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Fantasy Call of The Gods

He felt an aching pull 'what is that, it feels like...' he tried to ignore it but it kept getting stronger. He pulled away from the kiss "someone is praying to me" he mmumbled and got off the bed "um sorry we will continue this later " he jumped through a shadow disappearing from the room

FrostXShadow said:
He felt an aching pull 'what is that, it feels like...' he tried to ignore it but it kept getting stronger. He pulled away from the kiss "someone is praying to me" he mmumbled and got off the bed "um sorry we will continue this later " he jumped through a shadow disappearing from the room
"But-" He had already disappeared. He sighed and grabbed his bow and quiver. He needed to practice shooting today anyway. He walked outside and across the road towards the forest where his targets were set up.

(@Dearwolfy when do you want to do the thing with Beau)
Dearwolfy said:
Lythrin's back turned as a shroud of darkness causes Misery to fall on his knees as if being drained again. Lythrin's head spins like if he was possessed. "Do you think I'm stupid? What was that paper you dropped?" His eyes glowing and his voice demonic suddenly in front of the man. He was horrifying. "Fon't even try to deny it. I saw it!"
"Your party tricks are starting to become pathetic master. For your magic to work I would need a heart, blood and a soul in the vicinity of the smoke. However I had them removed to reduce the risk of being detected by my enemies. And I needed insurance to make sure nothing happens to my son if and when we lose. Also would you believe me if I said yes?" He said. He looked at you and smiled through the mask. "If you wanted to hurt me use my mind. It's the only functioning thing in my body."
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Lythrin hisses and grins. "Your son eh? Well then...no worries. I'm sure my pets can track him down and who knows something bad happens to them? I could kill you here but what would be the running that? Threatening your son's life is better." He snaps his fingers and a few beasts come out. Behind Lythrin and sniff Misery. "If your son is half god then that means I can easily corrupt him and find him. Who knows I might already have him corrupted." The beasts growl and look to their master. "Found a familiar scent? Good go find him." The beasts vanish and emerge on the surface where humans lived and start following the scent. Lythrin stabs that God's stomach while he was strapped down. "I warned you. Make one false move and you die, don't worry I'm not finished with you yet!" Lythrin starts taking away Hisan's Soul in a very slow manner.

Misery scowls under his mask and says "You can't really afford to be killing off your allies, now can you?" His soul is nowhere to be found. "You've barely got anyone to support you. Demons are practically cannon fodder at this point. And besides my son is somewhere you nor your demons can reach." He bows again respectfully.

(I'm starting to wish this didn't happen. My characters not as strong as yours and I don't want him or his son to die...)
Gilgamesh was wearing his classy outfit humming happily in the street.He was kicking the ass of a demons throwing a sword trough his gate before petting his cat on his shoulders.

(Open for interaction)
For a split second, Genji could see a small glint in Leone's eyes. That when she start grabbing seemly the air as she does some rhythmic reach outs. Waitting for one second, and then quickly reaching out to the air. She stops reaching out, and starts to breath in and out of her mouth. Opening her hand, Genji saw 10 leaves in her right hand. "Heh! Looks like you're fighting material!" Genji says with a smile. "Tell me, how did you grab those leaves so good with that hand?" He asked.

Leone was so tired that she slump her back onto the tree, and let's go of the leaves in her hand. "The point is... to keep the hand relaxed until it touches the leaf and... whew... the instant you touch the leaf, you snap the wrist quickly to hold it." She explained. Then she looked at her hand. "The problem I was having earlier, is that I was clenching my hand tightly, meaning it would slow down my hand."

"Amazing... she knew what was wrong with her technique, so she quickly found a work around. That's rather smart of her!"
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Beau arrived for target practice and immediately went to work. He took his bow and three arrows from his quiver. He released the arrows and hit the target in the black, the bullseye, and the black once again. He practiced the same technique over and over again because if it were actually a person, the arrows would hit the head, chest and stomach meaning death would be instantaneously. He ended up taking a break after a while and riding Andreas through the forest instead.
Nathan22 said:
Misery scowls under his mask and says "You can't really afford to be killing off your allies, now can you?" His soul is nowhere to be found. "You've barely got anyone to support you. Demons are practically cannon fodder at this point. And besides my son is somewhere you nor your demons can reach." He bows again respectfully.
(I'm starting to wish this didn't happen. My characters not as strong as yours and I don't want him or his son to die...)
(Oh he's not gonna die. This is just to scare him. He has to send a message to his followers not to mess with him. Sorry if this is too much. I'll tone it down for you if this is too much. Im not gonna kill anyone either because it would be unfair.)

Lythrin growls at his subordinate. He was right. Of course he was but to scare the man was just an example of scaring and setting them on the right path. This man was clearly playing tricks and he's had enough of it right now. He wasn't in the mood. What sucked is the fact that right now using his powers made him feel sick. He growls. He just needed another God soul left to regenerate. A useful one. Lythrin drops Hisan making him black out as he puts the soul back into Misery. Some demon guards come and take him the brute away into a chamber with a bed. By the time Misery awoke he would be fine with no wounds.

Lythrin pants and groans as he sits on his bed exhausted. Being caved down there was really annoying. He felt strong but it wasn't enough. It never was.

@Nathan22 @Daniel reaving
"Why the hell am I walking in the realm of mortals again?" Oswald thought as he walk through the crowd with his half button up shirt. "Oh right... i'm looking for something I guess... what was it again?" He then place a hand onto his chin. "Um... I don't know, it'll come to me soon enough."
"Aha, I understand now. You must then know all the god's in the city then." chuckled Anos. He then held his arms vertically in the air and proceeded to stretch them as far as possible. A groan came about.

"In that case, what's with the new's about the Lythrin's?" asked Anos.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa

(Sorry for delay)
Threlm laughed, "You over estimate me my friend. I dont know everyone. But I do know a good amount. The Lythrins are sending demons to test the gods strength and engaging themselves as little as possible as far as I know." Threlm smirked. "What do you think of Lythrin?" Threlm watched a bird fly overhead.

While studying at the same bird he truly thought about it. But Threlm's question seemed... unusual. He knew clearly that Anos was a friendly god but yet asked what he thought about their common enemies. What was he looking for exactly? Which side is he on? More questions than answers were beginning to appear. But much to Anos's knowledge, he knew very little about the subject.

"I think that the world should live in peace and prosperity but yet have a small amount of chaos to prevent a complete utopia. A sort of yin-yang if you will. With that said, I just don't want them ruining my business after all." said Anos as he closed his eyes.

He gave a small grin.

"Tell me, what do you think of them?"

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Rue takes a bite of her food and places it down. "I'll be back I have to go talk to my publisher. I forgot to mention it." She grabs her hand and smiles sweetly towards Maria. "See ya later okay? I promise I won't ever leave you alone. Not after this reunion." She kisses the girl's cheek and walks off into the streets. Hands into her pockets and a cig in her mouth she just put in. She felt an odd yet familiar presence as she comes to a halt in the middle of the street near the cafe. She looks around and raises a brow wondering what it was? A god?

Kanin The Sea God Kanin casually walked out of the ocean and onto the beach "hm he has risen" he said walking from the beach to the city. before he could get to the city he turned into his human form. "i hate this disgusting form but i must blend in with the mortals if i am to find a agent of Lythrin" he took a hair tie and tied up his long hair into a low pony tail and he walked into the city scowling at the humans

Oswald's eyes widen as he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. "There's someone here... but this force of power." He took his hand off his chin and began to walk through the city streets, navigating his towards it. "It feels so familiar..." His travelling took Oswald to a cafe. "The force of power is much closer than before... but who in this crowd possess it?" He looks around in the crowd, with his red gleaming eyes.

As the crowd continues the circulation of the streets, Oswald gets pushed by a stranger passerby. The person he bumps into turns around and looks at the stranger. It was Rue he bumped into. Her eyes blink multiple times in curiosity. Cig in tact. She stood there with her hands shoved in her pockets as people continued to pass by. @Angelostar4
Feeling the bump, he looks at his person. And see it was a girl smoking a cigarette. But he soon realizes that the force of power was coming from this same girl. Oswald narrows his eyes. "...Never would expect a god to be here of all places." He says to the girl.

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Lyker "alright so where can i find an agent of Lythrin he said looking around as he walked through the street. he mumbled as he looked around seeing if he can find a god. "hm i thought this place was supposed to be crawling with him" his green eyes darted around

((open for interaction))
Beau walked out of the forest on Andreas' back and dismounted him. He told the stag to leave and he did so. Beau then walked to the nearest Starbucks. He could use a latte.

((Open for interaction. Plz I'm so bored and not tired yet.))
FrostXShadow said:
Lyker "alright so where can i find an agent of Lythrin he said looking around as he walked through the street. he mumbled as he looked around seeing if he can find a god. "hm i thought this place was supposed to be crawling with him" his green eyes darted around
((open for interaction))
(My bad haha didn't see that till now)

Rue stares at the boy and recognizes him a little. "Don't I know you from somewhere? You have the energy of a god." She turns and sees another one approaching in a pony tail. "Another one? They both feel familiar." She turns to Oswald. "You what's your name?"

@FrostXShadow @Angelostar4
He could feel another sense, and from the distance he saw a boy with a pony tail that let out a force of power. But, once the girl asked for her name. Oswald turns and face her. "My name is Oswald Kirkwall." He says. "And since you asked for my name, what is your's?"

@Dearwolfy @FrostXShadow
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Dearwolfy said:
(Oh he's not gonna die. This is just to scare him. He has to send a message to his followers not to mess with him. Sorry if this is too much. I'll tone it down for you if this is too much. Im not gonna kill anyone either because it would be unfair.)
Lythrin growls at his subordinate. He was right. Of course he was but to scare the man was just an example of scaring and setting them on the right path. This man was clearly playing tricks and he's had enough of it right now. He wasn't in the mood. What sucked is the fact that right now using his powers made him feel sick. He growls. He just needed another God soul left to regenerate. A useful one. Lythrin drops Hisan making him black out as he puts the soul back into Misery. Some demon guards come and take him the brute away into a chamber with a bed. By the time Misery awoke he would be fine with no wounds.

Lythrin pants and groans as he sits on his bed exhausted. Being caved down there was really annoying. He felt strong but it wasn't enough. It never was.

@Nathan22 @Daniel reaving
Misery went back to his human form due to wanting to rest easy. Hisan woke up and looked around. "Holy shit! So this is what jail is like? Cool lets get out." He said as he started to work out a way to escape his cell. He successfully did it by stealing the key from the gaurd demon and unlocking the door before killing such said demon. He started to make his way out and finally made it to the throne room.

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