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Fantasy Call of The Gods

Angelostar4 said:
In a instant Oswald was back on the surface, inside his sister's impressive house. Following his sister's command, he closed the down behind him and then followed her into the kitchen. "Why you couldn't remember me? Well..." He was slightly hesitant at first, but he thought about for a minute and decided to speak again. "Maybe because I wasn't too important in your memories. That could be a reason as to why." He says lightly. "Or maybe because i've always been in the shadows... and never been recognized by my deeds..."
Rue was surprised by his comment. She grabs two drinks and closes the door. "What? That's ridiculous. I would never forget someone I care deeply for. You're my brother and I think that says a lot man. I man look at you? Hard to miss someone as cute as you are." She snickers handing him a drink and ruffling his hair with love. "Besides thr main reason I'm with Lythrin is to get my family back." She walks ovee to the balcony outside and leans on the rail. "I thought I would have fun here with the mortals but everything became shit. I missed the old days of our gathering. I guess I just want to feel like I belong" She sighs looking down.
With the drink in hand, he follows his sister out onto the balcony. Watching the city below them. "You and me both sister... finding a place to belong is truely a difficult task..." He drinks some of this unknown substance in the cup. "And sister, I am not cute nor handsome in the least."

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A devilish smirk appeared on Lyker's lips "alright this should do" he said before crouching down and touching the ground. after a few seconds a small rumble ripped through the city but the rumble got bigger and bigger until it was a full scale earthquake ripping through out the town "and maybe ill throw in this for good luck" he took a step back and raised his spear in the air "Tidal wave" he said simply and the ocean behind him seemed to respond the water backed away from shore and started to form a massive wave that would bear down on the city "i hop you all can swim" he let out a cackle before pointing his spear at the town. the water responded and the giant tidal waved clashed into the city, and flooded the streets
Misery was running along the rooftops when he saw the streets. "What the hell?!" He said as he looked for anyone still alive but saw only a baby stroller being whisked away by the current. He sat down and looked over to see Rue and her brother on their balcony. He waved sadly.

@Dearwolfy @Angelostar4

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FrostXShadow said:
A devilish smirk appeared on Lyker's lips "alright this should do" he said before crouching down and touching the ground. after a few seconds a small rumble ripped through the city but the rumble got bigger and bigger until it was a full scale earthquake ripping through out the town "and maybe ill throw in this for good luck" he took a step back and raised his spear in the air "Tidal wave" he said simply and the ocean behind him seemed to respond the water backed away from shore and started to form a massive wave that would bear down on the city "i hop you all can swim" he let out a cackle before pointing his spear at the town. the water responded and the giant tidal waved clashed into the city, and flooded the streets
Beau grabbed his bow and quiver. He opened his bedroom window to see the streets being flooded and the culprit standing there. It was a water God. He fired an arrow as a warning shot, "Yo storm God! It's the God of Archery and Music! What gives?!"
"Awww do you not like a little water?" He willed the current to go faster "god eh? A smirk rose on his lips "i guess you will do" he created another tidal wave "dont drown" he let the tidal wave add to the one already flooding city
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FrostXShadow said:
"Awww do you not like a little water?" He willed the current to go faster "god eh? A smirk rose on his lips "i guess you will do" he created another tidal wave "dont drown" he let the tidal wave add to the one already flooding city
Beau grabbed his guitar and climbed up onto the roof. He fired another arrow at him and hoped he'd be injured by it.

(I won't be inline until later on today.)
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Lyker hit the arrow with his spear "is that all you got archer god" he said willing a jet stream of water to fly at the boy at blinding speeds "at least make it interesting for me Archer" he laughed


Jason finished eating his salad. He wiped off his mouth with his handkerchief and stood. He drunk the remaining wine in his cup and called for the waiter.

"Here is the payment for the food" He handed him the payment for the food "and here is your tip"

The amount of cash he handed to the waiter for his tip was double the price of everything he ordered. The waited looked at him with shock and bowed. The waiter thanked him. Jason smiled and then bid farewell to the waiter and walked out of the restaurant. Outside, a car was waiting for him. He got in and told the driver to head to the 'Time' building. The headquarters for his company.

(Sorry, i have been busy with school and i have a lot of roleplays to attend to)​

Eclipse | Suzaku

God of Destruction and Fire

Morning came and Suzaku was lying on the bed, reading a book titled, 'Being a gentleman.' Reina's kitten was sleeping beside him. He found her kitten laying under the bed and played with him for awhile before it fell to sleep the entire night. Suzaku on the other hand, did not sleep. He found things to do such as playing chess and reading books. Throughout the night, he played about a dozen game of chess for an hour or 2 and finished a cooking book by a man named, 'Gordon Ramsay.' It was blatantly obvious that the God of Destruction had much to learn in order to fit in the mortal realm that he probably will reside in until his eternal rest.

The sun shone through the uncovered windows of the room. He was at page 201 and he had about 99 pages to go. Not knowing what's a bookmark, he folded the half the page as a reminder of his pages, not knowing that he could just fold a small tip at the top corner. Suzaku stood from the bed and went out. He walked over to Reina's room and was about to knock it before thinking that she may still be resting and it is unwise to disturb her. Instead, he changed his mind and walked downstairs, wandering around before stopping at the kitchen.

With the knowledge he had garnered from reading the cooking book, he decided to make some quick breakfast. Seeing a couple of eggs and a fresh loaf of bread, he toasted the breads and scrambled half a dozen of eggs, adding salt and pepper to taste and a couple of sliced onions. Afterwards, he served the toasted breads and scrambled eggs on two separate cleaned plates. He began to clean the equipment that he had used.

Reina | Amor | The goddess of Love

Reina woke up at 9:oo, she stretched and yawned. She looked around and saw that her kitten was nowhere to be seen. Worried, she got up and went downstairs in nothing but her night clothes. They were quite... revealing. Considering the fact that they were see-through. She enjoyed wearing them, as she is too, the goddess of Lust. She walked down the stairs, calling for her kitten. She was stopped by the smell of eggs and toast.
yummy. She headed to the kitchen to see Suzaku cleaning her pots.

"Oh dear, why are you cleaning?" She asked. "I'm sorry, I should have waken up earlier." She gave him a bright smile.

"Good morning, Eclipse, I didn't know you could cook."


Eclipse | Suzaku

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku turned from the sink, just finished washing up the frying pan until he saw an almost revealed Reina. His jaw dropped for a while, probably admiring her for awhile but quickly snapped back into reality, realizing it was not 'gentleman-like.' He quickly recomposed himself and flashed a charming smile,
"Good morning Amor. I was just cleaning up some things I had used earlier on making you breakfast. I hope you don't mind. Gordon Ramsay taught me how to cook yesterday night." He said, reminiscing how good the cooking book by the famed Scottish chef was.

Reina | Amor | The goddess of Love

Reina grinned and laughed lightly. She approached the god and helped him put them back where the pots belonged. She didn't mind him staring, she was pleased, in fact. But she didn't tell him this.

"So you didn't sleep?" She asked as she took his hands. "Thank you for cooking breakfast, I really appreciate it." She kissed his cheek lightly and gave him a hug.

Her stomach grimbled and she laughed.

@MrPotato [/h]
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Eclipse | Suzaku

God of Destruction and Fire

Suzaku poured a glass of milk for her and set it beside the plate of eggs and bread. He tried not to stare at her body, thinking that it may be inappropriate.
"No. I was not tired." Suzaku was once again taken aback as Reina took his hands. The goddess of Love and Lust is truly surprising. His heartbeat increased in speed and even more so as she kissed her cheek. He hugged her back. "You're welcome." He smiled. Although the grumble from her stomach was soft, it was audible to him and he laughed a little, "You should eat first. They're still warm."

Reina | Amor | The goddess of Love

Reina nodded and smiled as she sat down.

"Eat with me." She said with a smile as she sat down, still holding his hand.

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Eclipse | Suzaku

God of Destruction and Fire

With his hand still with Reina's, he sat beside her, a smile is visible on his face.
"You take the first bite and tell me how is it."

FrostXShadow said:
Lyker hit the arrow with his spear "is that all you got archer god" he said willing a jet stream of water to fly at the boy at blinding speeds "at least make it interesting for me Archer" he laughed
Beau took three arrows and fired them simultaneously. This God was strong, stronger than him, "You destroy the place I call home. Don't think I'm giving up."
Tue notices the tornado and watches as destruction starts to happen. She turns and notices Hisan there. "What are you doing here?" She asked confused.

@Nathan22 (sorry I'm in a hurry I will reply as quick as I can)
Dearwolfy said:
Tue notices the tornado and watches as destruction starts to happen. She turns and notices Hisan there. "What are you doing here?" She asked confused.
@Nathan22 (sorry I'm in a hurry I will reply as quick as I can)
(No problem sorry for seeming impatient.)

"Oh you know, just passing by and I happened to notice you two." He said as he checked his phone. He scowled and slammed back into his pocket.
"So much for hanging around the city..." Seeing that how the city was engulfed in water. Oswald let out a terrible sigh, and jumps down from the balcony, and towards were Hisan is. "Let me guess, Sea God did this... huh?"

@Nathan22 @Dearwolfy
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Dearwolfy said:
Rue was confused. "Oh. That's cool." She notices Hisan scowl at his phone. "Something wrong?" She raises a brow.
@Nathan22 @Angelostar4
"It's nothing don't worry about it." He says as he looks down. "Doesn't that idiot understand that's he killing people we're supposed to be ruling....it's unnecessary death and destruction..." His phone goes off again he takes it out of his pocket and chucked it.

"Knew that big mouthed god was going to do something as idiotic as this..." He closed his eyes as he thought about this. Oswald took a peek at the destruction laid before him. "Man... I was really looking forward to exploring this place... oh well"

Nathan22 said:
"It's nothing don't worry about it." He says as he looks down. "Doesn't that idiot understand that's he killing people we're supposed to be ruling....it's unnecessary death and destruction..." His phone goes off again he takes it out of his pocket and chucked it.
@Nathan22 @Angelostar4
Dearwolfy said:
Rue sighs and leans against the rail. "Yeah...well it's not like Lythrin cares how chaotic it is and these humans can reproduce quickly I'm sure. It's just this place in particular not like anything else will happen." She shrugs.
@Nathan22 @Angelostar4
"Still..." He muttered as he grinds his teeth. "They're humans anyway... Stupid chaotic humans." He said as he subtly compared the sea God to humans.

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