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Fantasy Call of The Gods

Dearwolfy said:
The name sounded Vaugely familiar as if she should remember it. "Rue Crimsonmark."
"Rue Crimsonmark? Huh... that's a strange name for a mortal." Oswald just pats Rue's left shoulder, and then looks at the cafe building. "Would you like to sit down... and chat in a non crowded environment?"
Lyker Ross My name is Lyker Ross you may remember me as The sea god Kanin, he said with a shrug as he looked at the goddess and smirked "i can fell his darkness radiating from you" he said low but enough for the girl to hear he crossed his arms and raised a brow to the goddess @Dearwolfy @Angelostar4
Nathan22 said:
Misery went back to his human form due to wanting to rest easy. Hisan woke up and looked around. "Holy shit! So this is what jail is like? Cool lets get out." He said as he started to work out a way to escape his cell. He successfully did it by stealing the key from the gaurd demon and unlocking the door before killing such said demon. He started to make his way out and finally made it to the throne room.
(chamber meaning it was a room and he can walk freely. He wasn't locked up)
Rue looks at both of them and hears the god of the sea speak making her glare at him with a serious face. Who knows if the kid next to him was a part of the gods, but still something was off about Oswald like the goddess of Dominance. "I have to talk to my publisher. Perhaps a walk with me will help my evaluate who you two are. As for him, yes he is within me. I am his strongest subordinate and lieutenant. My goddess name is Darcius/Darcy for short." She starts walking and leading the way while looking both sides of the streets before crossing. "You say you're the king of the sea? What side are you?"

@FrostXShadow @Angelostar4
Lyker "i guess you could call me the King of the sea" he glared at ehr slightly "if i am following you what side do you think i am, these..." he looked around at all the humans "Mortals should be bowing to me as i walk" he said scowling "if i help Lythrin we can make that happen" he shrugged

@Dearwolfy @Angelostar4
When the man with the pony tail finally came up to them, Oswald let's out a troubled sigh. "He did not just tell me he was a god..." He brought his palm to his face, and then drags down his face. "It's a... pleasure to meet you Kanin." He says not excited in the least. "I'm Oswald Kirkwall."

He heard that Rue needed to speak to this... publisher of sorts. Shrugging his shoulders, he followed the girl that went acrossed the street. And since now the two of them are now talking, he just decides to keep quiet. "And now she sat her name... though... I feel like I should know her name... no matter" Oswald just scoffed at the idea of making humans bow to them. "I don't really care... their just human, let them do what they want."

@Dearwolfy @FrostXShadow
Rue rolled her eyes. So he's one of those guys. "I guess so." She simply said. "Everyone has a reason." She mutters. "So I take it you're not here to chit chat or explore seeing as how you seem to try and push every human aside out of disgust. To what do I owe the pleasure of helping you boys with?"

@FrostXShadow @Angelostar4
Oswald just shrugs his shoulders when Rue asked that. "I'm just following the both of you. Since you lot have godly energy." He says. "Put don't mind me. Think of me as a shadow... I won't speak, unless spoken to."

@Dearwolfy @FrostXShadow
Hisan woke up in the bed. He got out of it and looked around, he should apologize to his master. "Or use my incredibly sexy ass to make it up to him." He started to laugh as he started to jog towards the throne room. "Hey my lord! Which you swing?" He said bluntly.

Rue halts in front of a building and sighs. She grabs her cig and stuffs it on her coat pocket. "Very well. As for you." She turns to Oswald then looks him up and down. "Never mind." She closes her eyes and with the snap of her fingers, darkness engulfs them and suddenly appearing at the throne room. Lythrin sat there holding a floating orb and resting his head on his right arm looking bored. The orb vanishes out of sight and he stares at the new arrival. Rue bows her head toward the god. "Seems we have visitors that wish to talk to you." Lythrin recognizes Lyker and the one beside Rue. He scoffs. "God of the sea and your darling brother I see. It's been awhile." Rue widens her eyes and turns to Oswald in shock. "What? You're my brother?" "Oh you didn't know that? Your twin to be exact." Lythrin was amused yet turns his attention to Lyker. "To what do I owe this fist for?" The god notices Hisan enter the throne room as well and raises a brow. "What?"

Beau walked out of Starbucks with his latte only to see Lythrin standing there with a bunch of other Gods, "Well shit," he spoke quite loudly, "Oh well I haven't got anything else to do today." He walked over to them, "Hey hi how you all doing um... Beau here or Acorious whichever. Neutral by the way. Don't kill me. I'm just interested in what's going on," he drank some of his latte, "Please continue,"
Oswald eyes widen as he was now standing in front of Lythrin. Though, he was also shocked that Rue was actually his sister, twin sister to be exact. "Great... this is the last place I wanted to be at this moment..." Oswald thought as he quietly leans on the walls of Lythrin's throne room chamber. "I'll just let them talk out there plans... and once their done... I don't know probably mess around in the city with the mortals... or play catch up with my sister. Decisions, Decisions."

@Dearwolfy @FrostXShadow
Kinan the Sea God Lyker took a couple of steps forward leting his form change so that he was in his god form "It has been a long time Lythrin" he adjusted his sleeve "im here because i wish to help you" he crossed his arms

"The plot thickens," Beau said jokingly before realising Lythrin and the other Gods probably didn't want him there, "I'll shut up." He spoke quietly and drank his latte.
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Threlm smiled. "Then you already know what I think about them. A little bit of controversy and compition always made the world a little more prosperous." Threlm laughed. "So you are neutral like me then?"

Lythrin stares at Lyker. "I see well it's great to have you back. I was beginning to wonder where my followers are. Currently one of them has gone with the goddess of love. The strongest one of us chaos." He growls. "I've called upon him many times but it seems he's falling victim to the goddess of love. I feel weak from the lack of souls. I need one more soul. A god one at that to feel replenished."
"I guess so. I do however lean towards the gods in most situations." replied Anos as he gave a small chuckle.

He then stood up from his seat fully rested and turned to face Threlm. Looking down at him he snapped his fingers to create a single gold coin. The coin had no markings and seemed untouched. He then offered the coin in hand to Threlm in hopes he would take it.

"I thank you for your company today. I would encourage to take this gift of mine as a token of appreciation. Just as a small reminder of me. I, unfortunately, would have to run off for some business so I do hope we meet again." said Anos as he smiled brightly.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Kanin The Sea God "maybe i can help with that, do you have specific god in mind?" he ran a hand through his knee length aqua hair "or should i hunt some random god" his eyes glowed and a small smirk appeared on his lips "and eating god souls my my Lythy when did you become so evil" he mused to the chaos god

Threlm smiled and stood taking the golden coin. And bowed. "I am humbled by your gift Anos. I must give you one in return to show my gratitude." Threlm looked at him and held out his hand a spear appearing in his hand he turned it so Anos could more easily grab it. (

) Threlm also hoped that he would accept his gift. He didn't have many others he would give one too. Anos seemed like a smart man and a person to be in good will of. He might need some protecting at some point and threlm would always greatly accept.

"Ooooo hunting Gods! That sounds like fun," He smiled but it quickly faded. He looked up at Lythrin, "Again I'm neutral. Not trying to over-step my boundaries." He stared off into the distance as his mind began to wonder and he started to think out loud, "Well, if I had to pick a side it probably would be yours, mostly because it's stronger and I have a less chance of dying. But I'd turn straight to the good side if things went fuck up. I should totally call Sammy. This shit's fun to watch," Beau had no idea that these Gods hated the shadow God.
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FrostXShadow said:
Kanin The Sea God "maybe i can help with that, do you have specific god in mind?" he ran a hand through his knee length aqua hair "or should i hunt some random god" his eyes glowed and a small smirk appeared on his lips "and eating god souls my my Lythy when did you become so evil" he mused to the chaos god
(I assume since Lythrin doesnt like mortals he is in the underworld)

He scoffs at the god. "A random god will do. A useful one so I can harness their power." He clenches his fist. "You're too kind Kanin. I just decided eating souls makes death stronger."

Rue simply watched Oswald from the corner of her eye wondering why she hasn't recognized him or why she can't remember him being a sibling. Either way she walks up to her twin and suddenly Pat's his head with love.

@Angelostar4 @FrostXShadow
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When given, Anos simply held down his hand at the spear. He nodded his head as if he was saying no. While looking useful, he had no need for it. Though it was a nice jester regardless.

"I'm sorry my friend. I cannot take a gift such as this. You have no obligation in repaying me back. But I do thank you once more." said Anos as he bowed.

After bowing, he took one of his hands to pet the little Toby who was still fast asleep during their interaction.

"Anyhow, I will have to go. Until till next time! May you have great fortune!" said Anos as he turned to walk down the cobblestone path.

After walking for a minute or two, Anos stopped in his tracks. Turning back, he waved greatly to his new friend while list giving a smile of appreciation. He then turned back to continue his journey into the jungles of the city.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
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