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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Anthony. Condition: Exhausted.

Anthony rubbed a fresh bump on his head that he had earned from a earthborn. He had amnesia but it wouldn't last long if he got some rest and a few clues. "I would be much more confident if I could remember something." Anthony said with a frown as the bump on his head ached.

Tania. Condition: Agitated.

"Poseidon. Figures.... Men." Tania said with a annoyed look on her face as she started walking towards the arena. The camp had a colosseum that was used for chariot races and the occasional sparring match. Tania had been born a Amazonian and was raised that way until she had left.
Jason followed a bit confused, he sheathed his sword and picked up his bags in one hand following Tania, "Uhm did I do something wrong? Seriously you kinda just flipped, *snaps fingers* like that." He was a bit concerned, this was the only person that had said more than a few sentences to him that didn't pertain to titans or the camp as a whole and he didn't want to lose her just yet.

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Isara looked at him "you mean you don't remember anything. Oh my! Do you have amnesia? Did something happen?" Isara was genuinely worried, she didn't know why, but she wanted to help. Isara thought for a moment, "well I don't know much about restoring memories. I could create false ones but not restore them. hmmm what to do. Well how about we walk around the camp, I've heard you've been here since you were ten. Something must jog your memory, we only need to trigger it." Isara smiles at him. She truly didn't know if it could help, but they could at least try.
Cade started to walk after Jason and Tania but notices the large lake near camp and decides that what's on ot would interest him more than the sparring match of Jason and Tania. He went down to the lakes shore and decides to go for a swim. He takes off his shirt and throws it on top of a rock. He walks into the water and wades in it looking down for any signs of life.

( I kinda don't know what to do so Cade's open to any interactions.)
Adrien walked around the camp aimlessly twirling a small silver disk in and out of her fingers in a weaving pattern. It was a trick her step-dad had taught her while he was still trying to win her over. Her mind was still racing around with the thoughts of what Chiron had said at their meeting. As much as every cell in her body was constantly raging for a fight, going against Titans was not what Adrien had in mind.
Tania. Condition: Livid.

"It's not you. Just your father nearly drowning me." Tania said looking at Jason with a annoyed look on her face. She had told Poseidon that she couldn't swim but the guy just hadn't listened. "I told Poseidon I couldn't swim but he didn't listen. Instead he capsized my boat to test my skill."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Anthony. Condition: Depressed.

"It's coming back very slowly. I remember my mother saying I was her least favorite child." Anthony said with a frown before some of his old self started to sink in again. He put his hand out to his side and said one mumbled word. After saying that one word a cloud of must formed and then dispersed with a loud would howl. A wolf stood next to Anthony looking extremely proud of itself. "I also just remembered that I have no reason to care what she likes or thinks."

Jason looked at p Tania a "Say what" look on his face, " One we don't know if he's really my dad, I mean I've never done anything .......spectacular.....with water?" Jason slowed images of his fight with the harpies flashing through his mind. All he saw was the crushed figure of a harpy in a large orb of water just before it became dust. Jason was disturbed by this and it showed on his face a bit obscured by his helmet, but there. "Either way I'm sorry about that, didn't know gods did that, maybe he was giving you a message or challenge like "Learn" or something I dunno." He picked up the pace getting closer and closer to the arena in front of them.

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Isara looked at the boy sadly, "Oh, I'm sorry." She had always thought the 7th son would be beloved by Hecate. It has been told that 7th sons are the most powerful in magic. She hadn't met her mother, but she had gotten many letters from her. To her, her mother seemed like a kind woman who cared for all her children. Her mom even sent her a congratulations letter for coming to camp and that was only yesterday. She felt bad, have I been given special treatment? She dropped the thought as it passed by no, and if so it is only because I am the weak link. She watched him summon a wolf and smiled. She felt a twinge of pain as he said that he had no reason to care about her, she was her mother too and she loved her. She shook the feeling off and pointed at the wolf "that's impressive, so your speciality is summoning?"

Tania. Condition: Smarta**.

"Listen he's your dad. Look at your shield. Trident of Poseidon." Tania said tapping Jason's shield with her spear and she gave him a slight shock through the metal. She then stepped into the arena and looked at Jason expectantly. "Well waterboy let's get started."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Anthony. Condition: Neutral.

"It is and so are barriers. I can do everything else just without the control. Power is not the problem." Anthony said placing both hands together so the barrier shattered visibly. He then shrugged his bag onto his shoulder and got a far off look. "Hey I remember one time I had a camp councilor breathing down my neck because I had changed the mines around the ares cabin into mushrooms."

Isara was surprised, she knew he was powerful but he didn't notice that power isn't only a fraction without proper control. She smiled at him "I'm more of a mist kid, the others I can control, but they aren't very powerful." As he continued to talk about his past, Isara looked at the kid and smiled, she was glad he was remembering stuff. "I see, you are a troublemaker aren't you?" she smiled at him. She herself wasn't much of a trouble maker. She caused her own ruckus here and there but nothing she could get in trouble for, al leas nothing she couldn't alter with false memory or two. She smiled at some of the memories, especially the ones during Halloween.
Jason jumped when he felt the shock go through him, gritting his teeth behind his helmet. "Waterboy...seriously?" He dropped his bags and unsheathed his Kopis and leveled it over his shield. He then advanced swinging hard from the right, keeping his shield up, between his neck and his shin covering his body while poised to dodge a stab or slash. That was the difficult thing about fighting an opponent who also has a shield, they can almost always match you, he just hoped she didn't use her powers, since he didn't have knowledge of his it would be easy for her to win.

Sebastian coalesced into normal space stepping out from the edge of a large tree's shadow, the dragon under it stirred and glared at him Sebastian returning his glare his red hot eyes burning through the beasts eyes literally gazing at its soul. With a shudder it went back to lazing under the tree Sebastian stumbling towards the camp below his black blade bouncing on his hip as his steps fell heavily against the earth. Many spirits he had spoken to had been residents at this camp, demigods of all kinds telling him the layout and secrets as well as strategies used in war games. At one point he felt the fatigue on such a level that his legs buckled. He quickly propped himself up against a tree seeing a big red barn style house. "The big house huh, not as impressive as I thought it would be." He continued walking meandering around camp in a daze until he found himself in the middle of the woods. Exhausted to the point where he couldn't even force himself to move he slumped against the tree and slid down the trunk until he sat against it facing the edge of the woods. He figured that since he was in the boundary of the camp would be safe...right? Still conscious of the possibility of danger he stayed semi-conscious a hand on his sword and the other in shadows.

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Adrien turned and made her way to the woods of the camp for some quiet, and a chance to practice her fighting away from the other campers.

Her face was flaming with anger from an encounter with a cocky Apollo who had tried to put a rhyming curse on her. She had only gotten a good distance into the woods when she noticed a demigod slumped against a tree. "Hey, you all right?" She approached the guy cautiously, not missing his hand resting on the sword at his side.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
"Hey, you all right?"

At the question Sebastian's eyes snapped open, his body spurred into action and before he realized what he was doing his hand unsheathed the sword, while the other wrapped the girl in shadow, it was quick in painless as he arm followed through with a swing decapitating the girl quietly and absorbing her body into the shadow. That's when he looked down and saw the girls head had the face of his mother.

Once again Sebastian's eyes snapped open and he took in a sharp breath. He looked at the girl standing before him and then the floor for some odd reason checking to see if there was a severed head rolling around in the dirt. Glad to se there wasn't one he attempted to rise, placing a hand weakly against the trunk of the tree he sat agaisnst he rose to his feet, "Sneaking up on me is very dangerous girl. Could even be the death of you." He smiled at his own joke before leaning heavily against the tree. "And no, I'm not alright I've had the worst couple days of my life and they don't seem to be getting any better. Though you are kinda cute." Sebastian's red eyes locked on hers and they bore into her soul, literally and he could say he liked what he saw, but that was on,y more of a reason to keep her away from him, he didn't want to speed up that death clock above her pretty little head.

"Gods d*mmit Kit!" The phrase echoing through Owen's head as he continued walking along the sidewalk towards Camp Half-blood. His hand instantly went to the bridge of his nose as Kit walked behind him in full armor swinging his sheathed sword around like a idiot, with his arm around some random foreign dudes shoulder. "That's when i set off across the giant continent known as Canada in a valiant quest to recover the ancient sword of my ancestors!" Owen heard Kit say behind him making wild gestures with his sword hand. He shook his head as his step-brother continued to tell the story that he had heard about a million times. He glanced back to look at Kit and let out a small chuckle as he knew that Kit looked like a crazy eskimo in his armor to people who weren't demigods. Owen glanced up and realized they were getting close to the Camp and stopped walking. He grabbed Kit's shoulder and looked at the foreign dude "Sorry but we have to get going, you have a nice day." He said gladly as Kit had finally shut up. The man quickly hurried off and Kit turned to look at Owen. "Bro, What nefarious beast has put you into suck an annoying mood. I was just arriving to the part of My tale where I bravely and valiantly fought through an army of 50 foot tall Cyclops!" "Last time it was only 12 Cyclops!" "Details do not matter, for when the bards sing of my courageous adventure they shall pay heed to all the great details of my Jo-" "Thats great Kit, now can we please get to Camp?" Kit crossed his arms "Very well knave you shall have your wish." And with that he set off for the top of the hill. Owen sighed "What am i gonna do with you." he said as he followed behind Kit as he hurried to the top of the hill. Owen felt something crawling along his neck and he glanced down. The infected in his jacket had started to come out as Owen had become more stressed. "Not now guys, I'm fine… Its just Kit." He said as the bugs started wriggling their way back into his jacket. He looked up and realized Kit wasn't anywhere in sight. He quickly hurried to the top of the hill and saw a small dust cloud sprinting to wards the Colosseum. "Dear Gods Kit, you couldn't wait?!" He said as he began to hurry down the hill.


Kit couldn't contain his excitement. He ran full steam towards the arena knowing that something was going on. As he arrived at the entrance he looked back and saw Owen beginning to run down the hill. "Silly knave. Only a Legendary Hero could out preform a Warrior of the Gods." He said to himself as he walked into the Colosseum. He came up to the other demigods and shouted "Greetings fellow future legends! What actions led to the duel you fine warriors of the gods to battle at each other with such vigor!" Kit looked over his shoulder and saw that Owen had only made it to the cabins. "If he keeps at it like that then he'll never become a true hero like me!" He turned his attention back to the other demigods. "So do you have an answer for me knaves?!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Anthony. Condition: Happy.

"I have been known to cause a little trouble every so often." Anthony said with a grin as he thought about how he had messed with a hunter on the way there. He did cause trouble every so often but his pranks were usually innocent and funny. He saw Tania walking towards the colosseum with a guy and Anthony started running to watch from a seat.


Thomas. Condition: Tired

He ran after a kid and chased them into the camp boundry so the kid would be safe. A hellhound was in hot pursuit and stopped to prepare it's pounce as Thomas stood just by the strawberry fields. "Ugly little thing aren't you?" Thomas asked pulling his staff into his hands to fend the creature off and destroy it. He could see a boy up by the big house but wasn't worried about one hellhound. So he ignored his departure to dodge a pounce by the monster.


Tania. Condition: Just warming up.

"You heard me." Tania said starting her usual weird dancing fighting style. She moved in fast but rolled right at the last second before standing up to kiss him on the cheek. Her favorite tool was mind games and as such she used distractions that would shock people. She jumped away from Jason quickly with a wild look in her eyes but she knew she was in control. Then some fool interrupted sounding like shakespear in the park. "Buzz off kids I'm testing the newbie."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]"Hey, you all right?"
At the question Sebastian's eyes snapped open, his body spurred into action and before he realized what he was doing his hand unsheathed the sword, while the other wrapped the girl in shadow, it was quick in painless as he arm followed through with a swing decapitating the girl quietly and absorbing her body into the shadow. That's when he looked down and saw the girls head had the face of his mother.

Once again Sebastian's eyes snapped open and he took in a sharp breath. He looked at the girl standing before him and then the floor for some odd reason checking to see if there was a severed head rolling around in the dirt. Glad to se there wasn't one he attempted to rise, placing a hand weakly against the trunk of the tree he sat agaisnst he rose to his feet, "Sneaking up on me is very dangerous girl. Could even be the death of you." He smiled at his own joke before leaning heavily against the tree. "And no, I'm not alright I've had the worst couple days of my life and they don't seem to be getting any better. Though you are kinda cute." Sebastian's red eyes locked on hers and they bore into her soul, literally and he could say he liked what he saw, but that was on,y more of a reason to keep her away from him, he didn't want to speed up that death clock above her pretty little head.


Adrien furrowed her eyebrows watching the young man. "I wasn't sneaking up on you. I came out here to practice and let off steam." Her face tinged a faint pink at him calling her cute, but she brushed it off not letting herself dwell on the comment. Adrien broke eye contact with the guy not liking the sensation she got when his eyes had bore into hers. "So what are you doing out here?" She asked leaning against a tree. She acted casual, but her body was still alert and aware of the slightest movement around them. Everyone knew that monsters sometimes found their way into the woods.
Niwa sighed and ran a hand through the inky black hair "Only four, Prometheus and his brothers" he sighed. He looked at his brother with calculating eyes "Some demigods need to go on a quest to get the sickle before the titans get it. It's our only chance of defeating those titan scum." he snorted distastefully. "I think you should try to find your pet before some demigod tries to kill him." He said shortly before heading to the Arena to let out some steam. He made his way into the archway of the arena when he heard someone calling some of the fighters, knaves. Oh how he dared the kid to call him a knave. That wouldn't go over very well. He drew his sword it seemed that the shadows of the arena were sucked into it. "Anyone want to fight?" he said with cold black eyes.
Addison was wary of the wary of the group of demigods on the other side of the arena. They were being quite loud, and it was distracting her from testing her newest items from the forge. If she wasn't immune to fire she was almost certain that she would have burned herself like 5 times by now.

She looked over a silver pocket watch that was about the size of her palm, and set it to a certain time before pushing the top to open the watch.

The little pocket watch transformed into spear with electricity sparking off the ends. "Oh, well that needs to be fixed... Or does it?" Addison placed herself a training dummy and got in stance to test the weapon.
Jason blinked confused, the girl was ridiculously fast, she had completely avoided his strike and gotten in close enough to kiss his cheek. That led to another thing that flustered him, the girl had KISSED him when they were SPARRING . Jason looked the girl over and noted that she was pretty attractive which made ideas of reveng in his head so much sweeter. "Two can play at that game sparky." Jason deactivated his shield and helmet, and dove forward ony to stop due to a boys absurd comment. He looked at Tania confused, "Did he just call us knaves?" Jason's attention was redirected again when another boy stepped up asking to fight, " You know what just hop in, well fight smash bros style."

Sebastian looked down at the ground when the girl broke eye contact, it wasnt his fault his gaze bore into souls, it was difficult for him not to, but no one would understand that. "I could ask you the samr thing, but of course youve already answered. He tried to stand up straight but was way to tired. "Well Im a bit tired after shadow traveling over three hundred miles in less than twenty-four hours so I'm trying torest simply because I cant really move." He smiled at the girl, his "Signature smile" as his mother had called it. She always said he was very charming even if it was sometimes a dark allure. "My name is Sebastian by the way. Whats yours?"

@LuckyANDKitty @BishopOfKings @Nico
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Azrael chuckled at his brother's comment. "They probably will, but they'll get slobber instead." He said as his brother walked away. They didn't know each other before they went to camp, but they are pretty close, or at leas it seemed that way to Azrael. He went over to the woods, thinking that his pet was there. Mr. Kerfaffle, why did he gave his hell hound that name?, was really a handful, but he's sweet and playful, a little too playful actually. He knows that the old campers won't hurt him, but the newer campers might think he's an enemy. "Mr. Kerfaffle!" He called out, hoping only his pet can hear him.
Adrien snorted at the fact that even though he was completely worn out, he was still had enough energy to be overly charming with a smile. "I'm Adrien, Adrien Crowe. So are you new to camp, or have you been here before?" She sat down on the ground him with her legs crossed indian style. "Also, do you need Ambrosia, nectar, or anything like to get your strength back up? I can help you to the Big House if you do." She returned her own charming smile cocking her head to the side.
Isara followed her brother, and watched the events go on. She laughed out right laughed when Jason froze from the kiss. She was almost rolling on the ground, "Okay that is not funny. Just he froze." She laughed and then sat up straight and turned to her brother "Okay, I needed that , so what do you want to do now?"

(sorry short. Not much to say -.-)
Kit laughed slightly "testing? My dear since when do you ever test?." Kit shrugged his shoulders. "Regardless, as much as my sword hand wishes to take part in this battle, I would rather take to the stands and witness the Knaves first loss." He turned and started up the stairs. "Shame the lady is in the fight, instead of bearing the grapes for the hero of the gods to dine off of!" He sat down and looked down at the two demigods. "Well now carry on! All who wish to take part can." And with that Kit kicked his legs up onto the seat in front of him and watched.


Owen stood in the middle of the cabin area catching his breath. "I-I really should've followed up on training..." He said as he finally was able to breath again. He looked around and noticed a slight tension in the air. He shrugged it off remembering Kit was at the Colosseum... And was probably causing trouble. He quickly hurried into the Arena and heard the end to Kit's conversation. "Shame the lady is in the fight, instead of bearing the grapes for the hero of the gods to dine off of!" He glanced at the fighters in the arena and noticed Tania was apart of the crowd. He didn't know her very long, but he knew she had an easy to get on bad side. "Kit you moron." He thought as he leaned against the wall of the Arena. His bugs began to buzz around him. "It's only Kit. Calm down you guys." He said to the insect, but they continued to crawl and buzz around and on him. He sighed and walked out of the shadows so he could see the fight.

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