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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

"Oh nothing much," Adrien replied stepping up beside the two with a sulking Carter. The big baby was upset because the daughter of Ares wouldn't let him feed her Pegasus. It wasn't because she was mean, she just didn't trust him. "She just saved the world twice. Discovered the Labyrinth, Traveled through the Sea of Monsters -The Bermuda Triangle- and survived, fought a cyclopes, played fetch with the God of the Underworld's dog, Discovered Daedalus' laptop, and went through Tartarus and survived -like Hell, but much much worse." Adrien listed off all the things with an amused smile. "I'm pretty sure that's doesn't even cover a fourth of it, but she also discovered the Athena Parthenos, and is dating the famous Perseus Jackson. You'll learn about all that soon. Everybody hears the tales of those two at least twice during campfires." Carter stared at Adrien like she had a third limb. "And yeah, the Gods are very busy beings." "Well..."

(@Silent Justice )
Violet listened in awe as the girl explained this Annabeth person's accomplishments. A lot of it she didn't understand, but she could get enough of it to be in awe of what Annabeth had accomplished. She didn't know who this Perseus Jackson was, but she was sure he was a big deal, too. Apparently she'd hear all about it during the campfire later. "So, uh, who are you two? Who are your parents?" She asked the two other demigods.

Anthony looked at them then the other two and sighed. "That sums it up pretty well. Yet nobody remembers what happened to any children of Hecate during the second titan war. They don't acknowledge that because Hecate fought with the titans most of her children were hunted down. By both sides and they were either captured and imprisoned or killed depending on who found them." He stared at the Hecate cabin then looked at the others and gave another sigh. "To answer your question from earlier Hecate is the titan goddess of magic. She is also a well known necromancer and branded a traitor by the titans and the gods. Her children are given even better gifts like quests to kill recently reborn legends." Anthony said with a frown at how one of his friends had died hunting the namean lion. Anthony had gotten his weapon from that particular friend and hatred the thing ever since but wouldn't throw it away.

@Silent Justice

Jason took a few steps and knelt next to his bed and rested his head on his arms as he crossed them. "What's up Sparky." He said concern on his face and curiosity in his voice. He didn't know whether Tania was teasing him or not but he got the feeling that she wasn't ...her voice was thick with sarcasm and she seemed to honestly want him over there his mind buzzed even as he knelt there looking Tania in the eye.

Over the course of the day Sebastian had gotten breakfast and.....well nothing else at least not within the camp norms. He was now just sitting on a hill overlooking the sound his sword in the ground in front of him as he reflected. He kept trying to think of ways to find his mother, even risking a few ethereal trips to the underworld yet only have a short time each trip to search. He tried to forgotten places of the underworld going through very dangerous area in hopes to find her......but he didn't. He returned from his third trip very tired and very angry, he wanted to just be able to rip through the underworld to find her even if everything he tried indicated that she wasn't there. He stood and ripped his sword out of the ground a pool of collected shadows nearly ten feet in diameter dispersed, the shadows returning to their proper places. Wood nymphs had gathered around him finding him handsome but incredibly intimidating as many girls in his schools growing up did. He paid them no attention as he walked off away from the hill and down to the arena...he needed to crush something.

Valencia had spent her day in the arena after a short time of playing her violin in the amphitheater. She followed the teaching of the Amazons with her blades while remembering Artemis' lesson for her archery. While gauntlet boy and his friend were there she worked that much harder to ignore them and focus on the skills she. Needed to work on which in her min was mixing her Umbragenesis with her physical strength. Every once in while she would channel her darkness into her swords and as she slashed try to release in a sharp crescent moon shape. As Valencia kept practicing she sorta got the hang of it going for one of her favorite combos. She started in place then ran towards the dummy using her right sword to slash diagonally up from the hip to shoulder, she then brought her left sword a a horizontal strike from shoulder to shoulder. She twisted for on last spin channeling more darkness into her blades and brought them both across the front of the dummy sending out a wave that was about five feet long. It went straight through the dummy and soared over the ground until smashing into a wall and exploding with black energy. She gasped at the damage before sheathing her swords not wanting to make them dormant yet. "I swear. I've sen a move like that somewhere."

@Holo @anyone

Owen was sick and tired of almost dying. He had just left the volleyball courts when Max went to go take care of Alec, and it took him all of 2 minutes to be shot at. He sat on the ground near where the strange girl just blasted a crater into the wall. He stood up and started walking towards the stands. "I swear Im f*cking invisible!" He said as he sat down.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Max rolled over and sat up. He'd been in his cabin for a while now and he couldn't take being in one place any longer. He went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His eyes were red with tears. He hadn't remember crying, but his face showed otherwise. "Gods Max... You had to kiss him" he said as he began to splash his face with water. "I really screwed up..."

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BishopOfKings said:
Owen was sick and tired of almost dying. He had just left the volleyball courts when Max went to go take care of Alec, and it took him all of 2 minutes to be shot at. He sat on the ground near where the strange girl just blasted a crater into the wall. He stood up and started walking towards the stands. "I swear Im f*cking invisible!" He said as he sat down.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Max rolled over and sat up. He'd been in his cabin for a while now and he couldn't take being in one place any longer. He went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His eyes were red with tears. He hadn't remember crying, but his face showed otherwise. "Gods Max... You had to kiss him" he said as he began to splash his face with water. "I really screwed up..."

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Elizabeth had been sitting in the stands the whole time, reading. "...no your not... At least not to me... Anyways." She said softly and calmly as she glances up from her book at him. (@BishopOfKings)
Valencia looked over at the frustrated boy who had made his way to the stands saying something about being invisible. "Sorry...I was too tuned in I guess.....wanna, maybe spar?" She said having to call out across the arena.

Sebastian walked into the arena and walked up beside Valencia setting up a dummy and going off on it utilizing his strengths such as speed, strength and accuracy. He was a son of death and had become proficient in ending lives, primarily those of monsters. His sword was a black blur in his hand making much deeper gashes in the dummy than even the more powerful Ares kids his frustration and heartache channeling into his strikes.
Tania took a deep breathe with a look of uncertainty on her face. She sat up and leaned over kissing Jason then laid back down blushing with a embarrassed look on her face. "I think I might actually let you ask me out. I-I might um l-li-lik... oh you know what I mean." She said looking flustered but a bit more healthy. She looked away embarrassed at the fact that she decided that she'd throw it her past and identity just to give Jason a chance. "I um I've never said anything like that before. What um what do I do now?" She asked clearly confused.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason recovered faster than Tania and smiled at her glad that the squirming was done by her this time. "Well you don't have to do anything." Jason leaned over and brought his face close to Tania's looking her in the eye while keeping their lips barely an inch apart. "So the only thing left is for me to ask huh, sounds interesting."
Eventually, one thing came to Alec amid all his heartache and sadness- If Max hates him, what the hell would he do then? He was happy to with just being Max's friend BEFORE Max kissed him. Why not after? He couldn't just let a perfectly good friendship go down the drain because of some... Heartbreak.... AHHHH IM GONNA START CRYING AGAIN, SHUT UP BRAIN He mentally shouted at himself, then smacked his head and got up, dashing for the Zeus cabin, and stopping at the doorstep, poised to knock on the door, when suddenly he turned away and started to mumble to himself, "but if he hates me? What if he doesn't want to be my friend???? Ahhhhh!" And so he started to argue with himself for several minutes until he just wailed in frustration and knocked on the door rapidly.


Owen jumped slightly when Elizabeth spoke, he hadn't noticed her sitting there. He was grateful for her saying that. "Thanks Elizabeth" He said as he turned to Valencia. "I'm not sure I would be a good sparring partner..." Owen said as he made his way over. "I'm pretty bad with a sword, and prefer to fight at a distance." Then he remembered the blast the girl had just unleashed. "And I'm pretty sure I'd be helpless to your little Getsuga Tensho." He said laughing a bit "but if you'd like, I'll attempt to give you a decent fight.



Max stepped out of the shower. He was still feeling like crap, but at least he didn't look like crap. He started getting dressed. "Gods.... Alec's gonna hate me now." He said as he slipped into a clean shirt "He probably doesn't even want to be friends with me anymore." He put on his pants and went over to Tania's mini fridge. He knew she smuggled in various outside drinks and then some, and right now he needed something to take his mind off of things. He reached in a pulled out a can of "Dionysus Brand Grape Soda" and pooped the top off. He knew he'd get yelled at for taking it, but he knew the outcome. Tania would yell, Max would explain, she'd electrocute him, and he'd send her through the wall, and afterwards they'd both laugh it off. He took a sip as he heard a knock at the door. "Who the hell could this be." He said as he went to the door. He pulled it open "What do you need I want to be alone!" He said not realizing who was at the door. He blinked a few times and realized it was Alec. "Oh.... Hey."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Soul OMU

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Valencia giggled at owen's little comment about her power, "I don't think I'm as powerful as Ichigo...but I'll get there, and I'm sure you'll be just fine I tend not to use experimental moves on others especially if they can blow up a wall." She readied her swords, "And if you like we can try our luck bow against bow, I was a Hunter of Artemis you know."
"D-Don't mock me. This is serious. I'm not even supposed to like you at all." Tania said looking annoyed and embarrassed still. She couldn't help herself and kissed him again but have him a very light shock. "Don't pick on me and just ask already. Jeez" She said trying to sound normal and calm but the worry that he'd say no was still obvious.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Anthony left and walked to the training area to wait. A few Ares kids sneered at him then walked away. Anthony merely speed and pulled his hood just a bit further then let it sink back into its original position. "I wish I was as invisible as they want me to be."

@Soul OMU

Alec stepped back when Max threw the door open and yelled at him, which was enough to make him want to turn and flee, because obviously Max wanted nothing to do with him, but he stopped himself. His legs itched to run away, to hide from his emotions, but he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he lost Max's friendship. But looking at Max as he was, with the wet hair, and his shirt was clinging to him and it was... Before he even knew what he was doing, Alec shoved his way into the cabin, closed the door behind him before he grabbed Max's face and kissed him promptly on the lips. Almost as soon as it happened, he realized what he had just done and began to internally panic, but... He didn't back down. He simply didn't go any further.


Owen shrugged "I don't really care." He said pulling out the metal rod which quickly formed into his bow. "I just I have one thing I have to say." He twisted his bow so that he could either detach it into two separate blade or quickly notch a arrow. "Just don't kill me... I've had it almost happen three times and I don't wanna push my luck." He readied himself "Ladies first."



Max had no idea what was happening, partially due to how fast it happens and partially due to his drink. Alec somehow slipped through the door and was now kissing him. Max couldn't comprehend anything that was going on, and soon enough he was leaning into the kiss. He felt his mind fade slightly as he realized what was gonna happen. Max slid off of Alec's lips and onto Alec's shoulder, dropping his drink in the process. The now unconcious demigod slumped onto Alec, letting his mind attempt to comprehend what just happened

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Alec looked surprised when Max leaned into the kiss, but pretty he detected something he didn't quite like- The taste of alcohol on Max's lips. And when Max collapsed against him, his first reflex was grab Max before he could fall over, the second was to wipe the taste of the liquor off his own lips. "ugh, bluuuuh, what is this?" He exclaimed, then leaned down and picked up the can Max had dropped, looking it over with his other arm wrapped firmly around Max to keep him from falling down, "What the f***- ugh, gross, this is one of Mr. D's cheap wine sodas! What the hell are you doing with this, Max?!" He asked, but when he looked at the son of Zeus, he quickly realized that the other boy had passed out. "Oh, gods... Trying to drink away your sorrows, is that it? ... Max, damnit WAKE UP!" He shouted, smacking Max on the back repeatedly.

Jason smiled after she kissed him again, "Tania, will you go out with me?" He said touching his forehead to hers waiting for her answer.

Valencia smiled and turned her swords into a bow, "I promise I won't kill you. I'll even use my dud arrows, beware they do leave bruises." She drew two arrows with heavy metal orbs instead of sharp arrowheads.
"Of course!" Tania said smiling she hugged him weakly her wounds still open but no longer bleeding. "Ouch. So worth it though." She said before kissing him then laying down again. She scooted over so he could lay with her while she recovered for the next two or three days.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
"Well that was the easiest any relationship I've had started." Jason said this as he eased himself onto his bed he himself looking pretty rough from his use of his swords power earlier. "Feeling any better, and what was that about you not supposed to like me."
Damian goes on deck and sees Kit and Helena unconscious, he sighs and starts healing their wounds with the help of the light particles around him. "...the ship itself seems more dangerous then the actual mission so far.."
Thomas climbed over the railing back onto the ship. "Gods that water is salty." He said gasping and going over to Helena. "I have a large stash of bacon Pringles for the first child of hades that wakes up." He whispered into her ear knowing he had indeed smuggled just that onto the ship to cheer Helena up.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Helena wished she could be anywhere else but where she was. Even the horrid demigod dreams of death and destruction were better then this.

Not only was it a plain gray concrete room, it had no doors. No windows. It was confining. Constricting. Claustrophobic. She could practically see the room getting smaller around her, the oxygen was slowly seeping away as she hyperventilated.

And then there was him.

Him, the ghostly figure who stood at the opposite end of the room, his face mutilated to a picture of gore, his face nothing but bloody ridges like mountains. He had no eyes, but she could feel his stare boring into her, and if she looked away, he moved closer. She could blink and he would standing right in front of her. She couldn't fight him. She could only skirt around him and try to pretend he wasn't there, but he followed the moment she looked away. There was no escape. Only evading a fate unseen. Only death. Only reliving nightmares...

"I have a large stash of bacon Pringles for the first child of Hades that wakes up." Was heard over the pounding in her ears, and for a moment she forgot the situation she was in and looked up at the ceiling, saying, "bacon...?" And when she looked back down, he was there, his face split apart to reveal rows and rows of sharp teeth, and she didn't even have time to scream before he lunged.

She screamed, "BACON!" And shot upright, clutching at her chest as she expected there to be a ravenous faceless man chomping a hole into her flesh there, but there was no one there. Instead, she was safe on the ship, and Thomas was sitting next to her, Kit was unconscious next to her. Everyone had left them passed out on the deck. Slowly, she tried to get her breathing to calm, pushing one of her hands up into her hair, and the other remained over her heart.

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