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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Addison walked awkwardly over to Celestia. "Do you think you could go easy on me? I'm terrible at sparring with swords or any weapons of any kind. I tend to stick to creating the weapons or hand-to-hand combat."

Absentmindedly Addie's hands began to heat up due to nerves, and on instinct and reflex she rubbed them on her pants, just as they lit on fire.

"Di Immortales! This happens too often!" She groaned patting her hands on the the -thankfully- fireproof pants and putting the flames out quickly.

"Sorry about that, but it only happens in sparring, which is why I stick to making things."

(@Opallies )
Celestia Celestia smirked in a slightly pretentious way as she watched the girl's pants blaze with fire, but honestly she felt mildly impressed with her new opponent. Wait, she thought, this girl can manipulate fire? If Celestia's main strength was with ice, well, this might be a hard time. Still, she didn't let her apprehensive interest in the demigod's ability show. Clearly she was a daughter of Hephaestus. And Khione and Hephaestus ... well, they definitely didn't mix. Nevertheless, the girl seemed awkward in a sort of cute way. "Ahaha ... well, we'll see what you can do. I don't know about going easy on you ..." she warned as she pressed her finger forcefully on the Stygian ice crystal on her ring. In only a moment it had grown into a long silver blade. The Stygian ice no longer showed, but Celestia knew that the center was made of it. It was much too fragile to work as the exterior of a sword.
Addison finally sensed the frosty air emanating from the girl she had partnered up with, and raised an eyebrow. Cold, Icy, there's only one main god/goddess that I can think of. Addie sighed realizing that she was a daughter of Khione.

That would only make things harder on her part seeing as fire and ice really didn't work well together. But the girl seemed pretty nice, and didn't look like she wanted to hurt her, too bad.

Addison smiled meakley in response to Celestia and pulled out a small ring and pushing the gem on the top of it. It transformed into a sleek sword. Addie's brother had made it specially for her so that her fire energy would course through-out it.

It made her feel more at ease, and at home with a weapon in her hand. (@Opallies )
Sebastian's face was passive as he watched Adrien walk away, he continued on his way to the arena, knowing she would be there eventually and being late already he didn't want to miss too much, "See you later" he thought walking past the cabins and to the arena. He reached it moments later sword in hand, and scanned the crowd seeing only a few people, a girl had a intriguing sword that had a strange ice center with the blade molded around it. The other girl who was opposite her activated her own ring which expanded into a sword with an oddly slim design yet it still appeared to be strong. He looked around for an opponent and instead of finishing a mental assessment he just called out. "Anyone want to face me?" Sebastian did this considering that in a real conflict he wouldn't always be able to assess an opponent let alone choose them. His red eyes looked over the group again waiting for a response.

Jason grabbed Tania's arm and hauled her towards the arena, "We're late and we need to get as much practice in as we can before we face our Titan opponents on the future. Shall we have round two or should I test my luck against a less flirtatious demigod?" He looked back at Tania a mischievous smile on his face. He slowed down as they reached the arena in time to hear a tall black haired boy call out a challenge, "Well he sure seems confident, I wonder who's kid he is and better yet who he will face."


Kit scoffed "It seems that nobody seems to deem you worthy to let you train them, nevertheless. I shall follow suit." He said as he walked by Bobert and stood near a giant huddle of demigods. "Any of you brave souls wish to test the steel of the Future Hero of the Gods?!" He shouted his hand placed readily on his sword hilt.



"Screw you Bobert" the though went through his head and almost out his mouth. Owen sigh and stood up, he would use a sword of theirs. He pulled the metal rod out of its small pouch along his belt. He held it in front of him and it quickly expanded into his bow. He grabbed the handle and twisted leaving him holding two distinct blades. "Just pretend like they're not swords and you'll do fine." He thought as he hurried to catch up to Kit. "I'm up for a bit of sparring... I guess." He said as the insects on his jacket moved into groups along his jacket covering his left arm and his left shoulder. "Not that good of a CQC fighter, but I'll do my best."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


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Jamie looked up at the girl who was smiling down at him, and stared, blinked once, then took her hand and pulled himself up to his feet, then ran his hand through his hair nervously, "Ahahaha, I'm perfectly fine, o course! No need for ya'll to worry! Ahahaha... Ha.." another awkward silence ensued. Then suddenly, he stuck out his hand and said, "howdy. I'm uhhh... I'm Jamie Davidson. Son of unidentified god."

(@LuckyANDKitty )


No sleep came to Helena. Of course not. She rarely slept anyway. But just being able to sit down and rest for a few minutes made all the difference to her. She abruptly sat up when she here there was sparring in the arena. SPARRING! Ooooo, I'm in the mood to beat up someone, LES DO IT! and so she grabbed her jacket, slipped her shoes on, and rushed out to the arena, to watch the sparring and hopefully get in on the action, should someone ask her to spar.
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Adrien shook Jamie's hand smirking at his discomfort. "Howdy Jamie, I'm Adrien. Daughter of Ares. I'm not typically this nice to people, but it's been a good summer." Adrien looked over to the Apollo cabin thoughtfully. "Well, mostly a good summer. So are you typically this awkward and all over the place, or is this a new thing?" She asked, shoving her hands into her jeans pockets.

(@explosiveKitten )

Carter snorted at the demigod Kit. "Well someone's quite full of himself." He muttered sitting in the stands, not wanting to participate in the sparring session down below.

"Ares... Like... Greek gods... Demigods... Right... This was explained to me less then a week ago... This is all still sinking in..." Jamie admitted, rubbing his head more, then looked at her at the "awkward and all over the place comment" and paused, then smiled and straightened up a little, "Ya, I guess. I'm shy farm boy, ya know. Haha.." More silence. "I spent more time talkin to the horses."

(... I ship it. @LuckyANDKitty)
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"Yeah, that's about right. I'm not on the best terms with my dad at the moment though, so I'm not really proudly flaunting the whole Ares kid title right now." She replied pretending not to notice the boy's awkwardness. "Farm boy, eh? I can't say I can relate entirely, but I do have a friend who's a farm girl, and I grew up in a pretty remote town. " (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
"Uh sis? He likes you as in wants to date you. He didn't give you those as a order for anything. Unless dates with you are in the menu." Anthony said with a nervous look on his face as he explained Thomas' motives.


Tania gave a laugh and then gently hit his shoulder. "Fine take the easy way out. Wuss." She started with a smile at Jason as they walked. She also noticed Sebastian and got a little nervous. "Smells like a death kid to me."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"Really, huh. Funny. Haha... Back home, we breed racehorses and provide safe pastures for retired horses that nobody wants anymore. You know, the oldies that can't run as fast as they used to. Most either get euthanized or are given to a pettin zoo or somethin. Which makes me sad, to be honest, cause the first option is literally death, and the second is possibly worse," he started to ramble, "ya know, old horses with arthritis and all that guff. They don't want lil kids climbin all over 'em. They'd probably prefer to just be in a big field where they can roam and graze and I'm ramblin on and on, aren't I? Haha... Sorry, um, I'm probably wastin your time..."
He played with his piercing with his tongue, a wierd nervous habit.

( Adrien and Jamie! It's cute! Look at him all sorts of nervous and awkward @LuckyANDKitty )
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"Woah boy, slow down there." Adrien laughed holding out her hands to stop Jamie's rambling. "You talk quite a lot when there's no one to stop you, don't you?" She asked raising an eyebrow at the lip piercing he was toying with. "You know, I've always been a fan of lip piercing. I really want to get one one of the days. Maybe I'll get a lip ring, snake bites really aren't for me." Adrien's face tinged red when she realized that she was now the one rambling.
Sebastian looked around to Kit when he asked for a challenge, he looked directly at the boy then disregarded him as a threat, "I'm not wasting my time with this fool, anyone ELSE wish spar?" He was really hoping to face someone who happened not to be a total buffoon. Out of the corner of his eye Sebastian noticed two more people enter and noticed a mixed scent of seawater and ozone. "Hmm odd couple." He murmured his under his breath his words dying before they reached any other ears.


Jason smirked at Tania, "Oh you got jokes huh. Fine I guess I will have a rematch with you." Jason noticed Sebastian as well and shuddered, "Death kid, Thanatos huh, hes actually death right Hades rules the underworld." He looked back and forth between Sebastian and Tania, "Either way we have work to do."


(Honestly I liked Adrien and Sebastian, she has the personality I intended Kid death to open up to. But of course what you do with your characters is up to you. Remeber KD is Bi. xD and then theres Jason+Tania)
Isara looked at him blankly and then laughed. "Oh come now brother you shouldn't joke with me like that!" After she finished laughing she smiled warmly at her brother "please like anyone would want to date me." She smiled and looked off into the distance remembering something. She flipped her hair and walked out of the cabin and down the steps. She looks up to the sky and whispers softly "There is no way that could ever happen, especially to me." She turns around to her brother and smiles. "Come on we should get to the arena, we can grab something on the way there." She smiled pushing her brother telekinetically. "Hop to it lazy bones or we are going to be late." She puts the rose back into place and continues onward.


(Yeah her inferiority complex runs deep xD She is a dense girl xD Also sorry for the wait I have a lot of homework to be done xD )
"But I'm not kidding?" Anthony said confused add he felt something start pushing him. He was really confused as to why she thought nobody would want to date her. "If you weren't my sister and if Thomas wasn't after you. I'd ask you out. I think you'd shut me down immediately though." Anthony said seeming disappointed.
Sebastian felt a jolt go up his spine as he sensed another demigod approaching with that dark aura of death, it was close to his but not close enough to make him think of a Thanatos child, "Hades then, could it be that girl?" Sebastian turned to the entrance of the arena and watched wanting to see just what the difference in power between him and a child of the underworlds overlord would be, and he intended to find out.


Helena looked around the arena, watching the kids sparring, but didn't offer to participate. Someone wanted to get beat up, they'd have to ask her first. So she trudged off to the side and sat down, leaning back on her hands and closing her eyes. She took in the smell of strawberries blowing in from the fields, listening to the sounds of nature, the clashing of weapons together. It all felt so normal, so... ordinary. Yet it was anything but.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
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Sebastian saw that it was in fact the girl that had passed him and Adrien earlier, he walked up to her his voice quite blunt. "I want to spar with you." Sebastian's sword radiated shadows that flickered oddly between the two children of the dark gods. He stood there his red eyes unafraid to meet her's since she would probably be able to resist the effects of his gaze. " You up for it?"


At first the black haired didn't react, then she turned her bright blue eyes up at the son of Thanatos and raised an eyebrow, Are you new here, or do you just have a death wish? She wanted to ask, but she didn't let the words slip out. Instead, she simply stood up after a pause and stretched, reaching her arms up to the sky, "Sure. I don't see why not... Are your eyes normally red?"

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
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"Ho!" Kit said as he drew his sword. "One does not insult the Future Hero of the Gods and get away from me without taking part in a duel!" He pointed the tip of his Katana towards Sebastian "So what is thine answer knave!" Kit's sword began to glow red and he began to smile.



"Oh sh*t" Owen thought as Kit insulted Sebastian. Owen walked over and sat behind Helena. "Hey." He said leaning forward. "You might have to wait a bit. Kit doesn't give up easily." Owen smiled "Plus it's funny to watch Kit get hurt. Owen set his bow down next to his seat and leaned back waiting to see the fight.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Holo said:
"But I'm not kidding?" Anthony said confused add he felt something start pushing him. He was really confused as to why she thought nobody would want to date her. "If you weren't my sister and if Thomas wasn't after you. I'd ask you out. I think you'd shut me down immediately though." Anthony said seeming disappointed.
Isara shook her head, really? No it's just pity. My brother is taking pity on his poor, weak, useless sister. I know I'm useless. Isara telekinetically pulled her brother next to her and released him. She turned to face Anthony. Isara put on a smile and tried her hardest to not sound hurt, "your too nice you know that? I don't deserve it. I don't think Thomas gave those flowers to me, but if it makes you feel better... I'll talk to him later today." Pulling her brother's cheek she smiled, she felt unconforable with the whole conversation. Trying to change the topic she skipped up and turned to face him "Come on we are already super late for the arena. By the way your cute and any girl would be lucky to have you!" She gives him a wink and walks onward heading toward food and then the arena.


(edited :P )

(Garrraaaah Internet! I swear if it crashes again I will scream! Sorry people -.-)


Pumpkakun said:
Cade took the blow to his shield but used more strength to block it at an angle to divert her sword away from him. and leaving her open. He decided to do a lunge at her stomach with the sword but to be safe he also tucked in his shield closer to his body to push out to stop any counterattacks
Masako smiled as she jumped back avoiding the lunge. "Great! Just remember to follow through on your attacks, I could sense you shift in weight from your shield knowing you were to defend while lunge. Try to comer your enemy make it harder for them to defend. Turn the tables on your enemy, surprise them, bring their focus off and their defense down." She flipped the sword around and smiled "you've got talent and the brains, lets see how far your skills go." She rand to the boy with her shield, as she got closer she flew the shield high up in the air and kicked the boy, or shield (I'm chill with either.) Without a split second she began to barrage him with a frenzy of slashes and punches.

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Sebastian's eyes got a dangerous look in them as his gaze went from Helena to the fool, he took a breath and let out an exasperated sigh. Without looking he spoke to Helena, "I'll be back shortly," Sebastian walked to the closest ring his sword fully engulfed in the shadows it emitted Sebastian's eyes looked to glow the darkness. "Well fool, you'd better hurry up I don't have all day to waste on you." He held his sword out in front of him in a typical one handed ready position.

Jason watched the altercation having his attention drawn away by the obnoxious boys voice, a couple people were watching the loud boy face off against the one Tania noted smelled of death. "I kinda wanna watch this, the shadowy one is no joke but the obnoxious one may have some surprises or should at least have some skill for all that smack talking. Jason grabbed Tania's hand and gently towed her over to the stands nearest the fight, he sat down and waved to the others spectating. "Hello, my names Jason a suspected son of Poseidon nice to meet all of you."

@BishopOfKings @anyone else in the area
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LuckyANDKitty said:
"Woah boy, slow down there." Adrien laughed holding out her hands to stop Jamie's rambling. "You talk quite a lot when there's no one to stop you, don't you?" She asked raising an eyebrow at the lip piercing he was toying with. "You know, I've always been a fan of lip piercing. I really want to get one one of the days. Maybe I'll get a lip ring, snake bites really aren't for me." Adrien's face tinged red when she realized that she was now the one rambling.

"R-really? My mother hates it. Thinks it mars my face. Ha... Hurt like hell, it did." He said, making a conscious effort to stop playing with the piercing. "Yeah, I've got a few different things for it, but I left them at home." He added, warming up to Adrien very quickly. She seemed nice enough. "Sooo umm... How do things work 'round here? I had no idea this place even existed a few weeks ago."

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