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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Marko grinned. That was the Dimitri he knew. "Let's go talk to her. I swear if my paintings have been taken down" Marko remembers the Asgard picture and the shrine picture for Tony and Pietro. He lobed those two pantingaw. They better be there

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(Using your cell for this thing is never easy)

Jack continued to speak after asking the question. "I know everyone has their own way of copping with things but this is one of the worst ways to do it" he said calmly
He stretched his legs. "Actually, I think I can run to stark tower. I just gotta shake off that rust. I'm sure you can fly there too. Try to keep up, banshee." He said as he ran towards the tower, tripping and tumbling a few blocks forward.
Marko does his damn best to hold in his laughter. He's never faced a bigger challenge. He falls down on the floor, his face cherry red holding in the laughter. His stomach started to hurt. He was gonna have very defined abs after this

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Jaon looks over at her father a bit surprised "Father... what are you doing here... don't you have to rule asgard?" She asks

Thor laughs "Yes... but my part as a family member must be done first daughter... now... where is Cassie?" He asks

"Yuck it up loudmouth! I'd like to see you do this!" Dimitri yelled to Marko as he stood up.

A citizen said loudly "Hey is that quicksilver? I thought that-"

Dimitri inturrupted. "Actually it's Mercury! And this is my sidekick," he pointed to Marko. "His name is Chatterbox."
Marko gets up and signals to Dimitri "I actually made a name I liked. White Bolt. " Marko's face still apple red from holding in his laughter

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He turned to the citizen. "That's sign language for him agreeing with me. Have a nice day. Tell the daily bugle!" He joined Marko WALKING to the tower. "White Bolt eh? That's not bad. Are you going to get a cool white costume?"
Marko shrugs "once Cassie gets out of her dark pit of depression, I'm going to ask her if she can make me one. But I don't wanna push her if she is in an emotional break down" Marko sighs. He can see it now "Daily Bugle! QuickSilver looking kid and Chatterbox throwing ASL hand signs at him"

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"Of course. There's no rush. She needs to grieve in her own way like I did." When they arrived, Dimitri called the elevator. "On the bright side, no broken windows and only working elevators!"
"Hopefully the elevators aren't as rusty as you are" Marko does his best to hold in his laughter again

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"You tell no one about that! If you do I'll tickle you and you'll owe Cassie one hell of a check." He said as he stepped onto the elevator and hit the button.
Phoenix wakes up, feeling exhausted from working in the tower, and intensive training he had been doing for two weeks to keep in shape. "So tired..... I feel like I am about to pass out." He thought to himself as he got out of bed and went into the living room, looking like a total mess.
"Scouts honor" Marko teasingly does a fake tripping fall into the elevator. He signs at Dimitri "I wonder if Cassie could make me something to where I can finally speak with out dropping an a bomb in the process"

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"Hey, if Steven Hawking can get one of those, Cass certainly can." He walked out of the elevator. "What up count chocula?" He said as he saw Phoenix.
Marko smiles and waves to Phoenix. He scribbles a note to him. "How are ya?"

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Teri looked around and pulled out a small tablet that was hidden on her person. 'Hey Esc...how about we add a super heater on your blade and claws?' She thought.


'Yeah yeah I'll refill your munitions as well.'

She pressed a few keys and the tablet lit up with a display of weapons. She tapped a few of the images before taking another sip.
Phoenix looked at dimitri and groaned. "Nothing much ssssssspeedy, Just exhausted like a flat tire." he said as he sat down on the couch, and struggled to stay awake. "Get me some coffee, would ya?" he asked, since his eyes grew heavier every second. "I..... am fine...." Phoenix replied to Marko with a yawn. @National @Reaper
"Speedy? More like Tumbler." Marko grins at Dimitri and sits down on the couch "Anything interesting Phoenix?"

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He zipped around before putting a thermos in front of Phoenix and plopping down on a couch opposite the other two.
"Thanksssss.... I needed that." he said as he looked at marko. "Nothing really, but I did come up with a design for a new weapon..... " Phoenix said as he got the plans out, which was for a strange and intimidating looking weapon indeed. "I call it, The switch axe!!" he said with excitement.

(Here is the switch axe, a weapon that switches from axe to sword mode, with a phial that varies among axes, powering the sword mode for about 20 attacks before running out, then it recharges for one whole minute. the sword mode also pierces and cuts through anything, unless it is any indestructible material like vibranium.) @Reaper @National
Marko claps. The weapon looked very impressive indeed. Something spacey looking for sure

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The Regal Rper]Hearing some tinkering and noises coming from the lab Jack sneaks in sitting on one of the beams that supports the ceiling. From there he watched Cassie work but got tired of it and seeing she hadn't noticed him hides behind the desk she was working on. "So" he said. "How long do you plan on staying in this prison hmm?" he asked casually. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13975-sitanomoto/ said:
(Jack is gonna get slapped isn't he?)
Cassie jumped with a squeak and punched him. Her hair was tussled and frizzy, and she looked like she hadn't slept in a week, which was pretty much true. She realized who it was and then heard Ivory. "Yeah, Ivory!"she said. She stood and put her screwdriver down. She looked at Jack, then at the door, and then came out to talk to Ivory. When she saw who else was there, she smiled. "Hello Jaon," she said with a weak smile. "Hello, Thor." She looked at everyone else and smiled when she saw Dimitri, Marko, And Phoenix sitting on her couch.
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