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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Addison dashed up to main deck looking frazzled. The masthead had officially worked, and she couldn't be more proud. But unfortunately, the first thing it did was spit fire, and although Addie can't be burned, it still did some pretty bad damage to her clothing, and singed the tips of her hair.

"I heard there was wind spirits on board?" She asked smoothing herself out, and lighting a ball of flame in her palm. "Honestly, could this not have waited till later? I just got the darn dragon working!"
Noah helped up the girl back onto her feet. Something seemed familiar about her appearance, tired-looking, bags/dark circles around the eyes yet he doesn't remember her."Yeah sorry. My name is Noah, I haven't seen you around camp before. Are you new?" Noah asked, stifling a yawn too now. Yawn's are contagious, especially amongst Hypos kids.
Anthony gave a sigh as he walked into the amphitheater alone again. He noticed two people there and pulled his cloak further over his head to hide the bruises that were on his face. "Isara just had to name me as somebody special in our cabin didn't she?" Anthony muttered shivering in the cold that was starting to go through the air. He went and day on the edge of the stage and waved at the two other campers. "Hello." He said not wanting to scare them off or anger them.

@Soul OMU

Olivia yawned once more. "Yeah... I got here yesterday... And hi..." She muttered while glancing towards the newcomer before looking at the guy in front of her. "You seem oddly familiar but not..." She said before rubbing her eye.

Max had just about calmed down when he noticed Alec. He was sitting In the sand pit near where the dummy had landed. "Hey you ok?" Max asked as he hurried over to Alec "Please don't tell me I hit you with that thing?" Max looked at his hand and realized he was still wearing the gauntlet. He shrunk it down into a chess piece and put it back on his jacket, before glancing at the seven year old girls behind Alec. They were making kiddy faces at him. "Oh my gods.... Alec It had to be me." Max thought as he turned his attention back to Alec.



"I think I get where this is going!" Kit said as he slashed at another Venti, missing by hair. He hurried over to Helena and upon hearing her humming said "Arrrr Captain Helena!!! What are ye orders!!!" Kit joked in a comical pirate voice

Noah sees Anthony in the amphitheater whiles Olivia recovers from her unfortunate headbutt. Noah waves to Anthony to acknowledge him. "Well then, welcome to Camp Half-Blood. Let's head over to the Anthony over there and I can give you some details. Are you familiar with Greek Mythology?" Noah asks moving towards the amphitheater.
Alec looked up at Max and his eye twitched painfully, while the two girls watched the two boys with curious eyes. "Yeah, fine, just... Doing the heroic thing, saving two little girls from- wait that was YOU?" He exclaimed, getting up and brushing his clothes off and picking pebbles and stones from his shoulder, his eye getting redder until he finally just shut the sandy eye and kept it shut. It smarter painfully, but he didn't let that show... Okay yeah, it was pretty evident from the grimace on his face that didn't match the new hairdo.


Helena looked at Kit, raised an eyebrow, then smiled the smallest of smiles, and drew her sword, pointing it up towards the middle mast, "Ay, corporal Kit! Get he to the crowsnest and slash the foemen to bits! Leave not a single windy horse hair behind! ARRRR!" And with that, she grabbed the nearest rope, held on, and jammed her heel against the pulley crank that kept it in place, the rope shooting her upwards toward that cross section but on the mast... Whatever it's called, she didn't know.

Captain Helena.... I like it.
Noah walked with Olivia into the amphitheater to the stage where Anthony was. "Hey Anthony" Noah said. "This is Olivia, she is new." Noah made a hopping leap to sit down on the stage. Sighing, he laid down with his legs dangling. Lots of exercise. "So, this Camp Half-Blood, where demigods come to hone their skills." Noah said with hand gesture waving to everything around them. "There are variety of..." Noah yawns, "..different demigods here. I already suspect who your godly parent is. Did your father leave you at a young age by chance? Sorry for asking a sensitive question." Noah stated gazing at the sky.
"Oh welcome to camp. You look tired like Noah here. I wonder if you're a hypnos kids? Sorry." Anthony said realizing that he had started rambling and thus embarrassing himself. He then looked down with a look at the way his feet seemed scrawny and small. "I hope you enjoy the camp. There is a lot of things to do with friends." Anthony frowned hard at the word friends and looked up to where his friends were. Tania was the only one alive and Anthony still liked the thought of them going to a place that wad bright and cool instead of the underworld.

@Soul OMU
Olivia shrugs. "Never had one, or a mom to be honest. I was an orphan... Until I met up with Damian and Elizabeth..." She said and yawned a bit while sitting down as she glanced at Anthony. "Yeah... I know... I have for awhile since I entered my friends dreams when we were younger..."
Jason dodged the two horses slashing one as he sidestepped and whirling around activating his shield taking the brunt force of a spirit full on sliding back on the deck as it pushed against him. He angled his shield to the side and sidestepped the other way bringing his sword down along its flank. He turned and was instantly caught up in a whirlwind being thrown straight up when a venti smashed into him. Jason twisted in the air and made eye contact with a different wind spirit that quickly bashed into him sending him directly into the fore mast. Gravity got a hold of him again and Jason feel slamming into the forward boo on his way down. He hit the deck on his shield his balled up fist hitting himself in the gut knocking the wind out of him. "Gods that sucked."

Jason felt a strong wind behind him and barely rolled out of the way in time to avoid the surprisingly solid hooves of a ventus. He brought sword sword up hastily and cut through it staggering as he scrambled to his feet. "This is going to be a long fight. Hey sparky where are ya, get over here!" He had to shout over the wind as he spun around slashing through two other Venti when yet another charged him. "Not this time." He gripped his sword and knelt a split second before they made contact, deflecting the spirit's hooves off of his shield and slashing it's belly open with a quick slash.
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"Aye aye!" Kit said as he hurried over to the mast where the crows nest was on. He grabbed the rope in his right a hand and went to swing his sword. "I've always wanted to do this!" He thought as he brought down his sword... On the wrong rope. The rope whipped up, smacking Kit in the face. "Of coarse I f*ck u-" Kit said as he was him straight upwards by a venti. "God dammit!" He shouted as he flew well above the ship and landing in the crows nest. "Well that could've gone better." Kit readied his blade as the venti that launched him came back for seconds. Kits blade sliced through the wind horse. "One down... A bunch to go." Kit said as he hopped up on the rim of the crows nest. "Let's have some fun." And Kit began slashing up all the venti that came at him.



"Yeah that was me" Max said as he was checking Alec for injuries. "I finally unlocked another chess piece." Max brushed Alec's hair to the side so he could look at his face. "Open It" Max said gesturing to Alec's eye "I'll get the sand out." Max gathered a small gust of wind in his hand so that he could gently remove all the sand from Alec's eye.

Tania spun between two Venti avoiding any real damage and laughing at the shocks. She then stabbed the one on get right as it tried to get away from her wrath. She heard Jason yell to her and she spun again to avoid another angry wind spirit. She ran and planted herself back to back with him. She jabbed her spear at a wind spirit and clapped her mouth shut as the spirit died and sucked in a lot of air. She went to yell to Jason that they had to get the ship in water when she felt something knick her side. Normally she'd be fine with a small cut however cuts from celestial bronze struck the soul too. She felt the cut burning deep and knew she had to act fast and keep safe. She stabbed a Venti with her spear as her other hand opened a small bottle of nectar and poured it on the cut. "Dammit Jason I think you just cut me." Tania said assuming a defensive position even though she felt the cut sapping her strength.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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Alec looked at Max, about to start lecturing him about proper practice dummie use, when the other boy brushed a lock of hair away from his face and instructed him to open his eye. He stared, easing his eye open, but the eyelid wouldn't stop twitching, and he struggled to keep the dumb thing open, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, don't touch it, don't touch it, eeehhhh." He whimpered, wanting to swat at him, but simply refusing to. No way was he going to swat at someone trying to help. Especially not Max.

Captain Helena couldn't find the situation she was in any more amusing. Here she was, standing on the mast of an airship in, fighting angry horses made of wind. And all the while, while she was slicing and stabbing angry ponies, the Pirates of the Caribbean theme played in the back of her mind. She even shouted, "I AM CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW! ARRRRRR!" at one point. This was thrilling, teetering on a skinny cross section bit of the mast, and battling sword to sword with mildly pissed off wind people. Who is isn't having fun right now?


"Hold still dammit." Max said as he put his hand over Alec's eye and gentle opened the eye a bit more. He started blowing the sand out with the air. "Almost there... Done" Max said as he backed away from Alec. "Althing else you need?"



"Hahahaha!" Kit laughed as he sliced another Venti to pieces. "Yar! Thou can't best Corporal Kit in a duel!" Kit jumped backwards catching the rope on his way down. Sliding over to where Helena was. "Aye Captin Helena! How does the battle be going!!!" He said as he cut another Venti to shreds.


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Alec's eye stopped twitching and he rubbed his eye with a moan, blinking a few times, before his face relaxed. "Wow. Damn." He remarked, blinking a few more times, marveling at the lack of painful twitching. "You never cease to amaze me, Max." He said, looking up at Max, throwing a small smile his way, picking rocks out of his shoulder, until he suddenly realized he was bleeding. Heavily.

"... Oh... That's bad... I guess a few of those were pointy."

Captain Helena looked up in a clear moment, and shouted at Kit, "ARRRRR, the foemen fall with little effort, Corporal! Ahaharrrr! ... Am I the only one having a lot of fun with this?" She shouted at Kit, out of character, hopping up and down, while behind her more venti appeared out of the clouds, looking more angry then ever. "These things are endless!" She shouted, looking at them. "Arrrrr, COME AT ME, BRUH!"

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Addison watched the other demigods in amusement, feeling no need to join in on the fighting. "They've got it under control." She murmured turning around and creeping back below deck, and dodging an oncoming wind spirit. "Gods, the temperamental things..."
Noah got back up into a regular sitting position stretching. "Cool! You already have a hand on your powers." Noah got down from the stage and stretched out his legs. "I think it is time to show you to your cabin then." Noah pauses for a moment. "Also, you came at a rather busy time. You need to train, after the cabin tour of course." Noah turns to Anthony, "You wanna help train? I'll be too tired to fight by then."
"Sure. I can afford a few more bruises. At least she isn't an Ares kids. They're such jerks always claiming magic is useless. Claiming I'm useless." Anthony said looking down with spite in his voice before realizing he was rambling again. He apologized and rubbed the back of his head before realizing it was extremely store and bruised. He got up to head towards the training area to wait since most people didn't want him near their cabins for fear something bad might happen.

@Soul OMU

Jason heard Tania yell something about him cutting her and turned to face her an incredulous look on his face until he saw the blood on her side. He grabbed her around the waist with his shield arm and half carried half dragged her near the controls. "Lower this ship! I can wash them away if we're closer to water!" He looked down at her side where the cut was and winced, "Im really sorry for cutting you by the way, I can mend it afterwards...that ok?" He saw another Ventus coming at them from behind Tania. In a knee-jerk reaction, he grabbed her head and pulled it to his chest thrusting his sword past her and into the ventus' head not knowing to hold his breath and losing it in the resulting vacuum.

"No you're not the only one Captain!" Kit shouted as he watched more Venti come from the clouds. "Bring it on!" He shouted before he watched a Centi rush the rope that kept the mast balanced on the side he and Helena were on. "Aw crap!" He said as he began running along the mast towards the rope. The Venti cut the rope and Kit jumped, using his mass he swung to the other side of the mast. "Dammit It's still tilting." He said as he balanced on the mast. He looked at the other rope. "Hang on Captain! This is gonna be hard!" Kit said as he cut the other rope. He felt the mast lurch, only staying straight due to the weigh balance. "Helena! Keep it Balanced or we fall!" He said back to Helena. "Now THIS is Pirates of the Caribbean!"



"Dammit Alec!" Max said as he lifted up Alec's shirt sleeve. Alec had a few big cuts on his shoulder from the stones that were lodged in him. "I know this was my fault, but seriously. I swear if you have anymore injuries I'm smacking you." Max got closer to Alec to inspect the wound. He pulled out a bottle of water from his bag and started cleaning the wound. He then pulled out a few cloth strips and began the dress the cuts. When he was done he stepped back and shook his head. "That should do for now... So... Is there anything you need to tell me?" Max asked. The faces the little girls had made were the last clue Max needed to piece together the truth. "You can tell me."


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Helena watched Kit jump around, and soon the mast began to lurch about, immediately she began to lose her balance. "oh come on! It's hard enough to stand on this thing WITHOUT it moving around- AHHHH FALLING- oh wait- nevermind!" She shouted, managing to right herself, holding her arms out and trying to maintain that balance.

Watching Max patch him up, Alec felt a surge of affection rise up in his heart and he just wanted to hug the poor, unaware son of Zeus and never let go because he was just sooo cute! But when Max asked him if he had anything to tell him, he was kind of caught off guard. His face cycled from neutral, to confused, to thinking, and back to confused, "uhhh, no. Am I supposed to tell you something? Did Chiron give me some kind of message for you that I can't remember? As far as I know, I'm only supposed to watch these two." He said, gesturing to the two little girls, "... Do YOU have anything you want to tell ME?"

Noah was slightly impressed at Olivia's shape shifting ability. He thought the crow was kinda cute, but ominous as well. Noah walked through Camp pointing out things like the Field, the Big House and other features. They arrived at the Hypnos Cabin. It was more simple and not as flashy as other cabins. Noah walked in and showed Olivia around. "And there is a branch that was dipped in the river Lethe. Don't touch it." Noah sat down on a bed. "You can get settled for a bit, then Anthony should be waiting for you in the training area. I think I'll take a nap. You should train, rough time are coming." Noah said before laying down. Soon he was asleep. @Soul OMU

However, in his dreams something was off. Noah was pulled into the mind of a female stranger. This typically happens to demigods who are nearby camp and are in some form of ordeal. Noah manifested in the stranger's dreams. "Hello? Ah, hello there." Noah greeted. He peered into the outside world looking at her surroundings. It seems she had escaped a few monsters and is sleeping in a hiding place not too far from Camp. "My name is Noah. Are you alright? I suggest waking up and heading north. It'll be much safer there." Noah said to the dreamer. Probably a new demigod lost in the woods. @Silent Justice

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