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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

"Actually, I'm new but thanks to hundreds of spirts I know this place better than most, youd be surprised how many secrets lie here, and Id rather not go like this, if anything a bit of time will give me the strength to walk there. " Sebastian sat down letting out an exhausted sigh. "So Adrien, how long have you stayed here in this lovely camp?"

Addison snorted as the girl kissed her sparring partner on the cheek, catching him off guard. She set down the spear she had been working on -deciding to keep the electricity apart of the design-, and grabbed a sword to practice her fighting technique. If it was up to her she would never fight and just make the weapons for everyone else, but tinkering wouldn't save her in the long run. Addie noticed more demigods filling in, and decided to join the group.

"Oh, I know quite a few of this camp's secrets, but others I'd rather be left in the dark about." Adrien replied honestly chuckling softly. "I've been at the camp since I was 14, 3 years and counting."
Sebastian looked the girl in the eyes again before quickly averting his gaze directing his red eyes down to the ground. "Three years, huh? Compared to some that's quite a while." Sebastian was hesitant to meet her eyes again not wanting to make her too uncomfortable. He still had the reflex to push her away, but a little company while he recovered couldn't hurt much, could it?

Jason looked to yet another person, this time it was a girl who looked to be slightly younger than he was. "Honestly I don't care, I'll take on anyone but you might have to wait a bit." As Jason was saying this he had been keeping an eye on Tania, she was NOT going to get the jump on him again. He dashed forward feigning a slash and instead locking his sword against her spear he got close enough to be face to face with her, giving her a quick peck on the lips. "If you're going to kiss me, do it right." He smiled before disengaging and sweeping her feet from under her with a sharp kick, and stepping back.

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Anthony. Condition: Entertained.

"Uh oh." Anthony said hearing what the guy had said about Tania giving grapes to a hero. He looked at his sister and got a slight grin on his face. "Well he's gonna die before tomorrow if he keeps that up." Anthony said before finding a seat.


Tania. Condition: Summoning pain.

"I am NOT serving you grapes! You'll be lucky if I don't serve my foot up your a**." Tania said raising her spear to hit the idiot who called her a knave with a warning bolt. That was until Jason kissed her and offered her version of a challenge. He then tried to trip her and she rolled backwards onto her feet. "Challenge accepted." Tania said dropping both weapons to go for straight speed. She then charged forward and jumped placing a foot on the trident on his shield. She used the symbol as a foothold and ran up the shield and grabbed Jason's head as she came down the other side. She fully planned to take Jason down by the head and head alone.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Thomas. Condition: Causing panic.

"For Pan!" Thomas yelled as ge charged having thought out his next moves very carefully. He used his staff to vault onto the creature's back as it missed his staff with a feral swipe. Thomas then smacked the hellhound square on the nose hurting and disorienting it. "Now for the end game." Thomas said giving the monster one more good wallop on the noise before playing his pan flute. The hellhound started howling in pain as it was consumed by a quickly growing apple tree. Thomas hopped off and went into the camp covered in dirt and ash. The monster however was fully destroyed by the apple tree that it had turned into.
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Remember to stay calm and cautious.
Masako walked into camp using her cane to maneuver the area. Of course she has had training to identify and evade things around her, but the cane plus her blind eyes gave of a air of innocence. Her cane tapped against people here and there as she walked further into the camp. She could sense the change in the other's camper's faces as she walked by. She could hear their whipers, they were in various forms but the main question was there. "What is a blind kid doing at Camp Halfblood?" Masako was used to this, people always wondering how she could possibly do anything without her sight. Little did they know that her blindness was a choice and she is very capable without her sight. She walked around the camp getting the lay of the land.

(Open for anyone)


She also noticed the growing wrath of the girl and was partly afraid and partly intrigued. Knowing she was the daughter of Zeus she was curious on how easy she is to manipulate. Knowing her father, it shouldn't be that hard. She smiled and looked at him "Well should we break it up or make it interesting?" She raised her hands and a light low mist began to circle around the two. Not enough to be very noticeable. She look at her brother and smiled, "your call."
Kit scoffed at Tania as he continued to fight the new kid. "I be happy to sacrifice my buttocks if you are willing to part with your foot!" He shouted "I, The great hero of the gods, am becoming slightly famished." He looked down towards the other people who had entered the Arena. "Ho! More spectators for the defeat of the Knave!"


Owen stood and watched the events unfold and decided to let Kit get whatever punishment was coming to him. As he walked towards the seats he noticed the two demigods standing nearby and decided to introduce himself. "Hey" he said as a few bugs moved around on his jacket. "I'm Owen, son of Apollo. Who might you be?"


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Jason was again caught off gaurd when the girl dropped her weapons, even more so when she used his shield to propel herself up and over him grabbing his head as she went. "She intends to slam me" That wass all that went through his head before he started, planting his left foot back while simultaneously pulling his head out of the helmet, he twisted around and knocked her over with his shield. Since she had dropped her weapons he decided to discard his finding it unfair that he is armed while she wasn't.
Isara was ready to show what she was made of. She was ready to freak these two fighting fools out with some spooky illusions and monstrous mayhem. She was waiting for her brother to give the word when someone spoke to them. She lowered her hands, but her concentration was still on the mist forming around the bickering two demigods. She turned to the boy and smiled "Isara, daughter of Hecate, a pleasure." She extended her hand for him to shake.

"And hopefully I live longer than the typical demigod, I'm not really ready to die." Adrien brushed her hair out of her face looking around the woods and spotted a tree nymph waving at them. "Our friends in the woods say "hello". Adrien commented to Sebastian waving back at the pretty little nymph. "So you shadow traveled, huh?"

Carter had been walking around the camp when he spotted the Satyr finishing off a Hellhound, by have a tree swallow it. "Woah, that was pretty Macho Man of you dude." He looked around not seeing anyone rushing over to check about what had happened, or anything of the sorts. "So I'm guessing these kind of things happen often at this camp?"

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
Sebastian smiled at Adrien's comment, his gaze momentarily went just above her head before going back to her eyes, it was difficult but he managed to hold back and not to drill straight to her soul with his sight. "I wouldn't be too worried about that, you've got a ways to go." Sebastian then waved to the nymph that she had mentioned. "Yeah, though my first trip was far from pleasant, this second one was a bit better. Definitely a shorter trip." Sebastian broke eye contact and looked to the ground unable to hold back much more. A look of sadness kept into his eyes and that "charming" smile faded. "Not a trip I want to make again."

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Thomas. Condition: Amused.

"Monster attacks? Yeah those are a given. A satyr beating the monster is rare though." Thomas said with a grin as he placed his pipe into his mouth and took a very deep breathe. The the contents of his pipe smelled very rich and earthy with a hint of lavender. "Most satyrs just play it safe and run but not me. Now if you don't mind I have to go find that smarta** Athena kid I brought back here." Thomas said before walking past the kid with a annoyed look as he searched for the kid.


Tania. Condition: Pi**ed

Tania got knocked back and hit the floor hard. She groaned but it quickly turned to laughter as she saw him drop his weapons. "I win. Aegis." Tania said standing and activating her bracelet shield which had reappeared on her wrist. She activated her spear and placed the tip under Jason's chin. "I like your style."

Tania put her weapons away as the annoying kid from earlier tempted fate. She drew her spear and pointed the tip at him with an angry look in her eyes. "Silence you idiot!" She said firing a lightning bolt at the poor kid. It hit the ground behind the guy with a very loud boom!


Anthony. Condition: Tired

"Oh boy." Anthony said flicking his hand so Tania thought she had hit the kid. Instead however she hit a large cloud of mist and caused it to disperse. "That was a close one. Man that was tough." Anthony said realizing he had caused a large crowd of people to appear in the mist but they too were obliterated by the lightning.

Chiron finished a conversation with the Oracle when he heard a loud boom outside towards the Arena. Stepping out onto the Big House balcony and saw smoke indeed coming from the arena. Grumbling, Chiron motioned for a Hermes kid (For simplicity's sake we will call him Bobby.) "Well, seeing how things are, I think it is about time to get the demigods to bed. Call for curfew...and let the Hephaestus kids know that they might have to perform some repairs on the arena later." Nodding, Bobby sped off going around camp blowing a goat horn, signaling for campers to go to bed.
Cade walked out of the lake and grabbed the shirt on the rock and used it to dry his head and chest. He continued to walk back to camp to explore more of the actual camp grounds and to ask where he will sleep. While he was drying himself he didn't look where he was going and bumped into Masako. "Oof! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" he replies as he full on knocks into Masako. " I wasn't paying attention-" and he shortly stops noticing she is blind and quickly continues again. "- it's my fault. Are you ok?"
Kit tilted his head backwards to look at the destroyed seats behind him before standing up. "Such brutality, such determination… and you still missed!" He said to Tania. "Shame… Regardless great victory to you. I shall retire from todays events." He heard the horn sound from outside the arena. "Ah, Sounds like thou must follow my lead and journey back to your cabins." He walked down to the entrance of the arena and put his hand on his sword. "I am off, for I must replenish the strength needed to work the magnificent body that is me." And with that Kit started out of the arena.


Owen smiled and went to shake Isara's hand but stopped as he still had some of his insects crawling around on him. "Um… yeah sorry about the bugs… Cant always choose your powers." He said jokingly as Kit started past him. "Anyways… I think we should head to our cabins now" The bugs began to crawl back into his jacket at the mention of the Cabin. "Also if Kit tries to get you to feed him Grapes you can punch him." He smiled at the though of Kit getting punched. Owen turned and hurried off towards his cabin; catching up to Kit en route. "You do realize she'll kill you right?!" "She can try to best me, But she would fall victim to my great strength and will of steel!" Owen pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know that's not what I mean." Kit scoffed "I will now be sleeping." And with that Kit walked into his cabin and proceeded to fall asleep. Owen continued on towards his Cabin and went to his bed and flopped onto it. "Well time to try to go to sleep." He said as he rolled over and went to sleep.
Jason smirked at Tania after two of the boys had left, thankfully the obnoxious one was one of the two. He came up beside her after retieving his sword and shield. "That last trick was dirty, but kinda cool mind teaching me that since I don't really know how to turn them back." He held up his sword and shield an embarrassed smile on his face. He got a confused look on his face when he heard the horn sound and looked to Tania yet again for answers, still a bit surprised he could hear after a lightning bolt slammed into the ground so close. "Do you always do that when ticked off or is it just him."

"Well isn't he just full of himself." Niwa snorted when he watched the Hermes kid flap his mouth. Some children just need to learn how to respect. He sighed when he heard the horn for bed, had he missed dinner? He shook his head and headed to the Hades cabin, he was asked to stay in camp for awhile, begrudgingly he consented. He walked into the Hades cabin and plopped down into the second bed. He wasn't tired so he just opened a book and read.

(Open for anyone)
Tania. Condition: Mischievous.

Tania gave a scoff and would have hit the guy this time if he hadn't left. She then turned to Jason and pushed on the trident on the shield and watched it change back. She then finished helping Jason put all his stuff away. "It's just him. Now quick come on." She said grabbing his hand and she started pulling Jason behind her with a smile on her face. She led him to the Poseidon cabin then pointed to the Zues cabin. "I'm in that one all alone. You get this one. All alone."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Azrael sighed, not catching sight of his pet anywhere. He decided to go ask some campers, but there were few of them around, some having gone to bed while others might be eating. He saw one camper though, and oddly, she has a cane with her. "Maybe it's a weapon." He said to himself, approaching the girl. "Excuse me, have you seen a big black dog, the size of a horse and a bark slightly louder than a bullhorn?" He asked the girl as he approached her. "He's really hard to miss." 
CrimsonEclipse said:
Azrael sighed, not catching sight of his pet anywhere. He decided to go ask some campers, but there were few of them around, some having gone to bed while others might be eating. He saw one camper though, and oddly, she has a cane with her. "Maybe it's a weapon." He said to himself, approaching the girl. "Excuse me, have you seen a big black dog, the size of a horse and a bark slightly louder than a bullhorn?" He asked the girl as he approached her. "He's really hard to miss." 
Masako turned to the sound where the boy's voice had come from. First person to speak to me directly, finally. Wait did he just ask me if I've seen a dog? Really? Clutching the cane she smiled and faced the boy. "I haven't seen anything in the past 12 years. But I think I heard a dog somewhere over in that direction." She points east of her, not moving her face from his. "I could help you find him if you'd like. I may not be able to spot him out, but I can probably listen for him." She smiled and pulled the cane closer to her "that is if you don't mind the help of a blind girl." Many people found her helpless because she was blind, she used this to her advantage on multiple occasions. However, it also prevents her from interacting with others, it was a sad fact of life yet true. 

Holo said:
Thomas. Condition: Amused.
Anthony. Condition: Tired

"Oh boy." Anthony said flicking his hand so Tania thought she had hit the kid. Instead however she hit a large cloud of mist and caused it to disperse. "That was a close one. Man that was tough." Anthony said realizing he had caused a large crowd of people to appear in the mist but they too were obliterated by the lightning.

Isara smiled at her brother "Hey no problem it get's easier with time" she said as she turned back to her brother. "you actually did really good. I think about mist power as a way to control the field." She turned to the sound of the horn, and smiled. She turned back to her brother, "how about we go out tonight, after everyone is asleep and have some practice by the lake. The moonlight is perfect tonight" She winked at him.
Jason grabbed his things, putting his bracelets and earrings back on, he just followed along as Tania pulled him towards the cabins. "Alone....I guess some things don't change." He stood there, looking at the cabins then back to Tania, "Looks like I won't be getting away from you anytime soon." He felt a an odd sensation and instinctively looked towards the water knowing yet not knowing about the Long Island sound just past the mess hall which was visible from their position. "Wanna go for a walk?" He said this in some sort of daze his hand tightening around Tania's his eyes trained on the water.
Addison groaned scowling at the two Big Three kids in irritation when Chiron said that the Hephaestus kids would need to fix the arena. "Again? Just great..." Addie scooped up her tools and weapons, putting the tools in her pockets. "Well, time to go to bed." She made her way into the woods, throwing the tools into Bunker Nine, before heading to the Hephaestus cabin.

Adrien smiled softly watching Sebastian. "I would ask, but that would be rude and we've only just met." She stood up brushing herself when the horn for the campers to go to sleep was sounded. "Well, I have to go. Do you want to come with me, or are you find by yourself? You should at least head to the Big House so that they can help you."

Carter watched the satyr leave with a "What The Heck" look on his face, before heading to the Demeter cabin. He stared impressed at the cabin. It was like his inner gardener's dream. He walked into the cabin, grinning at the fact the inside was just as impressive as the outside. He laid down on an empty top bunk and stared up at the ceiling.
Tania. Condition: Serious.

"Want to get eaten by guard harpies?" Tania asked him with a are you stupid? look on her face. She gave a simple shake of her head as she pointed to where a few harpies started flying towards the cabins to keep an eye on the campers and eat the ones who broke curfew and got caught. She had been attacked by one before but had gotten away thanks to the mist.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Anthony. Condition: Shocked and tired.

"Are you crazy I'm dead tired and plus the harpies are coming! I don't feel like fighting those overgrown chickens anyways." Anthony said with a shocked look on his face as he started walking towards the Hecate cabin with a aura of magic around him just starting to become visible during the night. A large cloud of green neon looking stuff started to appear around Anthony and it simply felt like it would scream magic if it could.


Thomas. Condition: Curious and lonely.

"Why do they even bother with the harpies since kids get way too tired at night anyways. Plus those Hecate kids like Anthony just use the mist to walk right on by." Thomas said before seeing a familiar green glow over by the arena that seemed a lot like the magic that Anthony used when he was nervous or surprised. Thomas started running in that direction with a pipe in his mouth and his staff in his hand.

Isara smiled at him "Oh come on Harpies, please. Try accidentally raising a living Spinx, a Pharaoh and a army of his followers, that was something worth fighting. Besides we're magic! And the moon is perfect tonight for some spells and practice." She smiled and walked around him. "There's only one overgrown chicken I see and his name is Anthony." She crossed her arms and smiled. Then she shrugged her shoulder and sighed "Oh well I guess you don't have to come." She looks up and sighs "I just wanted to bond with my brother...." she glances at him.


(Heyyyyyyyy @CrimsonEclipse )
Sebastian was torn he liked the Adrien but that was exactly why he should turn her down, to keep her safe. She still had a lot of time on that clock and he didn't want to be the reason it was cut short. With a minute bit of pain in his otherwise expressionless voice he spoke. "N-no I'll be fine, thanks for your concern. But I will be okay, I'll make it to the big house." In his mind what he really wanted to say was more along the lines of, "It would be better for you to keep your distance especially since you could be possessed and have your soul ripped out instead of saved. Just saying."He stood up working incredibly hard to stand without shaking, but he refused to let it show it was one thing to lie through words but actions counted as well. When he stood he leaned back against the tree, his deep red eyes gazing into hers. He broke eye contact and leaned off the tree walking towards the big house using the shadows as his guide. Only five feet away he became engulfed in shadows disappearing from sight and making no noise almost as if he weren't there. "She will probably forget you exist by tomorrow you might as well forget it we've seen what happens to those you love" Sebastian remembered his mother and had to blink back tears glad that no one was around to see him. He emerged from the shadows at the edge of the woods and walked to the front door of the barn styled house the shadows haven given him energy as he walked through them the exhaustion wasn't as thick about him. He raised a slightly less weary fist and knocked on the door, hoping to avoid being penalized for being out past his "bedtime".

Jason heard the word harpy and breathed in sharply terror filled his eyes almost immediately and he shook his head vigorously. "No, not harpies.....I really hate harpies.....So I guess this is goodnight?"

@LuckyANDKitty @Holo
He went over to the girl, and based on the cane and what she said, he knew he embarrassed himself. "Oh gods, I am so sorry for that." He said, blushing darkly as he realized that she is in fact blind. And to think that most of the things he said is about sight. But, thankfully, she didn't seem to take offence and in fact, she looked almost happy to have someone to talk to. "Oh really? Well I don't mind if you help me." He said with a smile. "I'm Azrael, son of Hades. Yeah, it is ironic to have a name from the Catholic mythology." He said to her.

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