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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Masako smiled at the boy, no um, guy, his voice sounded to be about post adolescent, so maybe 17 or 18. She smiled and looked at him "I'm Masako, daughter of Nemesis. Ironic how my name means justice and I'm blind huh? I like your name, I think it's a nice play with mythology." She turned east and listened for the dog. Turning to the east she speaks "I hear some odd panting in that direction, small animal, it seems to be moving in a zig- zag pattern. Shall we go?"

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"Oh, Okay." Adrien replied with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast, Sebastian." She called back to him, before heading to the Ares cabin. Adrien's head was swimming with thoughts, as she crossed the pavilion, but her train of thought was rudely interuppted when she saw what the Apollo cabin had done to their boar head above the door... Again.

"Those little sun freaks are gonna pay for that." Adrien growled stomping into the cabin for lights out.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )

Anthony. Condition: Story telling.

"Fine since you doubt me I say we go to the cabin and try to jog my memory by telling stories about past quests." Anthony said not really worried about the Harpies as much as he was the fact that they were supposed to be getting some sleep. His magic usually got really out of whack when he didn't get enough sleep and next thing you know he accidentally turns something into a banana instead of a sword. "Besides I figure if I'm related to you that you should know something that I try my best to hide. So let's get going before something strange hap..." Anthony would have finished his sentence but Thomas tackled the living heck out of him.


Tania. Condition: Disappointed

"What oh come on don't worry about that stay here. I know that they never search this high so we're safe." Tania said trying to get him to stay up there with her since he seemed interesting. She didn't like him like him or anything she just thought he was interesting. For a man anyways which to her was surprising. "Did you know that the last two people who came up here were the last people to fight Gaea the earth mother. One was the supreme priest for the gods at the roman camp and the other used to be the cabin leader for the Aphrodite cabin." Tania hoped Anthony didn't have to walk past the Aphrodite cabin on his way to the Hecate cabin."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Isara surprised by the sudden tackle of her brother. She looked down at the both of them and sighed "Really one of these days you must tell me about the magnetic power you boys have that causes you to constantly collide with each other." She shook her head and yawned, hmm I must be more tired than I thought. She sighs the two boys "Thomas you should really pay attention to where your going. One day you might run into something that isn't quite pleasant." Her skin crawled as the light from the moon shone down upon them. She looks up at the moon and then steps over them to the stone cabin "well I guess we can postpone the night adventure for tomorrow. I have a ominous feeling from the moon. It's probably nothing at all, but just in case put up a barrier before you sleep. You don't want any nasty spells getting a hold of you.." She smiled and waved to the two of them goodnight "night you two, if you stay up all night at least do something spellbinding." She blows Thomas a kiss and enters into the cabin, get's ready and falls asleep.

(Now to figure out what to do with Masako, but that is for tomorrow)
"You got a nice name yourself." He said to her, smiling pleasantly at her, although he's sure she can't see it. "Well, I'm not quite sure if that's who I'm looking for." He said to her, knowing that his pet won't chase something small. He was about to say something else when he heard the conch horn sounding. "Well, I guess we'd have to postpone the search. We should go to bed now, would you like me to accompany you to your cabin? It's the least I can do." He said to her.
(Thank you @Sukiyaki )

Anthony and Thomas. Condition: Tired and ready for bed.

" I know where I'm going chéri." Thomas said with a smile and he seemed to be extremely excited when Isara blew him a kiss. Anthony however wasn't amused by the display of affection as he shoved the satyr off of him and then laughed at the flustered look on the satyr's face. " Seriously dude she's my sister. Come on man." Anthony said with a grin as he got up and brushed himself off before starting to walk towards the stone cabin. Thomas however seemed more fixated on the fact that Isara noticed him than he was tired or discouraged by the statement. " It's destiny man. I'll get her to love me just watch." Thomas said to Anthony who simply grinned and stopped right outside the door to the cabin and took a deep breathe. "Ok I'll warn her that she is destined to get a restraining order against you." Anthony said causing Thomas to frown and stomp off as Anthony went inside laughing rather loudly. He looked at Isara and started using his magic to try and for a barrier and did a miraculous job. The barrier was a visible one but wouldn't let anything through except for children of Hecate. Anthony then wrote a small note for in case Isara woke up before him and placed it on her pillow next to her.

Dear sis,

Hey sis I think that Thomas has the hots for you. I think you'd better watch out before he starts stockpiling things you like so he can rain gifts down upon you like stars in the sky. See you at breakfast.

P.S. Don't leave me behind! jeez people avoid me enough as is.

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CrimsonEclipse said:
"You got a nice name yourself." He said to her, smiling pleasantly at her, although he's sure she can't see it. "Well, I'm not quite sure if that's who I'm looking for." He said to her, knowing that his pet won't chase something small. He was about to say something else when he heard the conch horn sounding. "Well, I guess we'd have to postpone the search. We should go to bed now, would you like me to accompany you to your cabin? It's the least I can do." He said to her.
Masako smiled at him and nodded. "Thank you, I would like to say I know my way around, but I really don't." As he lead her to the Nemesis cabin she stepped into the doorway and politely bowed to him. "Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate you showing me back. I promise tomorrow we will find your dog." She gave him another nod and smiled at him "Good evening." She turned back into her cabin and went to sleep.
Guard Harpies

The three Guard Harpies made their way through the camp grounds screeching. "I smell demigods." One said. "Naughty children of the Gods!" the second one squawked. "Tasty midnight snack my sisters!" they chorused as they picked up speed.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Holo (Please get all of your characters in bed)
Jason was still frightened but calmed himself a bit, "I just have very bad experiences with harpies." Jason didn't like the fact that he had shown his fear so easily, in most myths he'd heard the heroes often had to conceal their fear if not for themselves then for others. He would have to work on his bravery, and everything else to measure up to these demigods or any others for that matter.


Sebastian stood at the door of the big house losing patience quickly, he raised his fists and knocked against the door again knowing from the spirits that the leader a certain centaur named Chiron was supposed to reside there. He was curious as to whether or not he had left or something. While he waited Sebastian thought back to when he left Adrien's company he remembered hearing something akin to disappointment in her voice, and did she say she wanted to see him again? The next day even? In any other case he would have thought she was just toying with him, but she didn't seem like the type of girl to do that, at least he hoped so.

@Noah @Nico ??
He smiled at Masako, leading her to her cabin. "Don't mention it. I really appreciate your help, see you tomorrow." He said to her, bowing back at her. He went back to his cabin, a huge smile on his face. He really didn't care if they find his pet, he just wanted to see her. "Hey Niwa." He said to hia brother as he passed him. He lay down on his bwd, smiling as he fwll asleep.

*Pound, Pound, Pound.* Chiron's eyebrows furrowed. What was a camper doing at this hour? The horn was sounded and the time to go to bed is now. The centaur stood up and walked to the door of the Big House, making clopping sounds and he approached. Chiron opened the large doors and gazed down at the camper who was knocking. "Sebastian..." Chiron spoke, clearly and with authority, "What do you need at this hour? You should be getting in bed." Chiron was concerned as this snippy child of Thanatos could not wait till the next morning. Perhaps the issue Sebastian had was urgent.
Sebastian looked up to Chiron both literally and figuratively, he had heard much about him from dead campers, but didn't quite expect this, and with all he had heard he still wondered about a Thanatos cabin. Not even some of the newer demigod spirits he'd come across mentioned one so he wondered if he should just bunk with the Hades kids, but of course Chiron didn't need to know all that, he just needed to tell Sebastian where he needed to go. "Where should I sleep, is there a Thantos cabin or will I be bunking with the hades kids?"

Jason and Tania had by this time gotten off the roof, he had heard her cabins door close when she entered and listened to the doors again when his closed. He was so tired he simply collapsed on his bunk and drifted off to sleep hoping tomorrow would be a better day than today.

"Thanatos Cabin ey?" Chiron muttered while rubbing his beard. "Oh yes...that cabin I still under construction. It will be built as an extension to the Hades cabin. I'm sure you will get along with the other Hades campers. Yes, you will have to room with them for how. There shouldn't be too many as Hades is part of the Big three." Chiron said as he gazed over the cabins. "Will that be all Sebastian? Otherwise you should be getting to bed. The night harpies are already out. " Chiron conjured up a small amulet. It is wooden and in the shape or a flat circle. Here take this, it is a pass of sorts so that senior demigods and harpies walking around will know not to....confront you." Chiron said as he handed it to Sebastian.
Sebastian looked to Chiron taking the pass, "Thank you. I'll go to the hades cabin then." With that Sebastian turned and stepped into the night disappearing from sight and other senses just by stepping I some shadow, again seeming to disappear from existence, he blended into the night being undetected even when he entered the cabin and laid to sleep , he dozed off not to awake form it till hours later.

When Bobby had signaled curfew, he went into the Hypnos cabin and delivered Noah a message. Doing what was told, he projected his mind to Chiron's mind in sleep. "I have the names of those selected to be on the quest. Tell them they must do their morning businesses then get breakfast. There is a meeting for them at the arena so they must bring their meals there." Chiron said to Noah. Nodding his head, he disapparated from the dream.

Noah one by one sent a message into everyones dream. If one was dreaming of ponies, one would appear with the message in hand. Others might have gotten a manifestation of Noah, telling them what they must do. For the new campers, Jason (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira ) and Cade (@Pumpkakun ) Noah's conscience appeared personally.

"Hey new guys. Enjoying camp? Well, things are about to get more.....interesting for you. As you know, there is about to be war with the titans. And you guys along with others have been selected to go on a quest. How exciting." Noah said to them in their dreams. Despite looking more awake in dreams, Noah still spoke and acted tired and unenthusiastic. "Quests are given to campers that can give them...sorta like renown and display heroism etc. etc. You must do this quest as it is of high importance. Do your daily morning business, and come to the mess hall to get breakfast, located here." In the dream, Noah caused an aerial view of Camp with them directly over the mess hall. "Take your breakfast and please head over to the arena. You will be briefed there. Now you may return to your regularly scheduled dreaming." Upon that, Noah de-materialized from Cade and Sebastian's dreams.

All right guys, time skip. It is in the morning and you may post your character waking up, reactions, getting breakfast etc.
Niwa arose the next morning his face showing a grumpy look. He had received the dream from Noah and wasn't surprised at all, there had to be a reason he was told to come to camp, when he could be home in the Underworld running errands for Thanatos, his master oh how he hated calling him that. But he was his assistant and that's what he had to call him, Greek customs and all that shit. He took a quick shower and came out dressed in a black and white striped shirt and blue jeans. His sword was clipped on his belt and he slipped on his boots. He looked around the cabin and saw that his brother was still sleeping, but there was one person he didn't recognize. He narrowed his eyes and sighed before standing up on the chair and bangs his sword against a shield "Rise and shine cupcakes!"
Owen awoke as noise from the other Apollo kids spread to his ears. He groggily sat up and rubbed his eyes before finally getting out of his bed to brush his teeth and freshen up. A few minutes later he stepped out of the cabin, still exhausted. He made his way into the mess hall to see kit already sitting at a table scarfing down a mountain of eggs and bacon. He walked over and snatched a bacon off his plate. "Im guessing you got the memo last night as well, or am i making a bad assumption?" "Mmrfp Mmmrg Mmmnh" "Swallow" Kit swallowed a mouthful of eggs. "I said that morsel was future property of my stomach." "Tell you stomach I'm sorry, but I'm hungry. Anyways… did you get the memo?" "Yes the Great Hero of the Gods did receive the notice from the sleepy one." "Can you cut the hero talk… its too early." And with that Owen shuffled over and got himself a thing of fruit. "Fine, i'll talk normal for once." "Thank you *yawns* Why do we have to be awake at this ungodly hour." Owen said as he walked back over to Kit. "They do know i prefer to sleep until noon." Kit chuckled a little. "Dude wake up. Its not gonna kill you to spend a few more hours awake. Also you do realize you sound like Noah." Owen shuttered at the mention of Noah's name. He appeared in his most common nightmare last night as a pile of bugs… that were trying to eat him. "Yeah whatever…. Come on lets hurry to the arena." "Very well, my companion." Owen pinched the bridge of his nose as Kit began to speak in his regular fashion. They started walking over to the arena with breakfast in hand. "I wonder how many people Noah had to inform… I mean i heard chatter about this whole titan war think from other campers, but to think we're gonna be apart of it… Its crazy." "Your over thinking this my dear brother, It is a great honor to be selected to prove ourselves as heroes to the gods!" The two demigods stepped into the arena where Chiron stood waiting. "Ho! How does the Great Trainer of Heroes fair today!" Kit said in his bombastic tone. Owen meanwhile sat down in one of the seats wanting only to listen and eat his breakfast.
Cade awoke from his dream nervous. He had just came to this camp, barely met anyone and barely got any training. Now he is selected for a war? He went over to the mess hall and gathered meats, fruits and vegetables unto his plate with a giatn water bottle and starts heading to the arena. He notices Kit and Owen walking and decides to follow them hopefully leading him to the arena. After reaching the arena he sits farther away but still close enough to hear and quietly begins his breakfast.
White curtains concealed the morning sunlight that struck the windows of the Khione cabin. Its walls were white as well and it was decorated with delicate, small icy blue snowflakes. It was always abnormally cold in the Khione cabin - whether because it was made that way or because of the gathered offspring of the goddess of snow in one place, Celestia never knew.

When her eyes fluttered open at last, her internal clock rousing her from her sleep, she noticed that none of her cabinmates had awoken. The message from one of the sons of Hypnos - Noah, she thought was his name - rolled back into her consciousness. The Titans. Sighing, she curled back up into a ball and pulled the sheets, light blue with white snowflakes, to her chin. It didn't provide warmth, but it did provide comfort. Who knew how many days she would have left to stay curled up in bed for another fifteen minutes? Based on Chiron's announcement the previous evening, the leisure of her life, limited though it was, was quickly disappearing. She shut her eyes and tried to fall asleep once more, but her mind was racing.

After ten minutes, the sounds of her cabinmates waking up began to develop, and within another five minutes Celestia rose to her feet, stretching and yawning. After a quick shower, she pulled on her orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and light gray jogging shorts. She didn't bother to brush her light fuchsia hair. She greeted one of her younger brothers with a terse "Hello," although on most days it would have been more cheerful than that. Stress weighed her down. The problem really was serious if Chiron was to meet them again in the training arena.

The wood nymphs were very busy at the dining pavilion - darting to the campers and then away, while the half-bloods were not even to sit down to eat - just to take it to the arena. One of the nymphs offered her a croissant sandwich with egg and sausage, and Celestia took it hungrily before heading to the training arena and taking a seat, her ears perked.
Isara woke up, her hair floats around as her telekenetic powers rest back into her body. So the titans are rising again. Interesting. I wonder what my quest will be. I hope it is something where I can use my skills, to the fullest. She smiled and looked over at her brother and smiled warmly as she noticed he was still asleep. She slowly turned to get out of bed and saw the note on the pillow. "Oh what's this?" She picked up the note and read it. As she finished she looked up at her brother and smiled. Oh he is just too cute, I am so lucky to have such a adorable brother. She got up and got ready, then looked at her brother who was still asleep. She looked down at her brother and smiled "hey wake up Anthony." As he didn't wake up she got irritated. "Anthony wake up, come on don't make me pour water on your head." Isara sighed and a glass of water floated over and hovered above him. She let a few droplets trickle down onto her brother's forehead. "Come on Anthony wake up now, we have breakfast to eat and mission to fulfill." She hoped this would wake him up, since she really didn't want to wake him up any more rudely


Masako had experienced the dream as well. Afterwards she woke up, got ready and meditated for a while. She contemplated the pros and cons of the action she should take. As she reached a conclusion she got up and walked out of her cabin. She looked up at the sky and gave a little prayer to her mother"Let justice be my guide today and retribution be given to those who deserve it." Masako pulled out her cane and began to walk down the path to the mess hall. The camp was kind enough to provide her with a braille map of the camp so she would know where she is going. She arrived at the mess hall and got a balanced breakfast. She sighed as she turned around, found a seat and ate most of it. Afterwards she picked up the apple she had for breakfast and slowly got up. She used her cane to maneuver out of the hall and down the path towards the training arena.

(open to anyone :) )
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Jason awoke to the sound of a bubbling fountain, he hadn't remembered hearing it last night, but then again he was thoroughly exhausted. "Maybe that's what caused that weird dream.....wait no that was Noah and I don't give myself life instructions in my dreams, otherwise a lot of situations would have been avoided. Better do what he says." Jason hopped out of bed and washed up, brushing his teeth, straightening up his locks and getting dressed. He rolled out of his cabin wearing his a beep blue version of his favorite hoodie with a light blue t-shirt under, his fitted jeans, blue jordans and of course his chrome watch. He also had on his earrings and bracelets. When he walked out he had hoped to see someone he knew, but as he looked around all he saw was a few people headed to the arena. "So they got the memo too, well better catch up." Jason walked towards the Zeus cabin an knocked on the door wondering if Tania had already left she was his only friend so far and he wanted to have someone to talk to. "Hey Tania you still in there, come on its time to get up."

Skylar sat up abruptly, jerking awake and lifting her hand to her forehead, rubbing it to soothe its mysterious soreness. It took several moments for her to notice one of her older brothers, age 18, standing over her with a pan in his hand. "Get up, sleepyhead," he told her, grinning.

She rolled her eyes and complied, getting to her feet and simpering as her brother sauntered off to torment someone else. He was surely a troublemaker, but that wasn't surprising for a Hermes kid. However, as she glanced around, there seemed to be a sense of urgency within the cabin. They were talking to one another in austere tones, and their eyes, most of them a shade of blue like Hermes's, were dark and grim. It was then that she noticed a slip of paper on her pillow. Tentatively, she picked it up and perused it carefully. A quest. Without meaning to, she shuddered. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Was she ready for this kind of thing?

Biting the inside of her cheek, Skylar hastily donned her black sleeveless vest over a navy blue noodle-strap tank top along with jeans and black and white converse sneakers. Her light gray cap, decorated with a black ribbon, remained on her bunk. It was supposedly a "magic item" bestowed upon her by her dad, but honestly it wasn't very useful at all. If she was lucky, it would grow wings and allow her to fly a short distance, but most of the time it just gave her a major headache and refused to get off her head unless she put tons of effort into prying it off. Her mind wandered back to the situation at hand. She hated to admit it even to herself, but she felt incredibly nervous. She had never been on a quest before. She released her stress on the note that had been given to her, crumpling it into a ball and hurling it at the ground, before exiting the cabin.

It took several minutes to find a wood nymph who was available to give her breakfast before she would have to head to the training arena. Although she had suffered a delay, the breakfast was meager anyway. No time to request the food herself, as she was already late. She was given only a tray with plain oatmeal and a glass of orange juice. "Thank you so much," she told the nymph earnestly with a grateful smile. The petite wood nymph smiled back in delight and scurried off to assist other half-bloods, and with a wave of farewell Skylar headed to the arena with her breakfast, taking one of the only available seats left near the back. Luckily it hadn't begun. Maybe she would have someone to converse with before Chiron began his announcement.
Anthony. Condition: Annoyed and wet.

"Huh? GAH! HEY!" Anthony yelled as he sat up exceptionally fast the water in the pitcher freezing. "Hold it!" Anthony said looking irritated he then stopped as he heard some very odd noises outside. He got up and started his usual routine of getting dressed and getting a shower. when he was finally finished he came out with a shirt that said Hephaestus' hand-grenades. He heard yet more noise outside and this time he finally went to check it out. when he came back he was holding a large amount of flowers and a small card. I warned you."

Dear Isara


Love, Thomas


Tania. Condition: Barely awake.

"What? Ugh I don't want to get up. Do NOT come in!" Tania said slipping out from under her blanket as the cold air touched her skin. She loved being free to do or wear whatever in her cabin because it was empty. She walked over to a small water basin in the corner and washed her sleep away real quick. she could feel the cold air running across her stomach and calves. "Give me a minute to get dressed." She said before starting to get on a different pair of black jeans and a white shirt that simply said. "Wanna fight about it?" on the front. She slipped on a wool coat and a smile before opening the door and walking out in flipflops.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Thomas. Condition: anxious.

"What if she hates them? Or if she has allergies?" Thomas asked himself pacing back and forth in front of the Hecate cabin holding the large bundle of tulips and roses and lavender. "What should I have put on the card?" Thomas thought for a second before hearing the door open. Thomas thanked the gods that Anthony had come out first. Thomas handed him the flowers and the poorly written card before taking cover in a nearby bush and giving Anthony a thumbs up. "Good luck try to help me out with a solid."

Addie had woken earlier than the other campers, getting a very light breakfast shoved into her tight nit schedule, before heading to the arena with a few of her siblings to fix the damage the two Big Three kids had caused yesterday. "Hey Addie, do you know exactly what happened yesterday?" Her brother Malcolm asked working on the arena ceiling. How that had gotten damaged? She hoped she'd never find out. "I don't know, and I don't want to know Mal. Now can we hurry up and get this finished? I want to head to Bunker 9 before assignments, and ASAP." "New project?" Her sister asked smirking. "Always."

Adrien dashed out of the Apollo cabin, skillfully dodging lyrical curses, and ran to catch up with Sebastian. "Hey Sebastian." She panted, smoothing her hair down. "Whatcha been up to? I saw that you're staying with the Hades kids until your cabin is built eh?" (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
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Isara laughed lightly at Anthony's reaction. She stopped the water from pouring on his head as he got up. While he was getting ready she was cleaning her side of the room. What a funny reaction! I'm going to do that every morning from now on. She smiled as she finished making her bed. She noticed Anthony walk out, hmm that's odd I wonder what caught his attention? She watched him walk back in with a bouquet of flowers. Sitting on the bed she was surprised as he handed them to her, "wait, these are for me?" She gently took the flowers from him and pulled out the card. She tried to stifle a giggle as she read, it was so short and simple and very cute. She looked up at her brother and shook her head in disbelief. She got up and placed them on her desk top.

"The people here are so kind, this is the 4th perfume order I have gotten since I came here." She motioned to the other flower arrangements she had on her desk "he didn't tell me what he wanted, but I assume it's a cologne of some sort. I swear somebody must have told people that I am a licensed apothecary. I don't mind the work, but I'd prefer to make a nice poison over a perfume." She smiled and looked at the bouquet and picked up a rose, cut it and put it in her hair. Taking one won't hurt, plus they are so lovely. She turned to her brother and smiled. "So are you ready for breakfast and the arena? I'm so excited about our missions! What do you think they will be? Do you think we'll be working together?" Isara's mind was completely focused on what her mission would be.

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