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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Violet ran, and she ran, desperately trying to escape the strange horse-like creatures. She had no idea what they were, but she knew they would kill her if they caught her. She had dropped her backpack a long time ago, leaving her with just the clothes on her back. She ran until she couldn't run anymore, and she slumped down next to a tree, falling asleep almost instantly. Her mind began wondering, and she dreamed. She dreamed of a boy she'd never seen before, a skinny, pale boy. Wait, that shouldn't be possible... She knew that you could only ever see faces you'd already seen before in a dream. Which meant... This must be something more than just a dream. Then the boy talked. When he was done, Violet replied "You want me to go north? Why? What's north? Will I be able to escape these things?"

But before the boy could answer her questions, she was awake again, and she could hear the weird monsters coming closer. She stood up and began running again. North... She didn't know which way North was, so she ran the direction she hoped was right. She heard the creatures close behind her, not slowing down. She knew if she faltered even for a few seconds, she would be dog-chow. Then she saw a hill, with a big gate at the front, with a sign saying "Camp Half-Blood". She climbed up the hill, tripping and stumbling, barely staying ahead of the creatures. She ran through the gate, and looked back to see that the strange horse-wolf creatures stopped, as if there were some sort of invisible wall stopping them. She examined her surroundings, and she saw what appeared to be some sort of summer camp, before collapsing of exhaustion.
Tania blushed deeply and gasped as her cut started smoking again. She slammed the ship into a dive feeling like one of get father's eagles and the ship descended with rapid speed leaving a few Venti in its dust. She yanked back to cause the ship to even out and glide onto the waters surface. She then shoved Jason overboard and started running to get below deck. She barely dodged two Venti that had charged her and a third slammed into her back knocking her over and making her angry. She fried another three with lightning before finally getting below decks and stumbling around like a drunk. She collapsed on Jason's bed unconscious and felt her strength slipping away but nor leaving her entirely. She was in for the fight of her life now and it was a literal fight now.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


@Soul OMU


@Silent Justice
Violet came in and out of consciousness, lying on the ground, before realizing that people were trying to help her. She closed her eyes and lay there, not caring if anyone helped her. She felt someone lift her over his shoulders, and carry her. She didn't know who was carrying her where. She hoped she was being taken somewhere she could sleep.. "Ungh..." She moaned as she was carried. "Who... Are you?..." She asked quietly to the boy carrying her. "What... Is this... Place...?"

Anthony laughed a little as the Apollo kids realized she was fine just tired. Anthony went to the stables since it had some warm places to nap and the horses couldn't steal your stuff like Hermes kids would. He set her on a small pile of clean hay and started to relax himself and sat down. "This is camp halfblood a place that is safe from monsters and teaches you how to v destroy them. I'm Anthony Garcia the local punching bag and seventh soon of Hecate apparently." Anthony started looking at the girl with a smile since he had somebody new to talk to.

@Silent Justice
"Half-Blood...?" Violet asked tiredly as she was laid on the hay. "What's a half-blood? And what were those things chasing me? Who the hell is Hecate?" Violet had so many questions. She guessed it was just her nature to be curious and ask questions all the time. "What's a Half-Blood? Am I one?" As far as Violet was aware, she wasn't a half-blood of any sort. But she had never met her mother... Her dad had never explained that. "Do you people know who my mom is?" She asked softly, not used to talking about her mother with anyone. She usually told people that her parents had gotten divorced, and her mom had moved away. She never told them the truth that she had no idea where or who her mother was.


Kit was having a blast until the ship disappeared from beneath him. In one quick moment the mast Kit was standing on vanished as Kit was taken into the air while the ship sped to the water... 30,000 ft away. "WHHHHHYYYYYYY!" Was all that could escape his mouth as he began to free fall, spinning around as he tried to straighten himself in the air. "WHO THE F*CK DROPPED THE SHIP!!!!!!" He screamed as he fell. That's when another thought hit him. Helena. She had been on the mat with him, was she falling as well. He couldn't tell as he continued to fall down towards the water below.



"Spit it out Gay Boy." Max said as he crossed his arms. "I think I get why your always staring at me like you do." Max sighed as the thought passed through his head. Max was straight and Alec wasn't, even if Max wanted to give Alec a chance he couldn't. "I know you have a crush on me."


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Holo said:
Tania blushed deeply and gasped as her cut started smoking again. She slammed the ship into a dive feeling like one of get father's eagles and the ship descended with rapid speed leaving a few Venti in its dust. She yanked back to cause the ship to even out and glide onto the waters surface. She then shoved Jason overboard and started running to get below deck. She barely dodged two Venti that had charged her and a third slammed into her back knocking her over and making her angry. She fried another three with lightning before finally getting below decks and stumbling around like a drunk. She collapsed on Jason's bed unconscious and felt her strength slipping away but nor leaving her entirely. She was in for the fight of her life now and it was a literal fight now.
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


@Soul OMU


@Silent Justice
Damian had been completely tuned out during the entire ordeal but he heard a lot of commotion on the top deck but made no move to go up there since he did not want to get killed, however he noticed that two lights were missing from the boat and sensed them falling and figured out who they were. "...oh dear... Mother... I'd your listening... Can you please help them?" He asked softly while getting out of his room and was about to go above deck when he noticed Tania's condition and made haste over to her. "Hey, hey, stay awake okay? I can help you..." He said as he looked at her then the wound as he started focusing light particles into her wound to help heal her.

Anthony listened to the rapid fire questions and noticed the girl's stormy gray eyes. "Yeah I think I know who she is. We can meet the other Athena kids after you get some sleep. Ok?" Anthony said looking at her doubtful that she'd actually stay still that long. Athena kids always wanted knowledge and frankly Anthony found that sending them to their siblings worked best.

@Silent Justice

Tania gasped when somebody started trying to help her with the wound. "That's only going to help with the cosmetic part. I need to handle the actual damage myself." She said slowly between breaths knowing that she'd have to resolve some inner conflict before she would be able to heal completely. "Dammit Jason I hear kit screaming. Let him wet himself just a smidgen longer then save him." Tania muttered to herself as if she cared that the other kid might hear it.

@Soul OMU
Damian bites the inside of his cheek. "Alright then... Let me know when your done with that..." He said and headed up on deck to locate Helena and Kit.

The mast disappeared from beneath her, and when she looked down, theres miles between her and the deck of the ship. Life seemed to halt as she was hanging in midair like Wille Coyote after running off a cliff chasing the Road Runner. And so suddenly time started again, and down she fell, screaming at the top of lungs; of course the sound was ripped from her lungs with the wind. Down she tumbled, her limbs flailing like a madman until finally her back struck the railing of the ship, with which she cried out, "AHHH-" from the pain, before tipping off the side of the ship and into the cold sea water.

The first thing she noticed was the salty sting on her open wounds, and her eyes. It all burned, and once she realized she was floating around in the Atlantic she began to panic, kicking her legs furiously in an attempt to bring herself back up to the surface, but her limbs were quickly giving out on her as she used up her oxygen. Soon she couldn't fight the ocean weighing her down anymore, and when her body forced her mouth open to try to take air in, bubbles came rushing out, and salt washed over her tongue and down her throat as she drifted down deeper into the sea, followed by the red in her veins as the world faded to black....


Max knew. Holy crap, that was quick.

Alec blinked, wide eyed at Max. He didn't really know what to do or say, he only stared a little more. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his mind racing. Why would he bring this up? He thought, Does he like me too? OH MY GODS PLEASE! More heart pounding. But what if thats not it? What if he's already in a relationship OUTSIDE OF CAMP?! Emotions come crashing down. But what if he really does like me? That would be the best f***ing gift EVER, MOM! All the while, all that came out of his mouth was, "Uh... uhh.. ummmm.... well, f***."

Addison stumbled out of her cabin, trying not to keel over and impale herself on an awaiting piece of medal when the boat rocked dangerously to the right. "Di Immortales, what happened?" She carefully eased her way up onto the deck, and grabbed a hold of the wheel steadying the boat out. "Calling all crew members still on board!" Addison called out over the intercom looking out at the water seeing a two bodies. One, had already hit the water while the other was quickly closing in to hitting the large mass of salt water. "We've got demigods overboard."

"This could be worse." Kit thought as he neared the water. He knew he would be smashed by the impact, so he prepped himself for the impact. He straightened himself and got into a semi-dive position. All was going well until the mast hit him. He was about to hit the water when the mast that he'd been fighting on just a second ago swung around and slammed him in the shoulder. The sudden impact knocked him sideways, feeling the strong wood and his shoulder break. He spiraled into the water and quickly sunk down. He couldn't move, his shoulder was shooting pain all through his body as he sunk. He thought he saw another person in the water with him, but quickly his eyes shut as his mouth opened up allowing the fresh sea water to flow into his body.



"Alec!" Max said as Alec began stuttering. Max sighed "I can't believe I'm gonna do this." Max thought as he grabbed the stuttering demigod and pulled him into a kiss. The awkwardness of it all quickly filled Max as he realized he was kissing a freaking GUY! He released the boy and stepped back, taking in secret deep breaths; hoping Alec wouldn't notice how hard it was for him to do that.


(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira kitty and I need some help here seaweed butt!)

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Alec's mumbling was stopped when Max kissed him. His face lit up bright red, and he wasn't sure how to react. Holy sh*t holy sh*t holy sh*t was the only thing going through his mind right now. He didn't know how to react. He'd been kissed before, but this was a dream come true! Like, HOLY F*** Max just kissed him, out of the blue! Of course, it was over nigh immediately, but it was all Alec needed to send him into a tailspin of emotions. And he just wanted to throw himself at Max and hug him, and kiss him, and just celebrate this stupid moment, but when he looked at Max, that redness in his face and the joy in his eyes vanished.

Max hadn't wanted to do that. It had probably been the hardest thing for him to do. Alec could see it on his face. He understood human emotion. He read like nobody else. And Max was no exception.


Alec's eyes drifted down to the ground, sadness welling deep in his gut. Of course that was too good to be true...

Violet stood up slowly. "A cabin sounds a lot nicer than a stable..." Wait wait wait. Did he say ATHENA kids?! As in, the GODDESS Athena?! This day was just getting weirder and weirder... She could have possibly logically explained away the wolf-creatures, like, as some strange breed of wolf, or a genetic experiment gone wrong, but if she was truly was the daughter of a Goddess... Then who knew what those things could be? "Wait... Did you say Athena kids? As in... The goddess?"

"No Carter, the gods are not like the characters from Dragon Ball Z, and Zeus is not like Vegeta." Carter frowned in disappointment. "Well, they should be." "My gods, are you always this brain dead or is it a new development?" The Ares girl complained walking towards the stables. It was late afternoon, the time when Adrien fed her Pegasus Craitus. For some reason Carter wanted to come along, and would not stop pestering her until Adrien said yes. So here they were walking side-by-side, and constantly irritating each other. "You Ares kids are mean." "You Demeter kids are annoying and crazy. Just like your cereal obsessed mother."

(@Silent Justice )
Tania seemed more than able to comply sending the ArgoIII into a dive and bringing it back up only to slide onto the water and shoving Jason overboard before he could get his bearings. Surprisingly he sank.......like a rock, he felt as if he was being pulled slamming into the ocean floor he felt he was held there the water breathing he discovered the night before being the only thing to save his life as he gasped for breath when his lungs emptied. Before him a figure materialized but he looked like a normal man not some baddie...but there was something different, something....familiar. "The curse of my blade, it will give you great power but will take a much bigger toll on you...remember that." Jason's eyes widened as the figure simply disappeared realizing that Perseus was the one he had spoken to." The sword's hilt felt warm and when Jason turned his head to look he saw a blue glow envelop him and his sword even his vision turning a little bit blue as his eyes glowed with power. He shot towards the surface like a missile water swirling around him making a powerful whirlpool. As he approached the ArgoIII he saw two dots drifting in the water,those dots soon became humans and those humans became Kit and Helena.

He noted that they weren't moving and freaked putting more speed into his jet turning and grabbing Kit over his shoulder, before swerving and speeding towards Helena grabbing her by the waist. He angled up blasting through the waters surface with a massive waterspout beneath him. Jason kept control over the water the blue light becoming brighter and his body filling with greater strength. The remaining Venti swarmed him and Jason defended him and his passengers with an omnidirectional blast of water which froze into icicles ending many and hurting the rest. He set the two down gently and activated his helmet and shield the blue cape falling from his shoulders again. He dove into the fray freezing a dome of ice around his incapacitated allies and making himself enough of a nuisance to gain all the venti's attention. He leaped, sounds, slashes, stabbed, and bashed every spirit that assailed him doing flips and slides to avoid and every once in a while sweeping spirits away with a small wave. The next forty seconds were crucial as Jason fought like a beast until he was alone standing on deck and breathing heavily. His glow started to fade and he felt as if he were drowning in a sea of exhaustion coupled with burning pain his breathing alone becoming agonizing. Jason teetered to the dome which melted as soon as his power left him and knelt next to Helena and Kit using what little strength he had left to expel the water from their lungs taking turns and weakly performing CPR on the both of them. "Don't.....you dare.......die on me......now."

Kit coughed and sputtered as he came back into consciousness, and the first thing that hit him was the pain. "STOP!" Kit shouted as he jerked up. "Please. You're making it worse." Kit clutched his right shoulder, he knew he hit something; but he wasn't exactly sure what until he saw the mast. Kit's impact had cracked the mast and it now bent in an odd way. "Whoever thought it was a great idea to drop the ship into the water... Can go f*ck themselves" and Kit passed out from his broken shoulder.



Max looked at Alec, and the look on the boys face hurt him more than the one who wore it. "I.... I.... Sorry" Max turned and hurried off to his cabin. Slamming the door behind him. "Why did I do that!" Max said as he slammed his head into his work table. "I'm such a stupid idiot." Max threw himself into his bed and stuffed his pillow in his face. Max didn't notice it behind all his emotions of angry and hate towards himself, but a part of him wished he'd stayed to comfort the demigod. Whose heart he might have just broken. Whose heart he wished he could fix.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Addison stared in awe for a moment as Jason fought off the Venti. "Woah, that was freaking cool." Her eyes widened in alarm as Kit woke up yelling at Jason, but she made no signs of moving. It'd be best if she just stayed at the wheel steering them towards their destination until it was safe to return to the air. Addie's eyes trailed briefly to Helena's body, before she turned back to the wheel, programming the aerial wings back to regular oars. Addison had never been good at dealing with people, they made her uncomfortable. This was one of the few things she agreed with her siblings on; People broke too easy. "I really need to connect that masthead to the ship, so that this thing can sail itself." She muttered planning mentally how to wire the dragon head into the ship.

At first, the world was numb. She felt like she was drifting through space, weightless. Nothing could hold her down, nor could she bring herself down, even if she wanted to. She was just... floating. Images an faces flashed in front of her eyes, most of the faces being her family and friends, the occasional god she was on good terms with was there too; Hermes, Apollo, Artemis. Then a few others, Ares with his face contorted in a snarl, Aphrodite had a beautiful yet oddly wicked grin, and one she felt SO hateful towards. Hades, her own cursed father, stared at her with what seemed to her to be pity and sadness.

God, she wished she could throw a brick at him.

The dark haired girl sputtered to life, coughing, flipping onto her hands and knees, retching and bringing up water from her lungs, making a horrid gasping sound, retching and struggling to breathe.


And so, off Max ran. Leaving Alec standing alone at the volleyball court. Standing with two little girls and an entire games worth of volleyball players staring at him as he stood alone. The two twins looked at him confused, and when they tried to ask him what was wrong, he didn't even bother to answer, he simply scooped them up in both his arms an delivered them to the Hermes cabin before rushing back to the Aphrodite cabin, keeping his eyes closed until he slammed the bathroom door at the cabin and sank to the floor, finally letting himself cry. He cried, quietly, with his face in his arms, trying to keep it down, even when his sisters tried to comfort him, he couldn't be comforted. They tried to tell him that Max wasn't worth his time, but he didn't believe that either.....

@BishopOfKings @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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Anthony smiled and laughed at the thought of this next arguement. "That's the one. In not going to argue with you about it come on. Let's meet your siblings." Anthony said with a smile he then noticed two people approaching and pulled his cloak over his face again before walking towards the two. "Hello."

@Silent Justice


Tania scowled as the actual problem surfaced. 'Do I ask Jason or don't?' She knew it was a hard question and was challenging her very identity as an amazon and as such wad the only reason her wounds was still burning. She laid on Jason's bed which only worsened the matter by making the question obvious. She didn't know what to think and knew she had at least a few days.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Violet brushed hay off of herself, then began following Anthony. She looked at the two people who were walking towards them. They didn't look like they could be her siblings. "Are those two my siblings?" Violet asked Anthony. "How many siblings do I have?" She wouldn't really think that the wisdom goddess would... get around much. She sort of pictured the Goddess of Wisdom as being a total geek. She chuckled a bit at that idea, a geeky goddess.

Jason was too weak to jump at Kit's outburst and when the Demigod hit the deck *double entendre intended* Jason simply sighed. He looked to Helena very worried that he had severely f***ed up and gotten her killed, that was when she sputtered back to life and he relaxed to glad she was alive to be angry with her for wrenching in the deck. "You honestly have no idea how happy I am you are alive." He said his sincerity probably the only strong part of him at the moment. He slowly picked himself back up going from two knees to one then standing very slowly. He turned and reached his hand out his sword flying to meet his palm until it closed around the handle. He turned it into his bracelet and reverted his helmet back to earrings and the shield to the other bracelet. He looked down his wrist where his dormant sword rested, "Very powerful and very-" Jason went into a violent coughing fit coughing into his hand and getting a metallic taste in his mouth. He looked at his hand to see blood in his palm, he closed it quickly and wiped his mouth not wanting the others to worry about him especially since he kinda brought it on himself. He turned his head to the stairs leading below deck and spoke to Helena, "Helena, I don't mean to just pop out but, can you handle Kit. I have to check on Tania." Without waiting for an answer he walked towards the stairs tumbling straight down on his first step. He eased himself up and wobbled down the hall leaning heavily against the wall. "Bathroom." He felt the walk and found it just ahead of him.

When he got in he washed his hands and rinsed out his mouth washing out all of the blood until he no linger had the metallic taste. He then meandered to his room her he found Tania looking a little rough herself.. But better. He must have overlooked just his beautiful she was, even as she laid there, her bright blonde hair and pale greenish eyes wer quite appealing to Jason. "Hey, how are you feeling?"
Tania laughed faintly and tried to smile but ended up grimacing instead. "What are you looking at fish boy. See something you like or just being weird?" She asked feeling just a little more certain about her inevitable choice she'd have to make. She was definitely not enjoying the pain and weakness but she was enjoying the way it focused her on one question. 'Do I like Jason?' It made her ask herself and she was really close to a choice when Jason had walked in. She could tell her choice right there and knew she only had to actually start on the path to doing it. "Come here please."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"Um no. You have about 23 I think and they're all either in the cabin talking facts or on a quest." Anthony said with a smile and then he pointed to the Athena cabin where a lousy of names had been carved outside on the back of the pillars and one stood out well.


@Silent Justice
"Twenty-three siblings?!" Violet exclaimed in disbelief. The goddess of wisdom was a fucking SLUT! "I guess the gods, uh... Get around a lot, huh? What with all these kids running around." Violet was still trying to wrap her mind around this. She looked at the pillars of the Athena cabin, with the names written on them. "Annabeth... That's a really lame-sounding name. What did she do?"

Helena was barely given time to recover before Jason started coughing up blood and excused himself. That in mind, Helena brought herself to her feet, her deactivated sword in hand, which she quickly clipped to her wrist. When Jason asked her to take care of Kit, she just stared at him, dripping wet ,bleeding from several cuts and having NEARLY DROWNED, so obviously the best thing to do is ask her to help take care of someone! Ugh, the audacity of some people.... But none the less she began to limp towards Kit, but ended up simply laying next to him on her stomach, her wet hair plastered to her face as she panted, trying to catch her breath.

".... Arrrrr.... But why's the rum gone...." She muttered at Kit before her forehead smacked the deck and she moaned:


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