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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Cass you'll be a great leader, and... I'm sorry," Perry wasn't sure if he could continue but he did anyways. "I didn't know your dad as much as you did but you'll be fine. Anyways I have to go, bye everyone," he said and he swung away.
Two months later....

Cassie sat in her lab, working on her new suit. It had been a while since she'd been even outside the tower. Almost two months..... She never came out of her lab, only to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom. She hadn't made contact with anyone in.... What was it...... Three weeks? The last time she talked to anyone was when Thor came..... But that was it. She had a private funeral for her dad, seeing as her mom wasn't around anymore.... Connor was missing, which worried her. He would have been here by now.
Hearing some tinkering and noises coming from the lab Jack sneaks in sitting on one of the beams that supports the ceiling. From there he watched Cassie work but got tired of it and seeing she hadn't noticed him hides behind the desk she was working on. "So" he said. "How long do you plan on staying in this prison hmm?" he asked casually. @sitanomoto

(Jack is gonna get slapped isn't he?)
Aedan sat before the fire, stuck in the wooden cabin, the Null casually standing idly by the door, eerily like a statue, unmoving... It was pretty creepy... If he hadn't been freezing his fingers and other unmentionable body parts off, maybe he would have cared... From what he could tell, him and Connor were close... Very close to Alex... They'd be there soon after they could move again, unfortunately, they were currently snowed in, the frigid evil temperatures of Siberia being far worse than any symbiote... "W... we'll... F-ffreeze... T-to death... Before... T...The N-nights through..." Aedan gasped, the cold being unbearable... I should have stayed in New York, facing Cassie and Jack would be better than this... Of course he didn't mean it, but the temperature made it damn well near impossible to NOT regret this journey... Luckily, the snow was dying down... Despite his earlier over-exaggeration...A few more minutes, or maybe hours, and they could set off to the gulag Alex was held in. Aedan sighed, and rubbed his hands together, before brushing his face and remembering it had been two months... That's why he now had a scruffy looking beard that was constantly itching.... I hate Siberia... "C-connor.... This is.... H-hands down the... w-worst vacation e-ever..."

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Ivory swung away from the new apartment and moving truck that he had been at with his parents, he turned off his phone, and put on his new clothes (It still bothered him that they were actual spandex, but it was more efficient than using Savage all the time...) and began to swing to Stark Tower, he got there quickly, and landed on a nearby building, just marveling at the sight.

"Two months huh?" He gave his equivalent of a chuckle as he shifted to cover his hands and feet more, "Feels like a lifetime doesn't it?"

Ivory shook his head in agreement, "Yeah, felt like a lifetime." After the battle with Massacre two months ago, Ivory had left in shame, determined to make himself better and stronger, so that way he could one day show up stronger, and prove to Cassie that he could protect people, even when he couldn't protect her father. He was on the road for two weeks, and would have been on the road for longer if a stranger at a gas station hadn't pointed out how similar he looked to a local farmer.

"I think his name was Ben, Ben Reilly." The person had told him

That day Ivory went to find this Ben, his interest peaked, and sure enough they looked almost exactly the same. He and his wife Laura took him in, and quickly learned about his "gift" they also saw how sloppy he was, they heard when he had left, why he had left. They decided to take him under their wing and teach him how they did things. It wasn't until about 3 weeks later that during training, Ivory was hurt bad. They ran blood tests and found that Ben was his father. They quickly adjusted to family life, Ben and Laura spent every minute he wasn't training with them to just catch up and spend time together. It didn't take long for Ben and Laura, who by that point he had called mom and dad, to aproach him to tell him they were moving back to the city, saying that, "We all have unfinished business there that we've ignored for to long."

And that's how he got where he was. He thought about going back, about turning tail and just living a normal life, but something his dad told him stuck with him,
"Remember, a real man never leaves anything unfinished, or a friend hanging...

"Lets just get this done and go Ivory"

Ivory shook his head again, "Yeah, lets." As he approached the building and let himself in. He quickly reached the top floor and called out nervously, "Hey Cass, i-it's Ivory." He took off the mask that covered his face, "Do you wanna talk?"
Perry was relaxed on his chair. Sometimes he wondered where Aedan went. Sometimes he wondered where Cassie went. He hadn't seem them both for two months. And his dad was still complaining how he couldn't come to Tony's funeral. "Come on, we were best Avengers buds for life though that isn't really true!" he often said around once a week.
Finn gingerly rose to his feet and put his arms out for balance. He staggered a second and caught himself against the wall. He looked down at the rather large and clunky prosthetic he had made and glowered. His attempts at a limb that would carry the weight of Smasher had so far been futile. This whole situation was a pain in his ass.

Looking down at the fake leg that was strapped to just below his knee joint, a pit of anger knotted his stomach. He had been so weak. Massacre had tossed the heroes aside like they were nothing, and Finn's greatest advantage had become his disadvantage and his downfall.

He looked at the callender that was hanging up on his wall, it had been almost exactly two months since the fight and Connor and the other kid had taken off to find Alex still hadn't returned. He moved back to his desk and sat down with a pencil and paper. The leg would support Smasher but Finn would have problems, so he started work on another design. His thoughts were less about the design though and more about his friends. He wondered what they were up to and if they were all okay.
Dimitri woke up at his computer. A webpage from his research the previous night was the only illumination of the room. It had been for quite some time now. He tripped on a stack of pizza boxes on the way to the bathroom. Once he arrived, something compelled him to turn on the light switch. The light blinded him as he realized he hadn't been in a lit room since he first returned home to his large, empty house. He looked at himself in the mirror, to see a degraded version of himself. Bags under his eyes, messed up hair, dirty t-shirt, barefoot. *click*. That's enough of that. He returned to his computer chair and sat with his feet on the chair and his knees to his chest, and continued the article he started the previous night. This one was about oscorp. His fathers last advice was to know everything he would need to know as a protector, so it brought him comfort to learn new things. Although, staying in the dark, researching and only eating delivered pizza for months might not have been what Pietro was picturing.
Marko looks over the sea cliff. The swift sea breeze calmly laps around him, the salty smell calmly passing his nose. Since the fight with Massacre, Marko has been flying around, spray painting and going to art festivals. He was being known as Banksy Jr, and he was proud of that. He smiled sadly. He looked down the sea cliff, knowing that a few hundred feet below the calm sea surface laid the ruined Inhuman city he used to live in. Tears slowly dripped down his face, and falling down to join the salt water below. He felt weak when he fought Massacre, and was blown away in one hit. Wasnhe this weak? His father would've have coped much better against this beast. Can he not be like Cassie and Dimitri? Can he not surpass his father? Marko jumped off the cliff and dived straight into the water. He went down to the ruins of the palace. He swam around, seeing the collapsed park. It was his favorite place as a child, and this is where most of the children were. He continued to swim, swimming past the buildings and through the city hall. He swims to the palace, knowing exactly where he wants to go to. He swims into the entrance, and passes through the bottom, and going to the top, where his mother father and his room all resided. He passed through his mother and fathers room. The room was completely destroyed. The king sized bed was ripped in the corner. All of the furniture was completely demolished. He went to his room. His own room wasn't hyet that badly. His bed and drawer was held intact. He opens the drawer. A picture of his mother, father and him. Marko tried to hold in his tears, and he failed. Soon he started to sob, the shockwaves demolishing most of the ruins. Marko swims up to the surface and flies out, looking straight down at where the ruins are held. He cups his mouth and says "I will surpass" the explosive powerful shockwaves crashed into the ocean, tons of water being pushed out as the shockwaves tear apart and destroy the rest of the ruins. The water slams back down, the tremor of the waves slam into the ground, and with the combination of the tremors of the shockwaves send out a decent earthquake out. This was Marko's signal stating that he will surpass his father. And he flies away from the ocean, back to Stark Towers to ask Cassie if she could finally make him his very own suit.

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"I'm heading out, tell me when your rant's done," Perry yawned and he went outside, he wasn't doing anything as Spider-Man today so he turned only his costume invisible and and strolled through the street. It seemed that it was going to be a relaxing day. The sun was shining, there were no super-crimes, and there wasn't that annoying ice-cream truck that comes through the block every 10 minutes.

(Um... I feel... Intimidated by your 16 line post opposed to my 3 line post xD )
Two months, two damn months and they still hadn't gotten Alex back. It was never the plan, he'd thought maybe a week tops. Now he knew that way of thinking had been shortsighted. They we're close, so close, but he'd thought this before so he kept his hopes balanced.

Connor sat with his knees cradled to his chest and his arms intertwined between them in front of the fire. His carbon fiber suit was built to help against cold temperatures, but not this cold. Not to mention it had the occasional piece of cloth missing, HYDRA wasn't a fan of the two boys hunting after Alex and occasionally they left little surprises for them. The two had managed to escape any serious injuries thus far by some miracle. He'd never complain about the cold in New York again. New York He missed home, he really did. Missed the people he'd left behind, his parents, the team. He and Aedan hadn't heard a thing about the attack, unsure of how everything ended.

"C'mon n-now.... Aedan-n. N-not going to let the c-cold b-beat....you after all t-this time.... are y-you?" The blonde attempted a smile, but the fact that he couldn't feel his cheeks made it so that he wasn't even sure if they we're still there, so there was no way to know how they reacted. Aedan's vacation comment had him smiling still, or so he hoped. He wished he hadn't left his cap, he couldn't remember where he'd left it...maybe the balcony when Alex jumped? Wherever it was, it wasn't on his head helping keep him warm and he wished it was. "D-did I m-mention tha-at I'm...sorry ab-about dragging you... along-g?" Connor asked, keeping his eyes on the fire. He knew he had apologized, more than twenty times by now. It'd become more of an ongoing joke whenever things went wrong, or were just horrible.
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[QUOTE="subject 635]((Um this is messed up... but could thor be killed off next? I sorta want to see what villian will kill him))

(I would hold off, the team just suffered two MAJOR losses, and no one has recovered yet, that was made apparent)
[QUOTE="subject 635]((I know... it was for future reference))

(Okay, keep it in store just don't use it to soon.)

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