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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Logan Lionel

"Who told you that? I was claimed after 4 years of being here and there defininately wasn't a giant emblem. My father, Apollo, claimed me by placing a bow engraved with sun on my bed. Claimings don't have to be completely obvious, I've seen quite a few that were rather complicated." He said, a sigh escaping him. He wasn't sure whether he had convinced him of the claimings, but if it took a giant glowing emblem over his head then so be it, Iris would just do without one son until she provided it. It didn't matter to him.
Damian shrugs. "Well my eyes have been doing the rainbow flash since I was younger so that couldn't have mean she claimed me then... Heck I wasn't even at the camp and didn't get here until yesterday..."
Logan Lionel

"Nobody ever said you had to be claimed at camp." He said shrugging, "But if you want an emblem over your head I'm sure Iris will provide it....sometime. Anways, it was nice talking to you Damien, but I've got some archery training to catch up on." He said, doing a half salute, half wave, and taking off, swinging by his cabin to grab his bow and quiver. He went out to the targets and began shooting, the first ten or so off a little, but they eventually centered and he began moving farther and farther away from the target until eventually he had bumped into a building.

"If you say so..." Max said as he began to piece together what was going on. "Anyways... I'm gonna... Head to my cabin." Max detached the King off his jacket. "I'm gonna try to get this one working." Max smiled. He'd been trying for four years to unlock each of the chess pieces given to him. He'd unlocked four of the six that he' received, and he was always looking for time to work on them. "Since Tania is going on the quest, I can work on them as long as I want without her complaining about noise or a mess." Max turned and started towards his cabin. "I'll see yah later!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Owen opened his eyes, he couldn't sleep. It had barely been a few minutes, but he was really worried about his step-brother. He got out of his bed and walked out into the day. "I need to clear my mind." He said to himself as he started towards the Archery Range. As he drew closer he noticed someone was already there. Owen yawned, he noticed it was one of his cabin members and he shuffled over. "Hey." Owen said as he approached "Logan, right?" Owen asked as he pulled out the metal rod that formed his bow.


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"Okay, bye-bye!" Alec shouted after Max, waving as the son of Zeus walked off, then once he was out of sight he slumped his shoulders, and turned to look at his sisters, who were still giggling their pretty heads off, and he glared at them, then promptly ran over and smacked each of them on the head, which only made them giggle more. "I swear to the gods, if you bunch don't stop shipping me with every guy I talk to-" the rest of his words were drowned out by his sister's fangirl squeals, talking about something stupid and really f***ing cute like, "Loverbolt".
"Hey! I never cared about the noise it was not dividing the cabin from view that annoyed me!" Tania yelled or her bedroom window which was barely able to be looked through.

Damian checked the time as he made his way towards the Argo III as he go on Olivia was just getting off. Damian raised a brow. "Olive? What are you doing here?" "Oh uh... N-nothing!" She said before quickly shifting and flying away. Damian blinked before shrugging and walking onto the boat, had left a drawing of Carter and the sunrise from this morning on the Demeter cabin with his name on it. Damian fixed the strap of his bag before looking around and making his way below deck, checking to see which room was empty so he wouldn't be disturbing anyone.
Jason's eyes were the only thing that moved besides the pained expression that spread across his face. "Not now kid....not now." Jason stood up when he heard Tania shouting and walked out into the hall walking straight to her cabin his sense of direction near perfect on the ship. He leaned up against the doorframe of her room. "If you want a view you can bunk with me, my room has two portholes and a large bed. Plus plenty of storage space that I probably won't be using."
Tania gave a smile and turned around to Jason. "I don't know I think that'd mean I would have to use pajamas for once." Tania said half serious and half just wanting to see him squirm. She was seriously considering the idea and after a few minutes started grabbing her things.

Thomas however was on the deck making sure everything was still working before he went to the PA system. "Everybody in deck for role call!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



@Soul OMU
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Helena looked up when the PA system crackles to life and Thomas the satyr shouted at everyone to get to the deck for roll call, and sighed. Roll call. Right. Where everyone would get together and say, "Hi, my name is" and start making buddies already. And she wouldn't be approached by anyone, so of course she would just stand in the shadows till Thomas called her name, at which she would step out of the dark like a normal Hades kid and care the shit out of Thomas, before disappearing to her new cabin, where she'd watch movies like she normally would.

... Damn, her life was lonely.
Celestia Cabins Hallway → Deck of Argo III

Dumbfounded, Celestia blankly stared at the daughter of Hades as she responded to her inquiry. The resentment in her tone was conspicuous, and it reminded Celestia somewhat of how she felt towards her own mother. And then she lumbered off to the girls' bathroom, which Celestia noticed was closest to Helena's and Addison's cabins. "Okay then," she muttered, watching the daughter of Hades harshly fling the door behind her. A sort of compassion and empathy seemed to fill her. It wasn't often that she found someone with any similarity to her, yet here she was, surrounded by them. Yet she shrugged her feeling of pity off, clearing her throat as she glanced at Addison. "Well, I guess I'll look around at all the cabins then."

A dark-skinned boy with dark brown, almost black dreadlocks emerged from one of the rooms across from Helena's and straight to the one beside his, labeled Tania. Celestia began to cross the hallway to investigate the cabin and ask if they knew anything about where she was supposed to be unloading her belongings, but then a voice from the speakers blared overhead. "Roll call?" She swiveled around to look at the daughter of Hephaestus briefly before striding to the staircase and climbing to the deck of the ship. "I'm here," was her flat response, half raising her hand.

Skylar Beach at Camp Half-Blood

Skylar nodded in response to the boy's question, silently watching him draw. He truly was a talented artist. Abruptly another demigod approached, this one with shaggy blonde hair and eyes that were a warm amber brown. As the two half-bloods introduced themselves to each other, she suddenly found herself gaping at the boy who was painting an imitation of the brilliant sunrise. Damian? Skylar stared at the boy. Wasn't he supposed to be on the legendary Argo III right now? She was about to remind him that he should probably get going very soon and that although capturing a sunrise was a very important task, there was no feeling worse than being left behind when one was not supposed to be.

As she looked at Damian, his eyes flashed in rainbow colors, and intrigued, Skylar listened to the conversation, nodding encouragement that he was surely a son of Iris but unsure whether that counted as being claimed or not. Obviously, though, Logan, the son of Apollo, seemed experienced in terms of camp tradition. But weren't half-bloods supposed to be claimed by the time they turned thirteen? The two of them wandered away from the beach shortly afterwards, and Skylar decided to pursue the son of Iris to make sure that he knew that he was supposed to be on the quest. She was about to race into the grass after him when she realized that her sandals still lay a few yards away. She sprinted to the rainbow polka-dotted flip-flops, stumbling to a stop as she reached them and clumsily donning them once more before following the dark-haired adolescent. A sense of relief washed over her as she found him boarding the Argo III. So he did know! she assured herself as she ambled off into camp, heading nonchantly towards the volleyball court, wondering if anyone was participating in a volleyball game there.
Jason rolled his eyes at Tania restraining an amused smile, "That sounds promising." He stuck his tongue out at Tania but turned his head when he heard Thomas call them all. "Well sounds like meet and greet time.....wonderful. See you up there sparky." Jason turned and left Tania to her own devices heading toward the stairs, he walked up the stairs straightening his jacket and fixing his bracelet only to walk into someone's butt. He took three steps back wondering why someone would stop halfway through the hatch. "Excuse me uh sorry about running into your butt, but why exactly is half of you above and below deck? You know were supposed to gather on it right?"

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Tania moved her sift wiggly into Jason's room with and then gave a smile at the trouble she'd be able to cause if he didn't catch on too quick. She then hurried upstairs to hear what Thomas had to say.

(Another skip. Sorta.)

The Argo 3 took off slowly with a bit of rocking but otherwise it was fine. Tania was taking part in her new favorite road trip game called "make the knave hurl." She was using her control over the most to give anybody in kit's room extreme motion sickness. She was glad they had left in the morning so she wouldn't give Jason a nosebleed right off the bat. She had a blanket and pillow on the floor of the room for her since she wasn't sleeping nude in a need with some guy she didn't know well.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


@Soul OMU




Anthony and the others not in the Argo 3 were left on the shore when Chiron approached looking rather annoyed "it seems somebody stole a trophy from the attic of the big house." He said then began waiting for volunteers but immediately rejected Anthony due to amnesia.
Damian currently wandering the ship with his sketch book, humming a bit as he walks decides to do another sketch of Elizabeth since she's fun to draw and has a few of Olivia already. Normally draws his friends or scenery.
Jason meandered into his room his kimda-not-so-bottomless bag being the first thing he opened as he flopped onto his bed. "Wher's that a DS."
Addison groaned in aggravation shoving the -seemingly- useless dragon head aside, and going back to look over her blueprints. "Why isn't it working? I get that the wiring is a little more advanced, but this should have worked." She muttered crumbling up the paper. Addie flung the crumpled ball at the overflowing trash bin and gave an unenthusiastic cheer as it landed on top of the slowly growing mass. "Hurrah, now back to stage 1." She pulled out another sheet and began sketching once more,
Helena passed by Addison's bedroom, and a paper tumbled out of the room. A blueprint of some sort. When she picked it up and uncrumpled it, she noticed two things- it appeared for a dragon masthead, and the second... The second... It made her heart ache, the fact that she noticed the second problem. And so she shoved her way into the room, shoved a few things to the side, laying the blueprint out and looking at Addison with dead eyes.

"... Why did you throw this out."

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"F*CK BOATS!!!" Kit shouted as he got up from his bed. They had just started out and he was already suffering from nausea. "Stupid pills aren't WORKING!!!" He barged out of the room hand covering his mouth when he stumbled backwards, the ship steadying when he steppe out of his room. He fell through the door of Jason's room and landed on a blanket laying on the ground. "Ohhhhhhh no." Kit puked all over Tania's makeshift bed "I said in once and I'll say it again... F*ck Boats."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



"That's not it either" Max said as a he ran a stylus across a weird ancient piece of tech. "How do you unlock?" He bit the inside of his lip. He'd been working on the King piece for awhile now and it was nothing him. Every time the lines running through the metal began to glow he knew he was close, but not this time. "Just unlock!!!" He slammed his fist into the block and a small click sounded through the cabin. "Wait... I think I got it." He said as he returned to his work, a smile growing across his face.

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Damian currently wandering the large boat with his sketchbook, trying to figure out what or who to draw when he hears Kit which causes him to blink and make his way towards the other guy's cabin only to see him go flying into Jason's room"I'm guessing you don't do boats or flying there mate?" he said while peeking in at the other guy who was on the floor.

Addison looked up from her recent sketch at Helena slightly irritated. Next thing on her bucket list was making a "Do Not Disturb" sign. She absolutely hated when people barged in on her while she was working, it was distracting, and Addie didn't need distractions. "Why did I throw it out?" Addison murmured humoring the question. "Well, I threw it out because it's a bad blueprint. The wiring isn't working, so I'm starting fresh."

Addie took a compass out of her pockets adding a few more things to her newest plan. "Why do you want to know anyway?" She asked turning to look at the Hades girl.

(@explosiveKitten )
"Y-You ass!" Tania yelled at Kit before lifting him up to shove him out of the room and licking the door. "H-He ruined my bed. That jerk!" She started feeling like she needed a nap. "J-Jason? Can I use the need to sleep then take night shift? Please?" She said hoping he said yes as she tossed her makeshift bed into a plastic bag and threw the bag into a waste basket.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Thomas stood on the deck and sighed holding a picture of Isara. He felt alone but knew he would feel useless back at the camp. He still wondered if Isara would have even noticed him. "I probably won't make it back alive anyways."
"Well, since you so kindly asked," she said bitterly, then swiped the pencil right from Addison's hand and began to erase several things,"These two wires should not be connected, rather, they should saudered together, or whatever the word was, with these two," and began to explain in horrible detail, with a bunch of improper terms, but the blueprint made perfect sense, "And since you obviously have no f***ing idea what I just said, either that or you're jut pissed off that just said 'piss wire', either way, this should work," she said, slamming her hand on the blueprint and dropping the pencil in front of Addison, "And if it doesn't work, then you can laugh at me and say you were right. I won't try to stab you.. Much." She sat back on the balls of her feet and crossed her arms over her chest, looking at Addison.


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