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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans


Kit smiled at the Thanatos child "Excellent. This should be fun." he said as he stepped into ring. He lowered his sword behind him and upped his guard. "Remember Kit." He thought to himself "The weaknesses of your skills." He closed his eyes and a mental image of his sword appeared in his mind (Using this to explain Kit's ability a bit better). The sword image turned red. "Red is strength. I become stronger but become slower." The sword turned blue in his mind "Blue is Defense. I can take more hits, but I won't be able to deal much damage." The sword turned Green "Green is Speed. I become faster, but I can't take many hits." He opened his eyes. "10 second delay between each change." Was the last thought before his sword began to glow green. "En Garde!" And Kit vanished leaving only a small dust cloud to show he was there. Kit appeared behind Sebastian and brought slashed at the demigods back letting the green aura on the sword vanish as he began his attack.



Owen looked up as a voice came from below him. He looked towards the bottom of the stands and stood up making his way down to them. "Hey." He said to them "I'm Owen, son of Apollo. At Stepbrother to the buffoon in the ring." Most of Owens bugs had returned to the inside of his jacket, but he still had a few crawling around on him. "Sorry about the bugs. Not exactly the most comforting power but it has its uses." Owen looked over at Kit as he began to attack. "Looks like the fight has started." He said as he turned his attention to the fight.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Celestia Celestia kept a semblance of composure and poise, shifting comfortably into a fighting stance as she gripped her sword in her hand. She had named her sword Pagos, or "ice" in Greek. It was very lightweight but not flimsy - which was good because her arms were terribly weak. Curiously, she watched the daughter of Hephaestus as she activated her own weapon and it extended into a long sword. Interesting how it was disguised as a ring as well. It was almost like they were the same person ... except opposites? Celestia shrugged and stood there passively for a few moments before abruptly, without warning, feinting to the right with her sword but then swinging it to her left side and aiming the hilt of her sword for the girl's right hand. Sweat was already beading on her forehead. She usually used her abilities as an advantage in combat, but she knew that this time, it would do no good.

Skylar Skylar's cerulean eyes diverted from her lap and glanced around warily. She enjoyed talking to people and was very bubbly and enthusiastic but all of them seemed to be talking to one another. She couldn't help but feel a little left out. She watched as a tall boy with black hair entered the room and introduced himself. "Hi!" she called out from the back in an eager tone, shifting in her seat to get a better view. Son of Poseidon? Now that was unusual! Directing her thoughts back to her instructions, she looked around. There were fewer and fewer people seated, and the center of the arena was growing more and more crowded. Sooner or later she would resort to turning herself invisible to spare herself from the awkwardness.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow as the boy disappeared and stiffened when he felt the boys presence behind him, a few thoughts fired off in his mind like bullets evaluating his situation. He had two options, one: he could cause an explosion of astral shadow and blow the boy away, but that would drain him and weaken him for his fight with the Hades girl. Or two he could sidestep but at such close quarters it would backfire by the boy falling into him either way plus even with his quick thinking his body still hadn't moved and he felt the blade begin biting into his shoulder. So three become ethereal. Sebastian's body became a hollow ghostly image letting the blade pass through him at an even quicker pace than it was going, with such force behind the swing the boy would either spin or fall through him but to open up his options more Sebastian back stepped through him, his body's form slipping right through. Sebastian became tangible again and grabbed the boy wrist turning him around and advancing, he stepped forward putting his foot behind the boys and commanding his sword to turn into chains. The chains swirled around his fist as he slammed it into the loud boys nose with an audible crack, following through and flooring the kid. The chains turned back into a sword and he put the tip to the kid's neck, "Don't ever call me knave again in your meager existence." Sebastian saw some irony in this statement because even as he glared he noted the boys lifespan extending, he sheathed his sword and walked towards Helena lost in thought. "His lifetime expanded? I must have changed something in him, he's learned something that will save his life later apparently." Sebastian kept these thoughts in his head as he walked.

Jason watched amazed by the grim boys ability, then winced as his punched floored the kid. "Damn... that really had to hurt." Jason considered the quickness the black haired guy exhibited concluding that this was clearly not his first fight and surely will not be his last. "That guy has some serious skill." Jason would have a long way to go before he could get his powers and skill up to that level but he was glad he had something to work towards. Jason remembered hearing the voice of a young lady say something, he turned around and waved, "Hiya I'm wait I already said that. Meh anyways whats your name?"

@BishopOfKings @Opallies
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As the battle unfolded Owen stood watching as the scene unfolded. When it was over he heard the Poseidon kid speak. "Jason? Right? Anyways just watch."



"Damn Thanatos kid." Kit thought as he stood up. "Becoming intangible is cheating." He looked over at the kid as he walked away from him "sheathing your weapon to a warrior who can still fight... A sign of surrender." That's when Kit's nose began to hurt "but I would have lost if he kept using his powers." Kit sheathed his sword the glowing blue aura around it fading as it returned to its scabbard. "Thank goodness I got the Defense buff active before that punch." He thought at he put a hand to his nose. "Just a fracture." He whispered under his breath, and he pushed upwards making another loud crack. He shook his head as the short burst of pain left him. "Let's consider it a tie." He thought to himself "although I doubt you'd agree." He turned and realized he was being watched. He walked over to the group to see the Tania and Jason were in it. "What have you never seen a hero fix a fractured nose before." Owen just laughed "What's so funny bug boy." "Your normal is showing." And Kits eyes widened "If you were watching I did just get punched in the face, so I'm a little brain dead." Owen smiled at him "yeah and no nosebleed this time." Kit smiled and looked at the other two demigods "Keep in mind I still want to fight both of you in the future. Got that... Knaves." Kit said with a joking tone.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Helena stared unimpressed as the two boys fought, and when Kit stupendously lost, she snorted at him, then looked up at Sebastian. "Yeah, alright. I'll dance. But first, I'm going to set a single ground rule; no powers. So you can't go ethereal on me, and I won't use my death powers. You. Me. Swords." She picked up her sword and rested it on her shoulder, discarding her jacket, "Take it or leave it."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
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(( I have no idea how to get my character involved in this xD ))

Daniel sulked over to a picnic table in the middle of camp. Daniel hadn't seen any sign of M.J. and well.. The day just got worse. 'This camp is insane, people are fighting constantly here and no one has even acknowledged that I'm here. Pretty unorganized, Where do I even sleep? Whatever, Ill go sleep on that beach if it comes to it.' Daniel plopped onto the picnic table which was surprisingly sturdy. Daniel hunched over wresting his face in his hands. "Where are you M.J..." Daniel mumbled. 'What if she didn't make it.. No, No, No,. Shes probably just not here yet. She probably ran into trouble on her way and will be here tomorrow.' Daniel still felt uneasy about the whole thing. After sitting for awhile he stood and slowly walked toward the beach.
Cade felt encouraged by what Masako said but then he felt pained. She was quick especially for a girl who is blind. She caught him off guard as she threw her shield so she can kick him. He held up his shield in defense but got barraged by her attacks. He shoved her off and stumbled back by the hits he got from her. "Ow!" He muttered and quickly regained his composure. Cade stared at Masako and then continued to run at her but this time he threw is sword at her. He then continued to run but at max speed and holding his shield in front of him looking like a bulldozer.
Daniel sat in the sand and stared wistfully out into the horizon as the ocean waves licked at his feet. Daniel couldn't stop thinking about what might happen to M.J. Daniel thought about his old life, and how screwed up and strange it was now. "Why do the gods hate me.." Daniel sighed and let his back hit the sand. He put his hands behind his head and enjoyed the gentle breeze that brushed through his hair, then Daniel dozed off.
Noah payed in his bed and began to doze off. There was a monster scare in camp back it soon subsided. He was supposed to be doing something.....eh too tired to remember. Soon Noah was sleeping in the Hypnos Cabin. In his dreams, Noah appeared in a mist. He could see the pictures of people sleeping. To find out what they were dreaming of, he would have to delve into their dreams. Noah recognized a new face. Perhaps a new camper? Noah conjured the mist around him and appeared in Daniel's (@DecpetaBOSS ) dream.Noah materialized before looking around. He could tell where the new demigod was sleeping, on the beach, but what he was dreaming of was yet to form.

"Hello there." Noah said looking at the demigod. "I'm Noah, from the Hypnos Cabin. Haven't seen you around here, ya new?"
Pumpkakun said:
Cade felt encouraged by what Masako said but then he felt pained. She was quick especially for a girl who is blind. She caught him off guard as she threw her shield so she can kick him. He held up his shield in defense but got barraged by her attacks. He shoved her off and stumbled back by the hits he got from her. "Ow!" He muttered and quickly regained his composure. Cade stared at Masako and then continued to run at her but this time he threw is sword at her. He then continued to run but at max speed and holding his shield in front of him looking like a bulldozer.
Masako smiled "Oh sorry," she really did feel bad, but decided to taunt him. "Come on now you can do better against a blind girl. Just think of what the others will say if you lost to someone who cant even see." She smiled as the sword came flying toward her, she raised her hand and it stopped right in front of her."Good distraction." It turned around and she grabbed the hilt, and twirling the two swords she smiled now I feel right at home. Her weapon choice had always been dual swords. She loved the flexibility and speed it gave her. As he came charging toward her she dashed for him raising both swords high in the air. As she came closer to him she dropped her swords low to the ground at his feet. Then as they passed him she quickly raised the swords up lifting the boy's feet in the air. She spun around looking at her handy work. "But the number one rule of combat is, never give up your weapon." She points her sword at the boy "because the second you do. You put the fate of the battle in your enemy's hands."

(Yay! I got to quote Jormungand! I love that anime xD )

Cade was surprised as she thrust him into the air, she is stronger and more cunning than she looks. As he was propelled into the air he looks down at Masako and says " Who said I lost my weapon?' Cade adjusts him self and puts the shield underneath his feet and begins descending to Masako in an attempt to land on her. He kept his balance on the shield ready to jump off or do something else if she decides to dodge or counterattack.

Masako kept her sword up letting her luck balance flow up to the tip of the sword. Let's see if this will work for me....good luck or bad luck? Let's go with random, I always am surprised by random luck. The sword tip slowly hits the shield as it is falling down and both explode into a million tiny pieces. Thank the Gods those were wooden. She raised the second sword up as the boy. (Who I just realized we never actually introduced ourselves xD ) Fell down towards her, he was out of a weapon and she wouldn't let this go without a fight. Retribution doesn't draw, and vengeance doesn't quit. As they fell she put the sword up to his neck and smiled "Your good. I think you'll do well in combat."
Cade, though defeated, felt good from their match. He smiled intriguingly at Masako. "That was fun, even though I lost, but how did you destroy the weapons like that?" he said as he got up. Suddenly he realized they didn't actually introduce themselves. "Oh shoot, I got caught up with the spar that I didm't even realize to introduce myself. The name is Cade, son of I think Keto? I'm pretty sure Keto though." he said as he went into his head and thought of any other goddesses that could fit him.
Masako smiled and got up as well and dusted herself off. She turns to him and puts a finger to her lips "my power is a secret. But let's just say that luck is on my side." She gives him a wink and tells him her name"I'm Masako daughter of Nemesis. It's nice to meet you Cade, son of Keto? The Goddess of Sea monsters?" She was surprised at his origins, shouldn't the son of Keto be a sea monster? Is he a sea monster? He sounds normal, and I don't sense anything extra about him. Unless it's internal or on the skin, sometimes being blind leaves so many questions. She sensed for her cane and found it next to some discarded weaponry. Turning back to Cade she smiled"So, I'm guessing you haven't been claimed by your Godly parent yet?"

(I have to go to bed now :( .....Night!! See you tomorrow!)
Sebastian looked a little disappointed but nodded anyways, "I'll take it, also my eye are Always red. My name is Sebastian, son of Thanatos." He wasn't one to offer his hand and she didn't seem to be the type to accept it so he just stood to the side so she could stand up. Looking over his opponent he noted she had a slight frame and disregarded that information, best bet is that she is stronger than she appears. He also noted her confidence, she's a fighter and she's damn good at it she's clearly faced more opponents and won. "This is gonna be a pain. But this is what I've been waiting for." He thought to himself, excitement filled him and though no one on the outside could tell he was rearing for a fight the only outward sign was that his sword hummed in his hand and that could be for multiple reasons. "Calm , θεριστής (reaper) we are not killing today."

".... Red eyes. Huh. Cool."
She muttered, tying her jacket around her waist and walking away from the wall, out to the middle of the arena, curling her fingers around the grip of her sword, then pulled her hair back out of her face, her blue staring unblinking as she stared, then got into her normal fighting stance, "Alright Come at me."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
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Sebastian raised and eyebrow, he wasn't typically the type to charge in he highly disliked not being able to assess the situation, but he ran at her plotting as he moved, "Stabbing is stupid if I miss I have too much momentum to react in a decent amount of time, a down slash will throw me off balance, side slash will be more effective but predictable. Looks like I'm doing this." Sebastian thought moving swiftly he altered his step still barely out of her swords range he took one hard step to alter his course shifting so he moved diagonally to her, he took another step to move in towards her right side bringing his sword from his left side to his right in a single hard swing.

Jason looked at the other boy including the one that had been punched. "No I haven't seen a so-called hero of the god fix a fractured nose before, still haven't. And what's with you and the word knave, seriously was that ass-kicking not enough? Anyways if it's a match you want get in line I already have one with Tania" he pointed his thumb towards his companion.

@BishopOfKings @Holo

The girl didn't react, just made one swift movement, her sword sailing through the air to block his attack, "A bit odd, I'll admit. But easily blocked as long as someone is paying attention." And with a single move, she swept her sword up and bonked Sebastian on the chin with the flat edge of her blade, then leapfrogged over him and swept her leg down, intending to sweep his feet out from under him.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
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Olivia Thomas sighs softly as she finally reaches the camp gateway, she glanced at her two companions before slowly making her way passed the archway. The three demigods had been on the run for over a month now and had finally managed to avoid their pursuers. Elizabeth glanced at her then at Damian who wore a smile on his face despite looking pretty crap with cuts and disheveled hair. "We finally made it..." He said as Elizabeth and him followed after Olivia who said nothing but pulled her hood up over her face as they walked into camp. At this point they had no idea what to do or who to look for unless someone came up to them.
Sebastian wasn't surprised that she had blocked his attack, but when he was smacked with the blade he looked thoroughly annoyed, remembering their agreement he held back his swords urge to swallow her in darkness, instead he focused on her next move. Stabbing his blade into the ground in front of his leg, Helena's kick was connecting with the flat of it. Sebastian then spun around quickly ripping the blade out of the ground as he spun and bringing it over his left shoulder, he swung with a ferocious force towards her sword arm. A glint of amusement in his eyes partially because he sound himself attacking from her side again and also because she was not disappointing.


Another blocked attack, but only barely. Damn, this guy is fast! she thought, breathing out, then rearing back, she spun and slashed with her sword, then jumped back and away from him. Well, I guess I'll just have to be faster. and with that, she narrowed her eyes and held up her sword, her narrowed eyes glinting, challenging him to come toward her. "Come on, this is a horribly slow dance..."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
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Cade stares at Masako and thinks back to a few days ago when he first turned into a sea monster. A huge lobster with destructive claws. He shivers as the thought of turning into it scared him. He looks to Masako and says " Does turning into a large lobster count?" Cade then looked at his hands scared of how his transformation can possibly scare people, he began to tremble at the thought but caught himself and then asked Masako " why is your power a secret?"

Sebastian's first action was to change the angle of his swing to deflect her slash. He smiled at the girl's comment, this one wasn't meant to be charming yet it was. "I didn't realize we were dancing my mistake." Sebastian advanced moving faster his sword looking like a blurred shadow as he spun it in his hand, a trick Sebastian thought of to disorient his opponent. It was then he struck stepping in using a series of slashes aimed at her chest followed by a decisive stab towards the bridge of her nose. Sebastian himself wondered how he had gotten to good, maybe because fighting often led to death...maybe that was his purpose to spread death, this thought perturbed him and he faltered on a downswing "I'm screwed." Was his only thought as he rushed to follow through with the attack making it sloppy yet fast. @explosiveKitten

Helena noticed him falter. "Fighting is much like a dance, isn't it?" With this, she lunged, twisting her arm to allow for the brunt of the attack to slice something non-vital. "Two or more partners," she slashed him across the chest, planted a foot on his gut and kicked him away, "Engaged in dance," she jerked her sword upward and slapped his hand with the flat of her blade, sending his sword flying out of his grip as he fell backwards, "Using swift, precisely calculated moves and steps," catching the sword by the blade, slicing up her hand but paying no mind to the blood dripping down the blade, she flipped it again, grabbed it by the hilt, and with both swords she pinned Sebastian down by crossing the blades over his neck, like scissors, "To come to the end of the dance..."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
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Kit rolled his eyes at Jason "I didn't get my "ass kicked"" he said adding air quotes around the last part. "You try fight a person when your blade passes through them." A smile went across his face "and about your second question, I call people knaves until they prove that they deserve to be called a warrior." He looked over his shoulder at Sebastian and Helena "Like that one over there, the girl is a warrior. The guy is still a knave, until he can truly fight like a warrior." He looked back at Jason and Tania. "Now you two get to fighting. I'd like to see if you two can possibly raise above the rank of knave." He looked over at Owen "And bro, find someone to spar with, your still a knave to me too." And with that Kit went at sat down in the stands.



"For the last time I can't fight with a sword! You know a prefer ranged attacking!" Owen said as Kit walked away. Owen sighed and looked at the two short blades, that formed into his bow, in his hands. He put the blades together and shirk the bow back to a storable size. "Hey, Jason do you know what your powers are?" He asked as the question popped into his head

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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