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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Alex started to doze off, and just at that time, the door opens, and the same officer enters, along with the 'whiplash' soldier. The commander clears his throat. "Welcome on Valkyrie 2, Winter Soldier." Alex looks at the commander, raising up form the bed. His smile disappeared, slowly breathing. "Why am I on a HYDRA plane?" Alex asks, spitting some blood out. The commander laughs. "You are going back home, Alexander. Think of it as being, grounded." Alex stood a little, thinking of what he meant. But, just as soon as he realized, the hydra soldier electrocuted him. Alex let out a yell, falling down. Another two carry him to a sort-of weird room on the plane, where there was a chair along with many torture devices. He is thrown in the chair and strapped in, the commander ordering the others to leave and close the door. Alex raises his head. "I'm sick... of electricity." The commander slowly pats him on the head. "Soon my child, soon. Now tell me, what do you remember about our organisation?" The commander asks, going to a small tray of instruments.
National said:
Marko looks at Dimitri and smiles. That's one down. He was happy Dimitri liked it. Now he hoped the same would be for Cassie
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Cassie smiled at the painting. "It's perfect." she walked to her dad's dead body, almost like he would still be breathing. He would sit up, smiling, and say someting funny, and then they'd go inside and have cookies, like they sometimes did after a battle or training together. She knelt down beside him and took his hand. "Massacre was right..." she said. "I couldnt protect you. Ive failed you as an Avenger and as a daughter. I am so sorry...." she let go of his hands and put her head on his chest. "Daddy.... Daddy I'm sorry.... Please.... Please come back...." she sobbed. "I'm not ready to lead them...."
Jaon wakes up in time to hear cassie. She walks over to her and puts her hand on cassie's shoulder "you are right... your not ready... your more than ready.. you are a natural born leader... look around you.... we are ready to take orders from you at a moments notice.... you are strong... stronger than I ever will be... this very moment..." Jaon picks her friend up and hugs her

Finn jerked awake. "Who the hell-" he gasped out. He looked around and saw that he was out of the rubble and Jack leaning over him. He blinked a couple of times, getting a sombre vibe from everybody. Carefully he sat up and winced, a healing factor would be great right about now. He felt the tell tale signs of a fractured rib.

He looked around his now expanded friend group to see the collateral damage of the fight. All nearby streets were feeling the damage and wounded people were scattered. Stark tower was almost nothing but rubble from the multiple blasts it took, and the building he had crashed into had a frightening lean going on and he hoped that the inhabitants were gone.

Looking the other way though he froze. Petro and Tony's bodies were lying on the ground, still and unmoving. "No." He breathed. They couldn't be gone... He hadn't even said hi to Toni the last times he had seen him. It had been years since his last real conversation with Petro. Tony had been the one to take care of him when his own dad immersed himself in his work. Tony had been the one to remind his dad that while his wife may be gone his son was still there.

Silently he wiped tears from his face, the world had lost two great people. And he couldn't forget about Petro. Petro had been the one to introduce Dimitri and Finn all of those years ago, and was the one to inspire him to learn what he wanted to learn and not what his father wanted him to learn.
Marko looks around. It looked like a battlezone, and it was. He had a sudden flashback. The warriors of the inhuman city laid dead on the streets just likes this, the buildings and civilians torn apart. He felt bad for this city, but he was a bit happy. The new Avengers will stand, and they will protect this city, and Marko will help as an Avenger in any way he can

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sitanomoto said:
Cassie returns Jaon's hug gratefully. "Thank you, Jaon...." She whispered.
Jaon walks back, breaking the hug, and looks up "be back soon" she says as a beam forms around. In a second she is gone

((Ill bring her back after a page
((Pretty much everything xD I'll let someone who knows everything respond, as what happened with alex can be summed up in one work : Stupidnes.))
Marko walks over to Caddie and pats her shoulder, smiling. Hebwish he could say some words of encouragement, but that would likely destroy everything around them.

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Cassie felt all of the words Marko wanted to say in they physical contact that he made. "Thank you Marko....."

((Tony and Pietro died via Massacre, Cassie and Dimitri beat the crap out of him and killed him.))
Marko wanted to ask her about his suit, but now would be a bad time. Everyone still had to cope with all that happened, so he decided to wait

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Hel watched as Jaon recovered and left, then she sighed, and kept to herself while the others mourned their losses. She knew wit and sarcasm were inappropriate at a time like this, and since she honestly knew neither the deceased nor the grieving, Hel had no comfort to give. She instead kept to herself and watched all that happened, feeling a pang of sympathy for the two who had lost their fathers.
Dimitri zipped home to the now empty house. The house once held his father, his mentor, and his best friend. Now it was only him. He walked to his room and went to sleep.
After Finn woke up and Joan left Jack gets up. "Alright" he said looking at the others and their wounded faces he sighs. "This is gonna be a long day" he said while looking at the painting of the two deceased avengers.
Sitting on the plane watching the clouds outside his window Connor was nervous, nibbling at his lower lip. Turning his head he could see Aedan in one of the other seats. "You look like hell you know that?" One of his fingers moving over the surface of his shield in his lap.

"What made you decide to come with me? I mean I get that I needed the help and your that kind of person, already know that." Connor cocked a smile at him, "But I wasn't the only one that needed help. The city and the others probably needed it as well, but you came with me. And now," He gestured out the window next to him with his hand, "we're on our way to a foreign country on a rescue mission. We're up against HYDRA, with no backup mind you." A nervous chuckle followed his words.
Alex looks at the officer, not saying a word. The commander laughs, after picking up a weird vial. "I do not wish to speak english. A dying tongue." The commander says, sticking the vial in Alex. Alex gave a scream, feeling every muscle in his body tense up. He then feels his muscles ease up, starting to pant. The commander laughs. "Do you know what makes you, special? The fact that you are a failed experiment." Alex manages to speak, although in short sentences. "Who. Are you?" The commander turns on a small lamp, showing an almost skeleton face, filled with many scars. "In english, my name translates to Deathshead, but learn to speak it properly, with me." He says, gripping Alex's hair, looking into his eyes. "Totenkopf" He says, after punching Alex and injecting him with another vial.
Aedan sighed, as he couldn't go through all of the reasons. He wanted to say he didn't want to face Cassie, he wanted to say he didn't want to see Jack, he wanted to say he owed the Avengers nothing... Yet he also couldn't answer with a definite answer, he wasn't exactly sure why he came. "I don't entirely know myself... Maybe I'm running from the destruction, maybe I-" He stopped himself, nearly saying he didn't want to help the others, and he hated himself for it. So selfish of him... Yet it was the truth, what had they done for him besides Connor? He saved Cassie's life, what had she done for him? He accepted newcomers into the tower, and one made his life a living hell, the rest were strangers, he owed them nothing... Aedan shook his head, unable to shake these true feelings from his system.

((Ok, guys. It has been agreed that there shall be a time skip of about two months. Everyone needs to put up their last posts before I put the time skip up.))
Jack suddenly had a shiver run up his spine. "Ggh" he stated shaking it off. Looking off into the distance he thought "Someone must be thinking bad of me again." he said rubbing his neck.
A soldier entered the torture room, saying something to Totenkopf. Alex was too tired to hear properly, leaving his head hang, like the one on a doll. Totenkopf puts the vial down, smiling and, pulling his head once more, makes Alex look at his mangled face and his cold dead eyes. "Do not ease up boy. We will have so much fun where we are going." He says, leaving his head to hang back down, exiting the chamber, leaving Alex in the chair. A small tear falls down Alex's cheek, looking at the metallic floor. He knew where they were headed, and it was full of unpleasant memories, hurtful memories. He slowly whispers "Totenkopf..." before fainting, due to the pain.
Connor could see the turmoil on Aedan's face, it made Connor think...was he running to? No, but was he putting the life of the one ahead of the lives of the many? What would his father tell him about his choice, what would Captain America think of his son at this very moment. On a jet bound for Serbia on a rescue mission with no plan. Plans...Cassie always had good plans, he hoped they we're alright. His voice breaking the silence though it was quiet. "We made our choice Aedan. No more dwelling on it, we do this...we get Alex and we go home."

You can't save everyone.

"I hate flying..." He mumbled lowly, staring at his shield.
Marko stood up. Hopefully Marko can get Cassie to get him a suit so can be his own hero. White Bolt. He smiles, happy to find his new team

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