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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Damian's eyes seem to light up realization. "Oh! So that's why you had the plant in your hand and it just walked away... That makes quite a lot more sense now. And I have no idea who my mother might be but I think you might be right about it being Iris... If my memory serves me right she's the goddess of rainbows and messages..." He said while running a hand through his hair, his irises flashing rainbow once more. (@LuckyANDKitty)
"Yep. Plants are pretty much drawn to me." Carter replied clasping his hands together behind his back. "Yeah, I've got bets on Iris being your godly parent. Yeah, she is the goddess of those two things, and if I may say so myself, you've got the whole rainbow thing done pact -if your eyes are anything to go by."

(@Soul OMU )
Sebastian smiled, "I'll be alright, I'll be strong enough by the time we fight. Especially since it's getting dark." Sebastian motioned to the lengthening shadows, "What's this about a rock wall?" He walked beside her as they headed towards Addison his hands in his pockets and his gaze to the ground hoping he didn't come across a "peep hole".

Damian smiles brightly at him. "So someone likes looking into my eyes Hm?" He said as he put on his half crooked grin once again while his bangs fall into his eyes a bit as they return to their natural chocolate brown color. "I think we'd be a good team since I could help your plants grow with a bit of light that I got." He said cheekily while stretching his hands above his head. (@LuckyANDKitty)

"Pretty much, but I'm not the one who makes these items!" Max said crossing his arms "They always seem to have a catch or are faulty. The pack i have is pretty much bottomless unless i try to put something heavier than two collage textbooks in it. I use that one for my small stuff." He pointed to the bag. "You should be able to put about a weeks worth of clothing in it before it decides to stop being bottomless." Max put his hand in his pockets. "I should probably get going, you have to pack, and i should probably drop my stuff off and make sure things are ok around camp." Max smiled at his friend. "Don't get yourself killed out there, cause i don't want to fly across the world just to save your @ss." And Max turned around and walked out of the cabin, leaving Jason alone in the Poseidon cabin.



Owen turned and heard someone speak for behind him. He smiled and patted his stepbrother on the shoulder, "Im gonna get going, See yah later." Owen walked out of the Hermes cabin and sighed. He wanted to go on the quest really badly, but he knew that eventually he'd get his chance. He began walking around the camp grounds, wondering wherever he wanted. He decided to go to his cabin when he heard people talking. He turned towards the noise and saw the kid who beat Kit in the arena. He walked over to them quietly before walking up next to Sebastian. "Aren't you the guy who beat Kit in the Arena earlier?" He asked as a few of his bugs began to crawl out of his jacket.



Kit looked at the girl as she gave him the cap. "Thanks." He said confused. He wondered why she would give him the cap, when it obviously belonged to her. He looked at the Cap and then back at the girl. "Skylar, Correct." He said as he put the cap on her head, the wings sprouting as it settled on her head. "I don't believe i am in any position as a humble servant to the god to accept a gift as magnificent as this." he said, his inner sense of chivalry showing. "My dear Sister, It was given to you as a gift from our shared father, therefore it must remain with it rightful owner." He gave her a small smile. "As much as it would help, it would hurt me to take something that was meant to be used by you." The wings on the hat fluttered closed on Skylar's head. "You should wear it more often. Create a bond with the item, until it become precious. Then it should listen to you." Kit zipped his bag closed and set it by the door. "Trust me…" He rested his hand on his sword hilt. "My trusty blade, it didn't cut through the monsters i faced, until i grew to respect it." He said unsheathing the katana, light reflected on the Celestial bronze and silver alloy the blade was made of. "Ψυχή του πολεμιστή. The Warrior's Soul, It is the name i bestowed on my blade… when i gave it its name it respected me more." He put his right hand on Skylar's head which is covered by the cap. "Give the item a soul, a title worthy of the item, and it should listen to you... Although." He removed his hand and sheathed his sword. "Sometimes an item never needs a name. Just the bearer to feel confident in Herself." He said directing the last part at Skylar. He gave her a reassuring smile. "If you work hard, you can do anything." And with that Kit left the cabin, making his way to the beach where he sat down and stared at the sun.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira




Daniel slowly walked toward the beach, After everyone had gathered at the big house Daniel slipped out. 'What am I doing here? M.J. probably needs help and I'm sitting here waiting for her...' Daniel continued to think on this subject until his feet felt the familiar uneven surface of the sand. Daniel let out a sigh as he sat at the water edge, 'I'll leave tommorow, I have no place here.' Daniel thought shaking his head. 'Probably safer out there anyway, I've almost died twice since I've been here.' Daniel took a deep breath of the salty night air, 'This beach is the only good thing about this damned camp, I wounder why M.j.'s mom wanted us to come here. Maybe it was different before or something.' Daniel gave up on it and layed on his back. "I'll find you Michele.." Daniel mumbled under his breath, as he traced things out of the stars.​
Olivia grumbled under her breath as she wandered through the camp lost, she had no idea where to go or who to even ask for help; but to be honest she didn't want anyone's help since she believed she could find out where to go on her own. Eventually however she found herself on the beach and noticed a figure laying down with his arm in the air, she managed to catch the last few words of his sentence. 'I'll find you Michele...' Olivia raised a brow and thought to herself. Whoever this Michele is, is probably dead or lost if she's not here... Or maybe she doesn't even want to be found... Should I say something? Nah.. She walked over quietly. "...so who's Michele?" She said anonymously while looking down at him. (@DecpetaBOSS )
Daniel jumped at the voice, He felt embarrassed. "Shes.. -Uh Shes, No one.." Daniel said looking at the girl. Daniel sat up and brushed the sand off his back. Daniel sat in silence for about a minute before saying anything, "Whats your name..?" Daniel asked looking over the water. Daniel looked back at her waiting for a response.

(@Soul OMU )
Olivia watching him with dark eyes which are slightly hidden behind her bangs. "...that's a lie but I'm not going to bother you about it since it has nothing to do with me... I'm Olivia..." She said as she sat down and looked up at the dark sky. "...I'm guessing you guys got separated on the way here or something... You don't have to answer." (@DecpetaBOSS )
Daniel hesitated, "Her names Michele, We've known each other forever. Monsters killed our parents, but her mother's last words were to come here. So we started heading here, we got split up. I don't think she..." Daniel stopped, "I'm going to find her." Daniel finished. Daniel buried the growing fearful truth deep down.
Olivia tilts her head a bit. "...I thought that as well... I have an idea... You could always ask a child of Hades or Thanatos if her soul has passed through... And if they find out no then she's still alive..." She said while looking at the stars. "Maybe they'll find her on the quest who knows..." (@DecpetaBOSS )
"Shes not dead." Daniel said, "and I'll find her. I plan on leaving tomorrow." Daniel said firmly. Daniel put his chin in his hand and played with a ball of water; Using his water manipulation.
Olivia watching the stars before glancing at him. "Lying to yourself isn't healthy... And it's a possibility... Not every demigod is lucky to make it here... But again... It doesn't hurt to ask them just in case... And leaving on your own is going to get you killed because of your scent... Being a son of the Big Three means your scent is stronger and attracts more monsters..." She said calmly while looking at the stars again. (@DecpetaBOSS )

"Thou must be an idiot if you wish to quest for this girl." Kit said overhearing the entire conversation from a little ways down the beach. "You'll get yourself killed before you can attempt to reunite." Kits left hand rested on his sword handle. "If she's supposed to meet you here then wait here." He said with a rather calm tone. "If she's coming here and you leave, what would you do if she showed up here?" Kit asked the boy "Thou would be embarking upon and unnecessary quest which will only get you killed" Kit looked at the Boy. "Think it through." Was all Kit said before heading back down the beach to where he was resting earlier.


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Olivia raises a brow at Kit's speech as she moves over slightly. "...why do you talk like that and not normally...?" She questioned while turning her head a bit to look at Kit's back. (@BishopOfKings)
Jason rolled his eyes, "I'm not gonna die Max......at least I hope not." Jason stood there a moment contemplating the possibility of death while on this quest he visibly shook it out of his head yet still perturbed he wished he had someone to talk to. Of course his friend Max was here but as usually he had other things to do, with a sigh Jason began moving his things from his duffel bag into the not-so-bottomless bag from clothes to toiletries and everything in between.

Valencia walked onto the stage in the amphitheater looking around only to see Tiko do his normal trick of appearing from nowhere, aka her shadow. He approached revealing an object between his jaws which the very sight of made Valencia jump for joy. She took the violin case out of Tiko's mouth unsure of what happens when he devours something, but she sure didn't want her baby to find out. She pulled it out and tuned it for a few minutes beginning to play and immediately getting lost in the flow of the song as she played her heart out spinning and steeping as if she herself were ballroom dancing, her moves smooth and inspiring. She loved this...it when she was her most free her body reacting by changing her hair so that cosmic bodies appeared in it such as purple nebula.

@BishopOfKings @anyone
Anthony was neat the amphitheater when he heard a violin start to play. He followed the sound and sat in the front row of the amphitheater listening and watching in awe. Anthony looked at the color and could swear it wad pulsating with the music or maybe it was just his imagination either way both er stunningly beautiful.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

(Finish what you're doing because I'm planning a minor time skip. Just to where the main 7 are seeing off. )
Alone again.

Helena found herself alone again. Walking to her cabin alone, her black hair whipping in the wind. Niwa, naturally Hades had to call him to the Underworld, because their father worried so much about his son and not his older daughter. Bluh. From the few times she had seen him in her dreams, he had told her he loved her.

Huh. You have a funny way of showing it, "Dad".

So when she trudged into her cabin and looked at Niwa's empty bunk, she felt her heart tear a little more. Not only was she alone on this trip without Niwa, but she couldn't bring Alec along. He wasn't really built for quests. So she was dead alone, as usual. She began to gather her things into her huge backpack, clothes, shampoo and conditioner, razors, shit like that. Then she furious piled her DVD case into the bag, several tapes, and tried to stuff her DVD player and tape player into the bag. She found that it was not possible. "... Well... I need sleep before movies, so.... Oh wait, I'll just shove it in... There..." She began to furiously jam the thick DVD player in the front pocket of the bag.
Valencia finished playing and dancing her hair returning to it's normal hue as the last note died out she opened her eyes to see a boy sitting in the front row, staring at her. She turned bright red and squeaked with surprise Tiko who was curled near her reared his head regarded the boy and went back to lazing. "H-how long have you been there?" She said visibly flustered the red slowly fading her embarrassment turning to anger. Tiko emitted a low growl as he sensed his masters frustration, but it was more a warning to her to keep herself in check. "You really shouldn't sneak up on an amazon, much less one that has been with the hunters!" She really couldn't decide what she was more upset with, him popping in or him getting this reaction from her.

"I heard the music start on my way by and I came to listen. Oooh do you know Tania?" Anthony said leaning forward slightly during the question so he could hear the answer better. He then frowned realising Isara and Tania were leaving and that meant he would be wandering around camp alone and confused. "She's a great friend of mine. Helps out a lot since I got amnesia." He stated looking down.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Valencia sighed, "I know her, fought alongside her as well. We don't really get along simply because our parents are at odds well not at odds, even Zeus avoids angering Nyx but because he is prideful as well as his children.... They take every opportunity to try an assert their dominance... That's not really important, how do you know her?" Valencia packed her violin in her case and slipped it into the satchel on her hip in which it disappeared entirely. She then walked to the edge of the stage and sat down somewhat intrigued by this boy.

(Song Valencia played:

"It's a long story." Anthony said with a smile since he was talking to somebody he wasn't related to. He relaxed a little and sat back to start talking. "It was a long time ago when she found me. I had the cold's big brother, pneumonia. She should have let me die but she didn't. Instead she helped me out and risked get own skin for what had seemed like no reason at the time. However I later found out she had stolen all of my food and water but by then we were already friends. Sorta."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Daniel had been surfing for awhile, He felt kinda well.. Scared considering what he was going to do tomorrow. 'Is it really a good idea? Maybe that guy is right..' Daniel thought about this, When Daniel came to a conclusion he felt guilty? Daniel felt as if she was waiting for him out there. 'I'll take Olivia's advice and ask a Hades kid, If she alive Ill go find her but if shes.. Not.. Then Ill stay I guess.' Daniel thought grimly.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Soul OMU

Max sighed as the Poseidon Cabin door closed behind him. "Why Jason?" He asked himself as he began walking towards the Zeus Cabin "He just got here and now he's going on a giant quest. Hopefully he'll be fine." He pulled out his MP3 player and put his earbuds in. He hit play and Michael Jackson's Billie Jean began playing from where it left off, he'd been listening to it when he got to camp. He adjusted his bag and made his way to his Cabin. "I wonder if Tania is packing?" He thought as he walked into the Zeus Cabin. He didn't look to see if Tania was in the Cabin, as he tossed his bag on his bed. He flopped down on the bed and closed his eyes, and began to hum the beat of Billie Jean.

(@Soul OMU

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