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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Celestia Celestia smirked slightly as the Hephaestus girl offered her the compliment. It was flattering of her to say that, but Celestia hadn't really meant to show off, just to distract her. She hoped that this meant that she indeed had succeeded in distracting her opponent and planned to continue to try to distract her with advanced yet rather unnecessary movements. Her head tilted as she was asked of how much time she had spent at camp, but she wouldn't let herself off guard. She was about to answer that she had been here for a year and a half when the sounds of shrieking combined with deep growling resonated from outside the arena. Two telltale signs of trouble. Her opponent bolted from the arena and there was not much choice for Celestia but to follow her. "Okay," she agreed, breathing heavily.

Several campers had already engaged in combat with the monsters. They were men with wolves' heads, and Celestia didn't allow herself to be fazed by the hideousness. There were people charging in every which direction, and someone shouted orders to get to the Big House. "How are we supposed to defend camp if we're all in the Big House?" she demanded testily to no one in particular. "How will a plan be of use if everything's destroyed by the time we come up with it!" Before she knew it, there was a beast upon her, but suddenly it collapsed to the ground, luckily not on top of her, with an arrow protruding from its back. Breathing a sigh of relief and not bothering to thank whoever shot it down at the moment, she shifted her sword from hand to hand, trying to warm up her reflexes. Another wolf-headed man began to charge up the hill, fully armored besides his head, bearing a huge, heavy sword. After a glance around, Celestia mustered the courage to face it, pointing her much thinner silver sword towards the beast and rushing in its direction, a determined fire blazing in her ice blue eyes.

Skylar Suddenly, as she sat on the bench by the beach in a world of peace and serenity, there was a colossal sea serpent looming over her. As she stood and gaped in awe, trying to figure out how she should respond to this, two other male demigods, whom she recognized as sons of Poseidon, rushed to the occasion and met the terrible monster in combat. Skylar started to retrieve a pouch of oversized and very sharp arrowheads from her jeans pocket, but by the time she had extracted one from the small bag, the monster had been driven away, and one of the sons of Poseidon had dragged the other back to shore. Tentatively, Skylar made her way towards the two, a little shyly but also with a great amount of concern. "Is everything okay?" she inquired worriedly in a gentle tone. "I should've helped."
Most of the wolf men had died but four stood around Anthony. He merely kept his eyes closed but a odd feeling was being put out by Thomas. "For Pan!" Thomas yelled causing the remaining wolf men to run like hell.

Jason was glad to see that they had finished off most of the Cynoceohali, except the one he and Valencia were double teaming, it was much faster than the others and wasn't backing down even as it's counterparts fell or fled. Valencia stabbed at it with one blade while bringing the other down on it Jason mimicking this movement. Valencia was met with a sharp kick to the chest knocking her off of her feet and causing the air to rush out of her lungs. The wolf-man jumped on top of her and Jason ran to her aid he ran the beast through from behind and ferociously ripped his blade out. The beast roared in pain and turned on him smacking his helmet hard and staggering him, it took the opening and slashed him across the chest it's claws digging into his chest on contact and causing progressively shallower gashes along his chest. Jason backed up in shock having flashbacks to the harpy attack all he heard was the rush of water even over the short howl of the Cynocephalus as Valencia beheaded him. Jason struggled to stay standing turning his sword into a spear and leaned on it heavily until Valencia got to him. "Somebody get a healer!!"

@Anyone around.
Some kids who begun firing support cabin ran over give everybody medical support. Tania however shoved the girl who was getting ready to help Jason. Tania grabbed him and started dragging him towards the nearby river that was often used halfway between the flags during capture the flag.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Valencia was angry at first then she caught on to something, "Maybe she likes him??" She thought to herself wondering why she had been shoved away so rudely, along the way Jason had apparently lost consciousness because he dropped his spear. Valencia ran over and picked it up, she then ran over and threw his other arm over her shoulder seeing a point to be made. "Look your not the only one allowed to help others even if you do like him. And weren't you an amazon as well you know you should be bold enough to at least tell him. Jeez never met a more timid yet aggressive girl. You're a living oxymoron, emphasis on the moron." Valencia was prepared to bear whatever the girl had to say or wanted to do she just didn't care.

Jason nearly fell when Val was knocked out of the way but was quickly caught by Tania as he was dragged he got in a few steps and fewer words, "
Tania, where....going nee-" It was then Jason passed out a few second later he dropped his spear his consciousness whirling into a murky blackness. He was unable to think only feel, and even that was fleeting. @Holo
"Sit up and help me get this moron to the river." Tania said giving a frown as she stepped into the frigid water off the river. She hoped hey plan of water therapy would help Jason recover from his wounds.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Valencia rolled her eyes yet smiled, the girl hadn't denied her accusation of a crush. "Fine just know, you have competition. He's kinda cute." She hefted Jason into the river the cold seeping through her leggings and into her legs themselves. She gently places him into the river a tender hand under his helmet to make sure he can breathe. The water reacts to his presence but only barely it swirls as it passes him and as they press him deeper into the water it becomes blood red a steady stream of red flowing down the river. Valencia's only thought is that he wasn't visibly healing until the water becomes less red almost pink until it flows clear again Jason's wounds heal only a scar showing that he was ever clawed and even that was fading rapidly. Unfortunately he is still unconscious which worries Valencia, "So definitely a son of Poseidon, after this I would be surprised if he wasn't claimed tonight. But why is he still unconscious?"

"I don't know." Tania said looking at the sky add she dunked the boys had quickly and then gave the kid a tiny shock. "He might wake up now."
Jason's body jolted but the was up fazed, Valencia jumped as some of the electric current reached her, "Easy with the shocking sparky not everyone in the water is immune to lightning." Jason's eyes fly open and he sits up fast in the water and sinks a bit getting on his feet and grimly holding his abdomen examining the rips in her shirt, he looked through his hoodie and shirt to see his abs. "Not exactly the way I would want either of you to see my pack." Valencia rolled her eyes, "Don't flatter yourself kid wer weren't paying that much attention since you were bleeding out, jeez be more careful next time you dolt." Jason smirked, "Remind me not to save your butt next time, but mind you I'll still probably do it." Valencia smiled, "Thanks for that by the way it was really sweet." She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek purposefully getting the corner of his mouth, moving his helmet out of the way for a moment. She then turned and waded out of the river waving backwards as Tiko came to the bank to meet her, "Later kids." She hopped on Tiko and rode off towards the Big house. Jason looked after her dumbly his helmet falling back onto his head bringing him back to reality he turned to Tania, "Hey, where were you?"


The last remaining enemies were met with arrows to the forehead- Celestial bronze arrows shooting from nowhere, and Jamie swooped down from the air, and touched down, the wings in his shoes disappearing as he trotted along, and slowed in front of Thomas, "Well, that was... fun. Haha! Holy crap, when do we get to that again?" He jumped up and floated for a minute, and exclaimed in excitement, "Woooo! That was awesome!" With this, a glowing caduceus appeared above his head, but Jamie was none the wiser. He was just busy being an excited puppy.


Helena was rushing through the camp, covered in several cuts and scrapes, all bleeding heavily. But she had places to go, even if she running on steam. She had to make sure her brother was okay, first of all. Because overprotective big sister instincts. If those hound-heads had hurt her brother then they would pay... later. Probably. Who knows. So as she walked through the camp, she didn't see him coming. The tall, lanky dork with blonde hair and blue eyes that would make any girl swoon if they didn't know he was gay, as was prominently and proudly displayed on his shirt. He loomed out of the dark of the Hades cabin, with his arms out and a big smile plastered on his face as he lunged, shouting something stupid like "HUGGING!" and startling Helena and making her squeal in surprise as they both fell to the dirt, the pair rolling around in the dirt and in the end the boy was on top of Helena and he was still smiling at her like a weirdo.


"Heya, snugglebug! WHATS UPPPPP!"

Kit began watching as most of the wolf head men began running away from the camp. "Victory belongs to us!" Kit said as he cut down another fleeing Cynocephalus. That's when he stopped at looked across the field. Two Wolf-men stood looking at Kit from across the field wearing full armor. "A Challenge." And Kit charged towards the wolves, not catching their smiles.



"Kit Stop!" Was all Owen could say before the two Cynocephalus sprang into action swiftly dodging Kit's slashes before pounding him into the ground. Owen couldn't move, he was too tired from fighting that his legs wouldn't work for him. "Dammit Kit!" He shouted as he he was suddenly knocked to his knees by another smiling Cynocephalus. "This is it huh?" He said to himself as the three wolf men were ready to pounce. That's when Owen felt a strange pressure building around him. "Cover Your Ears!!!" Was all he heard before he cupped his hands around his ear and the air around him exploded.



"Cover Your Ears!!!" Max shouted as he swooped in from outside the camp. He had just gotten back from a trip to Greenland (lol References) when he saw the Camp being attacked. Max closed his eyes and made a crushing motion with his hands, scattering two Cynocephalus and killing a third. He landed next to Owen and pulled his Stygian Iron Bishop off his Necklace. "You ok?" He asked Owen as his Glaive formed. The demigods nodded as the shockwaves from Max's Attack had dazed him. "I'll handle it from here. You just rest." Max said as he ran towards the two armored Cynocephalus. The first one slashed at Max, but he quickly sidestepped bringing his glaive up and slicing the creature in half. The other one pounced at Max while he was in mid swing. He let go of the glaive, which impaled itself into the ground a little ways away, and grabbed the closest chess piece on his jacket, the rook. As the beast brought its claws down Max swung the staff knocking the the beast sideways. He jumped backwards, pointing the tip of the staff at the Cynocephalus and Fire three bronze bullets into the beast before it began disintegrating. Max, breathing Heavily, lowered his staff and let it become a chess piece again; doing the same thing with his glaive as he retrieved it. He hurried over to Owen and pulled him up and slung the demigods arm over his shoulder. He looked over and saw Olivia. "Hey! Grab the other kid!" He shouted "I can't carry him and they need to get to the Big House." And then he started towards the Big House. On his way he saw some familiar faces on the ground. "Helena! Alec! Save the cuddling for after the Camp is fixed up." He said with a joking tone, knowing that Alec was Gay. "The heck happened here anyways?"

@Soul OMU

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Olivia nods before glancing at Kit since she didn't normally touch other people before signing and grabbing one of his arms and putting it around her shoulders and grunting a bit as she follows after Max. Elizabeth and Damian slowly follow after them, Damian currently and slowly healing any wound he or Elizabeth had gotten from fighting with some light particles.

Chiron, magical centaur of magical, horse-manly stuff

Chiron came galloping around camp sounding a horn for an emergency meeting in the Big House. "Everyone get to the Big House for safety! Quickly!" Chiron boomed as he sped around camp. "Apollo campers are there to treat injured demigods!" The centaur galloped around slicing through monsters and shooting them with precise aim.

(Small time skip people. I ain't gonna wait for everyone to get their post of their character entering the Big House. Everyone is now in the big house, injuries mostly cared for, or healing. All the monsters are slain)

Chiron stood at the head of the meeting hall in the Big House. He was slightly sweaty, dirty, and had a few bruises. "Demigods! Now is the time we send seven demigods to find the Adamantine Sickle. The Hephaestus Cabin and some other campers are defending the barricade to the Labyrinth. It has been discovered that it has regenerated and some monsters managed to get here through it." Chiron said with a serious face. This hasn't happened in camp for awhile, and he was deeply concerned for the campers safety. "The campers have been selected. They must immediately pack things they would like to bring on the quest. Campers..." Chiron pauses for dramatic effect.
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"Chiron!" Helena shouted over all the chatter, "What did the Oracle say? Normally she spews some sort of prophecy about looming danger, and death and destruction."

"Huh. That sounds... Pleasant." Alec muttered.

"Yeah, I know. It really sucks when it's about you." She muttered, looking at him pointedly.

"I know, sunshine." he threw back.

Jamie was standing with the Hermes kids after being freshly claimed. He watched Helena and Alec interacting, and wondered if they normally acted like that. He leaned over to the nearest Hermes kid and muttered, "Do those two normally act like that?"

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Kit looked up at the kid who had addressed him. He laughed and his side began hurting again. "Thou hath no idea." Kit said in his odd way off speaking. "Usually their banter is much more rambunctious and colorful!" Kit smiled at his new brother. "I should probably introduce myself. I am Kit, Future Hero of the Gods, and Most likely the one who will be training you, as thou art still only a Knave in my book." Kit said as he leaned in close to Jamie "Doth thou wish to hear one of my great tales of adventure?"



It didn't take Owen long to have to walk away from Kit, all it took was him mentioning his stories. Owen started walking around the Big House checking in on the Apollo kids as they continued to patch up demigods. Owen kicked the door frame, "Gods I feel helpless." He thought as he walked away from the medical ward. "I wish i could help heal everyone, but I'm stuck with bugs." He walked back into the room everyone was in and saw Elizabeth, he went over and sat down next to her. "Hey you and your friends okay?" he asked her.



Max yawned and rubbed his eyes. He'd just spend the last few minutes helping Chiron take out the remaining Monsters in camp, and now talk of some sort of quest was being talked about; he wanted some sort of answers. He looked around and saw Helena and Alec talking and he walked over. He'd, known Helena and Alec for a few years and considered both of them to be friends, even though Helena could be a bit b*tchy and Alec had a habit of…. Staring… at Him. "Hey guys. I know i asked earlier, before i was hurried of to the Big House, but do either of you know anything about this quest?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. "Im kinda in the dark here."

@Soul OMU
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Elizabeth looks at him before he sits down. "Hm...? Ah yes... We're fine... Olivia didn't take any injuries since they couldn't hit her while she was a bird... And Damian is okay now, he took a few hits... But he knows how to heal himself and others due to light particles... What about you and your... Friend, Olivia told me about?" She said while chilling the air a bit.

Jason was in the Big house still clutching his abdomen the wound gone but he had yet another set of scars that were smaller and parallel to his first set. Though he was healing he's till felt a great deal of pain. He forced himself to stand up straight but still stuck close to Tania just in case he needed to rely on the Amazonian again. His interest was peaked when Chiron was announcing the participants of the quest, he wondered if he could be one of them but looked down discouraged. "I haven't even been claimed yet, could I be eligible for this??" Just as he thought this the symbol of Poseidon formed over his head the trident glowing with blue light and radiating power. Jason didn't seem to notice lost in his thought is the symbol raged over his head.

Valencia was a little concerned for the camp, with so much to handle now she was glad her mother told her to come. By this time she released Tiko letting him go back into darkness with a message and request for her mother. Valencia had done a lap around camp without Tiko her bow ready but they seemed to have driven out the Cynocephali. She doubled back and hurried towards the big House from the edge of the north woods near the mess hall. She jogged back past the cabins and ultimately into the meeting room of the big house. Hearing of the people possibly going on the quest she perked up, more attentive to Chiron waiting for him to speak again. It was then she saw the Trident blaze to life over someone's head and she saw it was Jason. "Well, it's about time." She said a smile forming on her face.

Sebastian on the other hand was alright his scar on his chest wasn't letting out as much shadow and he was recovering from all the energy he spent holding that force field up around the big house. He leaned against the wall his eyes locked on Chiron, but he refused to meet his eyes, even the risk of seeing into his soul made Sebastian feel like he'd be disrespecting the centaur. Instead he kept his gaze anywhere but his eyes, eventually landing on the swirling symbol above some kids head. Jason he though he wasn't quite sure but he felt he heard that as his name in the arena. "
good for him." He thought looking away waiting for Chirons announcement of who would be on the quest.

@Holo @Noah

Helena shook her clothes off and rolled her eyes at Alec's antics, then looked at Max and said, "The Titan Prometheus and a few others, forgot which ones, are rising up to do... something... but we're looking for the Adamantine Sickle which Kronos used to cut up Ouranos way back when, you know, the sky, their father. We have no idea where it is. So they're assembling a group of seven demigods to go find it. The rest of us will be staying here and defending the camp." She said, sighing at the situation they were in. She hadn't been allowed to take part in the second Titan war because she was too young when it happened... but she personally felt that she should go with the group. Her sheer strength and skill would probably be invaluable to the cause.

Cade was sitting behind Jason when he heard the news. He hoped he wouldn't be picked. He barely just begun mastering his power and sparred only once. He began to worry but stopped as he noticed the kid in front of him, to his knowledge, becomes claimed. He looked at Jason and saw his face didn't changed and that he didn't notice. Cade gbetly poked him and said "Dude... I think your getting claimed. And by Posieden nonetheless."
Jason looked back at the boy, "Wait...what?" He looked up above his head and his breath caught I. His throat, "That's.....interesting. Looks like the general assumption was correct." He turned his head back to Cade and smiled, "Thanks for letting me know dude, I was pretty oblivious to all of that." He said this pointing up at the Trident a grin on his face.

"Seems we just can't stay out of trouble can we?" He said in a somewhat jokingly manner. He'd been on trips around the world during both wars, and really wanted to participate; now, he realized could be his chance. "Maybe if we get lucky we could get pick for the quest." He said before his attention was caught by a glowing Trident hovering over a camper he couldn't quite see. "Hey, I'll talk to you guys later, I wanna see who the new kid is." And with that Max made his way over to where the kid was, and was greeted with a surprise. "I can't go anywhere without you following me can I Jay?!" Max said happily as he head locked his friend. "When did you get here?!" Max asked as he released his friend.



"Huh?" Owen said as he focused back in on Elizabeth after Jason was claimed. "Oh I'm fine." He smiled, rubbing the back of his head "just went a little overboard in using my powers." Owen looked over at Kit who was in the middle of telling a new Hermes kid (Jamie) of his many 'adventures' "and Kits back to normal... We as normal as Kit could ever be." Owen looked at Elizabeth. "Why did Olivia want to know?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Soul OMU

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Jamie stared at Kit, eyebrows raised in confusion, "kn...knave? Why are you talkin' like yer stuck in the Victorian age?" he asked, of course he wasn't heard over Kit's blathering about some adventure that he had or something. Probably didn't even happen. He addressed himself as the future hero of the gods. Somehow, he found that highly unlikely.

Helena watched Max wander off to talk to the fresh meat Poseidon kid, and watched them interact. Huh. So they knew each other. And when she looked at Alec, his mouth was hanging open in despair, and she looked around at the others, then smacked his jaw shut. "Ow!" He whined, rubbing his jaw, "That's my face, thanks!"

"oh my gods, I KNOW! It's horrid!"

"Oh gee! Thank you!"

"You're welcome, lover boy."

Elizabeth shrugged as she took a deep breath before letting out a cold breeze. "Probably just wondering if he was alive since she had to half drag, half carry him here after the fight. I don't know why she wanted to know that... She's always been a bit odd to be honest." She said while glancing at the other kid getting claimed before looking back at Owen. "Did you get healed?" She asked while looking at him.

Olivia currently just floating around in the background, would rather not be noticed or talked to; has her hood up covering her face as she stands back near the shadows of the Big House room.

Jason twisted around when Max assailed him, "I've been here for barely two days.... How are YOU here, seiously since when were you here. And who's your godly parent."

"I've been coming here for four years dude!" Max said smiling at his friend "You know when I'm not flying around the world on one of my trips." Max was happy, not only because his friend was here, but now he didn't have to keep Jason from learning of his Godly heritage. "And if it's not obvious who my father is, it's Zeus." Max crossed his arms. "Regardless you do realize how much trouble you put me through trying to keep this a secret from you?" He asked knowing that Jason had no idea that he'd been protecting him.



"I'm fine." Owen said as he messed with his jacket. He could feel his insects waking up after recovering from Owens attacks. "Just needed a little Nectar and I was alright." He smiled at her "When do you think they'll announce the participants of the quest?"



"And that is how I obtain my great sword, which carries the souls of my demigod ancestors" Kit said as he finished telling Jamie his story. Kit stood up "Well then, I thank thee, my fellow brother, for hearing my story in its entirety. And I do hope the thou might wish to hear another in the future." Kit began to walk away from Jamie "Until then I shall be you farewell." Kit started walking around, he thought he might want to get some fresh air when he saw Olivia. "Ho there!" He called to her as he hurried over to her "Art thou the Mai-" Kit stopped, noticing how small she was making herself, and he decided to stop talking like he normally did "ahem. Sorry about that... Force of habit." He said as he called down a bit. "I heard you were the one to carry me here... And I... I wanted to say thanks." He smiled at the girl "I don't think we've been properly introduced... I'm Kit, son of Hermes... Who might you be?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Soul OMU

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