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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Olivia listens to him for a moment before nodding. "Oh I see. So you just picked it up then..." She said while tilting her a bit. "...I wish you good luck on your journey." She said as she got up off the sand and started walking away, still has no idea where she's going but isn't going to ask. (@BishopOfKings)
Celestia Forest

Celestia's icy blue eyes grew bitter and resentful as she called upon her mother's powers to train. No one would know about this. Tentatively, she rose to her feet. She hated admitting that the powers that had been bestowed upon her by her mother were necessary in order to prove her worth, but there was no other way. She didn't have to give Khione the credit for her actions anyway. It was Celestia herself who did what she did, and her mother held no responsibility.

Before she could decide not to, she stepped forward and extended her hand emphatically in the direction of a small pine tree, only slightly taller than she was. She concentrated her energy on it, focusing her strength and power on the one specific target. She summoned her rage. The words of the sons of Ares replayed over and over again in her mind. "Oh, now look at her. A daughter of Khione! What's she gonna do now, lose to the power of looove?" The sounds of their snickers echoed menacingly in her mind, and the spark that was always dangerously nestled inside her began to ignite. With every time her brain recalled those contemptuous words, the fire only grew brighter and stronger. Within moments a layer of ice had frozen over its branches and pine needles, thicker at the base and somewhat thinner as the ice neared the top. It was still, petrified, frozen.

She stood there, breathing heavily, her knees a little wobbly but still stable. It was then that she heard the footsteps, the steady crunching of frosty grass and dead leaves. It seemed to be growing louder and louder, and Celestia instinctively slipped behind a nearby tree. She was a skilled climber but simply did not prefer to be in the presence of so much dirt and twigs and leaves all at once, dangling in her face like they were taunting her to be disgusted. With the massive oak tree concealing her, she peeked from the side of it, trying not to reveal herself. What she observed differed dramatically from what she had expected. She was a relatively pale girl with platinum blonde hair and flawless skin, her eyelashes, in contradiction with the hair on her head, thick and dark. What was she doing here? And there even seemed to be some sort of . . . similarity between her and Celestia. Something that Celestia couldn't quite describe. Her natural impulse was to keep hiding until the girl left, as she had left evidence of a use of energy that she wasn't sure she wanted anyone to see and connect with her, but for some reason she found herself stepping out into the open. "Ahem, not the right direction," she remarked pointedly. "Camp is that way."

Skylar Hermes Cabin → Lake

As Skylar's half-brother delivered his entire lengthy speech, all she could really do was gape in awe. He could've just said that he didn't want it, she thought. All of those wise words seemed to have bombarded her like bullets to the head, except they didn't really act like bullets, more like lightbulbs. Yet a few of those lightbulbs were sort of . . . dead. Like they were supposed to be ideas that carried wisdom, but didn't really carry the wisdom that was intended to be present. Nevertheless, some of those lightbulbs were functioning correctly, and Skylar couldn't help but admire her older brother.

Skylar tried to casually remove the gray cap with outlines of wings depicted on it on either side as she watched Kit exit the cabin, but it did not budge. As usual, she thought sourly. With slightly less nonchalance, she tried to pry it from her head with all her might. Countless times she had tried teleporting it away from her, but this magic - more like cursed - ball cap seemed to be stubbornly attached to her scalp, simultaneously refusing to be of any use. At least this time it wasn't giving her an agonizing headache. Sighing submissively, she decided to try and heed her brother's advice. With difficulty she refrained from rolling her eyes as she took out a small pocket mirror from under her pillow. "Now, magic hat, what do you want to be named . . ." she muttered under her breath as she stepped out of the cabin, walking across camp and deciding to seat herself at a bench by the lake, staring silently at her reflection in the placid water.
Elizabeth's eyes quickly snapped up to the pink in the tree and raised a brow. "And who said I was looking for camp at the moment? I was merely looking for the one who left this..." She said as she summoned her staff and closed her eyes as she used a bit of her power over winds to bring all the frost that had led her here to her. "I believe... This belongs to you..." She said as let the winds leave but the frost still hung in mid air before she lightly lifted her fingers and let it float gently towards her.

Daniel had searched the camp and eventually find a Hades kid who told him she was alive. Daniel gave up and looked toward a cabin most likely for Poseidon kids. 'Well if I'm going to stay I'm going to have to stop sleeping on the beach..' Daniel thought, 'At least she's alive.' Daniel thought as he walked into the cabin.
Valencia shrugged, "Yeah that sounds like Tania, so what do you want with me?" She didn't mean to sound cold or anything, she just didn't know what this kid could want from her maybe he's try to make friends??? She didn't know but she intended to find out.

Sebastian just turned to the boy, "You mean the obnoxious one? Yes that was me." The small bit of warmth that had been around him fled as if being pursued by Hades himself. He wanted nothing from this boy except to be left alone....well not alone but still Sebastian only wanted to risk making one friend if that went well then maybe just maybe he'd try to make more. That wasn't on his mind as he looked at this boy all that was on his mind was how quickly he could get rid of him.

Jason finished packing managing to fit all the outfits he found would be helpful and even managing to get some toiletries in so he could clean himself up. Frankly anything that could keep him from thinking of death was helpful. Finding nothing else that needed to be packed he went back outside one last task on his mind...

(Sorry I wasn't on all day, went to my friends soccer game in Columbus which it really freakin far from Cleveland.)
Anthony looked offended and hey by the sudden accusation from the girl in front of him. "Why do I have to want something to talk to you!" Anthony said voicing his displeasure at being so harshly treated. He was awfully annoyed by the fact of the matter.

(Time skip)

Anthony and the others waved as the lucky group of seven set off with the crew of Celestia, Tania, Helena, Damian, Addison, Jason, and Kit. Thomas was on the prow of the flying ship named the Argo 3 in honor of the two before it.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


@Soul OMU



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Daniel was alone most of the time so Daniel decided to start putting all his time to some use at the training grounds. Daniel had overheard seven people went on a quest for some big purpose, but didn't really care all that much. Daniel started at the sword training arena, Daniel thought about his past (as usual) as he hacked and slashed at the training dummy. He thought about how his mother was killed by some demon from hell, and how M.J.'s parents were murdered soon after. Monsters had attacked Daniel left and right on his way to camp, and how helpless he felt in all the situations. He didn't want to feel that again so.. Daniel will train, and soon Daniel hoped he would have enough power and courage to face even a mighty god.
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Elizabeth watched Celestia get ready to leave and crossed her arms a bit. "Good luck... If you need to talk you know how to reach me... Iris Message me." She said calmly while her friend, Olivia was standing next to her, watching the group of 7 getting ready to leave the camp. She didn't really have a reason to be seeing them off by Elizabeth insisted. She wondered where Damian had been during yesterday and this morning until she saw him walking up all chipper like normal with his stupid dumb but contagious smile on his face.
Helena really couldn't take much more-

"HUGGING!" Alec shouted, grabbing her in a bit bear hug as she was standing in front of the ladder to get on the Argo III and she moaned and rolled her eyes at him, "Alec, come on. Get off. You almost look straight hugging a girl so much."

"Naw, everybody knows I'm gay. I won't hide it. What's to hide?" He smiled at her, then let her go. Once she climbed up aboard the ship, she looked around, dropping her duffle bag of supplies on the deck, and stretching, arching her back and scratching her upper arms, before she trudged below decks. Just like the Argo II it had rooms for the seven, expect one room had two beds- hers. The Hades room she and Niwa were supposed to share. Now there was one new kid who didn't have a room to herself- Celestia, daughter of Khione. She supposed she'd have to be sharing the room with her, but she didn't like thought- what if this chick doesn't like her music? Or movies, or was a maniac or something? Or she was just a complete snob? While she went over she realized something was missing- her backpack! It had all her tapes and DVDs and her tape player and DVD player! She quickly ran up to the upper decks, just in time for her bag to come sailing onto the deck from below. She stared then looked over the edge at the smiling form of Alec, waving at her. She stared at him, then cracked a soft smile and waved back tenderly.
Addison stood on the front of the upper deck waving at Adrien with a weak smile. She'd never been a quest before, but maybe, just maybe she won't make a fool out of herself or get killed. Addie walked around inspecting the equipment and writing a mental list of what could be upgraded and what would be needed to do such upgrades.

The one thing her heart was set on fixing was the Dragon masthead at the front of the boat that seemed to be broken, or shut down.

Afterwards Addie headed down to the lower deck to find her cabin and put her stuff away.

"That should do it!" Max said as he finished fixing up the mast. He had been asked to help fix up the ship since most of the Hephaestus kids didn't want to risk falling. He floated down onto the deck placing the screwdriver into his borrowed tool belt. He looked over and saw Thomas "Hey Tommy!" He shouted producing a small money pouch from his pocket. "Just in case you need them!" He tossed the bag filled with gold drachma to the satyr before jumping over the side of the ship. Max landed softly as he watched Alec waving goodbye to Helena. "Come on Gay boy." Max said grabbing Alec's shoulder "She'll be back, so let's go. We have to help out around the camp." And with that Max started leading Alec back towards the camp.




"Here we go." Kit said laying in his bed on the Argo III "Might as well familiar myself with the vessel." He got up and opened the door. Stepping out into the hallway he turned and started walking around the ship. He hated the idea of a flying ship, it scared and sickened him. Kit put a hand on his forehead as he felt dizzy. "It had to be a flying ship." He said to himself as he continued walking. "Oh You get Sea-sick? Oh you feel nauseous while you fly? Ok here have a f****** Flying Ship!" Kit put his hand against the wall and instantly fell through it. "Damn miss functioning walls!... Oh it's a bathroom." He said standing up. He felt the ship shift slightly and his stomach lurched. "Oh thank god it's a bathroom." He said as he shut and locked the door and began releasing himself from his nausea.



"Gods I'm tired" Owen said yawning as he walked back into his cabin. He'd gone earlier to see Kit off, and give him his sea-sickness medicine. "Whelp. Kit should be fine." he said jumping back into his bed. "Maybe I'll... Take a little. *yawns* nap." Owen closed his eyes. "That's the last time I wake up at 5 a.m to see Kit." He thought as he went back to sleep.
Celestia Camp Half-Blood → Cabins Hallway of Argo III

With the shadow of the tremendous ship looming over her, Celestia cast her icy blue gaze across what she had come to know as her home. She could feel the excitement and thrill boiling inside her, making her feel like prancing onto the ship and frisking around, announcing to everyone over and over again that she, daughter of Khione, was chosen to be on the quest. But yet there was another feeling within her as well, one that she couldn't quite define . . . what was it? Uneasiness? Or was it dread? Her eyes settled on Elizabeth, the breeze tossing her platinum blonde hair, her silver eyes as intense and vivid as ever. "I will," she promised her quietly. Already Celestia felt a sense of trust for her new friend, and she was familiar with not one of her companions with whom she would be voyaging. She would need someone to talk to.

Out of her peripheral vision she could see the three Ares kids who had teased her a couple days ago, and she fixed them with a triumphant stare, smirking arrogantly. They looked back, muttering with one another resentfully, and Celestia could not feel more elated at their defeated expressions. They've no word to say to me, she gloated in her mind, all except the words "I'M JEALOUS" written all over their faces. Her attention diverted once again to Elizabeth. "Goodbye," she said simply, then nodded her head in Chiron's direction, a silent wish of farewell, before whirling around and striding dutifully aboard the Argo III.

Once she had fully climbed onto the vast deck of the flying ship, Camp Half-Blood seemed utterly tiny. It looked like only what one might see on a map. Everything felt different from a different perspective. And now Celestia was to embark on a quest to save camp. She was to be . . . a hero. The thought appalled her, and she decided to think about it no longer. Absentmindedly, she wandered the deck of the ship without much of a sense of direction, exploring every corner and then descending into the upper level of the interior of the ship, where each crew member's cabin was to be. Without thinking, she shoved open a door to one of the rooms, but found it, although empty, already occupied. A mysterious person's duffle bag lay on its wooden floor, and there were two unpretentious beds in the cabin. Quickly Celestia pulled the door shut once more. Where was her room to be anyway?
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Alec turned to look at Max and smiled big, and exclaimed, "Okay! .... What is there to do around camp?" He asked, looking at Max with a mixture of confusion and excitement, with a hidden undertone of admiration. His crush on Max was very well hidden, after all.... Except from his sisters who knew it immediately, but it doesn't matter! As long as he got to be friends with Max and steal a hug every once in a while, he was okay. He still worried about his friend going away on that trip all alone; she was a lonely enough person. And with Niwa not going she wouldn't have anyone to talk to, or give hugs to (not that she ever hugged anyone willingly) or anything! She was as alone as she ever would be... Hopefully she'd at least like her presents! It took a lot of time to get those things....


Helena was lugging her backpack to her room and squeezed past Celestia, ducking into her room. The place looked a lot like the Hades cabin- two bunks stained dark mahogany with blood red sheets and gold lining. "Good god, do they think we're vampires or something? Pfft. It doesn't even have a window, for gods sake!" She dropped her bag on her bunk and sat down, taking the atmosphere in.

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Elizabeth gave her a nod before turning away with Olivia. "Come on Olivia.." She said as Olivia glanced at the boat. "...I... Nevermind, let's go." She said softly while following Elizabeth, she had wanted to say goodbye to Kit oddly enough and that confused her since she did not know him long enough to wish him a safe journey yet she had woken up early to say goodbye in the first place and had planned to give him a dream stone to prevent from having his dreams entered unless by her or her father. (@BishopOfKings, @Opallies)
Addison walked into Helena and Celestia's cabin with small smile of amusement on her face. "At least you have beds. I swear, they must think Hephaestus kids don't sleep or something, because all I've got is a metal bench in my cabin. I had to drag the extra bed from storage all the way to my room to replace it." It was strange. Addison always felt tense and awkward at camp, but on the Argo she felt completely at ease. Maybe it was because they're weren't as many people around? Or because she was surrounded by all this metal and wood crafted together by what she could sense as one of her own family members, a child of Hephaestus. (@explosiveKitten ) (@Opallies )
Helena looked up from trying to find a plug for her tape player, and turned to look at Addison, who had so suddenly popped into her new room. She stared... And stared... And stared a little more, before managing to spit out, ".... Yeah." She wasn't the greatest with the living. Hell, she found it hard to talk to dead people. Especially those old spirits that just won't stop yapping about when they were her age. Admittedly sometimes there were those who had really cool stories to tell, like the Civil War spirits in Gettysburg- those guys are cool.

But anyway, she began to pull her many DVDs from her bag and put them in the bedside table drawer, then stacking her tapes on the left side, and when she plunged her hand into the bag, she came up with a mystery tape marked in blue sharpie as " :D "

She stared at it, then proceeded to pull out half a dozen cans of Pringles of Original, Pizza, and a "Limited Edition" Bacon flavor. She stared at the cans and the tape, her eyes going back and forth, before she muttered, "... Damn. Gay boy really knows me."

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Olivia shook her head as she walked away from the flying ship since she doubt she'd be allowed to go on the boat to deliver the dream stone to the Hermes boy but then again no one was there to tell her no. So she quickly made her way into the ship and started looking around for Kit or his room to put the dream stone down and leave as quickly as she could. (@BishopOfKings)
Jason dragged himself out of the Poseidon cabin still exhausted from the night before but also he was weighed down by his dream and the troubling thoughts that came with it. He looked at his wrist and the bracelet which now looked a bit different reflective the evolution the sword had taken the night prior. It was very tricky but Jason had swallowed his fear of being devoured by the harpies, while he was....experimenting on the beach he even faced off against them. He shivered as he thought of how fast they were, but the power surge he felt after getting in the water was amazing he had caused a maelstrom strong enough to suck them out of the air in the end he just washed them into the woods with a large wave and froze them to a tree. The thought of them being found and him being caught before he left made him move a bit faster towards the massive flying ship that was named the ArgoIII he knew off the first Argo but he wondered what the ArgoII was used for if this was number three.

Shouldering his pack he passed the throngs of campers gathered around the ship. Seeing Max dragging some kid away, he wanted to say goodbye to his friend again but just left it alone and made his way on board the ship where he saw the others moving to their own sleeping quarters or whatever, he decided to stay ing deck dropping the book bag near the entrance hatch to the area belowdeck. Even though it was in the sky Jason felt comfortable on the ship feeling information flood his mind with each step he pretty much learned the layout just by walking around the deck. Lost in his own mind and seemingly ignoring everyone around he walked to the side of the ship and looked out over camp. "Hope I make it back."

Tania condition: flirty and mildly confused.

"Sup fish boy?" Tania said walling up behind Jason with a smile. She intentionally bumped into him and put an arm around him. "Don't worry he'll be back. We'll be fine just a godly scavenger hunt right?" Tania said with a smile and a wave.

@BishopOfKings @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

ANTHONY. Condition: lonely.

"Tania is leaving and gods know where Isara is. Thomas is going on the quest to keep things under control." Anthony mumbled watching Thomas strut across the deck smoking his pipe with a muffin in his hand. Anthony turned and walked to the amphitheater sitting in the front row. "Alone again as always. A titan's child." Anthony said to himself feeling lonely and annoyed as one thought kept bugging him. 'Your's is the sin of helplessness.' The voice kept saying and it only irritated Anthony because it was true he was being left without even a friend's to talk to.
Addison stared at the Bacon flavoured Pringles in a mixture of awe, confusion, and slight revulsion.

Why in the name of the Gods did mortals make a Bacon flavoured Pringle?

"Gay boy, who's that? Wait, is it that one Aphrodite guy you're always with?" Addie asked trying to remember the boys name. In her little bubble of thought, Addie stuck the tip of her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, and begun to wring her hands together. It was a habit she had developed over time while tinkering or working in the forges to create something.

One of her brothers told her that she looked slightly like a pedophile, especially when she squinted her eyes and smiled. But never took his words to heart seeing as he always looked like a rabbit with a muscle spasm problem whenever he was deep in thought.

(@explosiveKitten )
Damian currently wandering camp, sleep fine despite having to stay in the Hermes cabin the first night, didn't bring anything from his old life except an old necklace that had a dog tag on it with nothing on them. He had tried to figure out what to get on it but didn't know what he wanted yet. Especially since it cost a little bit to get it down, he currently has his sketchbook with him and was figuring he would draw the beach unless something more interesting came his way.

she said, then raised an eyebrow at Addison, and said bluntly, "Why are you still here?..... please leave my cabin..." she said, counting her things, before ripping the Bacon open and taking a stack of five chips and stuffing it in her mouth so that half of it hung out of her mouth, and walked off, "I forgot Kovu, I can't believe I forgot Kovu, what the f*** me?" She muttered, crunching on the chips, so it sounded like, "Mmmf *CRUNCH* hffmphf *CRUNCH* kgdhivo fhk *CRACK CRUNCH*?". She licked the last of the crumbs from her lips as she stepped up into the sunlight, and immediately her eye was caught by Tania and the new Poseidon boy. She stared at them, then snorted at Tania's flirting, and walked past, muttering, "Careful there, Tania. He might get the impression that you like him," and continued her walk to the edge of the ship.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"I meant in general Alec." Max said turning to look at him. "Both you and I know that the longer you stand watching the ship the more likely you are to go sprinting after it screaming "Take me with you!" Im just trying to… Umm Alec?" Max looked at Alec as he began staring like he usually did. "This is uber awkward" Max thought as he looked at his friend. He knew Alec was gay, and with the increase in the strange looks he had been getting from the child of Aphrodite, Max felt really weird; especially if what he was thinking was true. "Umm… Alec… Are you in there?" He asked as he waved a hand in front of Alec's face. He heard giggling to his left and he turned to see a group of Aphrodite girls looking at him and giggling before walking away. "What was that about?" Max asked, while the Only thought running through his head was. "Oh Gods…."

@Soul OMU
Olivia jumps a bit and looks at him. "Oh hey... Uh here..." She said as she pushed the dream stone into his chest. "This will prevent any God from getting into your dreams.. Or Titan... Anyways bye." She said as she started making her way off the ship. (@BishopOfKings)

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