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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Celestia Celestia's face broke into a sly smile. "I was only about to disarm you!" she protested as the hilt of her silver sword, to her surprise, hit no resistance and she quickly lifted the blade before it could swing around in an arc. She leaned back and balanced her weight on her left foot as she twirled her sword in her right hand, watching the light reflect off it almost as though an entire beam of light were bouncing off of it. She was about to compliment this Hephaestus girl on how quickly she reacted and how she was hardly fazed by Celestia's attempt to feint her first strike to the right side, but she didn't want to raise the girl's confidence, nor did she want to appear "soft" to her. Abruptly, she swung her sword in an arc from right to left, this allowing her opponent to be able to detect the movement sooner and react with more speed but dangerous if she did not. She decided that it would be most useful to resort to feinting only in the midst of combat.

Skylar "My name's Skylar!" she responded brightly, but her voice seemed to be lost in the increasing commotion. With a shrug, she decided that there wasn't much of a chance that she would find an experienced fighter to train with anyway, so she leaped out of her seat and bounded away with a spring to her step, hoping to find something else to do in camp. She was glad to be back to a place where she felt at home at last. There were several other demigods outside at the moment, she noticed, although she assumed that most of them were in the arena. Breathing in the fresh summer air, she casually sauntered towards the beach of Long Island Sound and sat at a bench nearby as her pulse synchronized with the gentle lapping of waves on the shore.
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Helena stared at Sebastian as he ran his mouth, not impressed by his, 'ehhhh I could have defeated you,' shpeal, and noticed the different glimmer to his eyes. Of course, she wasn't all that good at reading people, and this guy was odd as it was. He certainly seemed a lot like his father, Thanatos. So she couldn't discern what his eyes were saying. And when he walked away, she merely rolled her eyes and pulled her sword from the ground, and said calmly, "Had this not been sparring, I could have easily separated your body from your head before you could react. But no matter. I've done enough dancing today, including with a cannibal dressed like a cheerleader, soooo, I'm out." Her sword turned back into a bracelet and whipped her jacket back on, before turning sharply, her hair whipping around as she turned and walked from the arena.
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Addison nodded in disbelief. "Suure, you smile totally says otherwise. Her heart fluttered with nerves, but she tried to keep them at bay trying to keep a cool facade. But it was beginning to crumble as the sword began to feel slightly heavy in the untrained girl's arms. "You seem pretty good at all those tricks and showy stuff." Addie commented noting the girl spinning the sword easily and. "You're pretty swift too." She continued going for the flattery strategy route. The way she had learned to survive when sparring against more intense campers *cough* Ares kids *cough cough* was to compliment them until they became a little too cocky and lost their once smooth and sharp moves. Addison had been told that she could actually be really good at sparring if she tried with her logical and strategic mind, but she denied every possibility. Her role was to make the weapons, not use them. Addison squeaked in alarm as Celestia swung her sword abruptly at her, and moved quickly to train and block the oncoming attack. A barely noticeable sweat broke out on Addie's brow as she backed away. "So how long have you been at camp?"

(@Opallies )
Niwa watched the sparring with a bored expression. Though some moments were quite amusing especially when his sister fought with the Thanatos boy that threatened him. The boy was definitely like his father, he remembered the similar attitude. He stood up and stretched, his back popping from sitting so long. He watched as the arena started to clear out so he just headed back to the Hades Cabin and heard Helena's music. He made his way through the door and flopped onto the bed


Helena was halfway through changing when Niwa walked in. She was wearing nothing but a sports bra and a pair of surprisingly comfy polar bear pajama pants. When Niwa walked in, her current mix tape was fading out of it's first song, and just out of familiarity she knew what was coming next- and she just sang along. Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name" rang out in the air, and Helena just rose her voice to harmonize perfectly, and then busted out in dorky dancing, making an utter fool of herself in front of Niwa, but not caring. Niwa should be used to this by now. After all, how long had they known each other? And they were closer then the rest of the camp knew. When the song ended, she shut the tape off and looked at Niwa, laughing, then turned and grabbed her sleeping shirt off her bunk, "Hi, Niwa." She said, chuckling, "Gordon made me a new mix of Bon Jovi and Queen. Plus I think theres some Prince in here too," she continued, popping the tape out of her player, "Whats up? Did I miss anything while I was hauling my a** across the country?"




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/0seamonster.jpg.2a750895dcd2751352c18a8e135dae97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/0seamonster.jpg.2a750895dcd2751352c18a8e135dae97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sea-Monster, (c:) Lovely isn't it.


Daniel's eyes shot open, "Sea-monster?!" Daniel yelled and he jumped up. Daniel looked out in the water seeing a mass slowly raising out of the water. "Oh gods.." Daniel said as the thousands of gallons of water fell off the massive beast, It roared shaking the ground like an earthquake. Daniel couldn't swallow, but instinctively he activated his trident version of his Trident-Sword hybrid Weapon. Daniel took a deep breath and charged toward the massive daunting beast before him. He jumped onto the water clicking his boots in the air to activate his surf-board shoes. Daniel used the jets on his surf-board and commanded the water to propel him even faster. 'Maybe someone at camp heard the roar and will come help but until then this is up to me.' Daniel thought firmly.

Daniel used his command of water to bash the monster, but it only seemed to make it mad. The monster's snake-like neck curled in an arch preparing to strike, it hisses evilly its tongue flickering out of its massive teeth filled jaw. Daniel blasted himself as far as he could get right when the monsters muscles released its tension and pounced. An eruption of water sent Daniel flipping through the air, Daniel pulled the water up in a column and caught himself. Normally Daniel would already be out of energy but he was in his element, Unfortunately so was the Monster. Daniel knew this fight was hopeless but he steeled his nerves, The fight wasn't even close to over. The massive Monster ripped its head out of the water roaring in anger at missing its prey. Its intelligent eyes burned hatefully toward Daniel searing a hole into his soul. It was Daniel's turn, Daniel started to propel straight toward the beast at breakneck speed. It roared in a challenge and tensed to strike yet again. Daniel kept steady until just like last time rocketed out of the way, only this time he jumped up, clicked his shoes back to normal and landed on the beasts neck impaling it with the trident. Daniel held firm to the shaft of his weapon, The monster shook violently trying to shake Daniel off. Eventually the monster poised to strike where Daniel was on its long snake-like neck. Daniel jumped out of the way and yelled "O-lay!". The monster bit itself in the neck and gold dust and monster blood dyed the water below them. Daniel made his way up the neck narrowly dodging its bites, every couple of bites it would nick itself until Daniel was at the point where its head couldn't turn at such an angle.

Daniel climbed to its head and prepared for the final blow, right as Daniel was about to strike it swung its head mighty to the right sending Daniel soaring in the air. Daniel hit the water so hard even as a son of Poseidon his breath was knocked out of him and he couldn't move. The beast did the familiar tense of the muscles as it was about to strike its final blow, Daniel could almost see the monster smiling.

( @explosiveKitten


@Kai'zen Makaira







@Soul OMU

@kira blackthorn





Everyone Lol )



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Niwa looked at his sister's dancing and held back a chuckle. Despite the hard-assed front she puts up, she's just a dork on the inside he wouldn't dare say that to her though. He sat cross-legged on the bed and smiled up at his older sister "That's awesome!" he said with chirp. Niwa wasn't like a normal Hades kid, he had more of Persephone's personality she had rubbed off on him from a young age. "He really does make good mixes, I should ask him for one." he said tapping his chin in thought. He immediately stiffened, the sense of death was coming from the lake area. He turned to Helena "Sis, do you feel that?"
Nico said:
Niwa looked at his sister's dancing and held back a chuckle. Despite the hard-assed front she puts up, she's just a dork on the inside he wouldn't dare say that to her though. He sat cross-legged on the bed and smiled up at his older sister "That's awesome!" he said with chirp. Niwa wasn't like a normal Hades kid, he had more of Persephone's personality she had rubbed off on him from a young age. "He really does make good mixes, I should ask him for one." he said tapping his chin in thought. He immediately stiffened, the sense of death was coming from the lake area. He turned to Helena "Sis, do you feel that?"
((Im not dead yet D:>))
Thomas came sprinting back silently with growls coming from behind him. "Some monsters found a way in through Zeus rock." Thomas said as men with the heads of wolves burst through the brush behind him. Thomas was leading them towards the group but two broke off and ran towards Elizabeth.

@Soul OMU


Tania gave a sigh and started running towards the yelling from Thomas. She wanted for Jason to follow as she ran to meet the enemy. "FOR ZEUS!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Anthony heard the yelling and saw the monsters chasing Thomas. His eyes glowed green and he raised his hand forming a large cloud of mist next to him. A full sized grizzly burst from the mist with armor on it and charged the monsters. "For Narnia!"

Elizabeth blinks and raises a brow as she slowly turns before taking her staff off her back and twirling it before sending an icy blast towards the men with wolf heads.

Damian quickly jumped back and took his staff off before letting his instincts drive him and blasting beams of light into some of their eyes.

Olivia's eyes were hidden behind her bangs but that didn't stop her from glowing and shifting into something to help them.



Helena smiled at Niwa, pulling her huge Fall-out Boy t-shirt on and listened to Niwa talking, then straightened out her shirt and turned to look at her younger brother, "I guess I'll have to ask him about that. You'd have to make him a list of songs... for him to... mix.." Her words slowed when an overpowering feeling of dread wash over her, "Yeah... Yeah I feel it..." and she rushed out, in her sleep clothes and stared up. "Sh*t! Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! A monster is in the camp!" She shouted, then ran back into the cabin and snapped up her bracelet, "QUICK! Niwa, get the campers gathered together, then arm yourself!" she grabbed her leather jacket and whipped it on and zipped it up, "And hurry!" With that, her bracelet returned to it's sword form and she ran out of the cabin and towards the fight.

Owen turned upon hearing Thomas's screaming. "Gods Thomas! you had to investigate!" And with that Owen ran towards Thomas. He raised his hand as he ran towards the monsters and let his insects loose. Insects began swarming one of the monsters and it quickly began swatting at them as in was quickly consumed. Owen held his hand out and made a crushing motion and what was now a blob of insect imploded in on itself spreading ash and blood around where the monster once was. Owen smiled, but his joy was cut short as he was tackled by another wolf man. Owen put his arm under the beasts neck as it began trying to snap at his neck. Owen's bugs were trying to return to him, but Owen's strength, or lack thereof, was failing him. Owen's eyes widened as the monster went in to bite his face off, when a blade appeared in the mouth of the wolf man. The monster disintegrated to reveal Kit standing behind where the monster used to be "Sorry I'm late." He said smiling as the green glow faded on his sword. Kit turned towards the three newbies. "Oi! Knaves! Fetch the Great Trainer of Heroes, for his assistance is needed!" Owen shook his head. "He wants somebody to go get Chiron. He should be in the Big House." Owen stood up and most of his bugs swarmed onto him. "Your late." He joked to his insects as they as crawled onto his hand "Lets spread some Plague." Owen smiled as he waved his hand in a sideways motion sending three groups of bugs at three different targets, who began spazzing out trying to get the bugs off of them. "Kit!" And as he shouted the three monsters exploded as Kit sped through slashing all three of them to dust. As Owen began gathering his bugs he pulled out his bow its golden blades forming in his hands. He turned towards the three new demigods and saw a wolf man jumping out of a bush and running towards Elizabeth. "Elizabeth! Look Out!" He shouted as a solar arrow formed on his bow. He fired and watched as the arrow curved around Elizabeth hitting the monster square in the face, disintegrating it instantly. He hurried over to her "You ok?" He said as he drew another arrow of light on his bow. "Stay on guard. I don't want to see new faces hurt on their first day."



After Kit struck down the three bug covered wolf-men he had been surrounded. "Shame." Kit said as he flipped the sword around so that the blade rested along his arm. "You should have chosen another Hero to attempt to fight." He smiled and looked towards the forest, more wolf people had burst out of the woods and were charging towards the camp. "Curses! What magic is this!?" He asked himself, before a sudden burst of pain spread through his side. He jumped back as slashed the face of the wolf man that had just hurt him in half. "Foul beasts! Nobody harms the future Hero of the Gods and lives!" He pointed the blade at the nearest monster. "Strength" His blade began to glow red. He charged towards the beast, digging the blade in deep within its chest. "Screw you!" He turned around and brought the blade up through the beasts head, disintegrating it. He jumped back as another wolf-man charged at him. "Bring it you mon-" Kits words caught in his mouth as he was slammed to the ground. He looked up as the beast who slammed him into the ground raked its claws over kits face. "BAAAHG!!!!!" Kit shouted as he rolled away from the beast. He got up and put his hand to his face; he felt the claw marks on his face. The slash went across the right side of his face, but luckily the beast had missed his eye. "You'll pay for that!" Kit said as he removed his hand from his face. The remaining wolf people licked their lips as the closed in on the Child of Hermes. "Gods dammit!" he shouted and hoped that soon he would have someone come and help him. Kit raised his blade and charged at the remaining four beasts.

@Soul OMU
Niwa nodded and ran out his sword drawn. He ran through the left side of camp and screamed "MONSTERS IN CAMP! EVERYONE GATHER UP AT THE BIG HOUSE!" he said as he ran back and ran to the right side of the camp repeating the same thing. He picked up a young camper that was cowering. "Not the time to cower kiddo, it's time to brave up." he said with a determined look and reached the Big House and set the camper down and banged on the front door. "CHIRON!"
Elizabeth glances at Owen and his bow briefly before nodding. "I'm fine... But we better help your friend..." She said as she made many ice shards from thin air and hurtled them towards the wolf men, piercing their sides to get their attention while focusing her energy to make a blizzard around herself.

Damian noticed what Elizabeth was doing and quickly fired some beams of light at the wolf men, aiming for their eyes before getting knocked down from behind and managed to hold the jaws of the wolf from snapping at him with his staff. "Olivia! Behind you!" He called out while trying to get free.

Olivia blinked before whirling around and just avoiding a wolf men who had lunged at her, she quickly jumped back and swiftly into a bird and flew high up before swooping down to claw at the wolf men's face who was closest to Kit.

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Addison barely missed severely maiming her foot at the sound of other campers yelling about monsters inside the borders. "Oh Gods..." Addie jogged out of the arena turning her sword back into a ring. "We'll have to continue this fighting session later.

Carter looked around not understanding what was going on. All he knew is that everyone was in a panic and they had to meet at the Big House. Thank Gods that was one of the few places he knew in this place. He ran over to the Barn Style house, grouping up with the steadily growing swarm of campers.

Adrien approached the Big House l0oking absolutely ruffled, and irritated. Why were they grouping up when the fight was elsewhere?
Jason followed Tania's lead his spear at the ready and his steps quick and firm. "These. Aren't my first monsters." He ran straight into the first one shield up knocking it flat on its butt before stabbing at it missing by a hair as it smacked the shaft avoiding being pierced through the throat and getting a graze. "Dammit, Jason spun his spear smacking it in the face with the butt of his spear and jumping back into a defensive stance. That's when a silver arrow buried itself in the beasts shoulder. Jason felt the wave of dread but he also felt another one emanating from outside the camp. "Tania! We have to make this quick, there's something wrong on a beach just outside of camp I'll need you with me!" He willed his spear into a sword and severed a beasts arm.

Sebastian felt the wave of alarm that roared through the camp and turned racing to the arena reaper snaking down to his hand and activating becoming a sword. He stopped when he saw the group confronting a larger force of them, he redirected his attention to a girl who was shooting ice at the monsters and charged towards them shadows arcing out from his sword and weaving towards them like chains.

Valencia had been leisurely walking towards the camp seeing the gateway just ahead, she then heard shouts of alarm and someone saying their were monsters in the camp. "Of course first day and already this Amazonian huntress needs to save some lives." She activated her pendant and out sprung her bow. "Perfect, now Tiko I need you." From the darkest shadow sprung a pitch black tiger with purple eyes and stripes, it's breath was shadow and it's voice thunder, "Mother Nyx says hello...and that she loves you as the rest of us do." Valencia cupped her heart dramatically ,"Awww that's so sweet, but I'll give you a message after I need you help." Tiko nodded and lowered himself so she could ride him. They bounded through the gates and headed towards where she felt the most evil Tiko getting to the arena in moments and leaping up to the top. Valencia blocked an arrow and let loose nailing one in the shoulder, "Hello all I'm Valencia daughter of Nyx and I'm here to save your asses." She no led another arrow and finished off the wolf man as Tiko leapt down onto one facing Tania. "Well hello there Tania, heard a lot about you big fan but we can get into that in a minute." Her bow turned into her two silver swords as she stabbed one that approached them smiling at Tania all the while.

@Soul OMU

Tiko, her baby: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.b3eab4307fcc3c037bdcd314817b8e13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33175" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.b3eab4307fcc3c037bdcd314817b8e13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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A rain of arrows fell down, hitting at least ten wolf men right in the forehead and disintegrating them to piles of yellow dust. Jamie came swooping down from the rooftops, wings sprouting from a pair of colorful Nikes, and continues his rain of newly acquired Celestial bronze arrows, and he came to float beside Jason and Tania, "What the hell are these things? I neva seen anythin like it!"

"They're Cynocephalus!" Helena shouted as she ran up to them, "Wolf headed men. Hey, where did you get those shoes? Those are a pair of Hermes's winged shoes!"

"They just appeared in front of me in the middle of the camp! It was weird."

"... Seriously."

"Okay, I stole them from the Hermes cabin, but does it matter right now? Besides, the shoes like me!" He said, and almost in response the shoes flipped him upside down and dragged him off, squealing, "THIS IS WHAT GET FOR BREAKING YOU OUT OF THAT DUMB SAFE!"

Helena stared after them, then sighed and rushed off to the beach, where a sea monster thrashed in the Sound. "....Oh for the love of Zeus!"
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Sebastian recalled his chains and looked around, "Seems like you guys can handle this area, I'm gonna go check on the rest of camp." He turned and bolted out racing towards the Big House cutting through three other wolfmen on his way crushing them in chains or slashing through. He saw campers gathering and tapping into the astral form of darkness throwing up a sort of force field around the a Big house but it was instantly taxing to the point where he fell to his knees with the strain of holding it up against blow after blow from the wolf men.

Jason looked towards the girl, Valencia she said her name was. He immediately found himself impressed by her skill she had finished off the Cynocephalus in front of him he turned and slammed the edge of his shield into the beasts gaping mouth, before punching his spear tip through it's chest. "Everyone we have to defend the rest of camp, group up and let's get to the Big House!!" He whipped his spear out of the dissolving Cynocephalus and turning his spear into hits sword form moving to the exit of the arena and fighting off the monsters there, either killing them when the first attack or striking knocking them back with his shield. The most infuriating thing was that they wouldn't stop coming.

Owen nodded as he heard someone calling in the distance. "Elizabeth, get that thing off Damian and run towards the big house. Ill go get Kit." And with that Owen ran towards where his Stepbrother was fighting.



"When will this onslaught end?!" Kit questioned out loud as he drove his blade through a Cynocephalus as it was being attacked by a bird. "Thank You my Avian friend!" He said as he turned to face a pack of the wolves. "Curses!" He said as he flipped over the first wolf-man in the group, quickly getting smacked out of the air by another Cynocephalus who was waiting behind the first one. Kit rolled as he was driven away from the group heading towards the big house. Kit stood and begun to back away from the pack in front of him, when he watched something weird happen. All six wolves began twitching strangely as they started clawing at their own bodies. "What the hell?" Was as he could say before the six Cynocephalus fell to the ground writhing in pain as insects began crawling out of the claw marks they had made in themselves. One by one as Kit watched the Wolves stopped moving and began disintegrating. Owen stood standing behind the disintegrating bodies of the monsters. "Lets go… We..we need to get back to the others." Owen said trying to catch his breath. "Lets go." Kit grimaced as he realized that they were getting pushed back towards the Arena. He turned around and saw Jason exiting the arena "We're gonna have to push through all these forces." He said readying his blade. "You're gonna have to use a sword for once." He said as Owen separated his bow into two blades. "very well then." Owen said as readied his own blades. The two demigods charged towards the wolf-men who were in turn charging at the.

@Soul OMU

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Elizabeth nods as she makes her way over to Damian, freezing the feet of the wolf men who get in her way, eventually she go closer to Damian and slammed her staff into the back of the wolf man's head causing him to whine and fall unconscious but was quickly frosting over as she offered Damian a hand.

Meanwhile Olivia saw that Kit and Owen were fine before turning back human and landing on her feet near them before summoning her Stygian iron blade that was weaved together.

Cade surprised by the leviathans sudden appearance dives underneath the waves to look at its size. He then started using his own monsters legs and powerfully started swimming towards the leviathan smashing into its side only pushing the creature to stop it from continuing to attack Daniel. Cade then quickly submerged underwater as the leviathan looked around for him. While the leviathan was looking for Cade he swam to its tail end and used all four pincers to cut off a tip of its tail. The leviathan then went under water as Cade swam for shore and reverted back to his human form dragging Daniel away with him. They safely got to the beach but the leviathan was still out there. "Hello? Are you okay?"

Daniel woke to seeing a talking sea monster. "Hi." Daniel said simply, "My name is Daniel but call me Tyde." Introduced Daniel. 'I think I'm dreaming.' Daniel thought sheepishly. Then Daniel remembered the ice cold chill from the water, 'Nah' Daniel concluded. "Thanks for saving me I think? I wasn't awake but I'm not dead so, I assume you finished the monster off?" Daniel said clicking his boots so he was above the water on his board.


Sebastian got back on his feet and wobbled over to the big house gettin inside his force field. It was getting weak and eventually shattered causing the senior campers and himself to become the front line in defending the big house. Sebastian was sweating and breathing hard but still fought like a demon, severing head torsos and other body parts becoming ethereal every once in a while to avoid being clawed being unharmed except for one claw mark that was definitely not from the wolf men. This was mostly indicated by black mist leaking from the wound. This claw mark ran from the middle of his chest horizontally to the edge of his left pectoral. This was from the fight between him and the eidolon as he was holdin it and his mother's soul apart. Sebastian pushed his own pain out of his mind and concentrated on assisting his allies around him.

Jason saw Owen and Kit coming towards him and increased the tenacity in which he fought bashing, slashing and essentially tearing through the Cynocephali avoiding being clawed many times sparks flying off of his shield and helmet, while still sustaining slashes along his sword arm. Jasont was able to push through with some help from the Nyx girl and her tiger on his side. With Kit and Owen cutting them down on the other side, Jason turned his sword into a spear and thrusted straight through two more and swept them to the side opening a gap the the tiger leapt into and widened. "It's about time." Both he and Valencia were breathing heavily, the dark haired girl had changed her bow into twin silver swords and had been slicing through them with surprising strength, speed, and grace it reminded him of Tania.

Valencia had been marking and taking down the wolf-men with surprising speed her arrows repeatedly whistling and streaking through the air meeting their target with a solid thunk. She was content to continue at this pace but she saw Jason dealing with more than his fair share of their opponents. She rode Tiko forward turning her bow into her swords and slipped off of Tiko as he barreled into the group. She and Jason fought in synch which surprised her seeing as they both had the ability to monitor their opponents moves and their companions moves and acting accordingly to both. She found herself greatly enjoying this as they cleared out the beasts back to back.

@BishopOfKings @Holo

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