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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Jason stood as everyone left and went to his "guide" "Did he just say....demigod, and this is "Camp Half-Blood" so...who's my father?" Jason thought about it for another few moments wondering why his mother never told him who his father was, wondering just what his life was going to become. "Oh and by the way my name is Jason Michaels, yours?"
Noah nods at Jason. "yes, this is a camp for demigods. Offspring of Greek Gods and mortals." Noah glanced to see Isara looking at them. Remembering that she was relatively new, gestured for her to come over. "Over there is Isara who is also new." Noah paused to take a yawn. "This large building we are in is the Big House where meetings and official stuffs are held. Demigods wait till they are claimed by their parents. My father was Hypnos, god of sleep. Typically a sign appears above your head or something. Sometimes abilities we have give away who are godly parent could be." Noah motioned to the door. "Let's talk..." he yawns again, "as I show you around camp."
Cade gets up from his chair to follow the tired Noah as he thinks about his possible god parent. He thinks about his transformation and factors in the fact that they must be a goddess but nothing pops up. Cade looks to Noah and asks him" what's the goddess of crabs or lobsters.?"
Dante listened to the others' ideas. He looked at the new kids, Jason and Cade, and smile and waved saying, "Hi. I'm Dante son of Hephaestus. I can make stuff." He threw his thumbs up. "This will be fun!"
Kikya watched the interactions between the others. He was curious about the new kids. Deciding to sate his curiosity he followed Dantes lead and walked over. " Hi!" He chirped." I am Kikya son of Aphrodite. Its a pleasure to meet you."
Jason eyed the kids that had approached them but deciding to follow through with his mothers wishes he decided to be friendly, "Hi my name is Jason, son of well, not sure but I might have an idea."
Noah held back a scowl as two others joined them on the guide. More people, more things to do, less sleep. Sigh. "God of lobsters or crab? Not that I know of. Maybe you should ask an Athena kid, they might know." Noah walked past the fields. "Demigods come here to train, fight, and defend themselves. The fields is a place where you can practice archery, spar, and where we hold some activities." Noah stated. "There is a lake, as well as ocean as we are located near a coast." Noah also remembered the forest. "There is a dark forest nearby, but it is forbidden as it has dangerous monsters. The...." He yawns, "the camp is protected a magic force field generated by the Golden Fleece hanging from a magic tree. It is guarded by a dragon." After showing Cade and Jason the areas, Noah brought them to the cabins. "Right, so that's the tour. You can explore more by yourself. Should you get inquired, find some Apollo kids. They are good healers and will bring you to the infirmary. If you have any questions, Athena kids are smart, or you can ask Chiron if he isn't busy. When you go to sleep, I got a surprise for you." Noah said stretching and yawning. "Nothing bad. I'm heading to bed, see you around." Noah walked into the Hypnos Cabin where he fell on top his bed in regular clothes and fell asleep.
Isara gets up and walks next to kikya and looks Jason in the eyes. She could feel something familiar about him, a element similar to her own. She turns away from the boy and smiles at the other new kid. "Hey. I'm Isara daughter of Hecate, controller of Magic and Mist. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She looked over to Noah and smiles as he walked off. She pointed to him "I got the tour yesterday, saying that there is more to see is a understatement. Personally I love the lake, its a nice area to read and train at." She smiled at them and put her hands behind her back.
"Well that was quick." Kikya muttered shaking his head in exasperation. Noah was so lazy. Wanting to research all he needed to know for the mission in case he was a part of it he decided it was time to go. Turning he began the walk to the Athena cabin idly waving back at them." See you guys later."
"H-hai Isara I'm Cade, nice to meet you...I don't know what god I am." Cad notices Kikya going forwards the Athena cabin and wonders if he knows what the goddess of lobsters are," Hey, Kikya was it? I've got to ask if you know what my parent is. Do you know if there is any goddess of lobsters or something like that?" Cade asked hopefully so he can find out what he is.
Kikya paused glancing back at Cade as he thought over his question. He had been really into Greek mythology growing up so knew a lot about the gods. Considering Cade thinks it has to do with lobsters it was probably a sea goddess. Shrugging as his mind only came up with one answer." I think you are looking for Keto. She is the goddess of sea monsters."

Without for a response he began heading toward the Athena cabin again.
"Keto...a goddess of.... Sea monsters?" So that's why he always felt a connection with the animals at his dad's aquarium. Cade began to look at his hands again and began to tremble. He read about the kraken and how it destroyed shops and killed many. The thought of being such a monster scared him and began to tremble. He began to have scary thoughts about what if he lost his mind and went full lobstermon, what if no one likes him for it or even bullies him? He began to treble even more and his teeth started to chatter.
Azrael, or Az as most calls him, is currently in his room. "I know I know, the Titans are returning yada yada, I'll take care alright?" He said, having a conversation with someone over IM, or Iris Messaging, yeah, it's a thing. Who he was talking to? Oh just his relatives, well, not exactly relatives, but close. They were the ones who raised him, which is kinda funny since all of them are dead. It's a long story, but to make it short, he's a son of Hades and, since it was forbidden by no other than the all mighty Zeus (that's sarcasm by the way), his father had to hide him in a small village and wrap that village tightly in Mist. And so he raised a few dead, about 50 or so, to take care of him. "Okay, bye now." He said to them, the rainbow disappearing. He sighed, knowing this threat of Titans is a big one. Oh sure, the giants were stronger and all that, but the Titans were, well, just different.

Az stood up and went outside, wanting to talk with his brother. But the moment he stepped out, he was tackled by something big. "Get off me Mr. Kerfaffle!" He said, his hell hound leaving slobber all over him. Yep, he owns a hell hound and he named it Mr. Kerfaffle. Well in his defence, well nothing really, he can't find anyway to defend himself. Well, good thing that Mr. Kerfaffle is still young. He's the size of a horse, or fortunately Az won't die whenever he got tackled. He saw his brother in the distance and called out to him. "Help me Niwa!" He called out, since his hell hound refused to get off him, instead he sat on Az.
Kikya entered the Athena cabin beaming."Do any of you have any books I can borrow? I want to learn more about the titans and try to find a way to defeat them."
Niwa walked out of the Big House and headed to the Hades Cabin. He noticed everyone seemed to shy away from him, but he was use to it. He heard a bark and lifted up his head. Niwa let out a laugh when he saw his brother under his hellhound. He smirked and moved closer before getting out an emergency red ball. His father said that Cerberus liked them so why not hellhounds too? He threw the ball and watched the dog go running after it. He offered his hand "Quite the mess you have gotten yourself into big bro."
Tania had been sitting in the back of the room listening as the others argued and complained. She wasn't much for planning but her friend Anthony was and had been taking notes. "What'd you get?" Tania asked him before peeking over his shoulder to see a picture of him and her fighting off a titan while Jason held the weight of the sky. Tania shuddered at the image since she kinda liked Jason and mostly kept to herself. "Oh Tania it's possible this may happen. Though if it does we may be able to prove I'm worth something to my mother." Anthony explained with a hopeful smile but Tania could tell Anthony didn't really believe it. They both got up and started to leave Anthony wearing a shirt that showed Hecate holding her torches. The shirt read: Even hydras fear my black magic woman!
Azrael chuckled, grabbing his hand and standing up. "Yeah, good thing he's not yet full grown." He said, rubbing his back. "So, I hear the Titans are returning." He said to her, his voice serious. "Are all 12 of them returning, or only the four Titans?" He asked him, although he knows the answer to that.
After the tour ended Jason looked to the girl that previously been staring at him, he had met her gaze the whole time and felt something odd from her, almost like she was familiar but not in the usual sense but in a way he couldn't describe. Now he looked to Isara again, as well as Cade and Dante. "So Now that I am more familiar with the area, how about we spar. I want to see how my skills match up against other demigods. Anyone up for it?"
Tania walked out with Anthony but as soon as they were outside Anthony went to try and find his cabin. Anthony had just arrived at camp and spent the night in the Hermes cabin.

Tania. Condition: Confident.

Tania walked over to a new kid who had just finished his tour. "And what makes you think that you're even ready to spar?" She looked him over before pulling the can of Mace out of her pocket and changing it into her spear. She then grinned ready to watch the new guy faint as she tapped her bracelet and spoke it's name. Her shield was Aegis a shield that has a exact replica of medusa's head on the front which scared most monsters and people.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Anthony near the cabins.

Anthony was in the square where the cabins were trying to get claimed. He kept aking random people if they might know his godly parent but was having no luck. He kept getting answers that ge found dumb or just plain insulting.

(feel free to approach Anthony.)
Jason was a bit surprised when a girl about his age approached him. Jason jerked back when the girl's jewelry turned into Greek weaponry, he jumped again upon seeing the medusa head on the shield. "Well, that's interesting and.....gives me an idea. But to answer your question, my mother has been training me with, well greek weaponry since I was five, trying to model me after a spartan...without the cruelty." Jason looked at his wrists and his hands when up to his earrings. "Your jewelry turns into weapons, apparently what I have on is a "useful " gift from my father. Whoever he is, could there be a chance that mine are similar?"

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Isara yawns and walks over to the cabins. She had spent the entire night walking the place and needed to catch some z's. She looked up to see a kid near her cabin. "Anthony, right?" She looked over at him with a sigh, she was told that the divine 7th son would be here. She hated the entire fact that she was just a filler for the next most powerful kid. Her Mist powers were almost better than her mother's but nobody cared, all everyone asks about is magic, necromancy, and prophecy. Which she was good at, but not as good as the others. She clenched her fist and then slowly let it go. She knew that her insecurities were her own and she should be nice to him. "Anthony Garcia, 7th child of Hecate, right?"
Anthony. Condition: Scared half to death.

"Anthony Garcia, 7th child of Hecate, right?"

"Oh gods! Don't sneak up on me like that." Anthony said holding his chest as he looked at the girl with a hand in his pocket and the other on his chest. He hadn't been claimed yet but he had guessed who his parent was. He was about to complain that he hadn't been claimed yet when a circle of green light appeared over her head with two torches in it. "Aaah! What the heck is that!" Anthony said trying to move but he couldn't get away so his mind naturally built a barrier that only let air and sound through.


Tania. Condition: pleased.

Tania gave a laugh as the new kid jumped at the sight of her shield. She loved seeing if her shield hadn't lost it's touch since Thalia had given it two her. "They could. Lets find out kid. My name's Tania by the way."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Isara looked at this jumpy kid who was suppose to be the great 7th son of Hecate and laughed. She laughed all her doubts and insecurities away, he was normal. She finally stopped laughing and looked at the boy, wiping a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh it's just." She laughed a light laugh "your reaction is nothing like I expected." She finally calmed down and smiled at him pointing at the symbol. "I guess mom has claimed you," she smiled and winked at him. She stood up strait and looked down at her half-brother. He seemed to be a nice kid, although my claim was violet, what's up with that? Maybe she knew it was my favorite color. She shrugged the though off and looked at the kid kindly.
Cade was shocked back into reality from his fears when Tania suddenly pulled out weaponing. He jumped and then realized that they were going to spar and stepped back. They looked trained and rather intimidating. he decided to step back and watch as he had no weapons and this would be a good time to see demigod combat in action.
"Jason Pleasure to meet you, and what do you say we find out how they work in the sparring area?" Jason smiled his eyes staying on hers he liked the green that they but pulled himself out of a trance that hadn't yet begun. "Alright then I guess it's my turn." He stepped back from Tania and held out his arms, "Alright I hope these work the way I want them to, otherwise I'd feel pretty foolish." He flicked his wrists thinking the word change. His bracelets swirled around his wrists before the one on his left arm spiraled out into a gleaming celestial bronze shield with a trident symbol on the front the base under water like the insignia on his jewelry boxes. The bracelet on his right arm became a medium sized celestial bronze Kopis that felt absolutely perfect in Jason's hand. Further observation showed that the blade and handle were quit ornamented and had a doule edge one on the front of the blade the other taking up a shorter section of the back. "Well that was-ugh!" Jason was cut of as a celestial bronze helmet covered his head from his earrings a red cape extending from the neck down to his heels. Jason had the impulse to adjust the helmet or even take it off until he realized that it was a perfect fit and didn't hinder his vision much, with the exception of his peripherals. "Ok dad whoever you are, I appreciate it but a cape....really isn't that a bit extravagant I mean seriously I'm not superman." A few moments passed and with no response he felt a bit foolish. "I should've known, Let's get this over with Tania." @Holo
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