demigods could, he could still do anything he pleased in dreams. Dreams could easily be controlled by his powers.
Helena snorted and flipped through a magazine on her bed, "I wouldn't worry. It'll change something of gruesome horror pretty soon. My sleeping brain and the gods do this to me quite a bit. Start with something pleasant or happy and the the next thing I know," the dream suddenly changed, going back to a gray concrete room with a faceless man on the opposite end of the room, the magazine disappearing from her hands, "HE is there, staring at me without eyes, and now I'm just stuck here. Because I can never just have a pleasant dream." She said, standing up and crossing her arms, staring at the bloody face, then shouted bravely, "F*** OFF, UGLY!" Then just on time, she blinked and the beast surged forward, it's face split in a smile, and she jumped, pressed back against the wall. Her breathing jumped to a fast pace, and her brave demeanor gone, "Make it go away, make it go away, make it go away, MAKEITGOAWAY."

Alec stared at Max, still shocked and hurt, still not paying attention to the task at hand, "try to make it work? .... " he was trying to stay mad, he really was. But... How can you say no to that faaaaace? "Okay." He said, rubbing his head, then suddenly stopped, "Wait- third person for what?"

Noah was intrigued as the dream turned drastically bleak. From a vivid pink room to a dull grey one. Something was very unsettling in this dream. Helena pointed out the strange faceless man who was just as unsettling. Suddenly the beast jumped at Helena and she began to panic. It was an odd sight to Noah to see Helena in genuine fear. Eyes glowing blue, Noah dispersed the dream into a blank, white, nothingness. "Are you alright?" Noah asked. He felt bad for Helena. It must be hard to get a good nights rest when every time you sleep, it is a nightmare"
Helena relaxed infinitely as the scene faded away, to something pure white. The face faded away, and her breathing calmed, her shoulders easing down. "Thank you. You have no idea how scary that guy is... Yeah..." She sighed, then stretched her back and arms, yawning.

Noah relaxed as well when Helena calmed down. He changed the dream into the strawberry fields back at Camp. The air was scented with sweet fruit, and the sky was clear. Noah sat down amongst the bushes to relax. "If you don't me me asking, who was that dude?" Asked the Hypnos demigod. He understood Helena has been through some tough sh*t like most demigods, but something terrifying like that must have been traumatic. So terrifying that it haunts you in your dreams.
Helena looked at Noah very suddenly, her eyes clouded over with vivid visions of her past, and she stood there for minutes, staring at images Noah couldn't see. Then she suddenly snapped out of it.

"Actually, I do mind. But screw it. Sometimes the dreams go away after I tell people this story. It might help.... Take me back to my bedroom, Noah. I have a few pictures in there. I keep 'em in a shoe box."

Noah stared in apprehension as Helena stared at him. For all he knew, she was about to get PO'ed for asking the question. Noah relaxed a bit when Helena snapped out of her trance. He was interested in learning a bit more about her history, but had a feeling he was in for some dark sh*t. "I've never really been to your bedroom so I can't conjure the dream. I can only create dreams of experiences I've been through. " Noah stated standing up from the strawberry bushes. "So either you force the dream to change, or let me delve into your memories and then project it as a dream." Dreaming and stuff can be complicated Noah thought to himself.
"...You know, that actually might help here. Alright. Sure, just..." She put her hands to her forehead and the fields of camp half blood began to change. The warm familiar fields began to melt away, coming back to her bedroom. She got up from her bed and walked over to her vanity and began to dig in the drawers, "It all started when I was around 3 years old. My mother died in a car crash when I turned 3, and after that I was thrown into the adoption system. Eventually I was thrown into a foster home in lower Oregon when I turned five, taken in by a man whose name I never bothered to learn, with his five children, four of which were boys and the fifth being the eldest, a daughter. I enjoyed my time there for the first few months." She pulled a show box out of one of her bottom drawers, "The boys were boys, and the father was a... mediocre person. He spanked his kids a little too much, too rough with the boys, but he was sweet as could be with girls. A little too sweet.

One day, the boys went to school, but not the girl. She disappeared. I didn't know where she was, so I foolishly decided to try to find her. What I found made it all change. I found her in the garage, with her underwear and her shorts at her ankles, and her father had a hammer in his hands, and she looked terrified... I felt her soul flee to the Underworld when her father bashed that hammer into her temple."
She began to dig through the pictures. "It was then that my foster father turned his attention to me..."

"Not.... Not really." Kit said as he pulled himself over the cliff face. "This.... This is one of the places I had to go to to get my sword..." He sat up and stared over the edge. "I always have flashbacks to this mission..."

@Soul OMU



"A third person for this" max said as he showed Alec the label "apparently someone swiped this..." Max put his hand on his forehead. He remembered how long it took Alec to get Helena out of her cabin after this quest. "... And Chiron wants us to get it back... So do you have a third person in mind?"


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BishopOfKings said:
"Not.... Not really." Kit said as he pulled himself over the cliff face. "This.... This is one of the places I had to go to to get my sword..." He sat up and stared over the edge. "I always have flashbacks to this mission..."

@Soul OMU



"A third person for this" max said as he showed Alec the label "apparently someone swiped this..." Max put his hand on his forehead. He remembered how long it took Alec to get Helena out of her cabin after this quest. "... And Chiron wants us to get it back... So do you have a third person in mind?"

Noah was impressed as Helena changed the dream back to her room. With a little training, one could have more control over dreams. Noah listened in as Helena began to talk and pulled out a shoebox. As Helena went on, Noah's mouth went agape in shock and horror. "That's horrible." Noah said softly. A young girl, raped and then killed by her own father. Noah could only imagine what could happen next in the story for Helena.
Alec looked at the label in his hand and looked at it. "ah.... yeah, I remember this... Who would steal this? Anybody who was around then remembers that. The entire camp was affected by it. It took a whole year for the camp to get back to normal.. Even longer for Helena." He said, looking down at the label with sadness in his eyes. It had taken so much to coax Helena out of her cabin, much less getting her to talk to him of her tale. He had no idea how he would do this. He didn't have any amazing offensive powers, like Max and Helena did. All he could do was sweet talk girls and see things in reflective surfaces and pass out afterwards. "How can I be of any use? I'm practically useless..."

Helena pulled out two pictures from the shoebox and tossed it to Noah. It featured a picture of a rotting corpse of a young girl, around 15 with fire red hair, a bloody hole in her temple. The other showed a black coffin with a young girl standing in front of it. The little girl was clad in a @BishopOfKings @Noah
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"Yeah... This isn't a fun place for me..." Kit said as he stood up and looked to his right. He started walking, finding the same path that he'd used years ago, before he turned Olivia. "Why are you even here? I mean, why are you visiting me?" He asked as he gestured for her to follow him down the cliff pass.

@Soul OMU



"Don't think like that." Max said as he sat back, leaning against the cabin wall. "You don't have any idea what you can do." Max crossed his arms "You could talk almost anyone into doing what you want and if you keep working on your charmspeak then you might not even have to fight, you could just talk and everyone would listen." He sat forward "what I'm trying to say is that everyone's powers have a purpose and only you can master them." He shook his head and laughed a little "Oh gods I'm starting to sound like my mother."


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BishopOfKings said:
"Yeah... This isn't a fun place for me..." Kit said as he stood up and looked to his right. He started walking, finding the same path that he'd used years ago, before he turned Olivia. "Why are you even here? I mean, why are you visiting me?" He asked as he gestured for her to follow him down the cliff pass.

@Soul OMU



"Don't think like that." Max said as he sat back, leaning against the cabin wall. "You don't have any idea what you can do." Max crossed his arms "You could talk almost anyone into doing what you want and if you keep working on your charmspeak then you might not even have to fight, you could just talk and everyone would listen." He sat forward "what I'm trying to say is that everyone's powers have a purpose and only you can master them." He shook his head and laughed a little "Oh gods I'm starting to sound like my mother."


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Olivia starts walking with him but then decides to float rather then walking so she does. "Well... I'm asleep myself so I tend to have access to the dreams of any demi gods who are also asleep..." She said while lacing her hands behind her back. "So I came here."
Adrien had gotten tired of listening to Carter blab his mouth off, and had ditched him by the lake to go find someone else to talk to and pass time with now that Addison was gone. Maybe I can talk to Sebastian? I haven't seen him in a while, and I actually miss the guy... (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
"....Yeah, and that normally only works on girls and other gay men. Whoooo. So if we're facing off against a straight man then I'm pretty f***ed. So, how useful is that. Why did Chiron pick me? I'm not some Aphrodite warrior, even though compared to my other siblings, I do more fighting, while they do.... nothing," he got smacked on the back of the head by a flip flop as one of his sisters passed him, but he ignored it otherwise. "I mean, sure I carry this knife around but," he pulled it off his hip and looked at the blade, "do I use it much? I'm not a skilled warrior like Helena is." He sighed and slumped, staring down at the ground, his shoulders slumped as he stared into his knife blade...

Suddenly the world faded around him. His eyes focused unnaturally on the knife, and his jaw hung open as he stared at the knife. It shone in the light as the reflection showed things Max couldn't see. And when the images faded, Alec was stock still, until suddenly he keeled over an fell off the stairs, his knife still clutched in his hand.

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Felix began making clicking noises with his tongue as he waited. Just waiting for something to happen. Something other than the threat that he had forgotten about. Possibly a quest? Maybe. He forgot what he had to do to go on a quest. Ask Chiron? But where was Chiron? Right now, his mind was just swimming in circles. He had no clue what was happening other than the fact that he was BORED. Felix walked out of the Athena cabin and looked around.
Chiron walked out and started towards the Athena cabin and smiled as he spotted Felix. "Ah there you are. I hear tell there is a rather pesky namean lion blocking one of our main routes to the east coat. I need you to find two others you want to take. Avoid Anthony though he has amnesia and might start having flashbacks that could cause him to freeze up." Chiron meant the lady part as both a warning and a order. Chiron then walked off to find Anthony and assign Anthony the job of rounding up and capturing the Maenads.


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