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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN: CHAPTER II | OOC [On Break!]


Aye my character is moderately insane. I've done his personality in 1st person >.<
I always have the itch to bring my insane guy everywhere but sadly he wouldn't fit in this rp unless Avari was after antagonist PC's
My character isn't so much an antagonist. Rather he lives in the morally grey area. If he deems that 'doing the right thing' would be amusing then he would do so without hesitation :p
Also as a note I've never ever seen an interesting antagonist in an RP - they usually fall into "Look at me, I'm Soooo crazy" or "look at me, I'm sooOOoo EVIL" categories which don't really do a lot for me. They never really go anywhere character wise, and I'm all about dat character development.

RP has about 2-3 big antagonists planned, with Lucrezia always in the background. Might be open to a player antagonist at some point but - ehhhh? We'll see. Lol
Yeah Malice is an antagonist for fun, like extreme ADHD and the only thing he's found that cures his boredom is chaos. Which means, as previously mentioned, sadly not the best fit for this RP though if you do want a little antagonist to push plot points or story along let me know, I make them easy. I always prefer to play the villain.
Also as a note I've never ever seen an interesting antagonist in an RP - they usually fall into "Look at me, I'm Soooo crazy" or "look at me, I'm sooOOoo EVIL" categories which don't really do a lot for me. They never really go anywhere character wise, and I'm all about dat character development.

RP has about 2-3 big antagonists planned, with Lucrezia always in the background. Might be open to a player antagonist at some point but - ehhhh? We'll see. Lol

Development is cool, but I usually like competence and badassness more than anything in my bad guys. Show is better than tell for displaying evilness or craziness or competence.

I've never tried to do a real bad guy before. Maybe someday.
Both have their place. A morally grey Villain or one with a backstory that makes you feel for them is great to watch how it slowly reveals itself while getting emotionally invested in the same way you would a Hero. While ones just there to look and feel badass are just that, they look and feel badass. Whether you're playing it or watching it, badbass bad guys are fun and are a good obstacle as they are the opposite of what a hero should be.
My favorite villains are probably Tywin Lannister and/or Littlefinger from GoT. People you dont want to fuck with for various reasons.

There are a few villains in xenoblade that go the development route, notably Jin and Egil, but the problem is, specifically for Jin, I think his reasons that are supposed to be sympathetic are just dumb and it takes away from him a bit to me.

I like metal face from the first one. Not because he's competent or badass, but because his reasons are so realistic. He did what he did because he was jealous and a coward and that's it. Sometimes bad people do bad things for simple reasons, and that just seems really authentic to me, moreso than someone who has convoluted, roundabout reasons that are supposed to justify their actions somehow on some level.

I like Amalthus because he's so good at all the political plotting and manipulating and maneuvering. He hides in plain sight behind a veneer of plausible deniability until he's ready to make his move, which I think is very smart and pretty cool. Like, it's easy to say hes a bad guy before its revealed, but hard to point to a specific reason why other than "he sounds like Malos" and "he makes me uncomfortable."
My favorite villains are probably Tywin Lannister and/or Littlefinger from GoT. People you dont want to fuck with for various reasons.

There are a few villains in xenoblade that go the development route, notably Jin and Egil, but the problem is, specifically for Jin, I think his reasons that are supposed to be sympathetic are just dumb and it takes away from him a bit to me.

I like metal face from the first one. Not because he's competent or badass, but because his reasons are so realistic. He did what he did because he was jealous and a coward and that's it. Sometimes bad people do bad things for simple reasons, and that just seems really authentic to me, moreso than someone who has convoluted, roundabout reasons that are supposed to justify their actions somehow on some level.

I like Amalthus because he's so good at all the political plotting and manipulating and maneuvering. He hides in plain sight behind a veneer of plausible deniability until he's ready to make his move, which I think is very smart and pretty cool. Like, it's easy to say hes a bad guy before its revealed, but hard to point to a specific reason why other than "he sounds like Malos" and "he makes me uncomfortable."

Jin was a lot more effective after the DLC I think.
I think hes worse after the DLC, because it's even more obvious that the person hes doing it for would never have wanted it. His reasons seem even dumber after that to me.

Well don't all Cats think they are the most important thing in the world? :p
Will probably start doing character feedback over the next few days. No one needs anything major so far, a bit of tweaking here and there. A bit of clarification and such.

There's a few more to come in.

They'll also be a location guide whacked somewhere for important areas - like whereabouts various characters live, certain spots like cafes, bars and all that.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Why have I not been getting notifs when I've watched this thread.
Is anyone making/made a human too? I'm finding ways to mingle my OC with others. I kinda like the idea of my OC's family somehow being dragged into the mafia's stuff.

Welcome, glad you found us.

Here's how we getting on btw.

I'm just laying around with my phone so I'll be here rest of the day LOL​
Oh just to be clear guys - they don't CALL themselves Abnormal. That's just the Foundation classification. ahaha​
Oh just to be clear guys - they don't CALL themselves Abnormal. That's just the Foundation classification. ahaha​
Oh when I said he was abnormal, I meant in the literal sense, not the title. Like literally, "Not Normal."
We shall see when the RP starts :p. I don't want to make any assumptions before hand :p.

Kaysen: "Just let the RSPCA handle the cat... we have more important things to attend to"

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