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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Jason looks back between Helena and the vision putting his hands on her shoulders. "Easy, I don't know your pain so I won't say I do. What you aren't through was awful..but you survived. You see what got just did, beat up by a demon dog and they didn't stop you, it took a god and a mean right hook to stop you and even them you launched yourself back up. I don't know the guy, I barely know you but I know he was lucky to know you and possible live maybe as much as you live him. I also know he'd want you smiling.. as rarely as that happens I'm sure he wants it for you....I want that for you. There's nothing we can do for the dead but honor them and live o ur lives in a way that may make them happy. Come on... I've got something I want to show you...I dunno if there's anything after this but when it passes I'll share some of my nightmares.

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Helena stared at Jason as he started on his speech about how she should be happy, but she didn't pay attention. To be honest, speeches were never really her thing. But she got the gist on what Jason was saying and felt his kind words in her black as death soul. She wanted to cry more, to just hug Jason and weep, but the memories began to shift again. Plain concrete walls, the concrete floor. Garage door. Oh god no. "No... No, no, no, I don't want to see this... Please, no!" She said, stumbling back. but she couldn't look away. There she was, that red haired girl, the eldest daughter of her foster father. She had her shorts and her underwear at her ankles already, she looked terrified. Pops already had his hammer. Any minute, she would...

The door into the house opened, revealing an unprepared little girl with black hair and striking blue eyes, taking in the scene with a look of horror, but not truly understanding until the red haired girl was backed against the car, and pops finally smashed the hammer into her forehead.

She felt that familiar tug in her gut that told her a soul had fled to the Underworld. She was dead. Pops had blood all over his face. But when he heard the young Helena gasp, his attention snapped to her, and his own daughter forgotten. "Heh... Heheheh... Hi, Helena... Do you wanna play a game with me?"

"Um, no... No, thanks..." The young Helena whimpered, backing up, but she only ended up falling and closing the garage door, her only escape.

"Aww, but this game is so much fun... I'd love if you'd just try it with me..." He was creeping closer....

"Jason... Jason, I want you to look away..." Helena said, her arm twitched, simply not knowing what to do. But pretty soon she simply smacked her hand over his eyes and prayed he would get the gist of what was happening from the sounds of the screaming and... Grunting...

It pained Helena to have to watch again.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason watched with an appalled look, he knew there were such people in the world but never met someone who had been hurt by them.. Jason hated the word victim but couldn't escape the fact that they both were victims, different times, different places, different reasons but they both had been hurt. Jason's tears rolled down his cheeks and when the screaming was done he turned and hugged her. Not knowing what to say so he finally shut up and prayed she wouldn't tear him apart for it. "I'm going to try something." He or his hand around hers and concentrated, " Emotions and memories run this place right, lets see ... mine." Jason felt the knot form again in his throat never fully letting it go from Helena's memories.

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Helena wasn't expecting Jason to hug her. No, that was the least of her expectations. She didn't know what she was expecting, but... The hugging felt pretty nice, actually... The memories were beginning to shift and change, and the way it twitched and jumped around like a computer glitch made Helena tense, looking around in utter confusion.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason struggled but his memories manifested around him it started in his mother's penthouse, it likes like something out of a magazine the walls were wood panels and there were floor to ceiling windows in either side of the living room's wall sonic had a gray view of Manhattan the empire state building visible a way off. The wall between the windows was well taken up by a massive tv a deep brown leather couch made a "c" shape in front if it. There in the couch sat Jason with a small bowl of popcorn watching PotC: Dead man's chest. He seemed to be enjoying himself chuckling as Jack sparrow got suck in the mill wheel, as the scene changed dark figures crashed through the window the wind whipping into the room and blowing throughout the apartment. Jason was baffled as he observed the bird ladies perfecting around the room, there were four in total with one directly in front if him. " Oh lookie a nice young demigod all by himself, I think this will be or easiest meal yet." Jason seemed to be in shock but came out of it kicking the table up from under the harpy. He turned and hopped over the couch only to be snatched up by the one on his left. He screamed as the hag dug into his shoulder with her claws. He felt the pull as she flapped to rise. He grabbed at the harpy's ankle pulling her down while staggering towards the kitchen. The other two harpies charged him and he was lost under a screen of feathers that almost imperceptibly reached the counter. Jason's hand shot out and grabbed the handle of the cleaver held in the wooden block. Soon the analysis turned to shrieks and carried on until there was nothing left but a dirty and bleeding Jason. All that was left was the head of a harpy which rolled and spewed blood on the floor. Jason slowly looked at his blood soaked clothes, three deep gashes marked his chest along with many other cuts somehow he had only a few scratches on his face but his back and chest had wound all over him. Jason walked to the edge of the kitchen on fell the area becoming dimmer and the dark red puddle of his spreading blood was all he could see even as he heard the door open and his mother scream. The scene faded to black as Helena's did. Jason looked pained at the sight like he was trying to swallow a rock.

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Helena immediately noticed, and was swallowed up, by the movie playing. "Ooooo, Dead Man's Chest, I LOVE this movie!" She cried, and sit next to illusion Jason and watched the movie right along with him, until four harpies crashed through the window, and Helena squeaked and flinched, then covered her mouth, embarrassed that she had squeaked and she sat there for a while, watching the fight and makes faces throughout the entire fight.

"Ooo, eee, ah, that had to hurt, ack! Oh gods... That's brutal...." She said, after it all faded away. "That had to be hard on the woman figure I heard screaming but didn't see, I'm assuming it was your mother?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Anthony sat on the deck by Helena hoping to help her once he figured out how. He then felt a small burst of wind and smelled a scent that was very similar to the big house. "What the heck?" Anthony asked turning around to see a clay doll appear holding what seemed to be a random journal. Anthony took it carefully from the clay figure who was missing it's legs entirely. "Who's is this thing?" Anthony asked before opening it and seeing his names scrawled across the cover in crayon. "It's mine huh? This thing looks old like really old. Says I was seven." Anthony thought to himself with a frown. He had checked his body once before due to the large amount of magic he could feel covering most of him. He placed his back to a wall and started reading the journal his face growing paler as the seconds passed by. His face was visibly disturbed by the words written in the journal and soon Anthony had to put it down quickly.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason sighed " Yeah it was.... thanks for caring." Jason's voice had an angry edge to it, it was real fun sharing while the person watched a movie. Even though he was hurt he couldn't be mad at Helena. Jason walked up beside Helena, "Come on, lets get outta here. I promised."

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Kits Uncle pulled Olivia close to him. "What do we have here?... A Hypnos child." The man laughed "Well listen here missy. This boy deserves his punishment." He threw Olivia against the wall. "You see. This isn't a dream... It's a spiritual plane. Ask the boy. He's been here before." He pointed to the wall instead of Kit, but soon the real Kit took form. Lying against the wall. "He's right.... This is like the other dream... Except..." "Except I'm here." His Uncle interjected "going into the Catacombs allowed me to slip in here." His uncle whipped the little boy and the real Kit winced. "And now I can continue his training." Kit sat against the wall and watched as his uncle whipped his younger self. "S-sorry Olivia..." He said as he started fading back into the wall. His Uncle laughed "See girly! This is what this boy really is! A coward who tries to be something he isn't... I on the other hand, Will make him into what he should." Another whip flash. Kit looked at Olivia as a crack appeared on his face. "Please go... I don't want you to see me suffer like this..."

@Soul OMU



"Snapped?" Owen asked as his mind traveled back to his dream. "Like... To the point of killing someone." He said in a emotionless tone. Owen blanked out as his mind began to wander through his thoughts. He stopped walking as he ran through his memories.

@Soul OMU

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"Sorry, am I being insensitive again? Sorry, I've kind of been desensitized by all the shit I've been through in my lifetime... And uh, what do you mean get out of here?" She said, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly, and the memories began to flash again, shifting back to the garage, "F******CK NO MORE GOD DAMNIT!" She shouted, attempting to cover her eyes, but her hands wouldn't move to her eyes. She could only watch. Never look away.

Her younger form was hiding under the old car in the garage, covered in bruises and bumps. She looked scared. But nothing could prepare her for what was going to happen next

He dragged her out from under the car suddenly, angrily. He reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke. He lifted her up by her wrist and shouted, "So this is where you've been hiding! I told you, we're not playing hide-and-seek right no-" Little Helena's foot connected with her mean foster dad's chin, and her dropped her in a heap, holding his jaw and coughing. She landed on her hands and knees, scared and surprised that she had actually done that, but suddenly, he was on her. He was dragging a sack full of bricks on her back, ignoring her screams. The bricks were holding her on her stomach! The pressure was nothing compared to what happened next.

"You don't hit your daddy! I'm the adult, YOU DO WHAT I SAY, OR YOU GET PUNISHED!" Her foster father shouted, pulling a box of nails, two wooden blocks, and a hammer off the wall. The hammer's head was stained a rusty red. "I WON'T DO IT AGAIN, I PROMISE! I'M SORRY!" She was crying, but a simple sorry would not do. Her hands were pressed to the wooden boards, and before she could even fight, her foster father began pounding nails into her hands, repeating the process with her other hand. So now she was bleeding, crying, and it didn't end there. She was dragged out of the garage by her foster father.

The memory ended when her foster father slammed the garage door shut.

Helena didn't realize she was staring at her hands the entire time...

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
BishopOfKings said:
Kits Uncle pulled Olivia close to him. "What do we have here?... A Hypnos child." The man laughed "Well listen here missy. This boy deserves his punishment." He threw Olivia against the wall. "You see. This isn't a dream... It's a spiritual plane. Ask the boy. He's been here before." He pointed to the wall instead of Kit, but soon the real Kit took form. Lying against the wall. "He's right.... This is like the other dream... Except..." "Except I'm here." His Uncle interjected "going into the Catacombs allowed me to slip in here." His uncle whipped the little boy and the real Kit winced. "And now I can continue his training." Kit sat against the wall and watched as his uncle whipped his younger self. "S-sorry Olivia..." He said as he started fading back into the wall. His Uncle laughed "See girly! This is what this boy really is! A coward who tries to be something he isn't... I on the other hand, Will make him into what he should." Another whip flash. Kit looked at Olivia as a crack appeared on his face. "Please go... I don't want you to see me suffer like this..."

@Soul OMU



"Snapped?" Owen asked as his mind traveled back to his dream. "Like... To the point of killing someone." He said in a emotionless tone. Owen blanked out as his mind began to wander through his thoughts. He stopped walking as he ran through his memories.

@Soul OMU

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Olivia narrows her eyes and growls slightly as she stops herself from hitting the wall. "I don't care if he's a coward or not! I'm proud to know him and be able to call him a friend. I know when I need him most he will be there even if you say he's a coward." She snapped as her eyes flammed darkly, gold and black dust whirling around her.


Elizabeth sighs and turns towards Owen as she makes him focus on her. "...I did kill someone... In fact I killed many people because I couldn't control myself then... I killed people I loved as well... I regret what I did... But I can't change that or change who I am... I can only make myself better and practice so that I don't do it again... I can tell you've grown from who you were to who you are now..." She said softly while stopping herself from touching his skin with her hands.

Jason sighed after the memory faded, " It's alright, With all the call that's happened to you it kinda doesn't make sense for me to show you anymore of my nightmares. And to answer your question we're in your mind, in reality you're freaking out Eris and Mania are causing it, but I don't now if its at will or just their presence..I came in to get you."

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"Eris and Mania? The Goddesses of chaos and insanity? Ugh, not them AGAIN." Helena groaned, and attempting to rub her face, but of course her hands wouldn't go that far, "The last time I saw those two was when I tried to haaaaaaannnngggg...." She dragged out the last word, realizing just where she was going with it, and god forbid someone ELSE find out about-

The memories changed to that of a simple memory- of someone, a dark figure, hung from a ceiling fan, sounds of someone bashing a door in, "FFF*******CK," Helena shrieked, waved her hands around and jumping up and down to try to cover up was happening. The sound of cloven hooves on the wooden floor was getting closer, and closer, until suddenly the hung figure was shoved up out of their noose and fell to the floor, struggling to get up again. Shouting preceded, two voices. One distinctly Helena's and another male voice, shouting at each other.






"Helena you know I won't-"


The memories went to black and Helena stopped her jumping around and simply stood, hanging her head in shame.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason just put a hand on Helena's shoulder, his voice was warm and reassuring, "I don't judge you for what you did but..." Jason swiftly karate chops Helena, "Don't try that mess again, fight for your life and don't let anyone tell you or make you feel like you don't deserve it. Now lets go I promised those creepy goddesses of return you or they could have my sanity and uh test the limits of their powers on me.. not a fun way to live my life."

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"Okay, Jason. You tell me, how we're going to get out of here, hmm?" Helena said, rubbing her shoulder where he had karate chopped her, then she slowly turned to look at him, wiping her eyes with her shoulders as best she could- she didn't realize she had been crying listening to her own despair. Why would she be crying? It was her own fault for trying to hang herself. Not anyone else's.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason looked at her as she wiped her tears and momentarily forgot her question. He took her hand in his and used his free hand to wipe her tears away. "Hey don't cry, The past is the past, what's important use that your here alright?" Jason looked her dead in the eyes, "Okay?"

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Helena felt Jason wiping her tears away, and she opened her eyes and looked at him. He was staring into her eyes, and she couldn't help but feel... Safe? Like she was in good hands?.... She hadn't felt safe in a long time. She swallowed, then without a second, she threw her arms around him and hugged him fiercely. She had no idea why she was acting like this. She just... Did.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason blinked a few times when Helena hugged him and was surprised by her strength but he hugged her back wrapping her up in his arms. "I got an idea, there's a movie I saw called inception and to get out of peoples minds they did a sort of jolt, they did something like planet explosives or something and it booted them out of there. But that's were my idea ends since I don't have explosives." He said this into her read still hugging her side he typically didn't release a guy until the other person did.

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"I don't care.... Just get me out of here... Please..." She begged, staring at nothing in particular. Her mind was in other places. She hadn't let go of Jason, until she suddenly realized she was still hugging him, which was when she let go and cleared her throat awkwardly.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason looked around everything was black but not dark he thought of how they were when he entered Helena's mind, "Hmmm worth a shot, Helena, hug me again." Ad he said this another memory formed around them, this time it was a still memory, Jason and Helena stood watching themselves frozen mid-fall Helena's arms over Jason's shoulders and Jason's arms under her, the dome of ice clear enough to see the two goddesses munching on popcorn above them. " If we mimic that position. We may emulate the way we came in and this time exit your subconscious."

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Anthony stared at the journal having only made it eight pages into his own journal before it became too horrid for even his imagination. He felt the scars on his face and knew that they were now from a horrible father in a very bad situation.

If you're reading this then my name is unimportant what you need to know is that the owner of this journal Anthony is in danger. He needs somebody to help him since his father decided to burn the poor boy's face with that cigar the other day I'm scared for his life. The other day his father cut Anthony's chest deep and the whole way across with a broadsword. He claimed it was a training accident but I don't believe a five year old should be training with a blade. If this goes much further I'll have to intervene but all previous attempts have only brandished me scars and failure. This time I fight for the exchange of lives though.

- Lillian

Anthony then remembered the night it had all changed for him. He sat next to Lillian Garcia and tried to get her to answer him as his hands were covered in blood. "Help oh help my child has murdered his sister." Anthony looked up at his father terrified and ran towards the window only to hear a bang and feel himself break through the glass and plummet into the river. A few days later he woke to a group of girls dragging him into a building with his whole body bound and gagged.

"Boo hoo hoo hoo!" Fake crying rang through the place. Eris suddenly popped into the picture, her mismatched wings flapping, while Mania just kind of floated beside her. "This is so boooooring!" Eris cried, crossing her arms with a pout, then lifting a hand and snapping her fingers. The memories began to crack, and eventually fell apart like glass. And suddenly they were back on the ship.

Helena collapsed on top of Jason as they suddenly fell to the deck, the wind knocked out of her. As she struggled to bring in air, Eris and Mania poofed into the ice dome, Mania busily braiding Eris's stringy hair and Eris just looked displeased. "I thought you were going to lose it for a minute there. Siiiiiigh, oh well. You win. But we'll be back. Come Mania, my lovely." And with that, Eris opened her umbrella, and it snapped closed on both Mania and Eris, before disappearing, shattering the ice dome around Jason and Helena.... And finally letting everyone see them.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason knocked his head against the deck hard and he instantly felt dizzy. What was worse is that he found it difficult to breathe with Helena on top of him, "Helena.....are, you alright?" He looked up at her his head clearing and his heart suddenly jumped into his throat. "Wow." Was all he could think saying it in a hushed whisper.

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When she finally came back around, she found herself laying on top of Jason, and his face was bright red. Slowly she moaned and relaxed where she was, sighing and trying to get her breathing and her head together. What had happened? One minute she was in her tortured memories, the next... The next she was laying on top of Jason and only slightly cuddling against him... Oh.

She flinched off of Jason and rolled off, laying on her stomach, turning her head to look at him, "... Holy shit... I can't believe that worked."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Jason looked at Helena and nodded, "That was definitely one of my most idiotic ideas yet..... but I'm glad I did it." He smiled at Helena then turned his face to the sky closing his eyes but keeping the smile as the sun warmed his face.

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